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Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography coupled with electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) were used to identify volatile compounds from hawthorn fruit (Crataegus spp.) acting as behavioral attractants for hawthorn-infesting Rhagoletis pomonella flies. Consistent EAD activity was obtained for six chemicals: ethyl acetate (94.3%), 3-methylbutan- 1-ol (4.0%), isoamyl acetate (1.5%), 4,8-dimethyl-1,3(E),7-nonatriene (0.07%), butyl hexanoate (0.01%), and dihydro--ionone (0.10%). In a flight-tunnel bioassay, there was a dose-related increase in the percentage of flies flying upwind to the six-component mixture. Hawthorn-origin flies also made equivalent levels of upwind flight with the synthetic blend and an adsorbent extract of volatiles collected from whole fruit, each containing the same amount of the 3-methylbutan-1-ol compound. Significantly lower levels of upwind flight occurred to a previously identified volatile blend of ester compounds that attracts R. pomonella flies infesting domestic apples, compared with the hawthorn volatile mix. Selected subtraction assays showed further that the four-component mixture of 3-methylbutan-1-ol, 4,8-dimethyl-1,3(E),7-nonatriene, butyl hexanoate, and dihydro--ionone also elicited levels of upwind flight equivalent to the six-component mix. Removal of 3-methylbutan-1-ol from the four-component blend resulted in complete loss of upwind flight behavior. Removal of dihydro- -ionone, 4,8-dimethyl-1,3(E),7-nonatriene, or butyl hexanoate from the four-component mixture resulted in significant decreases in the mean number of upwind flights compared to the four- or six-component mixtures.  相似文献   

Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography coupled with electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) were used to identify a new blend of volatiles from apples as the key attractants for the apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh). The new five-component blend contains butyl butanoate (10%), propyl hexanoate (4%), butyl hexanoate (37%), hexyl butanoate (44%), and pentyl hexanoate (5%) compared with a previously reported seven-component mix of hexyl acetate (35%), (E)-2-hexen-1-yl acetate (2%), butyl 2-methylbutanoate (8%), propyl hexanoate (12%), hexyl propanoate (5%), butyl hexanoate (28%), and hexyl butanoate (10%). Volatiles from five different varieties of apple elicited reproducible and high EAD responses from R. pomonella antennae to the same five chemicals. In flight-tunnel choice tests involving red sticky spheres with odor sources, the new five-component blend of apple volatiles showed significantly more activity than the previous seven-component blend or the single compound, butyl hexanoate. In a field trial captures with the new five-component blend were better than with butyl hexanoate, which is currently used with commercial apple maggot monitoring spheres.  相似文献   

Aqueous extracts of three types of bird feces were attractive to laboratory-colony Mexican fruit flies in laboratory bioassays. Extracts of black-bellied whistling duck feces were chosen for further analysis. Duck feces extract was attractive to both sugar-fed and sugar-starved flies but was more attractive to sugar-fed flies. Protein deprivation of flies had no effect on their response. Duck feces incubated in water for 24 hr were more attractive than those incubated for longer periods. Duck feces extract was attractive at pH 5–9, but was most attractive at pH 9, indicating that more than one class of chemicals contributed to attractiveness of the feces. Major components of headspace of duck feces extracts collected by solid-phase microextraction and identified by GC-MS, GC-FID, and GC-FTD included ethanol, propanol, phenol, ammonia, low-molecular weight amines, and pyrazines. In general, chemicals containing nitrogen proved most attractive to sugar-fed flies. However, dimethylamine and 1-pyrroline were nearly equally attractive to sugar-fed and sugar-deprived flies. Two chemicals without nitrogen were attractive to sugar-deprived flies; none were attractive to sugar-fed flies. A synthetic mixture was prepared containing ammonia, methylamine, dimethylamine, trimethylamine, 1-pyrroline, phenol, and 2-ethylhexanol in amounts found in odor of duck feces extract. The synthetic mixture was 96% as attractive as duck feces extract to sugar-fed flies and 80% as attractive to sugar-deprived flies.  相似文献   

Coupled gas chromatography-electroantennogram detection (GC-EAD) analysis of volatiles from tropical almond fruit, Terminalia catappa L., revealed 22 compounds that were detected by antennae of oriental fruit fly females, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel). Both solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and Porapak Q were used for sampling odors in fruit headspace, with SPME collections producing larger EAD responses from a greater number of compounds. Geranyl acetate and methyl eugenol elicited the largest EAD responses. A synthetic blend containing SPME collected, EAD stimulatory compounds showed female-biased attraction in laboratory wind tunnel bioassays, but heavily male-biased trap captures in a larger olfactometer arena. A nine-component subset of compounds eliciting relatively small EAD responses (EAD minor) and consisting of equal parts ethanol, ethyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate, hexyl acetate, linalyl acetate, ethyl nonanate, nonyl acetate, ethyl cinnamate, and (E)-β-farnesene, attracted mainly females. This EAD minor blend was as attractive to females and much less attractive to males when compared to torula yeast in field cage experiments using glass McPhail traps. Similar results were obtained with outdoor rotating olfactometer tests in which the EAD minor blend was almost completely inactive for males.  相似文献   

Post-harvest loss of resources to microbial competitors affects a number of species of animals, and many of them have evolved behaviors that reduce the likelihood of such loss. We previously described the inhibition ofBacillus psychrophilus by dogwood fruits (Cornus drummondii), which can comprise a significant portion of the winter food cache of the eastern woodrat (Neotoma floridana). The present study is a further investigation of the ability of dogwood fruits to inhibit growth ofB. psychrophilus. Additionally, we tested the antimicrobial activity of dogwood fruits onEscherichia coli andStaphlococcus aureus. Results of our study indicate that fresh fruits inhibit the growth ofB. psychrophilus andS. aureus but notE. coli. However, fruits taken from woodrat dens after four and six months storage inhibited growth of all three species of bacteria. Further, the strength of inhibition increased over the test period. We suggest the presence of an inhibitor allows woodrats to compete effectively for a valuable and limited food resource.  相似文献   

Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography coupled with electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) were used to identify volatile compounds from shoots of riverbank grape (Vitis riparia) that attract the female grape berry moth (GBM, Paralobesia viteana). Consistent EAD activity was obtained for 11 chemicals: (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate, (E)-linalool oxide, (Z)-linalool oxide, nonanal, linalool, (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene, methyl salicylate, decanal, beta-caryophyllene, germacrene-D, and alpha-farnesene. In flight-tunnel tests that involved female GBM and rubber septa loaded with subsets of these 11 compounds, we found that both the 11-component blend and a seven-component blend, composed of (E)-linalool oxide, (Z)-linalool oxide, nonanal, (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene, decanal, beta-caryophyllene and germacrene-D, elicited equivalent levels of upwind flight as freshly cut grape shoots. The removal of any of the seven compounds from the seven-component blend resulted in a significant decrease in female upwind flight responses. In a field trial with these two synthetic blends, traps equipped with either blend captured more female GBM compared to traps baited with hexane only (control), although the number of females caught was generally low. There were no differences in the number of males captured among treatments. Although in flight-tunnel trials, moths readily flew upwind to both grape shoots and rubber septa loaded with the best lures, they landed on shoots but not on rubber septa. Coupled with relatively low field catches, this suggests that additional host finding cues need to be identified to improve trap efficacy.  相似文献   

We investigated two strains of uricase (+) Enterobacter agglomerans, one isolated from the apple maggot fly (AMF) and one from the Mexican fruit fly (MFF), for 1) attractiveness to MFF, and 2) production of attractive chemicals. Regarding chemicals demonstrated attractive to the MFF, the MFF bacterial strain produced more 2,5-dimethylpyrazine, 2-phenylethanol, and indole than the AMF strain, whereas the AMF, but not the MFF strain, produced 3-hydroxybutanone. Cell types that predominated in plated subcultures varied from batch to batch resulting in variation in volatiles production, especially by the AMF strain where indole was sometimes a major component of the odor and at other times not detectable. Despite the greater production of attractive chemicals by the MFF strain, the AMF strain was consistently more attractive and the MFF strain was not different from uninoculated control plates. Statistical analyses indicated negative correlations of attractiveness with production of indole, 2,5-dimethylpyrazine, and 2-phenylethanol, and positive correlation with 3-hydroxybutanone. Results support previous findings with the Mexican fruit fly that showed combinations of attractive chemicals sometimes are not attractive.  相似文献   

Mature female apple maggot flies,Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), were released individually onto a single potted, fruitless hawthorne tree in the center of an open field. The tree was surrounded by four 1-m2 plywood host tree models painted green or white, with or without synthetic host fruit odor (butyl hexanoate), and placed at one of several distances from the release tree. Each fly was permitted to forage freely on the release tree for up to 1 hr, or until it left the tree. Flies left the tree significantly sooner when green models with host fruit were present at 0.5, 1.5, or 2.5 m distance from the release tree than when these models were placed at a greater distance (4.5 m) from the release tree or when no models were present. Flies responded detectably to 1-m2 models without odor up to a maximum distance of 1.5 m. These results suggest that female apple maggot flies did not detect green 1-m2 models with odor 4.5 m away or models without odor 2.5 m or more away. Flies responded to white models with and without odor to a much lesser extent, both in terms of response distance and flight to and alightment upon models. Increasing model size to 2 m2 increased the distance to 2.5 m at which flies responded to green models without odor. Decreasing model size to 0.5 m2 reduced fly responsiveness to green or white models. The presence of host fruit odor alone, without the visual stimulus of a green model, did not influence residence time on the release tree.  相似文献   

Apple volatiles from whole Red Delicious and Red Astrachan apples were found to be attractive to sexually mature apple maggot flies,Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), in wind tunnel bioassays. Extracted volatiles elicited directed upwind movement towards the source and significantly increased the number of male and female flies arriving at the source. A behaviorally active fraction was obtained from crude extract by gas-liquid chromatography and assayed in two types of wind tunnels and by electroantennography. The major components in this fraction, identified by chemical derivatization reactions and GLC-mass spectrometry, were hexyl acetate, (E)-2-hexen-1-yl acetate, butyl 2-methylbutanoate, propyl hexanoate, hexyl propanoate, butyl hexanoate, and hexyl butanoate in a 352 81252810 ratio. Synthetics of the identified compounds and the natural extract elicited similar behavioral and EAG responses. None of the synthetics or natural components elicited full activity when presented alone.Diptera: Tephritidae.Research support by USDA/SEA/FR, Special Cooperative Agreement No. 58-32U4-8-24.  相似文献   

Nonirradiated males and females of Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) were attracted to and landed more frequently on ripe fruits of Spondias mombin L. than on artificial fruit in wind tunnel bioassays. Porapak Q volatile extracts of S. mombin were also attractive and elicited landing on artificial fruit for both sexes. Combined gas chromatographic–electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analysis of volatile extracts showed that nine volatile compounds elicited repeatable antennal responses from females and males. The EAD-active compounds were identified by GC–mass spectrometry (MS) as follows: ethyl butyrate, isopropyl butyrate, hexan-1-ol, propyl butyrate, isobutyl butyrate, ethyl hexanoate, isopentyl butyrate, ethyl benzoate, and ethyl octanoate. In wind tunnel bioassays, males and females were attracted and landed more frequently on lures containing the nine-component blend of synthetic compounds than on unscented controls. Field cage bioassays showed that multilure traps baited with the nine-synthetic blend captured significantly more A. obliqua than traps baited with hydrolyzed protein or water.  相似文献   

Green leaf volatiles (GLVs) function as host attractants, pheromone synergists, or sexual kairomones for a number of coleopteran folivores. Hence, we focused on host GLVs to determine if they were attractive to adults of the emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), which feeds on ash (Fraxinus) foliage. Eight GLVs were identified by chromatography-electroantennogram (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry in foliar headspace volatiles collected in traps containing Super-Q from white ash, Fraxinus americana, and green ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, trees. GLVs in the aeration extracts elicited antennal responses from both male and female adults in gas chromatography-electroantennogram detection bioassays. Male antennae were more responsive than female antennae and showed the strongest response to (Z)-3-hexenol. Six field experiments were conducted in Canada and the USA from 2004 to 2006 to evaluate the attractiveness of candidate GLVs, in various lure combinations and dosages. Field experiments demonstrated that lures containing (Z)-3-hexenol were the most effective in increasing trap catch when placed on purple traps in open areas or along the edges of woodlots containing ash. Lures with (Z)-3-hexenol were more attractive to males than females, and dosage may be a factor determining its effectiveness.  相似文献   

Headspace above tryptic soy broth culture filtrates of Klebsiella pneumoniae contained greater amounts of ammonia, methylamine, 3-methylbutanamine, 1-pyrroline, 2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine, and two pyrazines than were found above tryptic soy broth. It also contained chemicals not found above tryptic soy broth, including dimethyldisulfide and several alcohols and ketones. Headspace above tryptic soy broth culture filtrates of Citrobacter freundii contained greater amounts of ammonia, 1-pyrroline, and several pyrazines than were found above tryptic soy broth. It also contained chemicals not found above tryptic soy broth including dimethyldisulfide, some of the same alcohols as above K. pneumoniae filtrates, a different ketone, and phenol. Additional chemicals were detected above filtrates that were saturated with sodium chloride or had their pH adjusted up or down. In laboratory bioassays with protein-starved, sugar-fed Mexican fruit flies, chemicals that did not contain protonizable nitrogen were not attractive. All chemicals containing protonizable nitrogen, except 2-methylpyrazine, were attractive. Synthetic mixtures of ammonia, trimethylamine, 1-pyrroline, 3-methylbutanamine, pyrazine, 2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine, 2,5-dimethylpyrazine, and trimethylpyrazine in concentrations similar to those in filtrates of the two bacteria were 73–87% as attractive as bacterial filtrates.  相似文献   

The European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is a polyphagous insect able to develop on grapes and wild plants. We tested the hypothesis that the parasitoid Dibrachys cavus (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) uses the larval frass in its host search. A two-armed olfactometer was used to measure the attractiveness of L. botrana larvae, their silk, or their frass after larvae were fed on different host plants. Frass of three Lepidoptera (L. botrana, Eupoecillia ambiguella, Sphinx ligustri) and one Orthoptera (Chorthippus brunneus) was assayed, but only L. botrana was used to test an effect of the larval host plant (two grape cultivars and three other plant species) to D. cavus females. Larvae without frass did not attract D. cavus whatever their origin, but their frass was attractive at a dose of 2–3 days equivalent of larval frass production. The silk produced by a single larva (L. botrana) was not attractive to D. cavus. The parasitoid was most attracted to the odor of S. ligustri; the frass of L. botrana was more attractive than that of E. ambiguella, irrespective of the species on which D. cavus had been reared. There was no difference in attractiveness of frass collected from L. botrana raised on food containing different plants. Chemical extracts using five different polarity solvents (acetone, dichloromethane, hexane, methanol, and water) differed in attractiveness to D. cavus. Water and dichloromethane were the most attractive. This suggests that a complex volatile signal made from intermediate to polar volatiles may be involved in attraction. D. cavus used frass to discriminate between different potential host species. Our results revealed that the larval food of L. botrana did not modify frass attractiveness, but that the moth species did.  相似文献   

The attraction of virgin female medflies to either the natural pheromonal odor of calling males or its synthetic major components was enhanced by both intermediate and minor pheromonal components in multiple choice discrimination tests. The modification of the standard Gow rotating-trap-array, cage olfactometer to allow a single source of natural pheromonal odor to be delivered equally and simultaneously to a number of traps greatly increased trapping efficacy (64% capture rate) and ability to resolve odor preference discrimination by female flies. In olfactometer cage bioassays, responding female medflies expressed preferences in attraction to male odor augmented with either synthetic intermediate or minor components over male odor alone. In dual-choice flight-tunnel bioassays, the minor blend enhanced the attractiveness of both the natural male odor and its synthetic major components. Moreover, the minor blend, when presented together with the synthetic major components, comprised an artificial pheromonal lure competitive for the first time with the natural male odor in attraction of virgin female medflies.  相似文献   

A mixture of behaviorally active volatiles was identified from the fruit of snowberry, Symphoricarpos albus laevigatus, for Rhagoletis zephyria flies reared from snowberry fruit. A nine-component blend containing 3-methylbutan-1-ol (3%), dimethyl trisulfide (1%), 1-octen-3-ol (40%), myrcene (8%), nonanal (9%), linalool (13%), (3E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene (DMNT, 6%), decanal (15%), and β-caryophyllene (5%) was identified that gave consistent electroantennogram activity and was behaviorally active in flight tunnel tests. In other flight tunnel assays, snowberry flies from two sites in Washington state, USA, displayed significantly greater levels of upwind oriented flight to sources with the snowberry volatile blend compared with previously identified volatile blends from domestic apple (Malus domestica) and downy hawthorn (Crataegus mollis) fruit from the eastern USA, and domestic apple, black hawthorn (C. douglasii) and ornamental hawthorn (C. monogyna) from Washington state. Selected subtraction assays showed that whereas removal of DMNT or 1-octen-3-ol significantly reduced the level of upwind flight, removal of myrcene and β-caryophyllene, or dimethyl trisulfide alone did not significantly affect the proportion of upwind flights. Our findings add to previous studies showing that populations of Rhagoletis flies infesting different host fruit are attracted to unique mixtures of volatile compounds specific to their respective host plants. Taken together, the results support the hypothesis that differences among flies in their behavioral responses to host fruit odors represent key adaptations involved in sympatric host plant shifts, contributing to host specific mating and generating prezygotic reproductive isolation among members of the R. pomonella sibling species complex.  相似文献   

Semiochemicals play important roles in mate and host recognition of herbivorous insects, such as moths, and flight tunnels have been an effective tool in the identification of these bioactive compounds. However, more work has been carried out on pheromones than on host plant cues, and few examples exist where flight tunnel evaluations of host cues have resulted in a lure that is attractive under field conditions. Our goal was to determine whether the flight tunnel could be used to evaluate the response of a specialist moth, grape berry moth (GBM), to its host plant (grapevines), by incorporating ecological and physiological aspects of GBM biology. We found grape shoot tips and mature leaves were more attractive to female GBM than unripe and ripe berries or flowers. Under optimized flight tunnel conditions, approximately 80% of tested females flew upwind and closely approached or landed on the most preferred target. Mating status, wind speed, the time of day, and the presence/absence of patterns that resemble grape tissues on the top of the flight tunnel all significantly affected the responses of female GBM. Consideration of these factors in flight tunnel assays will aid in the development of a synthetic lure that can be used to monitor female moths in the field.  相似文献   

In Y-tube olfactometer bioassays, adult Apanteles carpatus (Say), were attracted to beaver or rabbit pelts infested with larvae of the casemaking clothes moth (CCM)Tinea pellionella L. Porapak Q-captured volatiles from a CCM-infested beaver pelt were also very attractive, whereas isolated CCM larvae or larval feces were not. Coupled gas chromatographic–electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analysis of the Porapak Q volatile extract revealed two compounds that elicited responses by A. carpatus antennae. Coupled GC–mass spectrometry (MS) in electron impact and chemical ionization modes of these compounds indicated, and GC-MS and GC-EAD of authentic standards confirmed, that they were nonanal and geranylacetone. While each compound singly did not attract A. carpatusa 1:1 blend of both compounds was as attractive as the volatile extract. Because these compounds are host habitat-derivedA. carpatus must be a habitat rather than host specialist, responding to kairomonal indicators of localized and specific habitats such as animal hair or feather. The tritrophic interaction between A. carpatusits clothes moth hosts and their animal-derived habitats is similar to the well-studied relationship between parasitoids of insect herbivores and their host plant habitats.  相似文献   

The primary pheromone (E,E)-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol (I, codle-mone), 11 further alcohols, and binary blends of both were evaluated for attractiveness as defined by the percentage ofL. pomonella males showing oriented upwind flight terminated by landing at the source within 10 min after release. Sources of I were attractive from 10–5 g to 101 g, with approx. 70% males responding at 10–3–10–1 g. Most other alcohols also showed attractiveness, but the dose-response curves differed greatly with respect to the range of effective lure doses as well as the maximum response level reached at any dose. (E,E)-7,9-Undecadien-1-ol (III) revealed a dose-response curve similar in shape to I but shifted towards higher concentrations. (E,E)-8,10-Tridecadien-1-ol (II) and (E)-8,10-undecadien-1-ol (IV) exhibited threshold values of 10–5 g (same as for I) and were effective over, respectively, seven and nine decades of source load, but they did not reach a response level of 40% at any test amount. (E)-9,11-Dodecadien-1-ol (VI) and the monoenes (E)-8-, (E)-10-, and (Z)-10-dodecen-1-ol (VIII-X) showed weak attractivity restricted to one to three test doses. Upwind approaches that broke off a few centimeters from the source were rarely seen in tests with I but frequently occurred with some of the analogs. When combined with 10–3 g of I, all alcohol analogs showed inhibitory properties, although the amounts required to obtain a significant lowering of response differed by up to 105-fold. This amount was the lowest (10–4 g) for the positional isomer VI, and the highest (101 g) for undecan-1-ol (XI) and dodecan-1-ol (XII). With some mixtures, the presence of the inhibitor appeared to cause an alteration in landing behavior. No synergistic effects were seen in these tests. The results are briefly considered with respect to the sensory perception of the test stimuli and the involvement of minor components in the female pheromone blend.  相似文献   

In flight tunnel tests, the percentages of oriented upwind flights of male codling moths culminating in contacting a source of different compositions of female sex pheromone gland components were determined over a dosage range of 0.1–100,000g. The following compositions were tested: (1) (E,E)-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol of 99.7% isomeric purity; (2) 1 + dodecanl-ol + tetradecan-1-ol; (3) 2 + decan-1-ol + (E)-9-dodecen-1-ol; and (4) an equilibrium mixture of 8,10-dodecadien-1-ol isomers (61%EE, 5%ZZ, 14%ZE, and 20%EZ). The ratios of the components in compositions 2 and 3 were chosen to produce vapor ratios equal to the natural ratios found in the female effluvium by Arn and coworkers. As the dose of composition 1 was increased from 0.1 to 10g, response increased from 0 to about 80% and then was approximately constant from 10 to 300g. Over the range 0.1–300g, the percentage of males contacting the septum was virtually the same as the percentage flying upwind. From 300 to 100,000g, the percentage of males flying upwind and contacting the source steadily decreased from about 80 to 0%. The male responses to compositions 2 and 3 were virtually identical to the response to 1. These results indicate, contrary to published reports, that dodecan-1-ol and tetradecan-1-ol in combination with 1 do not increase the responses of the behavioral modes determining degree of attractancy and disruption of sexual communication over that of 1 alone. These results also show that decan-1-ol and (E)-9-dodecen-1-ol do not enhance response in the five-component mixture. The response to composition 4 increased from 0% at a dose of 0.3g to 26% at a dose of 30g and then decreased to 0% at a dose of 3000g. Thus, the inhibiting effect of the isomers on response was greater at the higher doses.  相似文献   

The behavioral responses of the potato tuberworm moth Phthorimaea operculella and the polyphagous predator Orius insidiosus to volatiles emanating from exposed tubers were studied by four-arm olfactometer bioassays. Mated females of P. operculella distinguished volatiles released by intact potato tubers from volatiles damaged mechanically or by conspecific larvae. Volatiles from intact potato tubers were attractive to them. On the other hand, unmated females of P. operculella did not respond to tuber volatiles. Adults of O. insidiosus were attracted to volatiles from tubers damaged by P. operculella larvae, but did not respond to intact or mechanically damaged tubers. Methyl jasmonate (MeJA) was the only compound identified from the headspace of potato tubers (GC-MS of direct headspace sampling). The amount varied with the type of induction, being 0.001 ± 0.0003 ng g−1 in tissues of intact fresh tubers, 0.002 ± 0.0007 ng g−1 in mechanically damaged tubers, and showing a six- to tenfold increase in P. operculella damaged tubers (0.090 ± 0.006 ng g−1). Behavioral bioassays with synthetic MeJA confirmed that the response of the insects is dependent on MeJA concentration. Mated females of P. operculella showed the highest response at 0.001 ng g−1 (concentration released by intact tubers), whereas O. insidiosus showed the highest response, between 0.01 and 0.05 ng g−1, which is close to the concentration released by P. operculella damaged tubers. Based on these results, we postulate that P. operculella and O. insidiosus have adapted their responses to plant volatiles differently, enabling them to locate suitable hosts or prey.  相似文献   

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