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细菌觅食优化算法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细菌觅食优化算法是近年来发展起来的,基于大肠杆菌觅食行为模型的一种新型智能算法。它具有对初值和参数选择不敏感、鲁棒性强、简单易于实现,以及并行处理和全局搜索等优点。但其在应用过程中存在精度不够高、收敛速度不够快的缺点。文中首先对细菌觅食优化算法的基本原理及操作流程进行介绍,并概述了国内外学者在这一领域的研究现状,接着分析了算法三大主要操作存在的问题,然后探讨了算法的改进和应用,最后分析了算法未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

细菌觅食优化算法是一种受大肠杆菌觅食现象启发产生的一种群体进化算法,该算法具有良好的全局优化能力,鲁棒性强,算法简单等优点,但其也存在易早熟,收敛速度慢等缺点. 根据其缺点,提出了一种改进的细菌觅食优化算法,改进后的算法收敛速度加快,在一定程度上避免了易早熟的缺点. 将原算法和改进算法应用于PID参数的在线自整定,通过matlab仿真实验证明了算法改进后的优越性.  相似文献   

细菌觅食算法求解高维优化问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对细菌觅食优化算法中,以往的自适应步长公式引入参数过多,统一的经验性参数无法适应各类不同问题的情况,提出了改进的自适应步长公式,通过在步长公式中引入当前细菌的进化代数、寻优范围,并发挥当前最优细菌的引导作用,灵活的调整步长,真正达到自适应调整步长的目的;其次对高维优化问题进行分析,将其分为可分解可分组、不可分解可分组和不可分解不可分组三大类,针对不同类型的问题,采用不同的分组方式,降维、细化来求解,将复杂的问题简单化,极大的提高了求解的效率和精度。将改进的自适应步长公式应用于高维优化问题的求解方法中,通过对多个标准测试函数在多维空间特别是超高维空间(500维、800维、1000维)进行测试,并将其结果同其它算法进行比较,实验证明本文改进算法在寻得最优解的精度和效率上比其它改进方案有显著提高。  相似文献   

针对经典菌群觅食算法因固定趋化步长导致的求解精度不高、收敛性能差等缺陷,提出一种基于Levy飞行的菌群觅食算法,其特点是利用基于Levy分布的趋化步长改善算法的求解精度与收敛性能,借助Levy飞行随机游走策略改善细菌迁徙位置.多个基准测试函数的实验结果表明,该算法在求解质量和收敛性能上均取得了较好的改进效果.  相似文献   

广义菌群优化算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为提高菌群优化算法的性能,将群体聚集机制和自适应策略集成到趋药性操作中,取消聚集操作,构造出新的趋化操作,在趋化循环中引入自适应扩散机制,提高其克服“早熟”的能力,重新定义健康度,减少计算复杂性,得到了一种新的群体智能优化方法—广义菌群优化算法(GBFO, Generalized Bacterial Foraging Optimization)。通过10个复杂Benchmark函数的计算进行算法性能测试,并与几个典型的算法进行了实验比较,结果表明,GBFO算法在搜索能力和稳定性、求解质量和效率等方面优于其他典型算法的比率分别达到80%~90%,70%~80%,验证了该算法的优越性能。  相似文献   

Multi-criteria decision making for assembly line balancing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Assembly line balancing often has significant impact on performance of manufacturing systems, and is usually a multiple-objective problem. Neither an algorithmic nor a procedural assembly line balancing methodology is usually effective in solving these problems. This article proposes a data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach to solve an assembly line balancing problem. A computer-aided assembly line balancing tool as Flexible Line Balancing software is used to generate a considerable number of solutions alternatives as well as to generate quantitative decision-making unit outputs. The quantitative performance measures were considered in this article. Then DEA was used to solve the multiple-objective assembly line balancing problem. An illustrative example shows the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

为求解带时间窗的车辆路径问题(VRPTW),提出一种改进的细菌觅食算法。将待配送的客户点依据地理位置进行K-means聚类,使得到的分类结果在满足时间窗的要求下,按顺序插入配送路径的最佳位置中,构造VRPTW问题的初始解,同时通过结合趋化操作与大邻域搜索中的removal算子进行距离寻优,扩大算法搜索范围并提高运行效率。实验结果表明,在规定时间窗内,改进算法能合理安排配送路径并最小化总配送成本。  相似文献   

为了增加节点的有效覆盖率,设计一种混沌优化细菌觅食的节点部署策略.首先使用节点有效覆盖率、节点闲置率和剩余能量均衡函数作为优化因子构造目标函数综合优化模型.在优化阶段,设置菌群密度函数因子、细菌碰壁反弹因子、混沌扰动的趋向序列、动态趋向步长、菌群交叉和变异算子及动态细菌迁徙概率等机制改进细菌觅食算法以提升优化效率.仿真实验表明,使用改进后的混沌细菌觅食优化策略能够有效优化无线传感器网络的节点覆盖,使优化后的无线传感器网络具有更高的网络综合利用率及更长的监测寿命.  相似文献   

改进的细菌觅食算法求解认知无线网络频谱分配问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李岳洪  万频  王永华  邓钦  杨健 《计算机科学》2013,40(8):49-52,58
认知无线网络中如何进行频谱合理的分配是实现动态频谱接入的关键技术之一。基于图论着色频谱分配模型,以最大化网络效益为目标函数,提出一种具有量子变异操作的改进的二进制细菌觅食优化算法,用以求解认知无线网络中空闲频谱在认知用户间的动态分配问题。通过仿真实验比较了本算法与颜色敏感图论着色算法、传统二进制细菌觅食算法的性能。结果表明:本算法性能明显优于颜色敏感图论着色算法,能更好地实现网络效益最大化,提高用户的平均效益;与传统二进制细菌觅食算法相比,改进后的细菌觅食算法寻优能力更强,收敛速度更快。  相似文献   

双边装配线应用广泛,翻转工位操作能有效降低部分零件装配难度与操作风险,但增加了设计难度。基于此,研究了附带翻转工位操作的挖掘机底盘双边装配线规划设计问题,针对该问题提出了一种改进蚁群算法求解。给出了问题求解的启发式任务分配规则,提出可采用启发式任务选择规则以提高算法收敛速率。进而分析某型挖掘机底盘装配线得出先后约束关系图,将问题抽象为双边装配线优化设计问题。随后,采用两种蚁群算法进行附带翻转工位的装配线优化,分析比较了两种算法因结构差异对优化结果所造成的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a heuristic approach based on bacterial foraging optimization (BFO) in order to find the efficient frontier associated with the portfolio optimization (PO) problem. The PO model with cardinality and bounding constraints is a mixed quadratic and integer programming problem for which no exact algorithms can solve in an efficient way. Consequently, various heuristic algorithms, such as genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization, have been proposed in the past. This paper aims to examine the potential of a BFO algorithm in solving the PO problem. BFO is a new swarm intelligence technique that has been successfully applied to several real world problems. Through three operations, chemotaxis, reproduction, and elimination-dispersal, the proposed BFO algorithm can effectively solve a PO problem. The performance of the proposed approach was evaluated in computational tests on five benchmark data sets, and the results were compared to those obtained from existing heuristic algorithms. The proposed BFO algorithm is found to be superior to previous heuristic algorithms in terms of solution quality and time.  相似文献   

结合多色彩空间处理、细菌觅食优化算法(BFOA)与关键点定位算法,提出一种新的嘴唇轮廓提取算法。对嘴唇图像进行色彩空间的转换,在不同的色彩空间对嘴唇图像进行色彩增强及色彩分割处理,利用BFOA结合Kapur最大熵阈值法对嘴唇区域图像求取最佳阈值,实现唇部精确分割。提取嘴唇的边缘关键点,并以提取到的关键点为输入,运用最小二乘曲线拟合的方法拟合嘴唇边缘轮廓,准确提取嘴唇的外部轮廓。实验结果表明,该方法能够完成对嘴唇的精确分割,并获得较高的分割准确率。  相似文献   

为了提高菌群寻优算法( Bacterial Foraging Optimization, BFO)的搜索能力和解决多峰值复杂适应度函数模型避免过早收敛的问题,文中对原始菌群算法进行改进,提出多峰值菌群算法。将寻优过程分成两个时期,前期和原始菌群算法相同,在菌群收敛的后期,加入峰值数目和区间的判断,将区间编号,保证区间内部单峰值;然后在区间内部迭代运行菌群搜索,独立寻优,在多峰值和较复杂模型的情况下进行研究和评估。实验表明,在收敛速度、收敛稳定性和寻找全局最优方面均优于原始菌群算法。  相似文献   

针对图像多阈值分割中阈值搜索是有序正整数规划的特点,提出了一种用于指数熵多阈值分割的改进细菌觅食优化(Improved Bacterial Foraging Optimization,IBFO)算法。首先,将标准的细菌觅食优化(Standard Bacterial Foraging Optimization,SBFO)算法的趋化算子改成动态趋化算子以增强趋化操作的自适应性;然后,将SBFO中的迁徙算子替换成混合随机和动态的迁徙算子,将迁徙过程划分为两个阶段,第一阶段为随机迁徙,目的是增强全局搜索能力,第二阶段为动态局部迁徙,目的是提高局部搜索能力;随后,丢弃SBFO中的感应机制以便加快运行速度;最后,将IBFO算法进一步修改以满足有序正整数规划的要求,并将其应用于指数熵多阈值分割方法中。图像分割实验结果表明,与SBFO,MBFO和IPSO算法相比,提出的IBFO方法不仅优化效果更好,而且运行速度更快。  相似文献   

Fuzzy assembly line balancing using genetic algorithms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we implement genetic algorithms to synthesis fuzzy assembly line balancing problem which is well-known as a NP-hard problem. The genetic operators concerned with the feasibility of chromosomes will be discussed, and its performance will be shown with a numerical example.  相似文献   

Assembly lines are manufacturing systems in which a product is assembled progressively in workstations by different workers or machines, each executing a subset of the needed assembly operations (or tasks). We consider the case in which task execution times are worker-dependent and uncertain, being expressed as intervals of possible values. Our goal is to find an assignment of tasks and workers to a minimal number of stations such that the resulting productivity level respects a desired robust measure. We propose two mixed-integer programming formulations for this problem and explain how these formulations can be adapted to handle the special case in which one must integrate a particular set of workers in the assembly line. We also present a fast construction heuristic that yields high quality solutions in just a fraction of the time needed to solve the problem to optimality. Computational results show the benefits of solving the robust optimization problem instead of its deterministic counterpart.  相似文献   

传统的细菌觅食优化算法仅针对单目标优化问题寻优。为进一步发掘细菌群体智能在多目标优化问题中的寻优优势,提出了改进的多目标细菌觅食优化算法。在个体间互不支配时给出归一化的择优策略;引入差分思想完成复制操作,提高种群的多样性;采用栅格划分法进行迁徙操作,提高解集的分散性。同时使用外部集存放当前找到的非支配解,并不断对外部集进行优化。通过对多个标准函数进行测试并与其他几种算法的对比结果表明,所提出的多目标细菌觅食优化算法在解的收敛性和分散性指标上都有一定提升,能够有效解决多目标优化问题。  相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT) technologies has gained significant interest in the design of smart grids (SGs). The increasing amount of distributed generations, maturity of existing grid infrastructures, and demand network transformation have received maximum attention. An essential energy storing model mostly the electrical energy stored methods are developing as the diagnoses for its procedure was becoming further compelling. The dynamic electrical energy stored model using Electric Vehicles (EVs) is comparatively standard because of its excellent electrical property and flexibility however the chance of damage to its battery was there in event of overcharging or deep discharging and its mass penetration deeply influences the grids. This paper offers a new Hybridization of Bacterial foraging optimization with Sparse Autoencoder (HBFOA-SAE) model for IoT Enabled energy systems. The proposed HBFOA-SAE model majorly intends to effectually estimate the state of charge (SOC) values in the IoT based energy system. To accomplish this, the SAE technique was executed to proper determination of the SOC values in the energy systems. Next, for improving the performance of the SOC estimation process, the HBFOA is employed. In addition, the HBFOA technique is derived by the integration of the hill climbing (HC) concepts with the BFOA to improve the overall efficiency. For ensuring better outcomes for the HBFOA-SAE model, a comprehensive set of simulations were performed and the outcomes are inspected under several aspects. The experimental results reported the supremacy of the HBFOA-SAE model over the recent state of art approaches.  相似文献   

Assembly line balancing problem (ALBP) is one of the well-known NP-hard layout planning problems for mass production systems. Many exact solution approaches have been developed, including 0–1 integer programming model, branch and bound algorithm, dynamic programming model, etc.; however, all optimal approaches are computationally inefficient in solving large-scale problems, which makes heuristic approaches a necessity in practice. In this paper we propose a new efficient heuristic, based on a recent bidirectional approach and the famous critical path method (CPM) widely used in project management, to resolve the issue of task assignment for ALBP. An example is given for illustration, and numerical results of sample problems selected from the literature are also given to show the effectiveness of the proposed heuristic.  相似文献   

This paper presents three proposals of multiobjective memetic algorithms to solve a more realistic extension of a classical industrial problem: time and space assembly line balancing. These three proposals are, respectively, based on evolutionary computation, ant colony optimisation, and greedy randomised search procedure. Different variants of these memetic algorithms have been developed and compared in order to determine the most suitable intensification–diversification trade-off for the memetic search process. Once a preliminary study on nine well-known problem instances is accomplished with a very good performance, the proposed memetic algorithms are applied considering real-world data from a Nissan plant in Barcelona (Spain). Outstanding approximations to the pseudo-optimal non-dominated solution set were achieved for this industrial case study.  相似文献   

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