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Glutamate is the most abundant excitatory amino acid in the central nervous system. It has also been described as a potent toxin when present in high concentrations because excessive stimulation of its receptors leads to neuronal death. Glial influence on neuronal survival has already been shown in the central nervous system, but the mechanisms underlying glial neuroprotection are only partly known. When cells isolated from newborn rat retina were maintained in culture as enriched neuronal populations, 80% of the cells were destroyed by application of excitotoxic concentrations of glutamate. Massive neuronal death was also observed in newborn retinal cultures containing large numbers of glia, or when neurons were seeded onto feeder layers of purified cells prepared from immature (postnatal 8 day) rat retina. When newborn retinal neurons were seeded onto feeder layers of purified glial cells prepared from adult retinas, application of excitotoxic amino acids no longer led to neuronal death. Furthermore, neuronal death was not observed in mixed neuron/glial cultures prepared from adult retina. However, in all cases (newborn and adult) application of kainate led to amacrine cell-specific death. Activity of glutamine synthetase, a key glial enzyme involved in glutamate detoxification, was assayed in these cultures in the presence or absence of exogenous glutamate. Whereas pure glial cultures alone (from young or adult retina) showed low activity that was not stimulated by glutamate addition, mixed or co-cultured neurons and adult glia exhibited up to threefold higher levels of activity following glutamate treatment. These data indicate that two conditions must be satisfied to observe glial neuroprotection: maturation of glutamine synthetase expression, and neuron-glial signalling through glutamate-elicited responses.  相似文献   

Ganglioside (GG) and neurotrophic growth factor (GF) interactions in retinal neuronal and glial cells have been very little studied. Rat retinas were mechanically separated into outer (photoreceptor or PR) and inner (other neurons, IR) halves by planar vibratome sectioning and retinal Müller glial (RMG) cells were isolated and cultured according to previously published methods. The distribution on a percent molar basis of individual GG was different between the two halves: PR were dominated by GD3 (48% total GG) and contained only trace amounts (< 4%) of complex species (GT1b, GQ); IR was more typical of mature brain tissue, exhibiting substantial amounts (approximately 25%) of more complex GG. The GG profile of RMG cells was also simple, dominated by GM3 (60%) and GD1a (20%). A single addition to the medium of 500 pM bFGF or EGF for 48 hr to cultured RMG cells led to significant increases in total GG levels of 30-40%. Such treatments by both growth factors induced increases in GM3, whereas longer exposure (96 hr) of confluent RMG to these factors additionally stimulated synthesis of more complex GG. Incubations of RMG with [3H]-glucosamine showed that GG synthesis was 2-fold stimulated by growth factors. We also tested the effect of GM3 on one of the bFGF receptor transduction pathways, namely PI-3 kinase activation. To our knowledge these data constitute the first demonstration of neurotrophic factor stimulation of GG levels in cells of CNS in vitro. Such complex interactions may have particularly important consequences for neural physiopathology.  相似文献   

Calcium signals were recorded from glial cells in acutely isolated rat retina to determine whether Ca2+ waves occur in glial cells of intact central nervous system tissue. Chemical (adenosine triphosphate), electrical, and mechanical stimulation of astrocytes initiated increases in the intracellular concentration of Ca2+ that propagated at approximately 23 micrometers per second through astrocytes and Müller cells as intercellular waves. The Ca2+ waves persisted in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ but were largely abolished by thapsigargin and intracellular heparin, indicating that Ca2+ was released from intracellular stores. The waves did not evoke changes in cell membrane potential but traveled synchronously in astrocytes and Müller cells, suggesting a functional linkage between these two types of glial cells. Such glial Ca2+ waves may constitute an extraneuronal signaling pathway in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Mammalian astrocytes convert glutamate to glutamine and bee retinal glial cells convert pyruvate to alanine. To maintain such amination reactions these glial cells may take up NH4+/NH3. We have studied the entry of NH4+/NH3 into bundles of glial cells isolated from bee retina by using the fluorescent dye BCECF to measure pH. Ammonium caused intracellular pH to decrease by a saturable process: the rate of change of pH was maximal for an ammonium concentration of about 5 mM. This acidifying response to ammonium was abolished by the loop diuretic bumetanide (100 microM) and by removal of extracellular Cl-. These results strongly suggest that ammonium enters the cell by contransport of NH4+ with Cl-. Removal of extracellular Na+ did not abolish the NH(4+)-induced acidification. The NH(4+)-induced pH change was unaffected when nearly all K+ conductance was blocked with 5 mM Ba2+ showing that NH4+ did not enter through Ba(2+)-sensitive ion channels. Application of 2 mM NH4+ led to a large increase in total intracellular proton concentration estimated to exceed 13.5 mEq/L. As the cell membrane appeared to be permeable to NH3, we suggest that when NH4+ entered the cells, NH3 left, so that protons were shuttled into the cell. This shuttle, which was strongly dependent on internal and external pH, was quantitatively modelled. In retinal slices, 2 mM NH4+ alkalinized the extracellular space: this alkalinization was reduced in the absence of bath Cl-. We conclude that NH4+ enters the glial cells in bee retina on a cotransporter with functional similarities to the NH4+(K+)-Cl- cotransporter described in kidney cells.  相似文献   

During the development of the Drosophila visual system, photoreceptor (retinal) axons (R axons) project retino-topically to their targets in the optic lobes. The establishment of this precise pattern of connections does not depend on interactions between adjacent axon bundles, suggesting that R axons rely on environmental signals for proper pathfinding. Glial cells that are located along the R-axon trajectory are likely candidates to provide guidance cues for R-axon navigation. This study defines the origin of lamina glia (L glia), and demonstrates that L glia migrate into the lamina over a considerable distance. Glia are located in positions at which the R axons make critical growth choices. In the absence of cues from the eye, several classes of glia migrate to their final positions within the optic lobe anlage and begin to differentiate. Our results are consistent with a role for the glia in providing guidance cues to the R axons.  相似文献   

Plasma can leak into the nervous system when the vascular endothelial barrier is compromised. Although this occurs commonly, little is known about the effects of plasma on the function of cells in the central nervous system. In this study, we focused on the responses of glial cells, which, because they ensheathe the blood vessels, are the first cells exposed to leaking plasma. We used the perforated-patch configuration of the patch-clamp technique to assess the effects of plasma on freshly dissociated bovine and human Müller cells, the principal glia of the retina. To monitor the function of Müller cells in situ, we recorded electroretinograms from isolated retinas. We found that plasma activates an electrogenic glutamate transporter and inhibits inward-rectifying K+ channels, as well as a transient outward current. Glutamate, a normal constituent of the blood, mimicked these effects. Unlike our recent findings with serum, which contains molecules generated by the clotting process, plasma neither activated a nonspecific cation conductance nor inhibited the slow P(III) component of the electroretinogram, which is generated by Müller cells responding to light-evoked changes in the extracellular potassium concentration ([K+]o). Taken together, our observations indicate that a leakage of serum into the retina compromises the regulation of [K+]o by Müller cells; however, when plasma enters the retina at sites of a breakdown in the blood-retinal barrier, these glia can maintain K+ homeostasis while reducing the potentially neurotoxic levels of glutamate.  相似文献   

Aberrations in the function of alpha-catenin (alpha-cat), the anchoring protein of E-cadherin, are believed to cause dysfunction of the cadherin-catenin complex, leading to disturbed cell-cell adhesion. It has been suggested that expression of alpha-cat in human tumours might be a better indicator of aggressive phenotype than expression of E-cadherin. The value of alpha-cat as a prognostic marker in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) is unclear. To determine the potential prognostic significance of alpha-cat, paraffin-embedded samples from 159 patients with invasive carcinoma left in the section and with long-term follow-up were evaluated immuno-histochemically for alpha-cat expression, and the results were related to histopathological grade, tumour stage and survival. Two patterns of staining were observed: pure membranous staining (57%) and membranous staining with cytoplasmic involvement (43%). Cytoplasmic involvement of alpha-cat was associated with dedifferentiation, advanced tumour stage and nodal status. In addition, supra-glottic tumours showed more often cytoplasmic involvement of alpha-cat than glottic tumours. Patients with cytoplasmic involvement appeared to have a trend towards poor overall survival, though without statistical significance. These results suggest that cytoplasmic involvement of alpha-cat is associated with aggressive behaviour and metastatic phenotype of LSCC.  相似文献   

The authors have developed a rapid and convenient method for purification of a low molecular weight form (delta 10) of the bacterial plasminogen activator, staphylokinase. Recombinant staphylokinase is expressed in Escherichia coli, with an amino terminal extension that facilitated purification by immobilized metal-affinity chromatography. Purified staphylokinase is treated with human plasminogen, and the resulting truncated form is purified using a combination of immobilized metal affinity chromatography and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Purified protein is characterized by amino terminal sequencing and in vitro plasminogen activation assay.  相似文献   

We compared the inward K+ currents of Müller glial cells from healthy and pathologically changed human retinas. To this purpose, the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique was performed on noncultured Müller cells acutely isolated from human retinas. Cells originated from retinas of four healthy organ donors and of 24 patients suffering from different vitreoretinal and chorioretinal diseases. Müller cells from organ donors displayed inward K+ currents in the whole-cell mode similar to those found in other species. In contrast, this pattern was clearly changed in the Müller cells from patient retinas. In whole-cell recordings many Müller cells had strongly decreased inward K+ current amplitudes or lost these currents completely. Thus, the mean input resistance of Müller cells from patients was significantly increased to 1,129 +/- 812 M omega, compared to 279 +/- 174 M omega in Müller cells from healthy organ donor retinas. Accordingly, since the membrane potential is mainly determined by the K+ inward conductance in healthy Müller cells, a large amount of Müller cells from patient retinas had a membrane potential which was significantly lower than that of Müller cells from control eyes. The mean membrane potentials were -37 +/- 24 mV and -63 +/- 25 mV for patient and donor Müller cells, respectively. The newly described membrane characteristic changes of Müller cells from patient eyes are assumed to interfere severely with normal retinal function: (1) the retinal K+ homeostasis, which is partly regulated by the Müller cell-mediated spatial buffering, should be disturbed, and (2) the diminished membrane potential should influence voltage-dependent transporter systems of the Müller cells, e.g., the Na(+)-dependent glutamate uptake.  相似文献   

Müller cells constitute the principal glia of the vertebrate retina. Unlike other types of neuroglial cells such as astrocytes and Schwann cells, Müller cells have not yet been demonstrated to express Na+ channels. Here we present first evidence of Müller cell Na+ currents from voltage-clamp studies in enzymatically isolated cells. Some cells from retinae of cats and dogs, but none from rabbit or guinea-pig retinae, revealed fast and rapidly inactivating inward currents in response to depolarizing voltage steps. The currents reversibly disappeared in Na+ free solutions or under tetrodotoxin (TTX, 1 microM). Activation and inactivation characteristics of these currents were strikingly similar to those of neurone-type Na+ channels.  相似文献   

Arachidonic acid, which is thought to be involved in pathogenetic mechanisms of the central nervous system, has been shown previously to modulate neuronal ion channels and the glutamate uptake carrier of retinal glial (Müller) cells. We have used various configurations of the patch-clamp technique to determine the effects of arachidonic acid on the K+ currents of freshly isolated Müller glial cells from rabbit and human. Arachidonic acid reduced the peak amplitude of the transient (A-type) outward K+ currents in a dose-dependent and reversible manner, with a 50% reduction achieved by 4.1 microM arachidonic acid. The inward rectifier-mediated currents remained unchanged after arachidonic acid application. The amplitude of the Ca(2+)-activated K+ outward currents (KCa), which were blocked by 1 mM tetraethylammonium chloride and 40 nM iberiotoxin, respectively, was dose-dependently elevated by bath application of arachidonic acid. The activation curve of the KCa currents shifted towards more negative membrane potentials. Furthermore, arachidonic acid was found to suppress inwardly directed Na+ currents. In cell-attached recordings with 3 mM K+ in the bath and 130 mM K+ in the pipette, the KCa channels of rabbit Müller cells displayed a linear current-voltage relation, with a mean slope conductance of 102 pS. In excised patches, the slope conductance was 220 pS (150 mM K+i/130 mM K+o). The opening probability of the KCa channels increased during membrane depolarization and during elevation of the free Ca2+ concentration at the intracellular face of the membrane patches. Bath application of arachidonic acid caused a reversible increase of the single-channel opening probability, as well as an increase of the number of open channels. Arachidonic acid did not affect the single-channel conductance. Since arachidonic acid also stimulates the KCa channel activity in excised patches, the action of arachidonic acid is assumed to be independent of changes of the intracellular calcium concentration. Our results demonstrate that arachidonic acid exerts specific effects on distinct types of K+ channels in retinal glial, cells. In pathological cases, elevated arachidonic acid levels may contribute to prolonged Müller cell depolarizations, and to the initiation of reactive glial cell proliferation.  相似文献   

No reliable culture system exists for B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Recently we found that many different mature B-cell malignancies proliferate upon stimulation via the CD40 antigen, and this led us to investigate whether a similar CD40 activation on ALL cells could also induce proliferation. First, we measured CD40 expression in 21 ALL cases; all were CD40+, although mostly weak. Next, we triggered the CD40 antigen by anti-CD40 antibodies and by a CD40 ligand-expressing cell line. In addition, we measured the influence of IL-3, IL-4 and IL-7 with and without these stimuli. In 8/10 cases proliferation, measured by 3H-thymidine incorporation, could be induced after CD40 crosslinking, especially in the presence of IL-3. Stimulation via the CD40 ligand was more successful than using crosslinked anti-CD40 antibodies. IL-4 inhibited the spontaneous proliferation found in three cases, but stimulated proliferation after CD40 crosslinking. IL-7 did not contribute to proliferation. Morphology, immunophenotyping and surface marker analysis, combined with DNA flow cytometry confirmed that the proliferation found could be ascribed to the ALL cells. In conclusion, B-lineage ALL cases are CD40+, and many can be cultured using CD40 stimulation and IL-3.  相似文献   

1. The use of the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A (CsA) is limited by two major side effects, nephrotoxicity and hypertension, which are caused by drug-induced local vasoconstriction. We have recently shown that CsA potentiates the contraction of isolated resistance arteries to vasoconstrictor hormones and increases the calcium response to these agents in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). The goal of the present study was to investigate further the molecular mechanism(s) involved in these effects. 2. Stimulation of VSMC with [Arg]8 vasopressin (AVP) induced a concentration-dependent increase in total inositol phosphates (InsP) and cellular calcium response (as measured by 45Ca2+ efflux). Preincubation of VSMC with CsA increased both InsP formation and 45Ca2+ efflux. 3. The potentiating effect of CsA on AVP-elicited InsP formation and 45Ca2+ efflux was inhibited by co-incubation with the protein synthesis inhibitors actinomycin D and cycloheximide, indicating that CsA acted on gene expression. 4. Binding experiments with [3H]-AVP on VSMC showed that CsA increased the number of AVP receptors by about two fold without affecting receptor affinity. Actinomycin D completely blocked this increase. 5. These results demonstrate for the first time that incubation of VSMC with CsA increases the expression of AVP receptors, resulting in a potentiation of InsP formation and calcium response upon stimulation with AVP. This effect of CsA is likely to occur with other vasoconstrictor hormone receptors as well and could be a key mechanism in the induction of vasoconstriction, and subsequent drug-induced nephrotoxicity and hypertension.  相似文献   

A well-known feature of the mammalian retina is the inverse relation that exists in central and peripheral retina between the density of retinal ganglion cells and their dendritic field sizes. Functionally, this inverse relation is thought to represent a means by which retinal coverage is maintained, despite significant changes in ganglion cell density. While it is generally agreed that the dendritic fields of mature retinal ganglion cells reflect, in part, competitive interactions that occur during development, the issue of whether these interactions are cell class specific remains unclear. In order to examine this question, we used intracellular staining techniques and an in vitro, living retina preparation to compare the soma and dendritic field sizes of alpha and beta ganglion cells from normal retinae with those of cells located in matched areas of retinae in which the density of beta ganglion cells had been reduced selectively by neonatal removal of visual cortex areas 17, 18, and 19. Our intracellular data show that while an early, selective, reduction in beta cell density has little or no effect on the cell body and dendritic field sizes of mature alpha cells, it results in a 13% increase in the mean soma area and an 83% increase in the mean dendritic field area of surviving beta cells. This differential effect suggests that the soma and dendritic field sizes of alpha and beta ganglion cells in the mature cat retina result primarily from competitive interactions during development that are cell class specific.  相似文献   

The role of late restitution of blood volume after hemorrhage in cardiovascular stabilization was examined in awake, splenectomized dogs. Cardiovascular variables were measured: at 2 hours after hemorrhage, changes were noted in cardiac output, mean arterial pressure, heart rate, stroke volume, arterial pressure, and CVP in three hemorrhage groups (p less than 0.05), and in total peripheral resistance for 15 ml/kg and 22.5 ml/kg hemorrhage groups (p less than 0.05). At 24 hours after hemorrhage, the degree of restitution of blood volume was correlated with cardiac output (p less than 0.01), stroke volume (p less than 0.02), and total peripheral resistance (p less than 0.01). No correlation was noted with heart rate, CVP, or mean arterial pressure. Blood volume restitution was correlated with degree of hemorrhage throughout the 24-hour period of investigation. Plasma protein content restitution and blood volume restitution were correlated with changes in osmolality. The results suggest thatcardiovascular stabilization after hemorrhage is a function of the degree of restitution of blood volume mediated through a shift of fluids to the interstitutium, mediated in turn by extracellular hyperosmolality.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We investigated the bile duct wall thickness measured on intraductal US in patients who had not undergone biliary drainage, with special attention to the influence of cancer at the distal bile duct, bile duct stones, obstructive jaundice, longitudinal cancer extension, and primary sclerosing cholangitis on wall thickness. METHODS: The study included 183 patients. Patients who had undergone previous biliary drainage were excluded. Intraductal US was performed by the transpapillary route with use of a thin-caliber ultrasonic probe (2.0 mm diameter, 20 MHz frequency). The bile duct wall thickness (width of the inside hypoechoic layer) was retrospectively measured on US images. RESULTS: Bile duct wall thicknesses of the common hepatic duct for the control group (n = 95), cancer at the distal bile duct group (n = 9), bile duct stone group (n = 56), and obstructive jaundice group (n = 17) were 0.6 +/- 0.3 mm (mean +/- SD), 0.8 +/- 0.5 mm, 0.8 +/- 0.6 mm, and 0.8 +/- 0. 5 mm, respectively. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were found between them. However, wall thickness for the cancer extension to the common hepatic duct group (n = 4, 2.0 +/- 0.4 mm) and sclerosing cholangitis group (n = 2, 2.5 +/- 0.4 mm) were significantly greater than in the other groups (p < 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: In patients who have not undergone previous biliary drainage, the bile duct wall thickness was not thicker in patients with obstructive jaundice. However, the duct wall was significantly thicker in patients with either longitudinal cancer extension or primary sclerosing cholangitis compared with that of other groups.  相似文献   

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