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某航空发动机经工厂试车后,发现其球面垫圈外圆发生开裂。采用宏观观察、断口分析、能谱分析、金相检验、硬度测试等方法对该球面垫圈的开裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:该球面垫圈经氰化处理后,在磨削加工过程中,磨削温度过高导致磨削烧伤,形成黑色团状区域,该区域在快速冷却后,存在较大的残余应力,从而在该区域产生磨削裂纹,最终导致该球面垫圈发生开裂。  相似文献   

采煤机减速箱用轴齿轮在仓库存放期间发生贯穿性轴向纵裂,采用宏观分析、化学成分分析、力学性能试验、断口分析以及金相检验等方法,并结合轴齿轮具体加工工艺对轴齿轮开裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:该轴齿轮裂纹为氢致延迟裂纹,在氢和内应力的共同作用下,在轴齿轮表层非马氏体组织所在的应力集中部位产生微裂纹,加之后续回火不充分,微裂纹不断扩展,最终导致轴齿轮纵向开裂。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和能谱等分析手段,对巴氏合金轴瓦表面多次发生粘结和开裂进行了检验和分析。结果表明,在巴氏合金层中存在着组织分层,化合物相呈区域性偏析和聚集,轴瓦结合面附近存在大量疏松、孔洞等浇注工艺不当所形成的铸造缺陷;加之结合面附近背底金属中氢含量较高,轴瓦长期在一定温度和应力下工作,氢的不断扩散和聚集最终在巴氏合金表面形成氢鼓泡。上述缺陷的存在,使轴瓦在运行过程中易造成应力集中导致裂纹的萌生和扩展。最终造成局部润滑条件恶化而导致粘结和开裂失效。  相似文献   

某大型调质输入轴放置约9个月后开裂,采用宏观分析、化学成分分析、低倍检验、断口分析、金相检验以及力学性能测试等手段对输入轴开裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:该输入轴为在组织应力及氢析出所造成内应力共同作用下的氢致延迟开裂;输入轴原材料氢含量高、偏析严重、非金属夹杂物含量高以及锻造不充分,引起零件内部发生了氢气积聚,形成了较大的内应力,这是导致输入轴发生氢致延迟开裂的主要原因。  相似文献   

加氢裂化装置新氢压缩机出口排凝K101B阀侧短管在使用中出现开裂,通过宏观和微观检验、化学成分分析、硬度测试和能谱分析等方法对开裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:由于短管焊接结构上存在几何不连续性,结构的截面变化幅度较大,产生了严重的应力集中,在短管焊接热影响区魏氏组织最薄弱的地方形成了裂纹源,在交变载荷的共同作用下裂纹逐渐扩展,最终导致瞬时断裂。最后提出了相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

分析了某摩托车发动机Ⅱ轴断裂失效的性质和原因。对故障件进行了宏观和微观断口分析、材料及热处理质量复查以及距断面不同部位含氢量的测定。结果表明,零件的断裂性质属氢致损伤,氢主要来源于热处理过程中,而零件的结构缺陷所引起的应力集中是氢致开裂的应力源。  相似文献   

S136钢模具在使用过程中发生早期开裂失效,采用宏观观察、化学成分分析、扫描电镜分析、能谱分析、金相检验等方法对该模具的失效原因进行了分析。结果表明:大件模具开裂的主要原因是,由于内孔电加工脉冲电流过大,内孔边缘产生严重的淬火变质层,造成表面拉向应力开裂;同时基体组织中存在网状碳化物,降低材料强度和韧性,加大模具内孔开裂倾向及裂纹扩展进程。小件模具开裂的主要原因是,由于模具凹槽部位倒角半径过小,应力集中显著增大,在工作载荷的作用下,形成应力集中而开裂。  相似文献   

某8.8级42CrMo钢高强度螺栓,在热处理后滚丝过程中发生轴向开裂。利用化学成分分析、宏观检验以及金相检验等方法对螺栓开裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:螺栓开裂主要是因为其原材料表面存在呈线状分布的锻造折叠缺陷,折叠缺陷末端形成应力集中,在热处理淬火时成为了裂纹源,于强大的淬火应力和滚压应力作用下诱发了螺栓轴向开裂。  相似文献   

国内现有最大克劳斯硫回收装置的V7002罐封头发生开裂,对该罐开裂原因进行了分析。该封头存在三种开裂:容器内硫化氢产生氢原子向钢中扩散并聚集形成氢鼓泡;不同层面上的相邻氢鼓泡裂纹在内压下相互连接,形成氢致开裂,和氢鼓泡同为内部开裂;在内压下鼓泡位置产生拉应力,在拉应力和湿硫化氢环境下发生硫化物应力腐蚀开裂,为外部开裂。介绍了检验方法和通过改善材料和防腐工艺避免开裂方法。  相似文献   

通过宏观检验、化学成分分析、扫描电镜断口分析、金相检验以及力学性能测试等方法,对某糖厂锅炉对流管胀管接头的开裂失效原因进行了分析。结果表明:对流管胀管接头开裂主要是由于锅炉在频繁快速启、停过程中,悬吊下锅筒的对流管反复膨胀、回复,导致对流管在受应力集中及弯曲应力作用最大的胀管接头处产生热疲劳裂纹,裂纹沿晶扩展导致胀管接头脆性开裂。  相似文献   

重卡钢板弹簧断裂失效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过宏观检查、化学成分分析、硬度测试以及金相检验等结果分析。确定了重型卡车用钢板弹簧的断裂原因。结果表明:因超载使钢板弹簧出现过度反弓,造成板簧卡中的螺栓杆与钢板弹簧动态接触.发生磨损腐蚀,形成凹坑.成为应力集中点;在过大的交变应力作用下.应力集中点萌生裂纹并不断扩展.最终造成钢板弹簧疲劳断裂。最后提出了防止其发生断裂失效的预防措施。  相似文献   

通过断口分析、化学成分分析、金相检验和硬度测试对皮卡车的钢板弹簧断裂的原因进行了分析。结果表明:钢板弹簧表面存在凹坑造成了应力集中,而且板材的非金属夹杂物超标,降低了疲劳强度,在交变应力载荷的作用下,最终造成钢板弹簧发生了早期疲劳断裂。  相似文献   

A galvanized washer used for a locomotive impeller broke into three pieces after an accumulative service of 4–5 h. The washer is fabricated from 42CrMo steel and the fracture surfaces reveal intergranular fracture morphology with microvoid coalescence observed on the facets. Microstructure observation indicates the presence of a severely banded microstructure mainly consisting of untempered martensite and bainite. The average hardness of the failed washer is HRC 59.1. The hardness value is much higher than specified (HBW 260-300) and is in the range of hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility. The significant number of elongated MnS inclusions acting as traps of hydrogen are present in the martensite regions. The delayed fracture associated with the predominance of intergranular fracture micromechanism and the high hardness level and the presence of microstructure susceptible for the hydrogen embrittlement strongly suggest the hydrogen embrittlement being the mostly possible failure mechanism. The likely sources for hydrogen entrapment are the electro-galvanizing process and acid-pickling before galvanizing. The hydrogen was retained in the washer due to absence of baking treatment to remove it or insufficient baking. The incorrect heat treatment process before galvanizing resulting in the high hardness level of the washer is mainly responsible for the occurrence of hydrogen embrittlement on the washer.  相似文献   

The effect of nut geometry, curved spring washer and a sealing material (Teflon tape) on the fatigue life of M12 and M16 ISO bolts was investigated. This was accompanied by the study of the axial and bending stress distribution in threads by numerical simulation of bolt and nut connections using the finite‐element method. The experimental results showed that the highest fatigue life is achieved for a slotted tapered nut. The presence of a spring washer also increases the fatigue life, providing that the correct tightening torque is applied to produce a pretension in the bolt. The use of Teflon tape as a filling material between engaging threads of the bolt and nut is shown to significantly increase the fatigue life. On the whole, the highest fatigue life is obtained for a slotted tapered nut using washer. Four fracture mechanisms were observed for bolt–nut connections during the fatigue tests.  相似文献   

采用断口分析、金相检验、显微硬度测试、化学成分分析、氢脆预载荷试验等方法对某型号乘用车方向盘固定螺钉的断裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:螺钉的断裂性质是氢致延迟断裂,裂纹起源于螺钉头下第一牙底。电镀后驱氢不充分致使螺钉表层残留较高含量的氢,表面渗碳层及首牙处的应力集中构成了导致氢脆的3个敏感因素。  相似文献   

某石化公司氢气压缩机缸盖螺栓发生断裂,采用宏、微观断口分析、化学成分分析、金相检验以及力学性能测试等试验手段分析了该氢气压缩机缸盖螺栓的断裂原因。结果表明:断裂起源于螺杆与螺栓头部连接螺纹末端的应力集中处,由于应力集中,加之螺栓强度等级偏低,使螺栓在长期工作过程中的往复交变应力和扭转应力共同作用下发生了低应力高周疲劳断裂。  相似文献   

washer is a thin plate with a hole that is normally used to distribute the load of a threaded fastener, such as a screw or nut. The washer used in automotive engine component is of split or spring lock washer. A ring split at one point and bent into helical shape. The benefit of spring lock washers lies in the trapezoidal shape of the washer. When compressed to loads near proof strength of the bolt, it will twist and flatten. This reduces the spring rate of the bolted joint which allows it to maintain more force under the same vibration levels. This prevents from loosening. The steel washer is one of the critical safety components for automobile engine, and its failure may cause severe safety issue. Before subjecting to manufacturing, the washer undergoes different process lines (wire rod → drawing → annealing → pickling → flattening → spring washer → single spring washer). After manufacturing of washer, toughness test is done to find out the metallurgical soundness and surface quality of the washer. In this toughness test the washer in a vice with the split ends free and straight above the vice jaws, a 90° segment of the free end is gripped with a wrench and bent. Washers should withstand twist test through a 90° angle without signs of fracture. The present paper highlights premature failure of automotive washer which failed during twist test. From the analysis, it has been observed that the distribution of spheroidized carbide is more uniform in good samples than that of rejected samples. Hardness profile variation was observed between good and bad spring samples. Overall investigation does not indicate any problem related to supplied wire rod material quality as no wire breakage problem observed. Inhomogeneous annealed structure in flat wire seems to result into variation in washer performance during twist test.  相似文献   

采用断口分析、金相检查、能谱分析和氢含量检测等方法,对65Mn弹簧卡在使用过程中发生的断裂原因进行了分析判断。结果表明:弹簧卡失效断裂原因为镀锌处理造成了较大氢致内应力以及晶界被弱化而引起的氢脆断裂。  相似文献   

通过宏观检验、化学成分分析、金相检验以及断口分析等方法对氢气压缩机的地脚螺栓和连接螺栓发生断裂的原因进行了分析.结果表明:由于压缩机机座安装倾斜,造成地脚螺栓受剪切应力首先断裂;连接螺栓受振动引起的剪切应力和轴向拉应力共同作用,并且其预紧应力超过最大允许预紧应力,最后发生疲劳断裂;另外螺栓本身存在的材料缺陷致使强度不足...  相似文献   

The maintenance cost of a heavy truck increases due to the severe damage of thrust washer in the differential. The wear was usually related to the contact stress concentration. In the study, the finite element analysis (FEA) was performed for identifying the source of the abnormal wear of thrust washer. An improved approach of modifying the surface profile of spider gear back was proposed. FEA simulations were further conducted to investigate the effect of different spider gear back parameters on the tribological behavior of thrust washer. The FEA simulation results were verified by tribological experiments. Results showed that: (i) the abnormal wear of thrust washer pairing the original gear was caused by the local stress concentration; (ii) the local stress concentration could be eliminated by modifying the surface profile of spider gear back; (iii) using the modified spider gear back, the wear mass loss of the thrust washer was reduced significantly; (iv) the promising surface radius of spider gear back was 73.15 mm.  相似文献   

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