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用直流反应溅射淀积的AlN薄膜包封介质对GaAs进行了贯穿注入和包封退火,用电化学C-V法测量载流子的分布,实验结果与TRIM模拟结果符合得很好,用50nm的AlN包封进行贯穿注入和退火,得到了较小的标准偏差,较陡峭的载流子分布和较高的激活率,应用AlN包封层后,当注入能量180keV,注入剂量7.5×10^13cm^-2时,所得到的最高载流子浓度为1.84×10^18cm^-1样品方块电阻为11  相似文献   

研究了在200℃热靶条件下经Si~+单注入和S~++P~+双注入的半绝缘InP常规热退火和快速热退火后的电学特性。热退火后,双注入样品中的电学性能优于单注入样品。采用快速热退火后,双注入的效果更加显著。Si~+150keV,5×10~(14)cm~(-2)+P~+160keV,5×10~(14)cm~(-2)双注入样品经850℃、5秒快速效退火后,最高载流子浓度达2.6×10~(19)cm~(-3),平均迁移率为890cm~2/V·s。  相似文献   

研究了改变注入角、p型埋层注入及红外快速热退火对GaAsIC有源层均匀性的影响,得到了表面形貌好、大面积均匀性良好的注入掺杂有源层。  相似文献   

为配合2000门GaAs超高速门列及GaAs超高速分频器等2英寸GaAs工艺技术研究,开展了2英寸GaAs快速热退火技术研究,做出了阈值电压为0~0.2V,跨导大于100mS/mm的E型GaAsMESFET和夹断电压为-0.4~-0.6V,跨导大于100mS/mm的低阈值D型GaAsMESFET。  相似文献   

采用室温下Se^+离子注入半绝缘GaAs衬底,通过优化注入能量,剂量,注入角度及快速热退火温度,时间,获得了高剂量下杂质激活率大于74%,注入层平均载流子浓度为(5-6)×10^16-cm^-2,平均载流子迁移率为3010cm^2/v.s,载流子浓度分布陡峭的优质离子注入薄层,成功地研制出3000门GaAs超高速门阵列集成电路。  相似文献   

研究了改变注入角、p型埋层注入及红外快速热退火对GaAsIC有源层均匀性的影响,得到了表面形貌好、大面积均匀性良好的注入掺杂有源层。在2英寸圆片上做出的场效应管无栅饱和电流相对偏差2.3%,器件阈值电压标准偏差98mV。用该材料做出了672门GaAs超高速门阵电路,还做出了工作频率为5GHz的除二动态分频器。  相似文献   

在GaAs集成电路研制中需要高电激活率、高迁率的n型薄层.本文研究了引Si+注入GaAs形成的n型层光电特性与材料参量、注入和退火条件的关系.结果表明材料生长中的杂质污染和缺陷对注入层电特性有直接影响.材料或退火过程中As和Ga的原子比[As]/[Ca]稍大时,注入层中电激活率和迁移率都高.实验还证明,29Si+注入时BF+束流的影响会使注入层电激活率和迁移率下降.本文指出注入时剂量不宜过大,白光快速退火时温度不宜过高,一般在960℃5秒退火为佳.  相似文献   

从电特性、激活能、应力和剩余损伤几个方面,对GaAs晶体中以较大剂量注入的MeV硅原子在一步快退火、两步快退火下的行为进行了分析.经过两步快退火处理的样品,剩余位错环密度降低,晶格应力消除,注入区的结晶品质得到改善,硅原子替位所需激活能较小,提高了注入杂质电激活效率和迁移率,降低了薄层电阻.两步快退火使注入杂质在大多数辐射损伤消除后更易激活,特别适用于大剂量MeV硅注入后的退火处理.  相似文献   

本文报道BF_2~+注入的多晶硅薄膜经快速热退火后的物理和电学性质。发现造成氟异常分布的原因是由于快速热退火过程中氟的外扩散以及在多晶硅/二氧化硅界面处的聚集。在注入剂量为1×10~(15)和5×10~(15)cm~(-2)的样品中,经快速热退火后可以观察到氟泡。  相似文献   

在SI—GaAs Si~+注入层中共同注入P~+可以改进注入层的电特性。P~+的共同注入提高了注入层的激活率和平均霍耳迁移率。对于Si~+注入的剂量和能量分别为4×10~(12)cm~(-2)/30keV+5×10~(12)cm~(-2)/130keV的样品,得到了激活率为75~85%,平均霍耳迁移率为4600~4700cm~2/Vs的结果。另一方面,P~+注入改进了有源层与衬底的界面特性。肖特基势垒技术测量表明,P~+共同注入的样品表现出更好的迁移率分布。深能级瞬态谱(DLTS)测量表明,P~+共同注入降低了激活层中的深能级密度。  相似文献   

研究了不同能量、剂量As~+、Si~+双注入于SI GaAs中,As~+注入对注Ss~+有源层的影响.首次给出了双注入样品瞬态退火后有源层的激活率和载流子迁移率,退火前后材料的沟道谱.实验表明,As~+、Si~+双注入样品比Si~+单注入样品在较低退火温度下就能激活Si~+,在适当高温下能得到性能良好的有源层.  相似文献   

Implantations of Be, Be + P, Be + F, Be + P +F, BeF and Mg + P into GaAs and AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs pseudomorphic heterostructure were evaluated by secondary ion mass spectrometry profilings and electrical resistivity measurements. Rapid thermal annealing causes a strong diffusion of Be when implanted alone. Co-implantation with P prevents both diffusion and degradation of the Gaussian-shape implant distribution and thus improves the semiconductor sheet resistivity. Annealing at 850°C for 10 s for a Be + P co-implant results in a 60% activation efficiency, and lower diffusion and resistivity when compared to single Be, Be + F, Be + F + P, BeF, and Mg + P implanted at the same dose.  相似文献   

为配合2000门GaAs超高速门阵列及GaAs超高速分频器等2英寸GaAs工艺技术研究,开展了2英寸GaAs快速热退火技术研究。做出了阈值电压为0~0.2V,跨导大于100mS/mm的E型GaAsMESFET和夹断电压为-0.4~-0.6V,跨导大于100mS/mm的低阈值D型GaAsMESFET。  相似文献   

Mg, Mg/P, and Mg/Ar implantations were performed into InP:Fe with an energy of 80 keV for obtaining shallow p+ layers suitable for device applications. After rapid thermal annealing at 850 or 875°C for 5 or 10 s, activations between 10 and 50% and mobilities as high as 110 cm2/Vs were obtained for the different doses employed. For the implantations with 1014 cm−2, differential Hall measurements showed hole profiles with peak concentrations in the mid-1018 cm-3 range and Hall mobilities of 90 cmWs. However, secondary ion mass spectrometry profiles showed a clear pileup of Mg at the surface and in-diffusion tails deeper than 2 μ. Phosphorus or Ar co-implantation reduced the Mg in-diffusion and increased the activation, but not as clearly as in the case of Be implants. Photoluminescence (PL) measurements demonstrated the good crystalline quality of the material after all the annealing cycles employed. In the photoluminescence spectra, together with narrow emissions close to the gap wavelength, two broad bands, centered at about 1.3 and 0.87 eV were found, this last being the dominant emission of the PL spectra from the layers with higher implanted doses. The origin of this band is tentatively assigned to complexes involving Mg and a defect.  相似文献   

N~+和N_2~+注入Si的力学和电学特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文用X射线衍射(XRD)的运动学理论和扩展电阻(SR)研究了N~+和N_2~+注入Si的力学和电学性质,给出了不同剂量的晶格应变随注入深度的分布以及在注入层中产生的点缺陷数量。用SR给出了不同剂量N~+和N_2~+注入Si的电阻率随深度的变化。二者比较,我们实验的各种剂量(1×10~(16)cm~(-2)除外)的电阻率大致相等,而产生的应变,后者是前者的1.3倍左右。  相似文献   

Thedata presented here show that Ge- implanted GaAs has a complex amphoteric behavior which is controlled by the implantation dose, implantation temperature, and anneal temperature. Annealing was performed with rf plasma deposited Si3N4 as the encapsulant. Implantations at-100° C resulted in p-layers, while those performed at 100° C and above resulted in n-layers regardless of the dose and anneal temperature. Room temperature implants resulted in p- or n-layers depending on the combination of dose and anneal temperature. Electrical activation and carrier mobilities were low for anneal temperatures ≤ 850°C. Low temperature (6 K) photoluminescence indicated that a significant amount of residual damage remained after annealing. Atomic Ge distribution profiles, carrier con-centration profiles, and junction characteristics of Ge-implanted GaAs planar diodes are also presented. This work was supported by the Joint Services Electronics Program (U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force) under contract N00014-79-C-0424, and by the Office of Naval Research under contract N00014-76-C-0806.  相似文献   

范才有 《微电子学》1990,20(2):93-96
本文报告了P_(31)~+离子注入Si中快速退火的电特性研究结果。采用高精度四探针测量了P_(31)~+注入层在不同注入剂量下,薄层电阻与退火温度和退火时间的关系。采用自动电化学测量仪PN-4200,测量了P_(31)~+离子注入Si中的载流子剖面分布。  相似文献   

Effects of fluorine implantation in GaAs have been investigated by electrical characterization. Ion implantation at 100 keV energy was conducted with doses of 1011 and 1012/cm2. The effect of fluorine implantation on current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of Schottky diodes was significant. Carrier compensation was observed after implantation by the improved I-V characteristics. The lower dose implanted samples showed thermionic emission dominated characteristics in the measurement temperature range of 300 to 100K. The starting wafer and the low dose implanted samples after rapid thermal annealing (RTA) showed similar I-V properties with excess current in the lower temperature range dominated by recombination. The higher dose implanted samples showed increased excess current in the whole temperature range which may result from the severe damage-induced surface recombination. These samples after RTA treatment did not recover from implantation damage as in the low dose implantation case. However, very good I-V characteristics were seen in the higher dose implanted samples after RTA. The influence of the higher dose ion implantation was to produce more thermal stability. The results show the potential application of fluorine implantation in GaAs device fabrication.  相似文献   

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