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We report on study of transport properties of MgB2 single crystals. The normal state resistivity has been found to be anisotropic with resistivity ratio c / ab =3.5. In agreement with the results of band structure calculations the normal state Hall effect measurements with H//ab-planes and H//c-axis show two type carrier behavior. Below T c, the in-plane as well as the out-of-plane Hall resistivity, xy and zx , display no sign change anomaly. Furthermore, both xy and zx have been found to scale with corresponding longitudinal resistivity with the same exponent =1.5.  相似文献   

The electrical resistivity (T) of V-rich V3Si single crystals (T c-11.4 K) was measured from 4.2 to 300 K along the directions of [1 0 0] and [1 1 1] before and after plastic deformation at 1573 K. Anisotropy of (T) was observed although V3Si has the cubic A15 structure. Plastic deformation does not affect the normal-state (T) behaviour but changes the normal-superconducting transition width Tc. At low temperatures (T c<T 40 K), (T) varies approximately as T n where n-2.5 and this behaviour does not contradict the (0)- phase-diagram plot proposed by Gurvitch, where is the electron-phonon coupling constant and (0) is the residual resistivity.  相似文献   

Measurements of the pressure coefficient (P/T),x are reported for a 3 He- 4 He mixture with a mole fractionX=0.805 of 3 He in the neighborhood of the liquid-vapor critical point. These include data on 16 isochores taken over the density interval–0.50.5 and over the temperature range–0.1 t0.1, where =(– c )/ c andt=(T-T c )/T c ,with c andT c ,respectively, the critical density and temperature of the mixture. From the discontinuity of (P/T),x at the boundary between the two-phase and the one-phase regions we determine the dew-bubble curve nearT c with better precision than was done in recentPVT experiments. From the extrapolation of data not approachingT c closer than1 mK, (P/T),x along the critical isochore appears to be discontinuous atT c ,while for the isochore / c 0.92, (P/T),x is continuous across the dew curve. It is found that this latter isochore cuts the dew curve at its highest temperature. These observations are discussed in terms of general thermodynamic arguments and theoretical predictions of the asymptotic behavior. We calculate (P/T),x from the scaling equation of state proposed by Leung and Griffiths for 3 He- 4 He mixtures, using their numerical parameters. In spite of some systematic deviations, especially in the two-phase region, there is in general good agreement with experimental results. In particular, the shape of the measured dew-bubble curve and the apparent discontinuity of (P/T),x along the critical isochore show excellent agreement with theory.Work supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation. A report of this work has been presented at the Washington Meeting of the APS [Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 20, 618 (1975)].  相似文献   

We report high-resolution measurements of the pressure coefficient (P/T) for3He in both the one-phase and two-phase regions close to the critical point. These include data on 40 isochores over the intervals–0.1t+0.1 and–0.2+0.2, wheret=(T–T c )/T c and =(– c )/ c . We have determined the discontinuity (P/T) of (P/T) between the one-phase and the two-phase regions along the coexistence curve as a function of . The asymptotic behavior of (1/) (P/T) versus near the critical point gives a power law with an exponent (+–1)–1=1.39±0.02 for0.010.2 or–1×10 –2t10 –6 , from which we deduce =1.14±0.01, using =0.361 determined from the shape of the coexistence curve. An analysis of the discontinuity (P/T) with a correction-to-scaling term gives =1.17±0.02. The quoted errors are fromstatistics alone. Furthermore, we combine our data with heat capacity results by Brown and Meyer to calculate (/T) c as a function oft. In the two-phase region the slope (2/T 2)c is different from that in the one-phase region. These findings are discussed in the light of the predictions from simple scaling and more refined theories and model calculations. For the isochores 0 we form a scaling plot to test whether the data follow simple scaling, which assumes antisymmetry of – ( c ,t) as a function of on both sides of the critical isochore. We find that indeed this plot shows that the assumption of simple scaling holds reasonably well for our data over the ranget0.1. A fit of our data to the linear model approximation is obtained for0.10 andt0.02, giving a value of =1.16±0.02. Beyond this range, deviations between the fit and the data are greater than the experimental scatter. Finally we discuss the (P/T) data analysis for 4 He by Kierstead. A power law plot of (1/) P/T) versus belowT c leads to =1.13±0.10. An analysis with a correction-to-scaling term gives =1.06±0.02. In contrast to 3 He, the slopes (2/T 2)c above and belowT c are only marginally different.Work supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of the resistivity and thermoelectric power (TEP)S of Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4– single crystal (T c =17 K) has been investigated. In the temperature rangeT c <T<300 K the ratio c/ab104 and the dependences ab (T) and c (T) change from quadratic to linear atT200 K. The dependencesS ab (T) andS c (T) reach a maximum atT>T c and then decrease almost linearly with increasing temperature, changing sign from positive to negative nearT 150 K. The features of the resistivity and TEP temperature dependences (the lawT 2 changing toT, the change in the sign of S with temperature, and the low TEP anisotropy at large anisotropy) have been interpreted in the framework of the narrow-band model.  相似文献   

Universal relations between the saturation pressure p LV and the value of =h LV/ LVp LV, where h LV .is the latent heat of evaporation and LV is the volume change of the vapor-liquid transition, and the product of the orthobaric densities L and V of the liquid and vapor at coexistence have been discovered. In the temperature range from the triple point to T/T c0.9, these relations obey a power law with universal exponents. At temperatures 0.9<T/T c1, p LV and depend linearly on ln( L V) with retention of universality for substances of different nature.  相似文献   

This paper deals with donor, acceptor-codoped (Ba0.4Sr.6)TiO3 ceramics with distinct varistor characteristics at room temperature, which were prepared by single-step firing in air. The materials, with the Curie point at around –90 °C, exhibited a large PTCR (positive temperature coefficient of resistivity) effect of more than seven orders of magnitude in the temperature range –90 °C (the resistivity 103 · cm) to room temperature ( > 1010 · cm). An apparent dielectric constant of >20000 and tan < 0.05 (at 100 kHz) were observed for the present materials at room temperature, and moreover, the materials exhibited nonlinear current-voltage characteristics with the nonlinear coefficient, , in the range 7–12 and the varistor field, Ev, in the range 0.3–1.0 kV/cm. The value of in the present materials increased systematically with increasing in their PTCR temperature range. It has been found that there exists a close correlation between and the grain-boundary potential barrier height, e, obtained from the -T characteristic of the materials. An almost linear relationship was also found to exist between and log Ev for the present materials.  相似文献   

Using superleak condenser transducers, the velocity of second soundU 2 has been measured near the superfluid transition temperature T in3He-4He mixtures with molar concentrationsX of3He of 0.0, 0.038, 0.122, 0.297, and 0.440. We have obtained the superfluid density s/ fromU 2 on the basis of linearized two-fluid hydrodynamics. The results for s/ are consistent with those obtained from the oscillating disk method, as expected from two-fluid hydrodynamics. The value of s/ at eachX could be expressed by a single power law, s/=k, where =1-T/R, with the experimental uncertainty. It is found that the exponent is independent of concentration forX0.44 within the experimental uncertainty. This concentration independence of is in agreement with the universality concept. From the conclusion that the values of are universal forX0.44, the concentration dependence of the superfluid component s is expressed by an empirical equation s(X, )=2s(0, ). It is found that corresponds to the volume fraction of4He in the superfluid3He-4He mixture. The value of is in agreement with that obtained from the measurement of the molar volume by others.This paper is based on a thesis submitted to Tokyo University of Education in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree.  相似文献   

A generalized scaled equation of state has been developed to calculate thermodynamic properties of n-alkanes from methane (CH4) to n-nonane (C9H20) in the critical region. The equation is valid in the reduced density range 0.7 c1.3 at T=T c and up to 1.2T c at = c.  相似文献   

Experimental data of a high degree of accuracy are presented on the temperature-density parameters of Freon-13 on the saturation line in the density range of (0.08246–1.6061)·10 kg/m3.Notation T absolute temperature of phase transition from two-phase to one-phase state (or vice versa) - Tc critical temperature - , densities of liquid and vapor, respectively, on saturation line - c density at critical points - average density - =(Tc–T)/2 reduced temperature - parameter of order, equal to ' – c – b for the liquid phase and c + b – "for the vapor phase Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 830–834, November, 1979.  相似文献   

The shear viscosity of fluids exhibits an anomalous enhancement in the close vicinity of the critical point. A detailed experimental study of the viscosity of steam in the critical region has been reported by Rivkin and collaborators. A reanalysis of the experimental data indicates that the behavior of the viscosity of steam near the critical point is similar to that observed for other fluids near the critical point. An interpolating equation for the viscosity of water and steam is presented that incorporates the critical viscosity enhancement.Nomenclature a critical region equation of state parameter - a k coefficients in equation for 0 - a ij coefficients in equation for ¯ - b critical region equation of state parameter - c p specific heat at constant pressure - c v specific heat at constant volume - k critical region equation of state parameter - k B Boltzmann constant - P pressure - P r 22.115 MPa - P * P/P r - P c critical pressure - P i coefficients in critical region equation of state - R~P (P-P c )/P c - q parameter in equation for critical viscosity enhancement - r parametric variable in critical region equation of state - T temperature in K (IPTS-48) - T r 647.27 K - T * T/T r - T c critical temperature - T (T–T c )/T c - V volume - critical exponent of specific heat - critical exponent of coexistence curve - critical exponent of compressibility - critical exponent of chemical potential at T=T c - dynamic viscosity - 0 lim 0 - ¯ normal viscosity - critical viscosity enhancement - ¯ thermal conductivity - normal thermal conductivity - critical thermal conductivity enhancement - parametric variable in critical region equation of state - correlation length - 0 correlation length amplitude above T c at = c - critical exponent of correlation length - density - r 317.763 kg/m3 - * / r - c critical density - (– c )/ c - p estimated error of pressure - T estimated error of temperature - estimated error of viscosity - exponent of critical viscosity enhancement - t (/P) T symmetrized compressibility - T * T P r / r 2 - t t P c / c 2  相似文献   

An expression for the Joule-Thompson coefficient of a polydisperse medium subject to throttling is derived in the relaxation approximation of thermodynamics of irreversible processes, with both temperature and velocity relaxation in the phases taken into account.Notation Aqk, Afk thermal and momentum interphase exchange affinities - qk, fk relaxation parameters - T, w temperature and velocity of a phase relaxation in the mixture - density of the mixture - To, Tk temperature of the carrier phase and of the k-th group of solid particles - p pressure of the carrier phase - h enthalpy of the mixture - W o 2 /2 specific kinetic energy of the carrier phase - o, k volume concentration of the carrier phase and of the k-th group of solid particles - o, k true density of the carrier phase and of the k-th group of solid particles - cv and cp constant-volume and constant-pressure specific heats of the mixture - ck specific heat of the k-th group of solid particles - cv, cp constant-volume and constant-pressure specific heats, respectively, of the mixture referred to volume - qk, fk temperature and velocity relaxation times, respectively, of the k-th group of solid particles - t times - frequency in the Fourier series expansion - differential Joule-Thompson coefficient (adiabatic throttle effect) - N number of groups of particles in the mixture Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 825–829, November, 1979.  相似文献   

One possible method of determining the volume content of composite components by using x-ray calculational tomography is examined.Notation , T, fi, Pb, b, w, im material densities, theoretical, fiber, binder, pore, water, impregnating fluid - fi, b, p fiber, binder, pore volume contents - ffi, fb, fp, fdi, fdi *, fcij, fim linear coefficients of attenuation of the fiber, binder, air of the i-th layer of the dry specimen - n quantity of cells in the i-th layer, mfi, m1 m2, weight of the dry and impregnated specimens in air and in water - Ccl closed porosity - Sf rms deviation of the linear attenuation coefficients - volume closed pore content Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp. 738–745, May, 1989.  相似文献   

Energy losses to radiation of internal waves during the vertical motion of a point dipole in two-dimensional and three-dimensional cases are computed.Notation o(z), po(z) density and pressure of the ground state - z vertical coordinate - v, p, perturbed velocity, pressure, and density - H(d 1n o/dz)–1 characteristic length scale for stratification - N=(gH–1–g2c o –2 )1/2 Weisel-Brent frequency - g acceleration of gravity - co speed of sound - vertical component of the perturbed velocity - V vector operator - k wave vector - frequency - d vector surface element - W magnitude of the energy losses - (t), (r) (x)(y)(z) Dirac functions - vo velocity of motion of the source of perturbations - d dipole moment of the doublet - o,l length dimension parameters - o intensity of the source Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 619–623, October, 1980.  相似文献   

Effective interaction of two-dimensional liquid 3He is studied with the (selfconsistent) reaction matrix theory. The theory is found to be valid in the dilute region, 2D 0.02 Å–2, where 2D is the areal density. In the region, the attractive interaction in the p-wave channel is the most dominant, and the system is expected to undergo a transition to a p-wave superfluid state, except for the dilue limit. The transition temperature is estimated to be of the order of mK in the clean limit. In the dilute limit, 2D 0.002 Å–2, an s-wave superfluid state becomes more stable than a p-wave one, but the transition temperature is found to be of the order of 0.1 mK at most. Furthermore, in the reaction matrix theory, it is found that a d-wave superfluid state becomes more stable than a p-wave one at 2D 0.035 Å–2.  相似文献   

We have measured the Hall resistivity, xy , and the longitudinal resistivity, xx , in superconducting MgB2 thin films in a mixed-state while changing the magnetic field and the current density. A Hall scaling behavior without the anomalous Hall effect was observed with a exponent of 2.0±0.1 in xy =A xx . This exponent is observed to be constant, i.e., independent of magnetic field, temperature, and current density.  相似文献   

In metallic magnets with a low carrier density, scattering from magnetic fluctuations above and near the transition temperature T c provides a large contribution to the electrical resistance. Because the fluctuations can be suppressed by a magnetic field, a large negative magnetoresistance ensues. In a simple model, we find the low field magnetoresistance scales with the ratio of field induced magnetization m(H) to the saturation magnetization m sat: /=((T, 0)–(T, H))/(T, 0)C(m/m sat)2. At very low carrier densities magnetic polarons should form in a range of temperatures above T c. The CMR perovskite manganites cannot be explained without strong coupling of the magnetic order to lattice distortions (of the Jahn–Teller type) above T c.  相似文献   

It was shown that the Hall resistivity xy for LuNi 2 B 2 C and YNi 2 B 2 C is negative in the normal and mixed states and has no sign reversal below T c . In the mixed state the scaling relation xy xx (xx is the longitudinal resistivity) was found for both compounds with 2.0. In the normal state a distinct nonlinearity in the xy(H) dependence, accompanied by a large magnetoresistance, was found below 40 K only for LuNi 2 B 2 C. The difference in the behaviour of Lu- and Y-based borocarbides seems to be connected with the difference in the Fermi surfaces of these compounds.  相似文献   

The temperature of carbon particles undergoing combustion in a fluidized bed is measured. Heat-transfer laws are ascertained.Notation a diffusivity of air - c heat capacity of air - D diffusion coefficient of oxygen in air - d0, d initial and running diameters of carbon sphere - di diameter of inert particles - k rate constant for carbon monoxide combustion - q calorific value of carbon oxidation to CO2 - T temperature difference between burning particle and fluidized bed - X, Xn oxygen concentration in the fluidized bed and on the surface of the burning particle - Z, Zn running concentration of carbon monoxide and concentration on the surface of the burning particle - heat-transfer coefficient between fluidized bed and burning particle - m maximum heat-transfer coefficient between fluidized bed and a stationary body submerged in the bed - masstransfer coefficient between fluidized bed and burning particle - thermal conductivity of air - kinematic viscosity of air - 0, gr, 4 density of oxygen, air, and inert material - relative thickness of burning gas layer - relative thickness of diffusion boundary layer Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 21–27, January, 1982.  相似文献   

The mixed state Hall effect has been studied in high quality HgBa2CaCu2O6+ thin films while the pinning strength is modified by the irraddition of columnar defects. It has been shown that the pinning strength can be significantly improved by columnar defects. The sign reversal in Hall resistivity is found to be nearly independent of pinning while the scaling behavior between Hall resistivity (xy) and longitudinal resistivity (xx) is influenced by pinning. The exponent in the scaling law xy xy decrease from 1.8 ± 0.1 to 1.5 ± 0.1 as pinning is enhanced. This results suggest that the sign reversal and the scaling are unrelated, and pinning is not the mechanism of the sign reversal.  相似文献   

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