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利用脉冲激光对典型模拟电路的单粒子效应进行了试验评估及加固技术试验验证,研究2种不同工艺的运算放大器的单粒子瞬态脉冲(SET)效应,在特定工作条件下两者SET脉冲特征规律及响应阈值分别为79.4 pJ和115.4 pJ,分析了SET脉冲产生和传播特征及对后续数字电路和电源模块系统电路的影响。针对SET效应对系统电路的危害性,设置了合理的滤波电路来完成系统电路级加固,并通过了相关故障注入试验验证,取得了较好的加固效果。 相似文献
验证SiGe BiCMOS工艺线性器件的单粒子瞬态(Single Event Transient,SET)效应敏感性,选取典型运算放大器THS4304和稳压器TPS760进行了脉冲激光试验研究。试验中,通过能量逐渐逼近方法确定了其诱发SET效应的激光阈值能量,并通过逐点扫描的办法分析了器件内部单粒子效应敏感区域,并在此基础上分析了脉冲激光能量与SET脉冲的相互关系,获得了单粒子效应截面,为SiGe BiCMOS工艺器件在卫星电子系统的筛选应用以及抗辐射加固设计提供数据参考。 相似文献
单粒子锁定效应容易引起星载遥感仪器产生故障。针对空间高能粒子辐射环境诱发的偏振遥感相机性能退化问题,利用高能重离子和皮秒脉冲激光对星载偏振成像仪选用的模拟前端信号处理器开展了试验研究,获得了此类器件的单粒子锁定特点,为工程设计及试验评估提供了参考。试验结果显示:偏振成像仪选用的模拟前端信号处理器对重离子诱发的单粒子锁定比较敏感,单粒子锁定LET阈值处于4.4~13.4 MeV·cm2·mg?1之间。针对模拟前端芯片LET阈值偏低的问题,提出了一种模拟供电端和数字供电端串联大功率防闩锁限流电阻和在轨定时开关机的设计方法。试验结果表明,该方法可有效避免器件单粒子锁定造成的器件过流烧毁及仪器失效等故障。研究结果可为星载偏振相机用模拟前端信号处理器抗辐射加固设计和单粒子地面模拟实验方法的建立提供技术基础与保障。 相似文献
飞秒脉冲激光入射单层光学薄膜的光场特性数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
飞秒脉冲激光入射光学薄膜形成瞬态光场分布是一个非稳态过程,该过程不同于纳秒脉冲或连续波入射的情形,不能直接采用求解薄膜特征矩阵的方法进行处理。采用多光束叠加的方法建立了超短脉冲入射单层膜的反射率和内部光强分布的理论模型,并根据ZnS薄膜材料的参数和单层增反膜的特点进行了数值计算。结果表明,对单层增反膜,薄膜反射率与脉宽成正比,并随脉宽增加逐渐趋近于连续波入射时的情形。在同一脉宽下,膜层厚度增加,反射率下降,且反射脉冲形状也发生改变。膜层中的光强分布计算结果也明显不同于连续波辐照情形,且薄膜厚度越大,差异越显著,表现为连续波入射时,膜层内的光强分布呈等振幅的波动,而超短脉冲入射时,波动的振幅逐渐增大,在膜层和玻璃分界处达到最大值。 相似文献
对激光多脉冲探测理论进行了分析,在考虑了影响探测的各种噪声及其分布特性的基础上,得到了激光多脉冲探测信噪比与脉冲积累次数的定量关系。利用计算机仿真模拟多脉冲探测,其结果与理论分析相符;在实验室条件下对多脉冲探测进行了研究,实验结果表明,在脉冲叠加数较少时,实验与理论符合得很好,当脉冲叠加数较多时,实验数据明显小于理想的数值,分析了出现这种偏差的原因及解决方案。激光多脉冲积累探测可以有效地提高激光探测的信噪比,应用积累探测的方式能有效地将激光探测的弱信号从强噪声背景中检测出来。 相似文献
1 引言许多作者对激光辐射对靶的影响作用进行了数值模拟 [1~ 4] ,这些研究均使用了一维和二维模拟 ,在模拟中由于物理现象描述的复杂性都作了一些必要的简化。但对下述一些相互作用机理应当进行全面描述 ,比如激光能量的吸收 ;由于电子和辐射转移致使能量的再分布以及靶的固定烧蚀[3~ 7] ;烧蚀等离子体与周围气体之间的相互作用以及冲击波和低压波的最后形成 [3] ;能量吸收与靶的几何形状及激光脉冲偏振之间的关系效应 [8] ;非稳定性的形成和发展 [9] ;电磁场对飞散等离子体运动的影响[1 0 ] ;在相互作用的起始阶段的平衡化学过程和后来… 相似文献
This paper introduces major characteristics of the single event latchup (SEL) in CMOS devices. We accomplish SEL tests for CPU and SRAM devices through the simulation by a pulse laser. The laser simulation results give the energy threshold for samples to undergo SEL. SEL current pulses are measured for CMOS devices in the latchup state, the sensitive areas in the devices are acquired, the major traits, causing large scale circuits to undergo SEL, are summarized, and the test equivalence between a pulse laser and ions is also analyzed. 相似文献
This paper presents single event effect (SEE) characteristics of UC1845AJ pulse width modulators (PWMs) by laser testing. In combination with analysis to map PWM circuitry in the microchip dies, the typical SEE response waveforms for laser pulses located in different circuit blocks of UC1845AJ are obtained and the SEE mechanisms are analyzed. The laser SEE test results show that there are some differences in the SEE mechanisms of different circuit blocks, and phase shifts or changes in the duty cycles of few output pulses are the main SEE behaviors for UC1845AJ. In addition, a new SEE behavior which manifests as changes in the duty cycles of many output pulses is revealed. This means that an SEE hardened design should be considered. 相似文献
With the critical charge reduced to generate a single event effect (SEE) and high working frequency for a nanometer integrated circuit, the single event effect (SET) becomes increasingly serious for high performance SOC and DSP chips. To analyze the radiation-hardened method of SET for the nanometer integrated circuit, the n+ guard ring and p+ guard ring have been adopted in the layout for a 65 nm commercial radiation-hardened standard cell library. The weakest driving capacity inverter cell was used to evaluate the single event transient (SET) pulse-width distribution. We employed a dual-lane measurement circuit to get more accurate SET''s pulse-width. Six kinds of ions, which provide LETs of 12.5, 22.5, 32.5, 42, 63, and 79.5 MeV·cm2/mg, respectively, have been utilized to irradiate the SET test circuit in the Beijing Tandem Accelerator Nuclear Physics National Laboratory. The testing results reveal that the pulse-width of most SETs is shorter than 400 ps in the range of LETeff from 12.5 MeV·cm2/mg to 79.5 MeV·cm2/mg and the pulse-width presents saturation tendency when the effective linear energy transfer (LETeff) value is larger than 40 MeV·cm2/mg. The test results also show that the hardened commercial standard cell''s pulse-width concentrates on 33 to 264 ps, which decreases by 40% compared to the pulse-width of the 65 nm commercial unhardened standard cell. 相似文献
In this letter, we study the impact of single event upsets (SEUs) in space or defense electronic systems which use memory devices such as EEPROM, and SRAM. We built a microcontroller test board to measure the effects of protons on electronic devices at various radiation levels. We tested radiation hardening at beam current, and energy levels, measured the phenomenon of SEUs, and addressed possible reasons for SEUs. 相似文献
功率VDMOS器件是航天器电源系统配套的核心元器件之一,在重粒子辐射下会发生单粒子烧毁(SEB)和单粒子栅穿(SEGR)效应,严重影响航天器的在轨安全运行。本文在深入分析其单粒子损伤机制及微观过程的基础上,发现了功率VDMOS器件在重粒子辐射下存在SEBIGR效应,并在TCAD软件和181Ta粒子辐射试验中进行了验证。引起该效应的物理机制是,重粒子触发寄生三极管,产生瞬时大电流,使得硅晶格温度升高,高温引起栅介质层本征击穿电压降低,继而触发SEGR效应。SEBIGR效应的发现为深入分析功率MOSFET器件的单粒子辐射效应奠定了理论基础。 相似文献