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This study was designed to determine the effect of different sperm preparation treatments before IVF on the acrosome reaction, oocyte penetration time, early embryo development and timing of female and male pronucleus formation. Pooled sperm-rich fractions were (i) washed in PBS, (ii) left unwashed, or (iii) layered in a Percoll gradient. In Expt 1, the proportion of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa, determined by staining with fluorescein isothyocyanate-labelled peanut agglutinin lectin and propidium iodide, was highest after treatment with Percoll (P < 0.001). In Expt 2, oocytes matured in vitro were co-cultured with spermatozoa for 2, 4 or 6 h. Attached spermatozoa were then removed and the oocytes were cultured in fresh IVF medium for 16 h. Both sperm treatment and co-culture time were found to affect penetrability and monospermy rates (P < 0.001); spermatozoa treated with Percoll showed fastest oocyte penetration and highest penetrability. In Expt 3, matured oocytes were co-incubated with spermatozoa pretreated by the three above mentioned procedures (i, ii, iii) for 2, 6 and 2 h respectively. Putative zygotes were then washed and transferred to medium NCSU-23 until the blastocyst stage. In this experiment, sperm treatment had a significant effect on the cleavage rate (P < 0.001) and rate of blastocyst formation (P < 0.05); the group treated with Percoll showed the highest rate of blastocyst formation. Finally, in Expt 4, timing of female and male pronucleus formation for each sperm treatment was determined 4, 6 and 8 h after insemination. The time of female and male pronucleus formation was affected by the sperm treatment and was faster for the Percoll group (P < 0.05). The findings of the present study indicate that treatment with Percoll yields the best results in this in vitro pig embryo production system.  相似文献   

The effects of stimulation and suppression of uterine contractility at about the time of insemination on sperm distribution and fertilization in multiparous sows are described. For assessment of fertilization, sows were inseminated about 28 h before (synchronized) ovulation and killed at day 5 after ovulation (n = 53). For assessment of sperm distribution, sows were inseminated about 20 h before expected ovulation and were killed 12 h later (n = 26). At 10 min before insemination, sows received an intrauterine infusion of one of three solutions: (i) saline (control); (ii) 0.60 mg clenbuterol hydrochloride to suppress contractility; or (iii) 1 mg cloprostenol to stimulate contractility. Both clenbuterol and cloprostenol reduced median fertilization rate (P < 0.05) and median number of accessory sperm cells (P < 0.05). Distribution of sperm cells was also affected by treatments. Clenbuterol increased, and cloprostenol decreased, the number of sperm cells (P < 0.05) in the proximal 20 cm of the uterine horn and in the uterotubal junction. In addition, clenbuterol tended to increase and cloprostenol tended to decrease the number of sperm cells in the isthmus, although these effects were not significant. However, relative to the number of sperm cells in the uterus, clenbuterol treatment reduced the number of sperm cells in the uterotubal junction and oviduct, in contrast to cloprostenol. Cloprostenol increased the reflux of semen during insemination. It is hypothesized that suppression of uterine contractility increases transuterine transport time, reducing the ability of sperm cells to enter the uterotubal junction and the oviduct. Stimulation of uterine contractility above a certain level probably increases reflux and impedes transuterine transport of sufficient numbers of sperm cells.  相似文献   

An antibody library against quail sperm plasma membrane components was established and a mAb, which strongly inhibits sperm perforations of the perivitelline membrane (PVM) was obtained from the library. The antigen molecule of the mAb showed an apparent molecular weight of 45 kDa, and was distributed both on the surface and in the acrosomal matrix of the sperm head. Periodate oxidation revealed that the epitope of the antigen includes a sugar moiety. Tandem mass spectrometry analysis of the antigen revealed that the mAb recognizes sperm acrosin. When sodium dodecyl sulfate-solubilized PVM immobilized on a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane was incubated with sperm plasma membrane lysates, the sperm acrosin was detected on the PVM immobilized on the membrane, indicating that the sperm acrosin interacts with the components of PVM. Indeed, the mAb effectively inhibited the binding of acrosome-intact sperm to the PVM. These results indicate that the 45 kDa sperm acrosin is involved in the binding of sperm to the PVM in fertilization of Japanese quail.  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine if a bovine sperm capacitation technique, developed with zona-free hamster oocytes, could be used for the in vitro fertilization of in vitro matured bovine zona-intact oocytes. Bovine cumulus-enclosed primary oocytes from 2- to 5-mm follicles were matured in tissue culture Medium 199 containing Earle's salts and bicarbonate and supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, FSH (10 micrograms/ml), and estradiol-17 beta (1.5 microgram/ml) for 24 h at 37 degrees C under paraffin oil. Ejaculated bovine sperm, washed thrice in bovine serum albumin-saline (pH 7.6) and capacitated for 4 h in Ca(++)-free Tyrode's medium (pH 7.6), were diluted to 2 x 10(6) sperm/ml in Medium 199 supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum. Oocytes were added (10/500 microliters droplet) to this medium containing the capacitated sperm, freeze-thawed killed sperm, or no sperm and incubated for 8 h before transfer to fresh medium and then incubated for 40 h. At the end of each incubation, a portion of the oocytes were stained and evaluated for development or fertilization. After 24 h of culture, 49% of the oocytes had matured (metaphase II). Fertilization rates were 55.6% after exposure of all oocytes to Ca(++)-free Tyrode's capacitated sperm and 82.5% if only metaphase II oocytes were selected. The parthenogenetic controls were negative (1.4% and 0%). Therefore, the Ca(++)-free Tyrode's sperm capacitation technique can be used for bovine in vitro fertilization studies.  相似文献   

Sperm-specific nuclear protamines are dissociated before decondensation of sperm nuclei during fertilization in pigs. In the present study, replacement of nuclear protein by histone in boar spermatozoa during in vitro fertilization was evaluated by immunohistochemistry using anti-histone antibody. First, the specificity of the antibody used in this study was examined. Immunohistochemistry of the testes and epididymides indicated that somatic nuclei, but not elongated spermatids or maturing spermatozoa, were immunoreactive. Furthermore, immunoreaction was diminished after the antibody had been preincubated with unfractionated histone, indicating that the antibody was specific for the somatic nuclear histone. Immunohistochemistry of serial sections of oocytes, which were matured and co-cultured with boar spermatozoa for 2 to 6 h indicated that, at 2 to 3 h after insemination, penetrating sperm nuclei in the condensed state were not immunoreactive. At 4 to 5 h after insemination, some of the condensed sperm nuclei were immunoreactive in part or over the whole area of the nucleus, and all of the decondensing nuclei and male pronuclei were immunoreactive. At 6 h after insemination, the decondensing sperm nuclei and well-developed male pronuclei were immunoreactive. These results imply that, in pigs, remodelling of sperm nuclear protein from protamine to histone is initiated at the time of sperm penetration, before onset of decondensation and male pronuclear formation.  相似文献   

Bovine sperm acquire the ability to penetrate zona-free hamster oocytes (capacitation) after incubation in TEST-yolk buffer. Our objective was to determine whether such sperm could penetrate zona-intact bovine oocytes in vitro. Bovine cumulus enclosed oocytes from 2- to 5-mm follicles were incubated in maturation medium for 24 h at 37 degrees C. Ejaculated bovine semen was diluted 1: 10 in TEST-yolk buffer, cooled to 4 degrees C, and stored for 8 h to induce capacitation. Sperm were then washed thrice in pH 7.6, .15 M NaCl containing .1% bovine serum albumin V (37 degrees C) and diluted to 2 x 10(6) sperm/ml in fertilization medium. Droplets of fertilization medium containing capacitated sperm, killed sperm, or no sperm were made under paraffin oil. Oocytes (matured 24 h) were added and cocultured with sperm for 8 h and then transferred to fresh fertilization medium for 40 h. After 24 h, 53% of the oocytes had matured (metaphase II). The fertilization rate of the metaphase II oocytes (203) with TEST-yolk capacitated sperm was 87%, whereas the parthenogenetic controls were 2 and 0%, respectively. Therefore, TEST-yolk buffer can be used to capacitate bull sperm for in vitro fertilization.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the effects of beta-mercaptoethanol (bME) during a transient co-culture of gametes for 10 min, and/or the following culture until 6-9 h after insemination, on sperm penetration of porcine in vitro maturation (IVM) oocytes and the early development in vitro. When fresh spermatozoa were cultured in various concentrations of bME for 2 h, bME neutralized the stimulatory effect of caffeine-benzoate on sperm capacitation and the spontaneous acrosome reaction at 50-250 micromol/l. When 50 micromol/l bME were added during a transient co-culture of gametes for 10 min, the sperm penetration rate was reduced 9 h after insemination (70.5-82.0% vs 90.5-94.0% in the absence of bME), but the incidence of monospermic penetration was not affected. When 50 micromol/l bME were supplemented during culture after a transient co-culture, the sperm penetration rate was not affected, but the incidence of monospermy oocytes was increased (43.9-45.8% vs 31.7-34.3% in the absence of bME). The presence of bME following a transient co-culture minimized a decrease of oocyte glutathione content at 6 h after insemination (7.9 pmol/oocyte before in vitro fertilization (IVF), 6.7 pmol/oocyte in the presence of bME vs 5.5 pmol/oocyte in the absence of bME). When the distribution of cortical granules was evaluated 1 h after activation with calcium ionophore, mean pixel intensity of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled peanut agglutinin (FITC-PNA) at the cortex region was lower in the oocytes activated and cultured in the presence of 50 micromol/l bME. Although the presence of 50 micromol/l bME during a transient co-culture for 10 min and the following culture did not increased blastocyst formation (29.6-37.7%), 50 micromol/l bME during the following culture significantly increased the mean cell numbers per blastocyst (73.3-76.4 vs 51.2 in the presence and absence of bME respectively). These results demonstrate that supplementation with bME during IVF procedures, except during a transient co-culture period of gametes in the presence of caffeine, has a beneficial effect in maintaining the function of gametes, the incidence of normal fertilization and, consequently, the quality of IVF embryos.  相似文献   

Basigin (bsg) is a transmembrane glycoprotein belonging to an immunoglobulin superfamily and is localized on the surface of the sperm tail. The behaviour of bsg during epididymal maturation and its role in fertilization were examined using an anti-bsg antibody. Spermatozoa from caput, corpus and cauda epididymides were immunostained by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF). Immunostaining revealed that bsg is localized on the principal piece of caput spermatozoa and the molecule was found on the middle piece during transit in the corpus and cauda epididymides. Concomitantly, the molecular mass of bsg was reduced from 37 kDa (testis) to 26 kDa (cauda epididymidis). IVF experiments were designed to assess the effect of anti-bsg antibody on the fertilization events. Anti-bsg antibody significantly inhibited primary binding to the cumulus-invested oocytes with intact zonae pellucidae in a dose-dependent manner. Consequently, the fertilization rate of cumulus-invested oocytes with intact zonae pellucidae was also inhibited. The bsg molecule was also detected on the head of live capacitated spermatozoa by IIF under IVF conditions. These findings indicate that testicular bsg is a glycosylated protein that undergoes molecular processing and deglycosylation during its transit in the epididymis. The bsg molecule that was detected on the sperm head after capacitation may facilitate the primary binding or might be involved in distinct events required for primary binding of spermatozoa to the zona pellucida during capacitation and sperm-cumulus interaction.  相似文献   

Males of the B10.BR-Ydel mouse strain, with a deletion in the long arm of the Y chromosome, were backcrossed to CBA females to introduce the Ydel chromosome to the genetic background of the CBA mice. The CBA-Ydel males (sixth backcross generation) had similar symptoms to those previously described for B10.BR-Ydel males (deterioration of sperm quality and of efficiency of fertilization), but these effects were much less pronounced, showing a favourable influence of the CBA genetic background. The CBA-Ydel males produced only 12% severely misshapen spermatozoa, and mating with B10.BR females gave 100% successful fertilization. Although nearly all sperm heads were abnormal (92% versus 6% in control males), most of the spermatozoa (76%) had deformation only in the acrosomal part, that is, flat heads, which were not found in the control males. These abnormalities were analysed in detail. As shown by differential staining, the acrosomes of the spermatozoa with flat heads were deformed; 18% of these acrosomes looked damaged, and often contained a vesicle, which stained in a similar way to the acrosome but lacked the reaction for acrosomal proteinase. Electron microscopy of testis sections revealed that deformations appeared already in round spermatids as distortion of the acrosomal vesicle and asymmetrical position of the acrosomal granule; in many elongating spermatids the proximal end had a flat or concave shape, and the acrosomes contained a translucent vesicle. It is possible that the genes that are missing in the Yq deletion have some important regulatory function in the course of spermiogenesis, which may explain the various sperm defects observed in Y-del males.  相似文献   

Certain components of the cytoskeleton play a role in yeast fluid-phase endocytosis as well as in endocytosis of the α-factor when this pheromone is bound to its 7-transmembrane segment receptor. The yeast maltose transporter is a 12-transmembrane segment protein that, under certain physiological conditions, is degraded in the vacuole after internalization by endocytosis. In this work, the possible role of the cytoskeleton in endocytosis of this transporter has been investigated. Using mutants defective in β-tubulin, actin and the actin-binding proteins Sac6 and Abp85, as well as nocodazole, which inhibits formation of microtubules, we have shown that actin microfilaments are involved in endocytosis of the maltose transporter whereas microtubules are not.© 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Efficient freezing, archiving, and thawing of sperm are essential techniques to support large scale research programs using mouse models of human disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of variable combinations and concentrations of cryoprotectants on sperm-assessment parameters of frozen-thawed mouse sperm in order to optimize cryopreservation protocols. Sperm was frozen using combinations of 3% skim milk + 0.2 or 0.3 M nonpermeating raffinose with either permeating glucose, fructose, propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, glycerol, or sodium pyruvate in CD-1, C3FeB6F1/J, B6129SF1, C57BL/6NCrIBR, 129S/SvPaslco, and DBA/2NCrIBR mice. Sperm-assessment parameters included progressive motility, plasma membrane integrity (SYBR-14 + PI), in vitro fertilization rate, and in vitro embryo development rate to blastocyst. DNA content analysis of sperm was measured by the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA). 0.3 M raffinose with 0.1 M fructose significantly improved post-thaw sperm-assessment parameters for CD-1, C3B6F1, B6129SF1 mice (P < 0.05-0.01), whereas 0.2 M raffinose with 0.1 M glycerol or 0.1 M fructose enhanced sperm assessment values for C57BL/6 and 129S mice (P < 0.01), compared to 0.3 M raffinose alone. DNA fragmentation during cryopreservation was significantly increased in all strains evaluated when compared with fresh control sperm in a strain-dependent manner (P < 0.01). Supplementation with permeating glycerol or fructose to the cryoprotectant (CPA) solution showed a significant protective effect to DNA integrity when cryopreserving sperm from C57BL/6 and 129S mice. Damage to sperm DNA significantly decreased the rate of in vitro embryo development to blastocyst in C57BL/6 mice. The type of monosaccharide sugar or polyols, CPA molarity, and combination of permeating and nonpermeating cryoprotectant are significant factors for improving progressive motility, plasma membrane integrity, DNA integrity, in vitro fertilization rate, and in vitro embryo development rate to blastocyst in cryopreserved mouse sperm.  相似文献   

The small GTPase Ran controls numerous cellular processes of the mitotic cell cycle. In this experiment, we investigated the localization and possible roles of Ran during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation, fertilization and early cleavage by using confocal laser scanning microscopy, antibody microinjection and microtubule disturbance. The results showed that Ran was localized mainly in the nucleus (except for the nucleolus) in the oocyte, zygote and early embryo. At pro-metaphase of meiosis I, Ran distributed throughout the cell, but predominantly concentrated around the condensed chromosomes. During the completion of meiosis I and meiosis II, it concentrated to the meiotic spindle microtubules except for the midbody region. After sperm penetration, Ran dispersed with the extrusion of the second polar body and gradually concentrated in the male and female pronuclei thereafter. Ran was also observed to exist diffusely in the cytoplasm in prophase; it concentrated at the mitotic spindle, and migrated to the nucleus during early cleavage. Ran's concentration around the spindle disappeared when microtubule assembly was inhibited by colchicine, while it was concentrated around the chromosomes after microtubule stabilization with taxol treatment. Ran did not display any role in cytokinesis during division when pseudo-cleavage of germinal vesicle-intact oocytes was induced. Anti-Ran antibody microinjection decreased the germinal vesicle breakdown and the first polar body extrusion, and distorted spindle organization and chromosome alignment. Our results indicate that Ran has a cell cycle-dependent localization and may have regulatory roles in cell cycle progression and microtubule organization in mouse oocytes, fertilized eggs and early embryos.  相似文献   

Riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) is a phosphoglycoprotein (37 kDa) that is well studied in chicken. An immunologically cross-reacting protein was identified in mammals and active immunization of male rats and bonnet monkeys with chicken RCP lead to an approximately 80% reduction in fertility. However, the physiological mechanism responsible for inhibition of male fertility has not been investigated. Moreover, information on the cell type-specific localization and the origin of immunoreactive RCP during spermatogenesis is extremely limited. Hence, studies were carried out to determine the pattern of expression of immunoreactive RCP during spermatogenesis and its role in sperm function in the golden hamster. Immunoreactive RCP was germ cell-specific, found to be associated with the acrosome-organizing region of early spermatids and showed interesting patterns of immunolocalization during late stages of spermiogenesis. Mature spermatozoa exhibited acrosome-specific localization, mainly in the peri-acrosomal membrane. The immunoreactive protein was undetectable in (non)gonadal somatic cells tested. The protein had a molecular mass of 45-55 kDa and was biosynthesized by round spermatids. The acrosome-specific localization of immunoreactive RCP was unchanged during capacitation, but it was substantially lost during acrosome reaction. Functional studies indicated that treatment of spermatozoa with anti-RCP antibodies did not have any effect on either capacitation or acrosome reaction, but markedly reduced the rate of sperm penetration into zona-free hamster oocytes. These results show the existence of male germ cell-specific immunoreactive RCP, having a potential role in sperm-egg interaction in hamsters. Also the pattern of immunoreactive-RCP localization makes it an ideal marker to monitor development of acrosome in mammalian spermatozoa.  相似文献   

In a wide range of experimental systems, a variety of both forward and reverse genetic approaches are becoming available for the study of the molecules involved in fertilization. An integration of these methods with the antibody-based and biochemical studies traditionally used in fertilization research is enabling rapid advancements in our understanding of this process. We highlight some of the recent advances resulting from these genetic methods and their applications in these systems.  相似文献   

A new method is described for reducing nitrate prior to Kjeldahl digestion of soil and crop samples. Zinc is used to reduce CrIII to CrII, which in turn reduces NO3—N. Zinc powder is mixed with the sample, a solution of CrK(SO4)2 in H2SO4 added and the mixture allowed to stand at room temperature for 2h. The usual Kjeldahl reagents (K2SO4, CuSO4 and H2SO4) are then added and the digestion completed in a digestion block at 360°C. Nitrate is quantitatively converted to NH4—N, whether on its own, in plant material or in soil.  相似文献   

The leafy tops of kenaf plants grown as a paper pulp crop were analysed to assess their potential value as a feedstuff. Procedures were investigated for incorporating ammonia nitrogen into the material to enhance its nutritive value. Nitrogen thus fixed was stable during subsequent hot-air drying of the product.  相似文献   

The sperm reservoir in the caudal isthmus of the oviduct of a number of species is created by binding of spermatozoa to oviductal epithelium. The sperm reservoir fulfills a number of functions such as control of sperm transport, maintenance of sperm viability and modulation of capacitation. The initial capacities of ejaculated and epididymal boar spermatozoa to bind to oviductal epithelium were investigated using a modified pig oviductal explant assay. The number of spermatozoa that bound to 0.01 mm(2) of explant surface was used as the parameter of binding capacity. Binding of spermatozoa to oviductal epithelial explants was dependent in a linear manner on the number of spermatozoa added (P < or = 0.05). No difference was found in initial sperm binding between isthmic and ampullar explants. There was no effect of the stage of the oestrous cycle or the reproductive status of the female donor. There was a significant effect (P < or = 0.05) of the individual boar on the binding index. The binding index correlated negatively with the percentage of spermatozoa with cytoplasmic droplets and the percentage of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa (P < or = 0.05). Epididymal spermatozoa showed significantly lower initial binding capability than did ejaculated spermatozoa from the same boars (P < or = 0.05); therefore, components of seminal plasma may play a role in the binding process. The individual differences revealed by this study and their relation to morphology and contact of spermatozoa with seminal fluid indicate a selective function of sperm-oviduct binding.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of insemination time on number of accessory sperm per embryo (ovum), fertilization rate, and embryo quality. Semen was collected from three fertile Holstein bulls and cryopreserved in egg yolk-citrate-glycerol. In experiment 1, cows were continuously monitored for behavioral estrus by the HeatWatch estrous detection system and were artificially inseminated (AI) with one 0.5-ml straw (25 x 10(6) sperm) at the onset of estrus (AI 0 h), 12 h after onset (AI 12 h), or received natural service at 0 h (Nat 0 h) from one of three bulls. From 150 inseminations, 115 embryos and ova (AI 0 h: n = 39; AI 12 h: n = 39; Nat 0 h: n = 37) were recovered 6 or 7 d after insemination. Fertilization rates differed between treatments (AI 0 h: 67%; AI 12 h: 79%; Nat 0 h: 98%). Median accessory sperm per embryo (ovum) also differed (AI 0 h: 1; AI 12 h: 10; and Nat 0 h: 27) and paralleled the fertilization rate. Embryo quality was not affected by insemination time or natural service. In experiment 2, cows received AI at 0, 12, or 24 h (AI 24 h) after the onset of estrus as determined by HeatWatch. From 154 inseminations, 117 embryos and ova (AI 0 h: n = 39; AI 12 h: n = 39; AI 24 h: n = 39) were recovered 6 or 7 d after insemination. Fertilization rates did not differ in experiment 2 (AI 0 h: 66%; AI 12 h: 74%; AI 24 h: 82%); however, a trend toward a higher fertilization rate accompanied AI 24 h. Median accessory sperm values increased from AI 0 h (1) to AI 24 h (4). Embryo quality declined with AI at increasing intervals after onset of estrus, as percentages of excellent and good, fair and poor, and degenerate embryos were as follows: 77, 15, 8; 52, 38, 10; and 47, 19, 34 for the 0-, 12-, and 24-h inseminations, respectively. Results indicate AI 12 h after the onset of estrus provides a compromise between potential fertilization failure (AI 0 h) and embryo failure (AI 24 h), despite increased accessory sperm per embryo (ovum) after AI 24 h. Artificial insemination 12 h after onset of estrus should optimize fertility of dairy cattle through an acceptable fertilization rate, number of accessory sperm per embryo, and desirable embryo quality.  相似文献   

PCDD/Fs and PCBs have been analyzed in a series of archived soil samples collected from various depths during the 1800s and early 1900s. PCBs were not found in soil samples collected before 1900, whereas PCDD/Fs were present in concentrations between 43 and 110 pg/g in surface soils, and between 9 and 150 pg/g in soils collected from below the surface. The PCDD/F homologue patterns of all surface soils were consistent with each other. The homologue pattern of deeper soils altered with depth to one that was dominated by highly chlorinated PCDDs. The highest sigma(4-8)PCDD/F concentration (150 pg/g) was found in the deepest soil analyzed (230-250 cm below the surface). The cork from one of the storage bottles contained considerable quantities of both PCBs and PCDD/Fs. However, contamination of the soils, either by diffusion through the cork or by cork particles, was discounted on the basis that no PCBs were evident in the soil, and that the PCDD/F homologue pattern in the cork was very different to that found in the soil. Similar arguments were used to discount contamination of the soil by dust. A sample of ashed vegetation from the archive, that had no cork stopper, contained high concentrations of PCBs (78 ng/g), concentrations of mono- to tri-CDFs that were higher than in any of the soils (190 pg/g), but very low concentrations of sigma(4-8)PCDD/F (12 pg/g). This pattern of analytes was considered to be representative of contamination from store room air and was completely different from the pattern observed in the soils. Taken together these observations indicate that contamination during storage, or subsequent handling, is unlikely to have occurred in archived soil samples that were stored with cork and wax seal intact. The results imply surface soil sigma(4-8)PCDD/F concentrations of around 60 pg/g at Rothamsted (southeast England) in the late 1800s, compared with approximately 300 pg/g reported for rural UK soils in the 1990s.  相似文献   

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