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为了解决客户细分中由于客户价值不同和不同价值客户数量的悬殊差异造成对客户错误分类的代价不同和不平衡的数据样本,研究了客户价值细分问题中错误分类代价形成机理,建立基于客户价值的动态代价函数,在此基础上设计了代价敏感的支持向量机分类器。实验结果说明,该方法可以更精确地控制代价敏感性,降低总体的错误分类代价,使模型能更准确地反映分类的代价,有效地识别客户价值。  相似文献   

Wang  Dandan  He  Dongjian  Song  Huaibo  Liu  Chang  Xiong  Hongting 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2019,78(13):17391-17411

Accurate segmentation of apple fruit under natural illumination conditions provides benefits for growers to plan relevant applications of nutrients and pesticides. It also plays an important role for monitoring the growth status of the fruit. However, the segmentation of apples throughout various growth stages had only achieved a limited success so far due to the color changes of apple fruit as it matures as well as occlusion and the non-uniform background of apple images acquired in an orchard environment. To achieve the segmentation of apples with different colors and with various illumination conditions for the whole growth stage, a segmentation method independent of color was investigated. Features, including saliency and contour of the image, were combined in this algorithm to remove background and extract apples. Saliency using natural statistics (SUN) visual attention model was used for background removal and it was combined with threshold segmentation algorithm to extract salient binary region of apple images. The centroids of the obtained salient binary region were then extracted as initial seed points. Image sharpening, globalized probability of boundary-oriented watershed transform-ultrametric contour map (gPb-OWT-UCM) and Otsu algorithms were applied to detect saliency contours of images. With the built seed points and extracted saliency contours, a region growing algorithm was performed to accurately segment apples by retaining as many fruit pixels and removing as many background pixels as possible. A total of 556 apple images captured in natural conditions were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. An average segmentation error (SE), false positive rate (FPR), false negative rate (FNR) and overlap Index (OI) of 8.4, 0.8, 7.5 and 90.5% respectively, were achieved and the performance of the proposed method outperformed other six methods in comparison. The method developed in this study can provide a more effective way to segment apples with green, red, and partially red colors without changing any features and parameters and therefore it is also applicable for monitoring the growth status of apples.


分析了电信行业客户关系管理系统的数据独有特点,提出基于客户细分的客户流失预测模型.首先,采用模糊核C-均值聚类算法用于客户细分并对细分结果进行分析,发现高价值客户的群体特征.再利用企业历史数据建立基于SAS数据挖掘技术的客户流失预测模型.最后,把高价值客户作为预测目标数据应用于该模型当中预测出有流失倾向的客户.实验结果表明,该方法有效可行,可以为企业提供准确、有流失倾向的客户名单.  相似文献   

通过分析基于客户生命周期价值客户价值细分的各种方法,给出了一种简单易行的基于AHP(层次分析法)的客户价值细分方案,为客户价值细分提供了一种新的思路。该方案引入AHP通过领域专家的群体决策计算出RFM(最近购买时间、购买频率和总购买金额)的权重,根据加权的RFM变量来对客户群进行聚类分析,探讨了该方案的具体实施流程,并对方案中的关键方法做了详细的分析。最后通过实例分析,聚类结果表明了这种方案能够有效地对客户群体进行细分。  相似文献   

林勤  薛云 《计算机应用》2014,34(6):1807-1811
针对传统客户价值细分方法在高价值客户细分时不够精细化的问题,引入了大均值子矩阵(LAS)双聚类算法。该方法在客户样本和消费属性两个维度上对消费记录进行双向聚类,可以挖掘出高消费、高价值的客户群体。以某电信公司的高价值客户细分为实例,通过定义一个价值尺度和构建一个PA指标,将所提算法与K均值(K-means)算法进行性能比较,实验结果表明,所提算法能挖掘出更多的高价值客户群体,且能够对客户属性进行更加精细的划分,因此它更适合应用于高价值客户市场的识别和细分。  相似文献   

黄顺亮  王琦 《计算机应用》2014,34(1):244-248
针对客户细分问题中存在的不确定性,提出了一种基于三支决策理论的细分方法。该方法综合考虑了客户细分的风险代价和收益,基于三支决策理论,建立了客户细分模型,给出了计算三支决策阈值的方法,同时还给出了应用实施的步骤。最后,通过实例分析说明了客户细分方法的应用过程和优势所在。三支决策不是仅仅作为二支决策的过程,而是在最终结果中保留三支结果,以采取三种不同的策略,这赋予了三支决策三个域以新的解释。三支决策理论的引入,为客户细分提供了新的思路和方法,可以最小化决策风险代价。  相似文献   

为企业更深入了解消费者的行为和偏好,帮助企业制定决策和发展客户关系,结合现有的客户细分方法,提出一种多指标客户细分模型。从宏观和微观角度,对传统指标进行优化,构建RFMPA多指标客户体系;采用熵值法客观赋权;采用因子分析降维;采用改进的K-means算法完成客户细分。利用大型连锁超市客户消费数据进行实证研究,对比数据实验结果表明,该模型能够更好解决客户细分问题,提高企业客户关系管理和决策质量。  相似文献   

In this paper we address the difficult problem of parameter-finding in image segmentation. We replace a tedious manual process that is often based on guess-work and luck by a principled approach that systematically explores the parameter space. Our core idea is the following two-stage technique: We start with a sparse sampling of the parameter space and apply a statistical model to estimate the response of the segmentation algorithm. The statistical model incorporates a model of uncertainty of the estimation which we use in conjunction with the actual estimate in (visually) guiding the user towards areas that need refinement by placing additional sample points. In the second stage the user navigates through the parameter space in order to determine areas where the response value (goodness of segmentation) is high. In our exploration we rely on existing ground-truth images in order to evaluate the "goodness" of an image segmentation technique. We evaluate its usefulness by demonstrating this technique on two image segmentation algorithms: a three parameter model to detect microtubules in electron tomograms and an eight parameter model to identify functional regions in dynamic Positron Emission Tomography scans.  相似文献   

Segmentation has been taken immense attention and has extensively been used in strategic marketing. Vast majority of the research in this area focuses on the usage or development of different techniques. By means of the internet and database technologies, huge amount of data about markets and customers has now become available to be exploited and this enables researchers and practitioners to make use of sophisticated data analysis techniques apart from the traditional multivariate statistical tools. These sophisticated techniques are a family of either data mining or machine learning research. Recent research shows a tendency towards the usage of them into different business and marketing problems, particularly in segmentation. Soft computing, as a family of data mining techniques, has been recently started to be exploited in the area of segmentation and it stands out as a potential area that may be able to shape the future of segmentation research. In this article, the current applications of soft computing techniques in segmentation problem are reviewed based on certain critical factors including the ones related to the segmentation effectiveness that every segmentation study should take into account. The critical analysis of 42 empirical studies reveals that the usage of soft computing in segmentation problem is still in its early stages and the ability of these studies to generate knowledge may not be sufficient. Given these findings, it can be suggested that there is more to dig for in order to obtain more managerially interpretable and acceptable results in further studies. Also, recommendations are made for other potentials of soft computing in segmentation research.  相似文献   

Mixture model for face-color modeling and segmentation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
In this paper, we propose a general methodology for face-color modeling and segmentation. One of the major difficulties in face detection and retrieval is partial face extraction due to highlights, shadows and lighting variations. We show that a mixture-of-Gaussians modeling of the color space, provides a robust representation that can accommodate large color variations, as well as highlights and shadows. Our method enables to segment within-face regions, and associate semantic meaning to them, and provides statistical analysis and evaluation of the dominant variability within a given archive.  相似文献   

Combining color and depth for enhanced image segmentation and retargeting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As depth cameras become more popular, pixel depth information becomes easier to obtain. This information can clearly enhance many image processing applications. However, combining depth and color information is not straightforward as these two signals can have different noise characteristics, differences in resolution, and their boundaries do not generally agree. We present a technique that combines depth and color image information from real devices in synergy. In particular, we focus on combining them to improve image segmentation. We use color information to fill and clean depth and use depth to enhance color image segmentation. We demonstrate the utility of the combined segmentation for extracting layers and present a novel image retargeting algorithm for layered images.  相似文献   

利用视觉显著性的图像分割方法   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种利用视觉显著性对图像进行分割的方法。首先提取图像的底层视觉特征,从局部显著性、全局显著性和稀少性3个方面计算各特征图像中各像素的视觉显著性,得到各特征显著图;对各特征显著图进行综合,生成最终的综合显著图。然后对综合显著图进行阈值分割,得到二值图像,将二值图像与原始图像叠加,将前景和背景分离,得到图像分割结果。在多幅自然图像上进行实验验证,并给出相应的实验结果和分析。实验结果表明,该方法正确有效,具有和人类视觉特性相符合的分割效果。  相似文献   

基于动态聚类的证券业客户细分实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在客户关系管理理论基础上,建立了一个包含13个行业特色指标的证券业客户多维细分模型,并利用聚类分析对国内某知名券商的具体客户信息和交易数据进行了实证研究,有效识别出了具有不同特征以及偏好的客户群,并在此基础上提出了相应的营销策略。  相似文献   

Customer segmentation based on temporal variation of subscriber preferences is useful for communication service providers (CSPs) in applications such as targeted campaign design, churn prediction, and fraud detection. Traditional clustering algorithms are inadequate in this context, as a multidimensional feature vector represents a subscriber profile at an instant of time, and grouping of subscribers needs to consider variation of subscriber preferences across time. Clustering in this case usually requires complex multivariate time series analysis‐based models. Because conventional time series clustering models have limitations around scalability and ability to accurately represent temporal behaviour sequences (TBS) of users, that may be short, noisy, and non‐stationary, we propose a latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) based model to represent temporal behaviour of mobile subscribers as compact and interpretable profiles. Our model makes use of the structural regularity within the observable data corresponding to a large number of user profiles and relaxes the strict temporal ordering of user preferences in TBS clustering. We use mean‐shift clustering to segment subscribers based on their discovered profiles. Further, we mine segment‐specific association rules from the discovered TBS clusters, to aid marketers in designing intelligent campaigns that match segment preferences. Our experiments on real world data collected from a popular Asian communication service provider gave encouraging results.  相似文献   

基于先验形状和Mumford-Shah模型的活动轮廓分割是一种抗噪声干扰、稳定的图像分割方法。该模型采用水平集方法,并结合活动轮廓模型、先验形状和Mumford-Shah模型来控制曲线演化。特定目标的先验知识可以有效地指导目标准确分割,经过主成分分析(PCA)法可以得到感兴趣对象形状的主要信息。通过对不同图片分割实验表明,针对特定的形状,该方法对杂乱背景、部分遮挡、缺失和强噪声的图片依然能得到满意的结果。  相似文献   

Computer-aided automatic analysis of microscopic leukocyte is a powerful diagnostic tool in biomedical fields which could reduce the effects of human error, improve the diagnosis accuracy, save manpower and time. However, it is a challenging to segment entire leukocyte populations due to the changing features extracted in the leukocyte image, and this task remains an unsolved issue in blood cell image segmentation. This paper presents an efficient strategy to construct a segmentation model for any leukocyte image using simulated visual attention via learning by on-line sampling. In the sampling stage, two types of visual attention, “bottom-up” and “top-down” together with the movement of the human eye are simulated. We focus on a few regions of interesting and sample high gradient pixels to group training sets. While in the learning stage, the SVM (support vector machine) model is trained in real-time to simulate the visual neuronal system and then classifies pixels and extracts leukocytes from the image. Experimental results show that the proposed method has better performance compared to the marker controlled watershed algorithms with manual intervention and thresholding-based methods.  相似文献   

适用于视觉媒体检索的视频镜头分割算法*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对基于内容的视觉媒体检索存在的问题,依据多维空间仿生信息学(multi-dimensional space biomimetic informatics,MDSBI)理论的同源连续性规律(principle of homology continuity,PHC),在高维空间中通过几何方法分析视频及镜头和图像,通过子空间方法解决不同视觉媒体的异构性问题,得出视觉媒体检索的实质性工作是在高维空间研究点和子空间的距离问题,并实现适用于视觉媒体检索的镜头分割算法。  相似文献   

具有层次结构的分类属性在客户细分应用中广泛存在。针对传统相异性度量无法准确反映决策者在与细分目标相关的决策指标上的偏好信息,提出一种改进的距离层次并给出使用该度量,基于聚类分析的客户细分基本流程。该度量利用距离层次计算各分类属性值概念间的相异性,同时引入指标距离的概念描述对于特定指标,决策者在不同分类属性值上的偏好,结合模糊相似优先比决策方法和树的广度优先遍历计算不同分类属性值间的指标距离,最后通过将所求得的概念距离和指标距离进行加权求和以更全面地度量不同分类属性值间的相异性。对陕西省电力公司工业客户进行细分实验的结果表明:与传统距离层次相比,采用改进相异性度量能提高聚类质量和细分结果的可解释性。  相似文献   

It is challenge to segment fine-grained objects due to appearance variations and clutter of backgrounds. Most of existing segmentation methods hardly separate small parts of the instance from its background with sufficient accuracy. However, such small parts usually contain important semantic information, which is crucial in fine-grained categorization. Observing that fine-grained objects almost share the same configuration of parts, we present a novel part-aware segmentation method, which explicitly detects semantic parts and preserve these parts during segmentation. We firstly design a hybrid part localization method, which generates accurate part proposals with moderate computation. Then we iteratively update the segmentation outputs and the part proposals, which obtains better foreground segmentation results. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method, as compared to state-of-the-art segmentation approaches for fine-grained categorization.  相似文献   

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