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通过采出水外排处理试验研究,考察了采出水的可生物处理性。实验室模拟试验结果表明,通过厌氧处理,采出水的生物化学需氧量(BODs),重镉酸钾法测的化学需氧量(CODCr)上升到0.3~0.4。再经好氧处理可使CODCr降低到120mg/L以下。现场模拟试验采用厌氧水解—生物接触氧经两级生物组合工艺处理,处理后采出水的主要水质指标分别为CODCr60~100mg/L、石油类小于10mg/L、硫化物小于0.5mg/L。 相似文献
稠油采出水深度处理除硅工艺技术 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文对国内外稠油采出水深度处理回用热采锅炉给水除硅工艺技术和生产运行进行分析总结。对不同水质的除硅工艺进行了比选,提出了选择除硅工艺应注意的主要问题。 相似文献
油田采出水达标外排处理技术 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
胜利油田已处于“三高”采油阶段 ,目前 ,采出液的综合含水率达 89 7%以上 ,日产污水量约 70〔10 4 m3,其中回注6 4 5〔10 4 m3,综合回注率为 92 %以上 ;日排污水近 8〔10 4 m3,仅为油田日产采油污水的九分之一 ,却占油田污染负荷的 91 6 % ,是油田主要废水污染源。文章对油田主要的污水处理技术及其在生产中的应用情况进行分析评价 ,并在此基础上提出切实可行的采油污水达标外排处理技术。调研表明 ,国外采出水外排处理主要采用生物法处理、化学氧化、植物湿地处理方法。生物降解石油碳氢化合物是通过直接接触或通过碳氢化合物的溶解技术实现的。土壤植物系统被看成是一种高效“活过滤器”。我国东部油田采出水达标外排以采用生物法、植物法或两种处理方法相结合为宜。 相似文献
概述了油田采出水的特点及其生物处理原理,介绍了近年来国内外生物处理油田采出水的新工艺、新技术。探讨了好氧生物处理法、厌氧生物处理法及厌氧-好氧相结合的处理效果及优缺点,提出应注重耐高温、耐高盐高效石油降解菌的筛选,以提高生物处理的效率。 相似文献
油田采出水深度处理技术 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
华北油田已进入高含水开发期,油田采出水量和外排水量逐年增加,而环保对排放水质的要求日益严格,在某些情况下经常规处理工艺处理后的油田采出水达不到排放标准,必须进行深度处理,本文在国内外油田采出深度处理技术进行广泛调研的基础上,详细介绍了溶气气浮技术,新型精细过滤器和新型油田采出水净化剂-DTC,并提出华北油田采出水深度处理应采取的对策和建议。 相似文献
针对典型的油田采出水的特性 ,在前期嗜油菌初步筛选成功的基础上 ,开展了以厌氧水解 生物接触氧化两级生物处理技术为核心的模拟试验研究 ,以确定厌氧、好氧生化反应器的最佳运行参数和运行的影响因素。试验结果表明 ,对于 6 0~ 6 5℃的油田采出水 ,采用以厌氧水解 生物接触氧化两级生物处理为核心的污水处理工艺是可行的 ,通过模拟试验确定的设备运行参数为 :厌氧水解水力停留时间HRT =4~ 6h ;生物接触氧化 (微孔管曝气 )HRT =3~ 4h。 相似文献
为实现稠油污水的资源化,达到循环经济、清洁生产、安全环保的目的,针对欢三联稠油污水的水质特点和水处理现状进行了分析,并对稠油污水回用锅炉工程的工艺流程、设计参数等进行了优化组合。研究表明,对不同的污染物应采取优先强化处理和分段逐步处理的原则;溶气气浮是稠油污水处理过程中承前启后、确保水质达标的关键核心设备;定期收油、定期排泥、定期反冲洗和及时再生是污水处理成功的保证;建议在锅炉运行中必须添加EDTA除残硬和添加亚硫酸钠除残氧,确保炉管不结垢和不腐蚀。稠油污水经过水质处理后,可以达到注汽锅炉的水质指标,实现了污水回用的目的,具有显著的经济、环境和社会效益。 相似文献
稠油产出水深度处理回用于热采锅炉的中试研究 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
对稠油产出水回用于热采锅炉进行了现场中试研究,确定了工艺流程和设计参数,并对软化工艺的选择、硬度、二氧化硅、悬浮物、总铁的去除以及运行成本和经济效益进行了分析讨论.当pH值控制在8.5~9.5,MgCl2的投加量为200mg/L时,混凝沉降罐出水中二氧化硅、总硬度和总铁量可分别降至40mg/L、70mg/L和0.05mg/L以内.强酸树脂和弱酸树脂对硬度的去除效果都很好,但对二氧化硅的去除效果均不明显.与弱酸树脂相比,强酸树脂再生周期长、运行简单、成本较低.稠油产出水经混凝沉降罐、双滤料过滤器和强酸钠离子交换器处理后可回用于热采锅炉. 相似文献
膜技术在油田采出水处理中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
介绍了膜工艺的技术背景,总结了国内外膜技术(主要是微滤、超滤和反渗透)在油田采出水处理中的研究与应用现状,指出了该项技术成功应用的主要不足,并提出了将来研究工作的主要方向. 相似文献
《Egyptian Journal of Petroleum》2020,29(2):163-169
Using treated petroleum produced water (PPW) as injected water, for enhancing oil recovery, is important in petroleum industry. The process of water reuse is a cost-effective method. On the contrary, injection of inadequately treated water could induce scale formation. In the present study oil-free petroleum produced water (PPW) was treated to obtain water without scale tendency by using the water treatment sludge (WTS) produced from the Drinking Water Treatment Plants (DWTP). The WTS is usually accumulated in the DWTP as solid useless solid wastes. The characterization of the washed and dried WTS was investigated extensively by scanning electron microscope (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDAX), Dynamic light scattering (DLS), and Surface area analyzer. It was found that the average particle size of WTS is 47.34 nm. The main constituents of the WTS are MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, CaO, and Fe2O3. This WTS was reused for the treatment of oil-free PPW, where the chemical and physical characteristics of PPW before and after treatment were determined. The present study showed that the optimum WTS dose was 3 g/l at which the salinity, alkalinity, TDS, conductivity, hardness, cations and anions of the PPW were significantly decreased. The overall results revealed that by decreasing the cations and anions of PPW, the later has no any tendency to form scale. Therefore, the treated PPW could be used again to enhance oil recovery without any concern of scale formation, water-saving, as well as protecting the environment from the discharge of such polluted water. 相似文献
《Egyptian Journal of Petroleum》2022,31(3):83-88
In this work, a hybrid resin composite membrane was successfully synthesized from a phenyl epoxy/poly (vinyl pyrrolidone)/Fe3O4 resin composite and characterized using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Performance characteristics such as concentration factor, the flow rate, and permeate flux of the synthesized hybrid resin membrane were investigated. The concertation factor was changed through the experiment from 1 to 1.6. The flow rate changed from 2.5 l/h at the beginning of the experiment to 1.05 l/h by the end of the experiment. The permeate flux was equal to 8.9 l/(m2h) at the beginning of the investigation. It was noticed that the permeate flux decreased over time to 3.76 l/(m2h). In addition, the hybrid resin composite membrane was efficiently used for treating petroleum-produced water (PPW) as an alternative to chemical scale inhibitors. The results showed that the proposed treatment system could successfully remove most scale-forming cations and anions from the PPW. Combining the new prepared resin with membrane could remove several cations and anions from OFPPW at rates ranging from 75% (for Strontium) to 97% (for Barium), while the Iron was 100% removed. Thus, the treated water effluent could be reused safely as injection water in the petroleum production process without concern for forming Barium sulfate and Dolomite scales in the used water. 相似文献
稠油高温树脂堵水工艺试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
方法利用耐高温树脂在固化剂的作用下形成大分子聚合物的特性,进行稠油井的堵水和调剖。目的对稠油油层进行堵水、调剖、从而改善吸气剖面和地层的非均质性。结果选出了一种能耐380℃高温的树脂。通过对固化时间、固化强度和使用浓度三个指标的考核,确定了高温树脂堵水的配方和工艺。结论通过室内试验和模拟试验,证明高温树脂堵水、调剖是一种行之有效的新方法,对提高稠油油井的产量和提高稠油油藏的采收率将起到积极的作用。 相似文献