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Henri Lefebvre's right to the city concept is increasingly used to challenge the development prerogatives associated with neoliberal development. These challenges are more common as gentrification becomes a global urban strategy. This article is an empirical investigation that examines competing claims to community legitimacy and authenticity in a conflict over gentrification in a Philadelphia neighborhood. This conflict emerged in Fishtown when long‐time established residents went head to head with upper‐income gentrifiers over the location of a casino in the neighborhood. Place‐based identities and the temporal connection individuals had to Fishtown contributed to the differences in perspectives on the costs and benefits of the casino and on the legitimacy of long‐time residents versus newcomers to be representative voices on behalf of Fishtown. The findings illuminate problems in applying the right to the city to neighborhood struggles when communities are divided over what constitutes a benefit to the community. The right to the city may not be a universal claim, particularly within a neoliberal urban context.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Theory suggests that in the long term, gentrification—which I define as the phenomenon where wealthier individuals move into lower‐income areas—should decrease neighborhood crime. In the short term, however, anecdotal evidence indicates that gentrification actually increases crime, perhaps due to the relative difference in status between newcomers and existing residents, and to increased opportunities for criminal behavior. Further, consumers’ choice of residential location depends on crime rates, creating simultaneity that likely biases estimates that overlook this concern. I exploit the 1994 Northridge earthquake in Los Angeles and subsequent short‐term government‐sponsored home financing incentives as an instrument to control for this endogeneity. The exogenous event induced middle‐ and upper‐income individuals to purchase homes in earthquake‐affected low and moderate‐income neighborhoods, which I argue is independent of the influence of crime. The results show that in the short term, gentrification increases assaults, robberies, automobile thefts, and thefts from automobiles.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recent criticisms of the coherence of theories of gentrification, the potential for its continued expansion in the 1990s, and methods for assessing its extent and significance have cast doubt on the utility of further research on the subject. This paper presents an empirical analysis of how gentrification altered the socioeconomic profile of the inner areas of four US cities between 1960 and 1990. Field surveys are conducted to delineate areas of visible housing reinvestment in Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and Washington, DC. Stepwise discriminant analysis of tract-level census data indicates that the degree to which gentrification reverses the urban status gradient is mediated by the context in which the process occurs. While restricted in magnitude, gentrification inscribes remarkably similar changes in socioeconomic composition in different cities and signifies a new and distinct dimension of urban socio-spatial structure.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Structural inequalities in American public education are inextricably tied to deep‐seated patterns of racial and economic segregation. Children in poor neighborhoods are less likely to have the household resources, neighborhood institutions, or school amenities necessary for a good, challenging education. In response, a growing number of organizations have launched initiatives to simultaneously revitalize neighborhoods and improve public education, emphasizing youth participation as an essential component in their efforts. We draw upon ethnographic data from two such organizations to examine their practice of place‐based critical pedagogy in community development. We focus on how they engage marginalized, “hard‐to‐reach” youth via (1) experiential learning, to counter high‐stakes testing models and cultivate a sense of ownership in the local community, and (2) empowered deliberative action, in contextualized ways. The tensions embedded in these organizations’ complex efforts have implications for other groups of marginalized youth engaged in community development, especially in their attempts to help students gain concrete outcomes in community development and achieve long‐term sustainability.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study examined the recent literature on gentrification and analyzed four census tracts in a gentrifying area in the City of Baltimore. The author employed data from the 1980 and 1990 censuses to compare changes in population, residential sales, property values, and housing densities. Evidence was found that mixed reinvestment by the government and private sector altered the economic and racial characteristics of the area in ways somewhat inconsistent with earlier findings. Typical characteristics of gentrification, such as new construction, steeply rising property values, and reduced housing densities, occurred side by side with increases in the number of minority residents and in the availability of subsidized housing. The study points to the need to look closely at specific areas within gentrifying neighborhoods to discover important variations hidden in summary data.  相似文献   

上海郊区宅基地置换试点模式及案例研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2004年7月开始实施的上海郊区宅基地置换试点,是促进郊区城市化发展的具有试验性的公共政策。按照试点选择及运作特点,将宅基地置换试点归纳为四类模式并选择其中的典型案例进行比较研究,有利于分析置换试点在不同社会经济条件下的运行机制、政策绩效和面临的问题,总结试点经验并提出可行建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The article examines the emergence of urban countercultures and social movements in Christiania, Copenhagen, and Haga, Gothenburg in the context of the Scandinavian welfare state, from the 1970s to the present. Specifically, it investigates the relations between urban governance, gentrification processes, and social movements in the urban restructuring of Scandinavian cities. While Christiania today remains a space for counterculture, the struggle to save Haga contributed to a gentrification of the district, as it became officially “re‐evaluated” and upgraded. The article examines the similarities and differences in the urban movement trajectories in these two cases, highlighting their “place politics of open space.”  相似文献   

北京郊区分布广泛的历史文化村落是北京历史文化资源的重要组成部分,但其存续现状已不容乐观。文章在对北京东郊历史文化村落开展大量实地调研的基础上,补充修正现有建设部所颁布的《中国历史文化名镇(村)评价指标体系》,对该区域村落保护与发展的现状予以综合评价,并据此从中遴选出21个"推荐村落",同时,针对性地提出保护策略。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper examines the effect of continuing gentrification on household displacement in London. The author analyzes the geography and selectivity of migration. She found that long-range displacement from gentrifying areas affects progressively higher status households. Migrations over short distances are characteristic of low status households. This bifurcation is exploreed in relation to the integration of structure-based and agency-based approaches to the explanation of gentrification.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In the face of increasing migration by Latinos to suburbs and multi‐scalar policies criminalizing immigrants, municipalities are increasingly confronting the question, Who has the Right to the Suburb? We seek to better understand how the tensions between suburbanites and Latino immigrants are addressed by municipal governments as immigration enforcement is increasingly rescaled to the local level. Case studies of Maywood and Costa Mesa in Southern California suggest responses are by no means similar and can actually be contrasting, given the city's historical trajectories, socio‐economic status, political leadership, and networks of activists. Suburban struggles are often assumed to be conservative and as a result are undertheorized as sites of liberatory struggle. While the urban realm remains the most visible stage of social movements, this paper suggests immigrant activism is increasingly being generated in suburbs, election‐based organizing can be an effective gateway to municipal level change, and seeking to expand or constrict the Right to the City necessarily entails multi‐scalar efforts.  相似文献   

北京电视中心演播中心包括8个演播室、4个舞台区和观众厅、楼电梯间等辅助结构。演播室和舞台区墙体厚600~800mm,单面墙体长24.8~44.3m,墙体单侧或两侧无楼板,最多跨越4层,高度24.2m。观众厅、楼电梯间等辅助结构墙体厚度2001000mm,层高5.0~7.8m。  相似文献   

中国中产阶层化过程、特征与评价——以南京为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在城市更新改造过程中,中产阶层化现象开始在我国城市中出现。中国中产阶层化是在全球化背景下,由政府推动,投资者、金融机构和中产阶层等共同参与的社会空间再造过程。为了解我国现阶段中产阶层化的发育程度与演化机制,采取实地调研与问卷访谈等研究手段,对南京中产阶层化过程进行探讨。认为南京中产阶层化过程经历了孕育、发生和快速发展三个时期;宏观上表现为中产阶层向城市中心集聚、封闭社区整体植入等空间特征;微观上中产阶层化社区文化与阶层认同正在不断发育与成熟。在中产阶层化过程中,需要警惕如空间私有化、阶层排斥加剧与公平性缺失等社会负面效应。随着大规模城市拆迁接近尾声和《物权法》等法规政策的出台,中国以城市更新为契机的第一波中产阶层化过程即将进入平稳缓行阶段。  相似文献   

以四川省阿坝藏族自治州某隧道为背景,进行地质勘查和数据监测,分析该隧道初支变形的因素和可能产生的危害,并提出了加固方案。同时应用有限元软件模拟加固处理后的隧道,得到的等效塑性应变仅为监测数据的1/3左右,认为该方案可以作为工程的处理方案。  相似文献   

建筑的"场所性"不仅能引起人们对其视觉环境的关注与思考,还能从情感方面触及人们深处的记忆,使人与环境之间产生共鸣,是观者心理要素及客观环境共同作用的结果。以"成都东郊"记忆为例,从物质和精神的层面分析了成都"东郊记忆"工业建筑的空间、形态、材质及景观方面的"场所性"特点,重点探讨旧工业建筑改造中"场所性"的营造对建筑可持续性发展的意义。  相似文献   

连拱隧道支护体系变形的现场监测及分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
与普通公路隧道相比,连拱隧道因隧道施工复杂,工序转换繁多,其变形特征更加复杂。结合某连拱隧道工程实践,在连拱隧道施工中对支护体系变形进行现场监测的基础上,分析连拱隧道支护体系变形随时间变化的规律及不同开挖工序下支护体系变形特征。监测结果表明:采用台阶法施工,能较好地控制连拱隧道的变形;在隧道施工过程中,右导洞上、下台阶开挖对支护变形影响较大,是隧道结构稳定性主要控制点;左洞上台阶和右洞下台阶开挖的纵向影响距离约为隧道跨度的2倍,右洞上台阶和左洞下台阶开挖的纵向影响距离大致为一倍隧道跨度。  相似文献   

韩贵红  吴巍 《工业建筑》2004,34(4):92-93
针对现代居住区规划 ,探讨一种对“景观概念”全新的理解、渗透和追求 ,结合实际案例 ,从道路流线空间、中心绿地景观以及室内外视觉关联三方面 ,进行了景观设计分析。  相似文献   

Based upon extensive analysis of the grievance lists, or cahiers, and popular protest literature written by the Parisian Third Estate for the convocation of the Estates General on the eve of the French Revolution of 1789, this study argues that Parisians saw a municipal government much in need of reform and were therefore unwilling to play a passive role. From the outset of this historical episode, the Parisian Third Estate, which first gathered in sixty electoral districts in April, 1789, insisted upon creating and maintaining an urban democracy. The municipal revolution which followed produced the opportunity to create government anew. In the problems seen and arguments raised in this struggle urban scholars can discern the continuities between the municipal revolution of 1789 and the dilemmas of modern urban democracies. Events such as this one should be viewed not as historical anachronisms, but as developmentally linked and still relevant to our own era.  相似文献   

Gentrification—the movement of middle income households into low income neighborhoods, subsequently displacing existing residents and upgrading the housing stock—is a relatively insignificant phenomenon when assessed against its overall contribution to housing choice and neighborhood change in the United States. Despite this, it has received a great deal of media attention, been touted by elected officials and scrutinized by academics. The discrepancy can be explained by the historical emergence of gentrification during a period when older central cities were experiencing major and seemingly irresistible decline. Gentrification promised to save those cities, and fit prevailing ideologies. Gentrification became an ideological event whose importance exceeded its socio-economic consequences.  相似文献   

西方绅士化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈培阳 《城市规划》2021,45(1):94-104
从绅士化概念的提出与发展入手,回顾了西方绅士化现象的阶段特征与趋势、西方绅士化研究的四个重要阶段,从绅士化的类型衍化、绅士化概念工具的再发展、绅士化效应与抵抗、新自由城市主义与绅士化、尺度转向与星球绅士化等方面分析当代西方绅士化研究的新特点。在展望西方绅士化实证研究、理论建构、后效应对与研究方法的基础上,认为中国绅士化的研究应当重点关注本体论与认识论、前置条件、结构动力与制度条件的独特性。  相似文献   

以深圳市一教学楼的护坡为例,对毛石挡墙、砼挡墙和喷锚支护3种护坡设计施工方案及其经济性进行了对比;介绍了喷锚施工的技术要点。  相似文献   

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