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为解决智能变电站新建及改造过程中二次设备配置繁琐和文件生成复杂的问题,提出了智能变电站二次设备即插即用理论模型。为实现即插即用的功能,首先设计了二次设备即插即用框架,针对设计的框架,从硬件层面和软件层面实现需求功能。硬件方面采用双核异构处理器外加FPGA构成的三核硬件平台,软件方面实现分层化设计,由支持层、功能层、应用层系统组成,实现了层与层的解耦,便于后期维护和软件组件的重用。在二次设备模型基础上,增加即插即用特有的数据及功能描述,从设备、数据和功能三方面进行了说明。为测试功能应用,进行保护和测控两方面验证仿真。同时设计了二次设备顺序控制、防误闭锁、五防闭锁和虚端子校验等方面控制校核逻辑。最后,通过功能测试证明了所设计模型可正确自动进行设备配置的读取、下装和相关参数配置修改。  相似文献   

为了解决智能变电站建设过程中工程配置复杂、主子站之间的人工信息校核工作量大的问题,在即插即用理论研究基础上,结合电力系统的智能化技术,将即插即用技术从变电站内IED设备延伸到变电站站控层以及主子站之间,实现智能电网的即插即用。主子站之间的交互,通过SCD(含SSD)模型的共享技术,实现一二次设备映射。采用变电站功能服务化的方案,实现信息点表自动校核技术,提升了智能变电站和调度主站之间的深度互动。通过现场应用验证,所采用的技术和解决方案,大大降低了变电站的人工工作复杂度,提高了智能变电站的建设效率。  相似文献   

针对传感器接口类型众多、实时性差、不满足电网系统的标准化要求,且传感器通信链路异常易造成装置误告警,而采用光纤组网通信会造成现场交换机的投入过多,造成成本增大的问题,提出了一种基于HSR光纤环网的即插即用传感器设计方法。采用HSR光纤环网实现传感器和监测装置的实时通讯,减少了交换机的投入,提高了通信的可靠性;同时,传感器采用电子数据表单实现参数信息的自描述,在监测装置侧通过网络协议解析模块NCAP实现传感器TEDS表单及传感器信息的自识别和配置,实现传感器即插即用,降低现场安装和运维成本。  相似文献   

微波仪器由于频率高,分布参数影响严重,难于批量生产,为方便电路板的生产调试和维护,提高微波仪器的生产效率,本文设计了一种适用于微波测量仪器的即插即用技术包括电路单元和软件协议.该技术采用标准I2C总线实现,结构简单、可靠便于使用,对仪器EMC效果不会产生影响.采用该技术后微波仪器的应用软件能够自动识别电路板配置,加载特征数据,并实现软件功能组件的装载,使电路板在微波仪器中能够即插即用.该技术已成功应用于高灵敏度宽带EMI接收机中.  相似文献   

针对数字化继电保护装置配置复杂且插件更换困难的现象,设计出数字化继电保护装置即插即用系统,研制了PNP手持部署终端,详细阐述了即插即用系统的体系结构及工作原理,描述了系统中使用的关键技术,包括PNP文件目录库的建立方法、数据无损校验、系统通信控制连接和信息作业流程处理。最后通过试验验证该系统能够很好的实现数字化继电保护装置插件的即插即用,大大提高了智能变电站运维效率。  相似文献   

分析了分布式发电到分布式电源及微电网接入配电网的共性问题。将光伏发电、风力发电、储能装置、电动汽车统一按“随机性电源”考虑。从应用场景专用设计、工程应用功率匹配、对外接口端子、两电平与三电平拓扑结构、过电压异常响应、监视、控制和运维、并网及孤岛防护、渗透率及有效发电量渗透率等方面,分析随机性电源接入配电网存在的问题,提出了即插即用随机性电源的云—层—端三层体系架构。云运维实现运行维护即插即用,层控制实现有序控制即插即用,端互联实现应用场景、工程应用功率匹配、安全并网、信息互联、最大发电量渗透率接入配电网的即插即用。  相似文献   

The rapidly changing industrial scene is viewed from both a local and an international perspective. It is maintained that the adoption of high-technology manufacturing methods is no longer optional, but forms part of a critical strategy for the survival of any country. The basis for this claim is that technology has now become universally available and whoever uses it wins. To highlight this, a background to the information revolution and to the role that information technology is playing in manufacturing is provided  相似文献   

Rehabilitation engineering: towards a systematic process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two parts of the rehabilitation engineering process, client assessment and task analysis, are examined, and an approach to further delineate and systematize these components is described. The tasks of the rehabilitation engineer are taken to be the selection of appropriate available assistive devices and the design of new devices that will enable a handicapped client to accomplish a life task for which he or she would otherwise by physically disabled. Generalizable concepts and speculations on new tools that are perceived to be needed to help rehabilitation engineers do their job are emphasized. Human performance concepts are used as a basis for analyzing processes. Analogies from traditional engineering design and practice are used for insight.  相似文献   

Towards a robust BCI: error potentials and online learning.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Recent advances in the field of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have shown that BCIs have the potential to provide a powerful new channel of communication, completely independent of muscular and nervous systems. However, while there have been successful laboratory demonstrations, there are still issues that need to be addressed before BCIs can be used by nonexperts outside the laboratory. At IDIAP Research Institute, we have been investigating several areas that we believe will allow us to improve the robustness, flexibility, and reliability of BCIs. One area is recognition of cognitive error states, that is, identifying errors through the brain's reaction to mistakes. The production of these error potentials (ErrP) in reaction to an error made by the user is well established. We have extended this work by identifying a similar but distinct ErrP that is generated in response to an error made by the interface, (a misinterpretation of a command that the user has given). This ErrP can be satisfactorily identified in single trials and can be demonstrated to improve the theoretical performance of a BCI. A second area of research is online adaptation of the classifier. BCI signals change over time, both between sessions and within a single session, due to a number of factors. This means that a classifier trained on data from a previous session will probably not be optimal for a new session. In this paper, we present preliminary results from our investigations into supervised online learning that can be applied in the initial training phase. We also discuss the future direction of this research, including the combination of these two currently separate issues to create a potentially very powerful BCI.  相似文献   

This study reports on the synthesis and characterization of a novel magnetic nano-material, Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles/mobile crystalline material-41 (Fe3O4 MNP-MCM-41) for sensing some cardiovascular drugs. For the first time, as-synthesized Fe3O4 MNP-MCM-41 is engineered to specifically and effectively capture and enhancement the electrochemical signals of some cardiovascular drugs at different pH due to the synergy among MCM-41 and magnetic nanoparticles. We have illustrated that the as-obtained Fe3O4 MNP-MCM-41 exhibited a much higher electroactivity individual bare carbon past electrode (CPE) for the electrooxidation and detection of selected cardiovascular drugs. Magnetic and specific properties of the Fe3O4 MNP-MCM-41 can be exploited to capture and pre-concentration the selected cardiovascular drugs onto its surface, which are important for detection of multi-drugs. The proposed method was successfully applied to determine selected drugs in human serum, yielding satisfactory results. In general, Fast response time, excellent catalytic activity, lower overvoltage and ease of preparation are the advantages of the proposed nano-sensor.  相似文献   

Although energy resource sustainability has been researched extensively, the understanding of how we use and interact with electricity sustainably is less understood. New electrical designs, like microgrids, provide opportunities to better address the immediate needs of electrical sustainability and urban development. This paper analyzes the role of microgrids in urban development and examines how greater systemic thinking between infrastructure planning and energy policymaking can increase a city’s resilience.  相似文献   

The Neurochip BCI is an autonomously operating interface between an implanted computer chip and recording and stimulating electrodes in the nervous system. By converting neural activity recorded in one brain area into electrical stimuli delivered to another site, the Neurochip BCI could form the basis for a simple, direct neural prosthetic. In tests with normal, unrestrained monkeys, the Neurochip continuously recorded activity of single neurons in primary motor cortex for several weeks at a time. Cortical activity was correlated with simultaneously-recorded electromyogram (EMG) activity from arm muscles during free behavior. In separate experiments with anesthetized monkeys, we found that microstimulation of the cervical spinal cord evoked movements of the arm and hand, often involving multiple muscles synergies. These observations suggest that spinal microstimulation controlled by cortical neurons could help compensate for damaged corticospinal projections.  相似文献   

In the Filtered‐x Least‐Mean‐Square (FxLMS)‐based Active Noise Control (ANC), the convergence speed of the adaptation process has a direct relationship to a scalar parameter, called the step size. There is a theoretical upper‐bound for the step size beyond which the system becomes unstable. However, the step size is usually set to a number smaller than its upper‐bound in practice. This is because for relatively large step sizes, the adaptation process becomes very sensitive to any non‐stationary change in acoustic noise. Owing to this trade‐off, real‐time implementation of high‐performance ANC systems becomes challenging. To overcome this problem, this paper develops a novel ANC algorithm in which a recursive filter compensates for influences of the step size increase on the system performance. It is shown that this filter can efficiently increase the step size upper‐bound; consequently, the performance of the system is improved. This improvement is demonstrated using computer simulation. Also, experimental results shows the preference of the proposed algorithm to the traditional FxLMS‐based ANC algorithm in practice. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对亚临界350 MW机组在线性能计算结果与机组性能试验结果进行了对比分析.锅炉效率在线计算与锅炉性能试验结果偏差仅为0.08%,汽轮机热耗在线计算与汽轮机性能试验结果偏差约为0.6%,表明机组在线性能计算结果与性能试验结果偏差较小;由1周内煤耗曲线得出在线性能计算的煤耗与长期统计值相符合;通过对在线性能计算结果与性能试验结果的对比分析,证明了机组在线性能计算方法准确,可长期反映机组运行的经济性.  相似文献   

Software PID controllers have become a standard component of automation with PLCs (programmable logic controllers) and work together with classical sequential function charts in the same processing units. However, traditional methods for the computer‐aided design of control systems often involve high mathematical effort and are usually implemented on additional PCs that are only connected for commissioning purposes. Therefore a new, very simple concept for self‐tuning PID controllers will be presented, which is implemented together with the controller on the PLC and which enables automatic tuning without prior knowledge of the process. The concept is designed specifically for temperature control, but can also be used for other control loops in the process industry which show stable time‐lag dynamics and allow sufficient setpoint steps. For users, the most important advantage is the drastic reduction of commissioning time and effort. If, for example, there are 10 temperature loops in one machine, the successive tuning of all 10 controllers used to require several days. With the new concept, there is no longer any need for dedicated tuning. The self‐tuning of all control loops is performed automatically and simultaneously on machine startup. Control performance is better than it is with the traditionally designed PID controllers, particularly for slow temperature processes. The concept is based on a systematic startup sequence to explore process dynamics, a modified inflection point method for process identification and a separation of setpoint and disturbance control. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   



State-of-the-art MR techniques that rely on echo planar imaging (EPI), such as real-time fMRI, are limited in their applicability by both subject motion and B0 field inhomogeneities. The goal of this work is to demonstrate that in principle it is possible to accurately predict the B0 field inhomogeneities that occur during echo planar imaging in the presence of large scale head motion and apply this knowledge for distortion correction.  相似文献   

Rex Watton 《组合铁电体》2013,141(2):175-186

Large arrays of bolometer elements offer uncooled and simple operation, and a thermal imaging performance which challenges the cooled semiconductor (photon) detectors. A hybrid array technology, exploiting the pyroelectric property of ferroelectric ceramic materials in the bolometer elements, is the basis of a successful range of linear and 2-D arrays. However, other technologies will compete for cost effectiveness in large area devices. Direct integration of ferroelectric thin films onto suitable thermal microstructures on the silicon readout IC is attractive if deposition processes which are compatible with the silicon IC are established. Deposited lead based perovskite films show considerable potential. Thin film resistance bolometers will also compete, and have some advantages of compatibility in fabrication.  相似文献   

Meteorological changes urge engineering communities to look for sustainable and clean energy technologies to keep the environment safe by reducing CO2 emissions. The structure of these technologies relies on the deep integration of advanced data-driven techniques which can ensure efcient energy generation, transmission, and distribution. After conducting thorough research for more than a decade, the concept of the smart grid (SG) has emerged, and its practice around the world paves the ways for efcient use of reliable energy technology. However, many developing features evoke keen interest and their improvements can be regarded as the next-generation smart grid (NGSG). Also, to deal with the non-linearity and uncertainty, the emergence of data-driven NGSG technology can become a great initiative to reduce the diverse impact of non-linearity. This paper exhibits the conceptual framework of NGSG by enabling some intelligent technical features to ensure its reliable operation, including intelligent control, agent-based energy conversion, edge computing for energy management, internet of things (IoT) enabled inverter, agent-oriented demand side management, etc. Also, a study on the development of data-driven NGSG is discussed to facilitate the use of emerging data-driven techniques (DDTs) for the sustainable operation of the SG. The prospects of DDTs in the NGSG and their adaptation challenges in real-time are also explored in this paper from various points of view including engineering, technology, et al. Finally, the trends of DDTs towards securing sustainable and clean energy evolution from the NGSG technology in order to keep the environment safe is also studied, while some major future issues are highlighted. This paper can ofer extended support for engineers and researchers in the context of data-driven technology and the SG.  相似文献   

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