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In 1993, a pilot project for the functional analysis of newly discovered open reading frames, presumably coding for proteins, from yeast chromosome III was launched by the European Community. In the frame of this programme, we have developed a large-scale screening for the identification of gene/protein functions via systematic phenotypic analysis. To this end, some 80 haploid mutant yeast strains were constructed, each carrying a targeted deletion of a single gene obtained by HIS3 or TRP1 transplacement in the W303 background and a panel of some 100 growth conditions was established, ranging from growth substrates, stress to, predominantly, specific inhibitors and drugs acting on various cellular processes. Furthermore, co-segregation of the targeted deletion and the observed phenotype(s) in meiotic products has been verified. The experimental procedure, using microtiter plates for phenotypic analysis of yeast mutants, can be applied on a large scale, either on solid or in liquid media. Since the minimal working unit of one 96-well microtiter plate allows the simultaneous analysis of at least 60 mutant strains, hundreds of strains can be handled in parallel. The high number of monotropic and pleiotropic phenotypes (62%) obtained, together with the acquired practical experience, have shown this approach to be simple, inexpensive and reproducible. It provides a useful tool for the yeast community for the systematic search of biochemical and physiological functions of unknown genes accounting for about a half of the 6000 genes of the complete yeast genome. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report here the construction of six deletion mutants and the analysis of their basic phenotype. Deletion cassettes containing the KanMX4 marker module and long flanking regions homologous to the target locus were constructed for each of the six open reading-frames (ORFs YDL088c, YDL087c, YDL086w, YDL085w, YDL084w and YDL082w) located on chromosome IV. Sporulation and tetrad analysis of heterozygous deletant strains revealed that, in the FY1679 genetic background, ORFs YDL088c, YDL087c and YDL084w are essential genes for vegetative growth whereas YDL086w, YDL085w and YDL082w are non-essential. ydl088cΔ and ydl084wΔ haploid strains are viable in the CEN. PK2 genetic background although ydl084wΔ grows at a slower rate than the wild type. Complementation tests by corresponding cognate genes confirmed that gene inactivation was responsible for these growth defects. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The authors of the first yeast chromosome sequence defined a minimum threshold requirement of 100 codons, above which an open reading frame (ORF) is retained as a putative coding sequence. However, at least 58 yeast genes shorter than 100 codons have an assigned protein function. Therefore, the yeast genome may contain other tiny but functionally important genes that are discarded from analyses by this simple filtering rule. We have established discriminant functions from the in-phase hexamer frequencies of functional genes and of simulated ORFs derived from a stationary Markov chain model. Fifty-two out of the 58 genes were recognized as coding ORFs by our discriminating method. The test was also applied to all the small ORFs (36 to 100 codons) found in the intergenic regions of published chromosomes. It retained 140 new potential tiny coding sequences, among which we identified seven new genes by similarity searches. Our method, used conjointly with similarity searches, can also highlight sequencing errors resulting from the disruption of the coding frame of longer ORFs. This method, by its ability to detect potential coding ORFs, can be a very useful tool for functional analysis.  相似文献   

Changes in the expression of genes were used to elucidate the metabolic pathways and regulatory mechanisms that respond to environmental or genetic modifications. Results from previously published chemostat datasets were merged with novel data generated in the present study. ORFs displaying significant changes in expression that correlated with those of other ORFs were analysed using GO mapping tools and supplemented by literature information. The strategy developed was used to propose annotations for ORFs of unknown function. The following ORFs were assigned functions as a result of this study: YMR090w, YGL157w, YGR243w, YLR327c, YER121w, YFR017c, YGR067c, YKL187c, YGR236c (SPG1), YMR107w (SPG4), YMR206w, YER067w, YJL103c, YNL175C (NOP13) YJL200C, YDL070C (FMP16) and YGR173W.  相似文献   

The disruption of eight novel genes was realized in two genetic backgrounds. Among these open reading frames, NO333, NO348 and NO364 presented homologies with other proteins of yeast or other organisms, whereas NO320, NO325, NO339, NO384 and NO388 showed no similarity with any protein. Tetrad analysis of heterozygous deletant strains revealed that NO348, NO364 and NO388 are essential genes for vegetative growth, whereas NO320, NO325, NO333, NO339 and NO384 are non-essential. Basic phenotypic analyses of the non-lethal deletant strains as suggested in the six-pack B0 programme did not reveal any significant differences between parental and mutant strains. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thirty-two protein phosphatase (PPase) genes were identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae based on the nucleotide sequences of the entire genome. In an effort to understand the role of PPases and their functional redundancy in the cellular physiology of one of the reference eukaryotic organisms, a series of single and double PPase gene disruptants were constructed in the W303 strain background. Two single disruptants for the CDC14 and GLC7 genes were lethal. Double disruptants for 30 non-essential PPase genes were constructed in all possible 435 combinations. No double disruptant showed synthetic lethality. Several phenotypes of the viable 30 single and 435 double disruptants were examined; temperature-sensitive growth, utilization of carbon sources and sensitivity to cations and drugs. Four double disruptants exhibited synthetic phenotypes in addition to eight single ones: the pph21 pph22 double disruptant showed slow growth on complete medium, as did the sit4 and yvh1 single ones. In addition to the ptc1, ynr022c and ycr079w single disruptants, the ppz1 ppz2 double disruptant showed temperature-sensitive slow growth. The msg5 ptp2 double disruptant, like the ynr022c single one, did not grow on complete medium containing 0.3 M CaCl(2). The double msg5 ptc2 disruptant failed to grow on medium containing 1.0 M NaCl and, like the ynr022c single deletion, also could not grow on medium containing 0.3 M CaCl(2). The synthetic phenotypes in the two latter cases where each of the PPases is categorized in a different phosphatase family led us to discuss the novel mechanism involved in the functional redundancy of the PPases.  相似文献   

A platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor cDNA has been cloned, sequenced and expressed using the Saccharomyces cerevisiae PRB1 promoter. Soluble recombinant platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor constituted 0.5-1.0% of total soluble protein. Yeast soluble protein extracts containing recombinant platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor stimulate the growth of calf pulmonary artery endothelial cells in vitro.  相似文献   

A rapid method for localized mutagenesis of yeast genes.   总被引:82,自引:0,他引:82  
We have developed a simple procedure for the localized mutagenesis of yeast genes. In this technique the region of interest is first amplified under mutagenic polymerase chain reaction (PCR) conditions. Cotransformation of the PCR product with a gapped plasmid containing homology to both ends of the PCR product allows in vivo recombination to repair the gap with the mutagenized DNA. This procedure is efficient, allows targeting of specific regions for mutagenesis, and requires no subcloning steps in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

In order to clarify their physiological functions, we have undertaken a characterization of the three-membered gene families SNZ1-3 and SNO1-3. In media lacking vitamin B(6), SNZ1 and SNO1 were both required for growth in certain conditions, but neither SNZ2, SNZ3, SNO2 nor SNO3 were required. Copies 2 and 3 of the gene products have, in spite of their extremely close sequence similarity, slightly different functions in the cell. We have also found that copies 2 and 3 are activated by the lack of thiamine and that the Snz proteins physically interact with the thiamine biosynthesis Thi5 protein family. Whereas copy 1 is required for conditions in which B(6) is essential for growth, copies 2 and 3 seem more related with B(1) biosynthesis during the exponential phase.  相似文献   

The recently published sequence of yeast chromosome III (YCIII) provides the longest continuous stretch of a eukaryotic DNA molecule sequenced to date (315 kb). The sequence contains 116 distinct AUG-initiated open reading frames of at least 200 codons in length, more than 50 of which had not been described previously nor bear significant similarity to known proteins. We have analysed the YCIII known and putative-protein sequences with respect to significant statistical features which might reflect on structural and functional characteristics. The YCIII proteins have striking similarities and differences in their sequence attribute distributions compared to the corresponding distributions for all available yeast sequences and other protein collections. Nine examples of YCIII proteins with distinctive sequence features are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

One possible route to the evaluation of gene function is a quantitative approach based on the concepts of metabolic control analysis (MCA). An important first step in such an analysis is to determine the effect of deleting individual genes on the growth rate (or fitness) of S. cerevisiae. Since the specific growth-rate effects of most genes are likely to be small, we employed competition experiments in chemostat culture to measure the proportion of deletion mutants relative to that of a standard strain by using a quantitative PCR method. In this paper, we show that both densitometry and GeneScan analysis can be used with similar accuracy and reproducibility to determine the proportions of (at least) two strains simultaneously, in the range 10–90% of the total cell population. Furthermore, we report on a model competition experiment between two diploid nuclear petite mutants, homozygous for deletions in the cox5a or pet191 genes, and the standard strain (ho::kanMX4/ho::kanMX4) in chemostat cultures under six different physiological conditions. The results indicate that competition experiments in continuous culture are a suitable method to distinguish quantitatively between deletion mutants that qualitatively exhibit the same phenotype. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of a 36·8 kb segment from the left arm of chromosome XIV carried by the cosmid 14–11. The sequence encodes the 5′ coding region of the PSD1 gene, the 3′ coding region of an unknown gene and 24 complete open reading frames, of which 18 correspond to new genes and six (SKO1, SCL41A, YGP1, YCK2, RPC31 and MFA2) have been sequenced previously. Of the 24 new genes, five show significant similarities to sequences present in the databanks. These include elongation factors 2 and the human myotonic dystrophy kinase. The sequence has been deposited in the EMBL databank under the Accession Number X92517.  相似文献   

In the course of the European yeast genome sequencing project, we determined 23,920 bp of a continuous chromosome II right arm sequence. Analysis of data revealed 13 open reading frames (ORFs), three of which corresponded to previously identified genes; two tRNA genes and one repetitive element. One ORF showed considerable homology (46%) to a hypothetical chromosome III gene; another, putatively very hydrophobic gene product, was 30% identical to the heat-shock protein HSP30. Two ORFs were homologous to human genes. The complete sequence was submitted to the EMBL data bank under the Accession Number Z46260 Authorin submission ‘3’.  相似文献   

A 7·24 kb genomic DNA fragment from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XVI was isolated by complementation of a new temperature-sensitive mutation tsa1. We determined the nucleotide sequence of this fragment located on the right arm of chromosome XVI. Among the three, complete open reading frames: YPR041w, YPR042c and YPR043w contained within this fragment, the gene YPR041w was shown to complement the tsa1 mutation and to correspond to the TIF5 gene encoding an essential protein synthesis initiation translation factor. The YPR042c gene encodes a hypothetical protein of 1075 amino acids containing four putative transmembrane segments and is non-essential for growth. The gene YPR043c encoding the 10 kDa product, highly similar to the human protein L37a from the 60S ribosomal subunit, was found to be essential and a dominant lethal. We conclude that three tightly linked yeast genes are involved in the translation process. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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