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Smedje G  Norbäck D 《Indoor air》2001,11(2):127-133
In order to study the influence of furnishings and cleaning on the indoor air quality at school, 181 randomly chosen classrooms were investigated. The amounts of open shelves, textiles and other fittings were noted, data were gathered on cleaning routines, and a number of pollutants were measured in the classrooms. In classrooms with more fabrics there was more settled dust and the concentration of formaldehyde was higher. Classrooms with more open shelves had more formaldehyde, and more pet allergens in settled dust, and classrooms with a white board, instead of a chalk board, were less dusty. Classrooms mainly cleaned through wet mopping had more airborne viable bacteria but less settled dust than classrooms mainly cleaned by dry methods. In rooms where the desks and curtains were more often cleaned, the concentrations of cat and dog allergen in settled dust were lower. It is concluded that furnishings and textiles in the classroom act as significant reservoirs of irritants and allergens and have an impact on the indoor air quality at school.  相似文献   

Thirty Long-Evans rats served in each of six experiments to determine the time-course of behavioral incapacitation during exposure to full-scale combustion of household furnishings. Three experiments involved furniture constructed of natural-fiber materials, and three experiments involved furniture dominated by synthetic polymers. Groups of rats, previously trained to stable levels of performance on three tasks (rotorod, operant shock-avoidance, and a jump/escape test), were exposed to combustion products at three locations in a full-scale burn facility. Animals were removed from the exposure environment when they reached each of three operationally defined stages of behavioral incapacitation. Measures of time-to-incapacitation revealed that a given degree of behavioral dysfunction occurred 3 to 5 times sooner during exposure to the combustion of polymeric as compared to natural-fiber furnishings. Temperature, hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, and oxides of nitrogen were the most frequent statistically significant correlates of time to behavioral incapacitation in polymeric fires; carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and total hydrocarbon concentration were the most frequent statistically significant correlates of behavioral dysfunction in natural-fiber fires. Animals that survived the first 24-hour interval after exposure showed no evidence of lasting behavioral incapacitation.  相似文献   

董阳 《中国建材科技》2013,22(3):125-127
随着人们对现代居住环境的要求日益增长,对于室内的装饰更是要求舒适而美观。即使在年轻人讲求时髦的大环境下,国际化、多样性、绿色环保以及新技术的运用都成为了人们追求的目标。简单说来,室内装修之后的装饰,就是陈设艺术的体现:通过陈设物品的摆设,从而增加室内空间的视觉效果,达到美化环境、增添室内氛围的效果。而陈设艺术的发展,不仅是文化内涵与艺术效果的结合,同时也是人们在精神上高层次的享受,它成为了室内装饰中不可缺少的环节,是室内装饰的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

以明清时期北京民居中的典型代表——四合院为例,通过分析民居室内的类型、室内家具陈设的形式和室内家具陈设的哲学内涵,得出民居室内厅堂、卧室和书房的家具陈设形式以及这些形式所蕴含的哲学思想,以期对研究明清北京民居室内陈设的文化内涵有一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

熊孜  谭向东  代晶 《山西建筑》2014,(23):13-14
介绍了湘中地区农村住宅室内陈设的现状,对该地区农村住宅室内陈设在实际中的问题进行了分析,并提出了几点注意事项,对其在今后的发展方向进行了说明,以提高农民居住空间的品质。  相似文献   

燃气输配供需双方严格执行精确的年月同供气计划,但在高峰时段用户不会自动减小负荷,供方只能采用调节阀限制下游用户的流量提取,双方均关注调节阀的运行状况。文章通过对限流过程中某种调节阀开度及进出口差压变化引起流量特性的畸变,分析不同限流值时调节阀开度变化规律,计算并绘制出限流调节过程的可调比曲线和精度曲线,为合理选择调节阀的参数提供参考计算方法。  相似文献   

《Fire Safety Journal》1999,32(3):273-296
Limits have been developed, in specifications and regulations, for heat release rate of individual products, most frequently items of upholstered furniture or mattresses in different occupancies. These can be found, in the USA, in the Life Safety Code (NFPA 101), California Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation (CA TB 129 and CA TB 133), or Boston Fire Department regulations, and in recommendations by the European Combustion Behaviour of Upholstered Furniture (CBUF) project. Some of these criteria are based on fire hazard assessments and others solely on expert judgement.This work surveys test methods used for several individual furnishings, as well as usual acceptance criteria and the scientific bases for the threshold values used. In particular, this work investigates the concept of self-propagating fire, often ignored when setting arbitrary limits. Moreover, this work also considers the relationship between the thermal insult applied to the product and its potential impact on fire hazard, especially in view of some potential techniques utilized for obtaining product approval.This work also compares some results obtained using a small scale heat release technique, the cone calorimeter, and its efficacy in predicting actual full scale test results, mainly in terms of fire hazard, rather than the satisfaction of individual test requirements.Finally, the work also investigates, briefly, the relative criteria to assess the probability of an interior finish material to cause a self-propagating fire. For such materials, requirements are in place frequently, but heat release rate is rarely used as the basis of requirements.In conclusion, this work demonstrates that heat release rate test criteria can be used to assess fire hazard from many, if not most, individual furnishings.  相似文献   

故宫室外陈设,作为宫殿建筑群的附属设施,其分布特征与建筑空间布局密切相关,通过对现状原址保存的720余件室外陈设进行统计分析,概括出故宫室外陈设分布的四大特征:"前朝""后寝"有别;附于建筑,严格对称;轴线上极少布置;与区域等级匹配,并从室外陈设分布的角度,探讨了宫殿建筑群空间规律。  相似文献   










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