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Much of the bioethical literature addresses the problems of tertiary medicine, with little attention to the daily concerns of general practitioners (GPs). The present review assesses the current state of research into the range and nature of ethical issues for GPs, looking specifically at the content of the research, the methods employed, and the philosophical framework of the research. A systematic search of MEDLINE, CINAHL, and Sociofile identified nine articles which form the basis for this review. The majority of the research reviewed here is quantitative in nature, using hypothetical cases with closed questions and categorical responses. No consistently significant variables were identified. Decisions appear to be inconsistent in terms of theoretical models and moral psychology. Ethical issues of concern to GPs differed from those commonly reported in the bioethical literature. There is a paucity of research into the ethical concerns of general practice. The existing body of research is quantitative in nature, leaving many unanswered questions concerning the reasons behind the decisions of GPs. There is a need for qualitative studies to further our understanding of this area.  相似文献   

Intensive care, one of the greatest achievements of modern medicine, is not without its problems. In what sense could ethics contribute towards an intensive care medicine which would be humane and respectful of what it means to be sick? After having presented a phenomenology of what it means to be sick and in intensive care, the author proposes an ethical framework which could guide the decision-making of physicians specialized in the field. This framework has three levels. Level one deals with the basic values of benevolence and autonomy which are those of medicine itself. Level two deals with the implementation of these values, which bioethics sees as conflicting. Implementation is achieved by "conversation" between the physician and the patient. Finally, the physician is invited to question his or her own attitude towards the unavoidable dilemmas created by the paradoxes and contradictions of modern medicine.  相似文献   

Historically ignored or “treated,” clients' religious beliefs are being incorporated into psychotherapy because they influence client and therapist thinking and have potential to heal and harm. This paper examines how professional codes of ethics and research on religion-friendly therapeutic interventions and on helpful and harmful religious beliefs and practices provide direction in dealing with religious matters in psychotherapy. Ethical codes emphasize self-determination, beneficence, and nonmaleficence, which lead to different treatment decisions depending on how they are prioritized. The informed consent process and motivational interviewing have potential to ethically reduce harm and maximize benefits from the client's religious beliefs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to ascertain the views and attitudes of medical investigators on medical ethics, and ethics and fraud in medical research. We sent postal questionnaires to all principal investigators whose study protocols had been assessed by their regional medical ethics committee for biomedical research (mid-Norway) in the years 1986-92 (n = 159). The response rate was 70% (n = 119). Some 80% agreed that ethical considerations had influenced their research and 12% that they would have had ethical scruples today about some of their previous projects. One in ten agreed that they might have achieved better results if they could have paid less attention to ethics. About 70% of the respondents found that the committee's comments were useful and relevant, but most agreed only in part. Around 85% agreed fully or in part that scientific quality is an important ethical element of any project and that researchers put more effort into their study protocol when they knew it would be evaluated by an ethics committee. One in six (18%) respondents agreed fully or in part that they had been exposed to scientific misconduct. Also, 27% knew about one or more cases of fraud or misconduct while 42% stated that this knowledge was not public. We concluded that ethics in medicine and medical research have an important and increasing role among investigators with little or no theoretical background and training in ethics. Scientific fraud and misconduct in medicine is a growing concern among researchers, who welcome a professional body that can manage allegations and cases of fraud.  相似文献   

This article introduces the special section of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors that focuses on the ethics of administering alcohol to human research participants, particularly those with a history of alcohol abuse or dependence. It is argued that many assumptions underlying ethical decision making can be put to an empirical test. These assumptions involve the degree to which participants can understand and give informed consent as well as the types and magnitude of possible risks associated with consuming alcohol in a research setting. The research literature relevant to these assumptions is reviewed in this series. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Orthopaedic surgery residents will be faced with a variety of ethical issues when they enter clinical practice. A previous survey suggested that they lack knowledge about how to approach several types of medical ethics dilemmas. We developed a medical ethics curriculum for orthopaedic surgery residents and presented it over a one-year period to the residents in one training program. The effect of the educational intervention on the residents' knowledge of medical ethics and their ability to handle hypothetical situations was measured by comparing their responses to a questionnaire, administered before and after the intervention, with those of residents in a training program in which the intervention was not provided. The twenty-five residents at the site of the educational intervention had a mean improvement of 0.10 in the overall score, from a mean score of 0.71 on the baseline survey to a mean score of 0.81 on the follow-up survey. This improvement was significantly greater than the mean improvement of 0.02 for the thirty residents at the control site, who had a mean score of 0.72 on the baseline survey and a mean score of 0.74 on the follow-up survey (p = 0.002). Six residents who participated in the medical ethics curriculum rated it as very useful; seventeen, as somewhat useful; one, as slightly useful; and one, as not at all useful. A medical ethics curriculum can increase orthopaedic residents' knowledge of medical ethics. Whether this curriculum also will lead to behavioral changes requires additional evaluation.  相似文献   

Endothelial seeding of vascular grafts has been shown to decrease graft thrombogenicity and prolong longevity when implanted in vivo. Previous studies have utilized anatomic grafts to study endothelialization and healing. Anatomic thoracoabdominal grafts do not allow for sequential biopsy for evaluation of individual grafts nor do they approximate the environment for long bypass grafts used in limb salvage. This study evaluated the use of an extra-anatomic aortic bypass graft to assess the healing of endothelial cell seeded expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE). Radionuclide angiography was used to evaluate graft patency and quantify blood flow through the graft. Dogs underwent placement of an extra-anatomic 60 cm long, 8 mm internal diameter, graft seeded with autologous endothelium. Grafts were biopsied from 2 weeks up to 1 year. Radionuclide studies were performed postimplantation and following each graft biopsy. Graft placement and biopsies were well tolerated in all dogs. Biopsied segments of graft allowed for sequential studies of the healing of implanted grafts by scanning electron and light microscopy. Flow through the implanted graft was close to 50% of the total caudal abdominal aortic flow. No significant difference in graft flow was noted either between animals or over time.  相似文献   

Three phases in the relationship of cross-cultural psychology to education are described: the application of US and western European approaches to Third World countries, the search for culturally specific modes of learning and reasoning, and current testing of cross-cultural research and curriculum innovation in addressing such concerns as the education of ethnic minority and language minority children. Topics considered include psychometric testing, educational failure among Third World and US minority children, developmental theories, multidisciplinary methodologies, the context-specificity of the cognitive effects of schooling, and the knowledge-acquisition repertoires enabled by education. Research considered includes studies of Koranic schooling in Morocco, interventions with Native Hawaiian and American Indian children, and reading instruction of Hispanic children in the US. (56 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A case history of a breast cancer patient is used to exemplify ethical dilemmas in medical oncology: information of a cancer patient and his family, ethical problems with genetic testing, ethical issues with do-not-resuscitate-orders, ethical dilemmas with limited resources, problems with insurance companies, ethical issues in clinical trials and questions in dying patients including physician-assisted suicide and active euthanasia. Medical oncologists have to develop skills in recognizing ethical dilemmas in patient care and must prepare to cope with the many and complex ethical issues in the care of oncology patients.  相似文献   

As medical ethics has evolved over the past several decades, it has come to be regarded as a domain of applied ethics, that is, the application of a rationally based, philosophical theory to moral problems in health care. But an array of difficulties arise in the attempt to apply general moral theories or norms to concrete problems, difficulties that expose the incompleteness and indeterminacy of philosophical moral theory. The doubtful ability of applied ethics to be practically helpful has led to the development of two main competitors. One is the attempt to reprise and rehabilitate the tradition of moral casuistry, which focuses on the analysis of specific cases rather than on the defense and application of theories and norms. The second is the search for moral insight and guidance in narratives or stories. These alternatives suffer from some of the same difficulties that plague applied ethics, however. Another trend in medical ethics rejects the theoretical preoccupation of applied ethics in favour of contextualism--an insistence on situating moral problems in institutional and organizational structures and in social and cultural backgrounds. Social science investigations of medical ethics pay attention to the former, while feminist critiques of medical ethics are concerned with exposing and eradicating cultural biases against women. Contemporary work in medical ethics is diverse, but these manifold approaches hold out the promise of improving our understanding of morality as a truly practical enterprise.  相似文献   

Comments that the research agenda outlined by B. Stanley et al (see record 1988-00068-001) is substantially incomplete, lacks citations of research to illustrate some of the significant issues, and is distorted by its concentration on the informed consent process. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In cardiac arrest research, prior informed consent is not available to resolve the conflict between the rights and well-being of subjects and the possible benefit to future patients. The right to autonomy is the fundamental right that is protected by the legal doctrine of informed consent. As a fundamental right, it cannot be balanced against other goods. Rather, it is a constraint, or trump, on the balancing of goods and can be overridden only for a narrow range of reasons: its recognition in a given case conflicts with another basic right, infringing the right will prevent great harm to others, and excluding a particular case from its scope will recognize and advance the right in the long run. Proxy consent, deferred consent, and presumed consent to cardiac arrest research are examined to determine if they qualify as justified infringements of the right to autonomy. The conclusion is that only presumed consent can be used, provided that the researcher can honestly say that outside of the randomized clinical trial of two or more treatments, a physician would have no basis for choosing one over the others.  相似文献   

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