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L15, a 15 kDa protein of the large ribosomal subunit, interacts with over ten other proteins during 50 S assembly in vitro. We have probed the interaction L15 with 23 S rRNA in 50 S ribosomal subunits by chemical footprinting, and have used localized hydroxyl radical probing, generated from Fe(II) tethered to unique sites of L15, to characterize the three-dimensional 23 S rRNA environment of L15. Footprinting of L15 was done by reconstituting purified, recombinant L15 with core particles derived from Escherichia coli 50 S subunits by treatment with 2 M LiCl. The cores migrate as compact 50 S-like particles in sucrose gradients, contain 23 S and 5 S rRNA, and lack a subset of the 50 S proteins, including L15. Using both Fe(II).EDTA and dimethyl sulfate, we have identified a strong footprint for L15 in the region spanning nucleotides 572-654 in domain II of 23 S rRNA. This footprint cannot be detected when L15 is incubated with "naked" 23 S rRNA, indicating that formation of the L15 binding site requires a partially assembled particle.Protein-tethered hydroxyl radical probing was done using mutants of L15 containing single cysteine residues at amino acid positions 68, 71 and 115. The mutant proteins were derivatized with 1-[p-(bromo-acetamido)benzyl]-EDTA. Fe(II), bound to core particles, and hydroxyl radical cleavage was initiated. Distinct but overlapping sets of cleavages were obtained in the footprinted region of domain II, and in specific regions of domains I, IV and V of 23 S rRNA. These data locate L15 in proximity to several 23 S rRNA elements that are dispersed in the secondary structure, consistent with its central role in the latter stages of 50 S subunit assembly. Furthermore, these results indicate the proximity of these rRNA regions to one another, providing constraints on the tertiary folding of 23 S rRNA.  相似文献   

Programmed -1 ribosomal frameshifting is utilized by a number of RNA viruses as a means of ensuring the correct ratio of viral structural to enzymatic proteins available for viral particle assembly. Altering frameshifting efficiencies upsets this ratio, interfering with virus propagation. We have previously demonstrated that compounds that alter the kinetics of the peptidyl-transfer reaction affect programmed -1 ribosomal frameshift efficiencies and interfere with viral propagation in yeast. Here, the use of a genetic approach lends further support to the hypothesis that alterations affecting the ribosome's peptidyltransferase activity lead to changes in frameshifting efficiency and virus loss. Mutations in the RPL3 gene, which encodes a ribosomal protein located at the peptidyltransferase center, promote approximately three- to fourfold increases in programmed -1 ribosomal frameshift efficiencies and loss of the M1 killer virus of yeast. The mak8-1 allele of RPL3 contains two adjacent missense mutations which are predicted to structurally alter the Mak8-1p. Furthermore, a second allele that encodes the N-terminal 100 amino acids of L3 (called L3Delta) exerts a trans-dominant effect on programmed -1 ribosomal frameshifting and killer virus maintenance. Taken together, these results support the hypothesis that alterations in the peptidyltransferase center affect programmed -1 ribosomal frameshifting.  相似文献   

Three cold-sensitive mutants in phage P22 coat protein have been characterized to determine the effects of the amino acid substitutions that cause cold sensitivity on the folding pathway and the conformation of refolded coat protein. Here we find that the three cold-sensitive mutants which have the threonine residue at position 10 changed to isoleucine (T10I), the arginine residue at position 101 changed to cysteine (R101C), or the asparagine residue at position 414 changed to serine (N414S) were capable of folding from a denatured state into a soluble monomeric species, but in each case, the folded conformation was altered. Changes in the kinetics of folding were observed by both tryptophan and bisANS fluorescence. In contrast to the temperature-sensitive for folding coat protein mutants which can be rescued at nonpermissive temperatures in vivo by the overproduction of molecular chaperones GroEL and GroES [Gordon, C. L., Sather, S. K., Casjens, S., & King, J. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 27941-27951], the folding defects associated with the cold-sensitive amino acid substitutions were not recognized by GroEL and GroES.  相似文献   

The lac permease of E. coli is a paradigm for secondary active transporter proteins that transduce the free energy stored in electrochemical ion gradients into work in the form of a concentration gradient. This hydrophobic, polytopic, cytoplasmic membrane protein catalyses the coupled, stoichiometric translocation of beta-galactosides and H+, and it has been solubilized, purified, reconstituted into artificial phospholipid vesicles and shown to be solely responsible responsible for beta-galactoside transport as a monomer. The lacY gene which encodes the permease has been cloned and sequenced, and all available evidence indicates that the protein has 12 transmembrane domains in alpha-helical configuration that traverse the membrane in zigzag fashion connected by hydrophilic loops with the N and C termini on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane. Extensive use of site-directed and Cys-scanning mutagenesis indicates that very few residues in the permease are directly involved in the transport mechanism, but the permease appears to be a highly flexible protein that undergoes widespread conformational changes during turnover. Based on a variety of site-directed approaches which include second-site suppressor analysis and site-directed mutagenesis, excimer fluorescence, engineered divalent metal binding sites, chemical cleavage, EPR, thiol crosslinking and identification of discontinuous mAb epitopes, a helix packing model has been formulated.A mechanism for the coupled translocate ion of substrate and H+ by the lac permease of E. coli is proposed. Four residues are irreplaceable with respect to coupling, and the residues are paired in the tertiary structure--Arg-302 (helix IX) with Glu-325 (helix 10) and His-322 (helix 10) with Glu-269 (helix VIII). In an adjacent region of the molecule at the interface between helices VIII and V is the substrate translocation pathway in which Glu-126 and Arg-144 appear to play key roles. Because of this arrangement, interfacial changes between helices VIII and V are transmitted to the interface between helices IX and X and vice versa. Upon ligand binding, a structural change at the interface between helices V and VIII disrupts the interaction between Glu-269 and His-322, Glu-269 displaces Glu-325 from Ag-302 and Glu-325 is protonated.Simultaneously, protonated Glu-325 becomes inaccessible to water which drastically increases its pKa. In this configuration, the permease undergoes a freely reversible conformational change that corresponds to translocation of the ternary complex. In order to return to ground state after release of substrate, the Arg-302-Glu-325 interaction must be reestablished which necessitates loss of H+ from Glu-325. The H+ is released into a water-filled crevice between helices IX and X which becomes transiently accessible to both sides of the membrane due to a change in helix tilt, where it is acted upon equally by either the membrane potential or the pH gradient across the membrane. Remarkably few amino-acid residues appear to be critically involved in the transport mechanism of lac permease, suggesting that relatively simple chemistry drives the mechanism. On the other hand, widespread, cooperative conformational changes appear to be involved in turnover. As a whole the data suggest that the 12 helices which comprise the permease are loosely packed with a considerable amount of water in the interstices and that surface contours are important for sliding or tilting motions that occur during turnover. This surmise coupled with the indication that few residues are essential to the mechanism is encouraging in that it suggest that the possibility that a relatively low resolution structure (i.e. helix packing) plus localization of the critical residues and the translocation pathway can provide important insights into the mechanism. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

Antibody NC41 binds to the subtype N9 neuraminidase (NA) of influenza virus A/tern/Australia/ G70c/75 and inhibits its enzyme activity. To address the molecular mechanisms by which antibodies interact with neuraminidase and the requirements for successful escape from antibody inhibition, we made amino acid substitutions in heavy chain CDRs of NC41. Antibody proteins expressed as a single-chain Fv (scFv) fused with maltose-binding protein were assayed for binding to NA by ELISA. Association constants (Ka) for wild-type and mutant scFvs are as follows: wild type, 2 x 10(7) M-1; Asn31-->Gln, 2 x 10(7) M-1; Glu96-->Asp, 1 x 10(7) M-1; Asp97-->Lys, 6 x 10(6) M-1; and Asn98-->Gln, 8 x 10(6) M-1. The Ka for intact NC41 antibody was 4 x 10(8) M-1 in the same assay, reflecting increased stability compared to that of the scFv. Mutations in the scFv antibody had less of an effect on binding than mutations in their partners on the NA, and modeling studies suggest that interactions involving the mutant antibody side chains occur, even without taking increased flexibility into account. Asp97 forms a salt link with NA critical contact Lys434; of the four mutants, D97K shows the largest reduction in binding to NA. Mutant N98Q also shows reduced binding, most likely through the loss of interaction with NA residue Thr401. Substitution N31Q had no effect on Ka. NC41 residue Glu96 interacts with NA critical contact Ser368, yet E96D showed only a 2-fold reduction in binding to NA, apparently because the H bond can still form. Asp97 and Asn98 provide the most important interactions, but some binding is maintained when they are mutated, in contrast to their partners on the NA. The results are consistent with maturation of the immune response, when the protein epitope is fixed while variation in the antibody paratope allows increasing affinity. Influenza viruses may exploit this general mechanism since single amino acid changes in the epitope allow the virus to escape from the antibody.  相似文献   

We have identified a new human cDNA (y+L amino acid transporter-1 (y+LAT-1)) that induces system y+L transport activity with 4F2hc (the surface antigen 4F2 heavy chain) in oocytes. Human y+LAT-1 is a new member of a family of polytopic transmembrane proteins that are homologous to the yeast high affinity methionine permease MUP1. Other members of this family, the Xenopus laevis IU12 and the human KIAA0245 cDNAs, also co-express amino acid transport activity with 4F2hc in oocytes, with characteristics that are compatible with those of systems L and y+L, respectively. y+LAT-1 protein forms a approximately 135-kDa, disulfide bond-dependent heterodimer with 4F2hc in oocytes, which upon reduction results in two protein bands of approximately 85 kDa (i.e. 4F2hc) and approximately 40 kDa (y+LAT-1). Mutation of the human 4F2hc residue cysteine 109 (Cys-109) to serine abolishes the formation of this heterodimer and drastically reduces the co-expressed transport activity. These data suggest that y+LAT-1 and other members of this family are different 4F2 light chain subunits, which associated with 4F2hc, constitute different amino acid transporters. Human y+LAT-1 mRNA is expressed in kidney > peripheral blood leukocytes > lung > placenta = spleen > small intestine. The human y+LAT-1 gene localizes at chromosome 14q11.2 (17cR approximately 374 kb from D14S1350), within the lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI) locus (Lauteala, T., Sistonen, P. , Savontaus, M. L., Mykkanen, J., Simell, J., Lukkarinen, M., Simmell, O., and Aula, P. (1997) Am. J. Hum. Genet. 60, 1479-1486). LPI is an inherited autosomal disease characterized by a defective dibasic amino acid transport in kidney, intestine, and other tissues. The pattern of expression of human y+LAT-1, its co-expressed transport activity with 4F2hc, and its chromosomal location within the LPI locus, suggest y+LAT-1 as a candidate gene for LPI.  相似文献   

Human protein S binds to C4b-binding protein (C4BP) both in plasma and in a system using purified proteins. Amino acid residues 420-434 of the first disulfide loop of the sex hormone binding globulinlike domain of protein S are involved in the interaction of protein S with C4BP. To define the involvement of specific polar amino acids within residues 420-434, we studied in parallel synthetic protein S peptides and recombinant protein S variants containing the same amino acid replacements, K423E, E424K, Q427E and K429E. Synthetic peptide analogs of peptide PSP-420 (residues 420-434) were assayed for binding C4BP and as inhibitors of complex formation. The PSP-420 peptide and the analogous peptide with the substitution E424K, but not the peptides containing the substitutions K423E and K429E, were able to bind C4BP. Recombinant proteins with mutations of K423E, Q427E and K429E showed reduced affinity for C4BP compared to plasma protein S, recombinant wild type protein S, or E424K-protein S. These results suggest that Lys-423, Gln-427 and Lys-429 of protein S are important for normal binding to C4BP. The anti-protein S monoclonal antibody LJ-56, raised against peptide PSP-420, recognizes only free protein S and inhibits complex formation with C4BP. Antibody LJ-56 recognized the E424K and Q427E peptides but not the K423E or K429E peptides. Similarly, the E424K and Q427E protein S mutants were recognized by LJ-56, whereas the K423E and K429E protein S mutants were not recognized. This suggests that both in the peptide PSP-420 and in protein S, Lys-423 and Lys-429 significantly contribute to binding to antibody LJ-56. These results demonstrate that protein S residues 423, 427 and 429, but not residue 424, are involved in binding to both the antibody LJ-56 and to C4BP. When peptides PSP 420 and SL-6 (residues 447-460) with carboxyterminal amide or carboxylate moieties were compared to their ability to inhibit C4BP-protein S complexation, PSP-420-amide was the most potent. This finding together with the other results described here supports the hypothesis that the residues 420 and 434 in protein S provides a major binding site for C4BP.  相似文献   

Ribosomes from a number of prokaryotic and eukaryotic sources (e.g. Escherichia coli, wheat germ and rat liver) can refold a number of enzymes which are denatured with guanidine/HC1 prior to incubation with ribosomes. In this report, we present our observations on the refolding of denatured lactate dehydrogenase from rabbit muscle and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase from baker's yeast by ribosomes from E. coli, wheat germ and rat liver. The protein-folding activity of E. coli ribosomes was found to be present in 50S particles and in 23S rRNA. The 30S particle or 16S rRNA did not show any protein-folding activity. The protein-folding activity of 23S rRNA may depend on its tertiary conformation. Loss of tertiary structure, by incubation with low concentrations of EDTA, inhibited the protein-folding activity of 23S rRNA. This low concentration of EDTA had no effect on folding of the denatured enzymes by themselves.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxynucleotides complementary to the alpha-sarcin domain of rat 28S rRNA inhibit cell-free protein synthesis. The poly(U) translation system containing Artemia salina ribosomes was more sensitive to inhibition than the system containing rat liver ribosomes. The 21-mer, which was the most effective of the 7 oligonucleotides tested, hybridized with naked 28S rRNA. Hybridization with whole ribosomes, assayed by S1 nuclease protection, occurred only at high ionic strength or with ribosomes actively engaged in protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether differential labeling of 13C occurs in pigs fed diets with different 13C abundances and, if so, to use 13C as a label to determine true amino acid digestibility. Forty-eight pigs averaging 10.5 kg BW were fed dietary treatments consisting of a corn-corn gluten meal-crystalline amino acid diet (C-CGM) and a wheat-soybean meal diet (W-SBM). The 13C abundance of the amino acid fraction (AAF) of the C-CGM and W-SBM diets averaged delta 13C -14.19 and -26.36/1000, respectively. Three pigs/treatment group were killed when groups averaged 10.5 (initial), 22.9, and 46.6 kg BW, and AAF of organs were analyzed for 13C abundance. Carbon 13 in empty body AAF increased (-18.14, -13.98, and -12.66/1000) with increasing body weight in pigs fed the C-CGM diet and decreased (-18.06, -22.78, and -24.76/1000) in pigs fed the W-SBM diet. Liver, small intestine, and longissimus muscle tissues showed similar trends. Each tissue had dietary treatment effects (P < .001) and dietary treatment x weight group (P < .001) interactions. Ten pigs averaging 55.0 kg BW from each treatment group were assigned to metabolism cages and fed at 0700 and 1900. Six of these pigs from each treatment group were implanted with T-cannulas in the ileum and given a 17-d recovery period. At 1900 on d 0 of the collection phase, pigs were switched to the opposite diet that contained chromic oxide.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The Drosophila no-on-transient A (nonA) gene is involved in the visual behaviors and courtship song of the fly. The NONA polypeptide contains two copies of the RNA-recognition motif (RRM), a hallmark of proteins involved in RNA binding, and an adjacent conserved charged region. This 311-amino-acid region is found in four other proteins and largely overlaps the Drosophila-Behavior/Human Splicing (or DBHS) domain. The newest family member, Drosophila nAhomo, was discovered in a database search, and encodes a protein with 80% identity to NONA. In this study, three nonA mutations generated by chemical mutagenesis were sequenced and found to fall within the conserved region. Site-directed mutagenesis of the two RRMs, and within a (conserved) charged region located C-terminal to them, was performed to determine the significance of these domains with respect to whole-organismal phenotypes. Behavior and viability were assessed in transformed flies, the genetic background of which lacks the nonA locus. Point mutations of amino acid 548 in the charged region confirmed the etiology of the nonAdiss courtship-song mutation and showed that a milder substitution at this site produced intermediate singing behavior, although it failed to rescue visual defects. Mutagenesis of the RRM1 domain resulted in effects on viability, vision, and courtship song. However, amino acid substitutions in RNP-II of RRM2 led to near-normal phenotypes, and the in vivo nonA mutations located in or near RRM2 caused visual defects only. Thus, we suggest that the first RRM could be important for all functions influenced by nonA, whereas the second RRM may be required primarily for normal vision.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive new method for identifying the carboxy terminus of a protein was developed. The carboxyl terminal amino acid was racemized by reaction with acetic anhydride. The resulting modified protein was subjected to acid hydrolysis. The hydrolysate was derivatized with (+)-1-(9-fluorenyl)ethyl chloroformate to give fluorescent amino acid diastereomers. The amino acid diastereomers were separated on a reversed-phase column. Only carboxyl terminal amino acids give a D-amino acid. Application of this method was described for the isolation and identification of carboxyl terminal peptides from an enzymatic digest of a protein.  相似文献   

An acute intravenous administration of 100 micrograms/kg body weight of recombinant tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) resulted in a time-dependent increase in the levels of both free and conjugated ubiquitin in rat skeletal muscle. The effects of the cytokine were more pronounced in the red muscle soleus than in the white muscle EDL. In the former muscle type, TNF-treatment also resulted in a time-dependent increase in the percentage of free ubiquitin. The results suggest that the ubiquitin system for non-lysosomal protein degradation could have a very important role in the mechanism triggered by TNF which is responsible for enhanced muscle proteolysis in sepsis and other pathological states.  相似文献   

We investigated interaction of an RNA domain covering the target site of alpha-sarcin and ricin (sarcin/ricin domain) of Escherichia coli 23 S rRNA with ribosomal proteins. RNA fragments comprising residues 2630-2788 (Tox-1) and residues 2640-2774 (Tox-2) of 23 S rRNA were transcribed in vitro and used to analyze the binding proteins by gel shift and filter binding. Protein L6 bound to both Tox-1 (Kd: 0.31 microM) and Tox-2 (Kd: 0.18 microM), and L3 bound only to Tox-1 (Kd: 0.069 microM) in a solution containing 10 mM MgCl2 and 175 mM KCl at 0 degreesC. Footprinting studies were performed using the chemical probe dimethyl sulfate on full-length 23 S rRNA. Binding of L6 protected a single base, A-2757, and strongly enhanced reactivity of C-2752. A direct role of A-2757 in the L6 binding was verified by site-directed mutagenesis; replacements of A-2757 with G and C impaired the L6 binding. On the other hand, binding of L3 protected A-2632, A-2634, A-2635, A-2675, A-2726, A-2733, A-2749, and A-2750. Interestingly, binding of L6 and L3 together protected additional bases A-2657, A-2662, C-2666, and C-2667 in the sarcin/ricin loop, in addition to A-2740, A-2741, A-2748, A-2753, A-2764, A-2765, and A-2766 in the other stem-loop. This appears to be due to cooperative interaction of L3 and L6 with the RNA. The results are discussed with respect to conformational modulation of the sarcin/ricin domain by the protein binding.  相似文献   

We have determined the sequence requirements for a protein hinge in triosephosphate isomerase. The codons encoding the hinge at the C-terminus of the active-site lid of triosephosphate isomerase were replaced with a genetic library of all possible 8,000 amino acid combinations. The most active of these 8,000 mutants were selected using in vivo complementation of a triosephosphate isomerase deficient strain of E. coli, DF502. Approximately 3% of the mutants complement DF502 with an activity that is above 70% of wild-type activity. The sequences of these hinge mutants reveal that the solutions to the hinge flexibility problem are varied. Moreover, these preferences are sequence dependent; that is, certain pairs occur frequently. They fall into six families of similar sequences. In addition to the hinge sequences expected on the basis of phylogenetic analysis, we selected three new families of 3-amino-acid hinges: X(A/S)(L/K/M), X(aromatic/beta-branched)(L/K), and XP(S/N). The absence of these hinge families in the more than 60 known species of triosephosphate isomerase suggests that during evolution, not all of sequence space is sampled, perhaps because there is no neutral mutation pathway to access the other families.  相似文献   

A case of a 35-year-old woman with abdominal migraine is presented. For four years she had been suffering from abdominal pains occurring only at night, always between 1 and 3 a.m. The patient always woke with abdominal pains and nausea. Each time she had diarrhoea and vomited and found that this gave her relief from the pain. Sometimes she lost consciousness for 1-2 minutes. After the attack she felt very weak, her legs and feet became numb and she found it difficult to get to sleep. The attacks and the fainting fits increased in frequency until she had several a month. Numerous gastrological examinations did not reveal any deviations from the normal. At the anti- epileptic consulting unit, abdominal epilepsy was excluded (no abnormalities were found in the eeg and CT examinations of the cranium). As a child she had paroxysmal abdominal pains. When the patient was 10 years old, she had an attack lasting one week and though the pain was severe on the left side, appendectomy was performed. Her mother suffers from migraine with very severe head pains. The patient was referred to our consulting unit where she was treated with Pizotifen in doses of 0.5 mg morning and noon and 1 mg in the evening for three months during which time she had no attacks. A few weeks after discontinuing this treatment, the nocturnal attacks again occurred though the pains were not so severe. She was then prescribed Nitrendipine, 5 mg nightly, and the attacks ceased. However, the patient said that she had felt better when taking Pizotifen.  相似文献   

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