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ANOBJECT-ORIENTEDDISTRIBUTEDMULTIMEDIAEDITOR¥XuDan(ComputerScienceDepartmentYunnanUniversityKunming,YunnanProvince,650091P.R....  相似文献   

VERSIONCONTROLOFDISTRIBUTEDEDBMSFORCSCW¥WangQianping;LinZongkai;GuoYuchai(CADLab.,InstituteofComputingTechnologyAcademiaSinic...  相似文献   

2006年6月28日,Corel宣布推出其深受好评的图形套件--corelDRAW Graphlcs Suite X3的最新简体中文版和繁体中文版。CorelDRAW Graphics Sulte X3简体中文版和繁体中文版具有40多种全新增强功能.将于2006年8月9日正式上市。不论是经常处理紧迫任务的专业设计师还是小型商业用户,均能够在CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3的帮助下快捷顺利地完成工作。  相似文献   

汪国华 《个人电脑》2005,11(1):80-80
2004年掌上电脑产品的一项重大变革就是开始引2kVGA规格的屏幕.以往广泛采用的QVGA屏幕将逐渐被淘汰.Asus(华硕)就是较早推出采用VGA屏幕的掌上电脑厂商之一.《个人电脑》实验室在近日收到的Asus 730就是这样一款产品。  相似文献   

文章结合Oracle应用系统的开发,介绍了一种在Oracle Developer/2000协同开发环境下具有Client/Server结构的集成技术,并给出了Oracle^*Form4.5和Oracle^*Graphic2.5工具的三种集成方法。  相似文献   

文章结合Oracle应用系统的开发,介绍了一种在Oracle Developer/2000协同开发环境下具有Client/Server结构的集成技术,并给出了Oracle  Form 4.5和Oracle  Graphic 2.5 工具的三种集成方法.  相似文献   

文章结合Oracle应用系统的开发,介绍了一种在Oracle Developer/2000协同开发环境下具有Client/Server结构的集成技术,并给出了Oracle  Form 4.5和Oracle  Graphic 2.5 工具的三种集成方法.  相似文献   


本文详细介绍图形分布处理支撑环境DGPSE的设计和实现技术.DGPSE有效支持高性能分布式图形应用系统的开发和分布并行图形处理算法的研究.它具有以下特点:支持多种分布处理模型,通讯方式灵活,图形支撑功能强.使用DGPSE已实现了一分布式图形应用系统和一组分布式图形算法.的设计和实现.南京大学计算机系硕士论文,1991.13潘志庆,石教英.Fractal生成的并行算法研究.全国第7届CAD和图形学会议论文集,无锡,1992.14石教英,劳志强,潘志庚.多面体扫描转换的分布并行算法.全国第7届CAD和图形学会议论文集,无锡,1992.  相似文献   

计算机图形并行处理的研究与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文概述了计算机图形并行处理研究的产生与发展,着重阐述了并行处理功能部件的研究和发展及多边形绘制、全局光照模型(光线跟踪与辐射度方法)、物理场数据与体介质数据绘制、动画、并行化图形标准等研究领域在并行处理方面的研究和发展.文中叙述了在这一领域的研究工作,并在最后展望了计算机图形并行处理的进一步发展方向.  相似文献   

分布式计算环境下的并行体绘制算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
余盛明  李华  刘慎权 《软件学报》1996,7(9):559-564
分布式计算环境中基于消息传递机制的分布式共享缓冲区中,Cache效率是算法性能的“瓶颈”。本文在分布式共享缓冲区上实现了一个并行体绘制算法。在数据空间,八叉树快速分类改善了Cache的空间相关性;在图象空间。Hibert象素遍历方式改善了Cache的时间相关性,在曙光1000和SGI工作站网络上的实验结果都表明,算法的网络数据传送量大大减少,Cache效率明显提高,绘制时间大大缩短。  相似文献   

Fractal surfaces are a sueful modeling technique for terrain in computer graphics. Although an algorithm exists for ray tracing (Mandelbrot) fractal surfaces, the technique is computationally very expensive. The large degree of parallelism inherent in the problem suggests the use of parallel architectures for generating these images. We describe a parallel rendering algorithm for shared memory MIMD machines which takes advantage of image coherence to reduce computation. This algorithm has, on a Sequent Balance 2100 with 20 processors, demonstrated a near-linear speedup. We examine the possible synchronization bottlenecks by statically assigning different numbers of CPUs to sections of the screen.This work was supported in part by DARPA under contract MDA903-86-C-0182.  相似文献   

工作站网络环境中并行体绘制技术研究与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文中结合Splatting体绘制方法,针对工作站机群并行环境的特点,提出了一种新的分布处理模型,Host-Node-Render模型,针牟体数据和绘制算法的特性,文中提出了任务池组/图象组的动态负载平衡策略,理论分析和实验结果表明,采用文中提出分布处理模型和负载平衡策略,能国好地提高体绘制的并行效率。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effectiveness of load balancing strategies for ray tracing on large parallel computer systems and cluster computers. Popular static load balancing strategies are shown to be inadequate for rendering complex images with contemporary ray tracing algorithms, and for rendering NTSC resolution images on 128 or more computers. Strategies based on image tiling are shown to be ineffective except on very small numbers of computers. A dynamic load balancing strategy, based on a diffusion model, is applied to a parallel Monte Carlo rendering system. The diffusive strategy is shown to remedy the defects of the static strategies. A hybrid strategy that combines static and dynamic approaches produces nearly optimal performance on a variety of images and computer systems. The theoretical results should be relevant to other rendering and image processing applications.  相似文献   

可视化三维图形库Visualization ToolKit3.2的原理及应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文介绍了一种广泛使用的三维图形生成软件VTK及处理软件系统。阐述该软件的特点、体系结构、对象模型等内容,并着重说明了图形模式和可视化模式。最后用典型的程序范例说明了VTK对象的使用方法及图形绘制效果。  相似文献   

光线追踪显示体数据的新求交算法   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文就利用光线追踪方法完成的体绘制提出一种新的求交算法,此算法与以前的求交算法有本质上的不同,求交过程不再是相对于CELL进行求交,而是直接相对于x,y,z族平面直接进行求交,故此算法所需的运算量相以地于其它算法是非常小的,而且可以直接控制求交顺序而无需排序,这样得到的求交结果对于反续的运算是极方便的,由分析求交过程可以方便的得到交点所对应的CELL标号,这又方便了颜色向量,隐匿因子的积累、结合等  相似文献   

The emergence of high performance 3D graphics cards has opened the way to PC clusters for high performance multi- display environment.In order to exploit the rendering ability of PC clusters,we should design appropriate parallel rendering algorithms and parallel graphics library interfaces.Due to the rapid development of Direct3D,we bring forward DPGL,the Direct3D9-based parallel graphics library in D3DPR parallel rendering system,which implements Direct3D9 interfaces to support existing Direct3D9 application parallelization with no modification.Based on the parallelism analysis of Direct3D9 rendering pipeline,we briefly introduce D3DPR parallel rendering system.DPGL is the fundamental component of D3DPR.After presenting DPGL three layers architecture, we discuss the rendering resource interception and management.Finally,we describe the design and implementation of DPGL in detail, including rendering command interception layer,rendering command interpretation layer and rendering resource parallelization layer.  相似文献   

Template-Based Volume Viewing   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We present an efficient three-phase algorithm for volume viewing that is based on exploiting coherency between rays in parallel projection. The algorithm starts by building a ray-template and determining a special plane for projection - the base-plane. Parallel rays are cast into the volume from within the projected region of the volume on the base-plane, by repeating the sequence of steps specified in the ray-template. We carefully choose the type of line to be employed and the way the template is being placed on the base-plane in order to assure uniform sampling of the volume by the discrete rays. We conclude by describing an optimized software implementation of our algorithm and reporting its performance.  相似文献   

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