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本文阐述紧固件无油防锈包装的最佳方式气相防锈包装,介绍了国内外紧固件防锈包装的现状以及对无锈包装的需求及应用前景。  相似文献   

本文从工艺角度,叙述了近年来拖拉机产品的防锈包装技术迅速发展的过程。通过对多种防锈材料、集装化包装、自动立体储存、计算机辅助管理防锈包装生产等一系列实践经验的总结,对行业防锈技术的发展趋势提出一些看法。  相似文献   

针对试验机包装箱在储运过程中所需要的各种防护功能,特别是防锈功能,结合实际情况,总结了一套完整的试验机肪锈包装方法,并详细介绍了包装的具体过程,其中抽真空措施有效地解决了试验机在储运过程中容易出现的锈蚀问题,大大提高了试验机储运的安全性.  相似文献   

介绍了VCI气相防锈的防锈机理、VCI气相防锈缓蚀剂的种类,以及三层共挤流吹胀制得的VCI塑料防锈膜在冷轧钢卷包装中应用的优势。  相似文献   

我国的制造装备业正从制造大国向制造强国迈进,制造装备的性能质量水平及制造的条件也在逐步的提升。这就要求产品的防锈防护技术也要不断的提升和改进,才能适应装备制造业的发展要求。  相似文献   

余大龄 《阀门》1995,(2):40-41
阀门的清洗与防锈苏州阀门厂余大龄在阀门加工和装配过程中,对零部件的清洗和防锈是保证阀门质量的两个重要环节。现在,对出口阀门的清洗和防锈已引起了普遍的重视。但是,如何选择和使用清洗液和防锈油,并没有得到很好的解决。许多厂家虽然投资并添置了设备,但其效果...  相似文献   

采用防锈油对块规产品木盒垫木进行了浸油处理,介绍了防锈油的制作工艺和浸油处理工艺.使用这种防锈方式后未曾出现块规产品发生锈蚀的现象.  相似文献   

儿童产品作为现代商品的一重要分支,其包装的重要性越来越受到人们的关注。论文以最大化发挥包装设计的作用以提高产品竞争力为出发点,透过儿童产品包装设计的表现原则,从文化性、趣味性、益智性、安全环保等方面提出儿童类产品包装设计的构思理念和创新方法,这对未来儿童产品的包装设计具有重要意义。  相似文献   

机械工业产品防护包装与标准化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了机械工业产品防护包装中防锈、防潮、防水、防霉及缓冲五个防护要素在实施中应注意的问题以及有关国家包装标准的制修订情况。  相似文献   

Among the various corrosion protection strategies for structural steels, coating techniques provide the most cost‐effective protection and have been used as the primary mode of corrosion protection. Existing coating techniques however have been used mainly for their barrier capability and therefore all have a limited service life due to oxidation aging, electrolytic degradation, or various inadvertent defects and flaws occurred in and after coating applications. This work investigated the anti‐corrosion potential of a π‐conjugated polymer—polyaniline (PANi), which was doped into an intrinsically conducting polymer and then included in a two‐layer coating system as a primer layer. To achieve a long service life, the primer layer was made by mixing the conductive PANi in a waterborne poly‐vinyl butyral solution to provide strong adhesion to steel surface, and then topcoated with a layer of elastomer‐modified polyethylene to obtain extra mechanical and barrier protections. Two ASTM standard tests were conducted to evaluate the corrosion durability and tensile adhesion of the two‐layer system, in which the system demonstrated superior performance. The Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (SKPFM) was used to provide the microscopic evidences for the outstanding performance. Microsc. Res. Tech. 76:1186–1195, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper a number of factors that influence the corrosion level of a metal gas pipeline in the ground are described. We consider the parameters that are used in the electrometric diagnostics of corrosion protection. The key requirements and the types of work on the organization of the corrosion inspections of OAO Gazprom’s underground facilities are listed. As a result of an analysis of numerous works, we selected the most significant requirements. The real practical results of corrosion inspections were demonstrated.  相似文献   

Experimental results on the thermal nondestructive testing (NDT) of corrosion simulators in 6- and 10-mm-thick steel products are presented. The need for the processing of infrared thermal images via a Fourier transform and principal component analysis (PCA) is demonstrated. The ultimate capabilities of the thermal method are estimated at a level of 20% material loss.  相似文献   

The work of the corrosion protection system used at OOO Gazprom Transgas Yekaterinburg is considered, mainly for the period of 2008. It is noted that the passive corrosion protection component, which consists of different pipeline wrappings, requires repair and replacement. The active (electrochemical) corrosion protection component achieves a high level of corrosion protection of gas pipelines via the application of different technical processes. Their work is exemplified by the main gas pipelines of the Nev’yansk Regional Gas Pipeline Operation Center.  相似文献   

借助扫描电子显微镜(SEM)可以观察材料腐蚀形貌,研究腐蚀机理,评价材料性能,可为舰船选材等提供理论依据。本文列举了几个SEM在金属腐蚀与防护中应用的实例。通过这些典型的例子,说明SEM在该领域的研究工作中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国的制冷空调行业取得了飞速发展.据行业协会统计,近些年来我国制冷空调行业的年均增长速度在15%以上,明显高于同期的GDP增长水平.  相似文献   

随着工程机械品种和数量的不断增加,大量工程机械所消耗的资源、排放的污染物对环境产生了难以估计的负荷。为保护人类十分宝贵且有限的地球资源,实现全球可持续发展,提高操作人员的安全性及工作舒适性,努力达到人、机和环境的亲和,很有必要按照汽车行业的环保标准来设计工程机械产品。尽管目前工程机械尚未归并入限制排放的机动车行列,  相似文献   

近十年,应用范围广泛的塑料工业包装的优点在市场的积极发展中有所反映。特别是在汽车制造业和零配件供应工业中,带有客户专用内包装的大型货物装载系统越来越多地取代了传统的木板条箱和钢制货柜。大型货物载体可防止货物受到污损,耐气候影响,重量轻且寿命长。汽车工业中的许多应用实例证明了这一点。通过下面几个S?hner Kunststofftechnik公司的客户项目,情况就会一目了然。  相似文献   

Hard disks with different roughness levels have been coated with hydrogenated and/or nitrogenated carbon using magnetron sputtering and plasma beam based carbon guns. The plasma beam is generated by means of the self bias effect of an asymmetric, magnetically enhanced rf glow discharge. Acetylene is used in the sub-μbar pressure range. The ion impact energy was approx. 190 eV/carbon atom, as opposed to typically <10 eV for the sputtered atoms. Hard disks have been coated with 2–10 nm a-C:H. They were subjected to a hot–wet environment for 4 days. The corrosion was measured by the cobalt extraction test. For either mode of deposition it was confirmed that disk surface roughness considerably affects the corrosion protection achieved by the respective carbon top coat. Plasma beam deposition yielded a better corrosion protection than sputtering.  相似文献   

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