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基于“TOPSIS/DEA/AHP”模型的战略性供应商选择   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了供应链环境下战略性供应商选择的问题.通过分析和总结供应商评价选择的准则、指标和方法,以供应链核心企业选择战略性供应商为目标,提出了战略性供应商评价的指标体系,利用整体DEA有效模型来反映供应商的绩效,利用AHP反映供应链核心企业选择供应商的主观愿望,从而构建了TOPSIS与整体DEA有效相结合的"TOPSIS/DEA/AHP"战略性供应商评价选择模型,并通过实证分析,证实了该模型及方法的可行性.  相似文献   

翁依 《中国科技博览》2009,(15):131-132
结合某建设工程项目中混凝土管桩供应商优选的实际情况,提出了材料供应商选择的指标体系,建立了基于熵权的逼近理想解的排序方法(TOPSIS)的评价模型,由于在该方法中采用了熵权,避免了多因素权重确定的主观性。最后,通过实例对该方法的应用进行说明。  相似文献   

基于DEA的供应商选择方法研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
考虑到现有方法的局限性,本文通过应用锥比率的C^2WH模型给出了不需要预先给定权重但可以体现决策者偏好的供应商选择方法。并应用这种方法对某型号零件的供应商的选择问题进行了研究。最后给出了在应用该方法进行供应商选择时,一些特殊情形的处理方法。  相似文献   

评价供应商的DEA方法   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
以制造业中采购管理为背景,讨论了供应商的评价准则,应用数据包络分析方法解决了供应商的评价问题,并在采购者对供应商有不同要求的情况下,为供应商选择问题提供了有效的技术经济分析方法。  相似文献   

基于BP神经网络和DEA的物流供应商选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
把交叉模型的评价结果设定为样本的期望值,将BP神经网络和交叉评价模型有机结合起来,构建了物流供应商选择模型。以2006年22家上市物流供应商的数据为样本进行了研究。该方法从统计数据出发,避免了主观因素对评价结果的影响,使物流供应商选择结果具有相对客观性。实例表明,该选择模型能够确定出备选物流供应商的评价等级和大小,为物流供应商的选择提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

该文收集了2020年的雅鲁藏布江各项指标,并将其分为上中下游,并利用ArcGIS提取多个特征数据,结合投入与收益、地质、水文条件和环境成本等方面,选取7个二级指标和4个一级指标,构建水电站选址评价体系。然后继续构建EWM-TOPSIS模型,采用熵权法(EWM)得出指标权重,运用优劣解距离法(TOPSIS)的综合得分,中游得分最高为0.652,被认为是最适合建水电站的流域。结合在建或规划中的水电站位置验证了模型的准确性。  相似文献   

基于信息熵多属性决策的物流供应商选择评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生产商选择合适的物流供应商有利于降低营运成本,提高竞争优势.高效的第三方物流活动在增强企业核心竞争力、降低企业成本等方面起着重要作用.针对传统的熵值和熵权计算公式的不足,提出改进的熵权计算公式.同时把专家的主观权重和样本自身产生的熵权相结合,通过一定的方式混合加权作为不确定属性的权重.在此基础上结合多属性决策模型建立多属性决策评价方法.该方法将主、客观分析相结合,具有一定的优势:既减少了决策问题的主观性,又使得整个评价过程能够量化,有效解决了第三方物流供应商选择评价中的不确定多属性决策问题.最后通过实例分析证明该方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

TOPSIS法在供应商评估中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
主要介绍了逼近理解排序法的方法,同时利用熵值法确定评价指标的权重,并详细描述了该方法在供应商评估中的应用。  相似文献   

李宇轩  韩旭  余毅 《包装工程》2022,43(18):57-64
目的 为提供以玩家体验为中心的严肃游戏产品,提出一种融合学习方法(游戏化机制模型、模糊Kano模型、熵权TOPSIS法)的严肃游戏设计方法。方法 首先,根据游戏教育目标结合相关成熟范式建立有针对性的学习机制——游戏化机制模型(Learning Mechanics-Game Mechanics Model),然后对模型中指标进行相关性评价,筛选得到初步符合游戏主题与教育目的的设计要素。其次,使用模糊Kano模型设计问卷调查得到需求分类,以必备需求为核心设计要素,提取期望需求、兴奋需求进行再次筛选排序,计算满意度指标。再次,通过李克特量表收集对满意度指标的评价信息结合熵值法得到具有客观性的设计要素权重,使用逼近理想解法(TOPSIS)确定各设计要素重要性排序。最后,以宣传网络信息安全的实体严肃游戏“DataCapital”作为设计案例,验证了该设计方法的可行性与优越性。结论 认为该方法能较好地帮助严肃游戏的开发、切实提高游戏的玩家满意度,能为其他类似产品提供设计方法借鉴。  相似文献   

为解决电影票房预测中,票房影响因素存在模糊性的问题,提出用区间数量化具有模糊性的票房影响因素,使得量化科学合理,量化结果能提高信息利用率;利用熵权法计算各影响因素权重,保证权重客观性;对票房进行分级并基于票房分级,将票房影响因素作为票房评价指标,提出用理想解法计算票房理想解贴近度区间,根据票房理想解贴近度判断票房级别,得到票房区间预测值;结合区间理论、熵权法和理想解法得到上映前总票房区间预测方法。选取2015~2017年上映的剧情类和动作类电影对该方法进行了验证。该方法在两类用于验证的电影中的平均准确率分别为79.33%和73.92%,证明本文方法具有一定的有效性和实用性。本文对于电影发行商的决策以及风险规避具有一定的意义,且对于与电影类似的短生命周期体验品的早期需求预测具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

基于Zadeh模糊优越集定义,应用模糊权重约束DEA模型对医院服务效率进行评价.通过最大化模糊隶属函数来确定投入与产出权重的上限和下限,以避免传统DEA模型中权重为0的缺陷.实例选取期末实有床位数和医护人员数为两个投入变量,总诊疗人次和总出院人次为两个产出变量,评价广州市15所医院的相对服务效率.评价结果对医院管理决策更具客观性和实用性.  相似文献   

一个实用的供应商选择模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究可获得的指标权重信息仅为指标相对重要性排序的供应商选择问题.首先,构建线性规划模型以确定供应商综合评价值的取值范围;其次,通过简单的变量变换,并根据线性规划的对偶理论得到了模型最优解的显式表达式;最后,利用区间数的排序公式,由综合评价值的区间范围得到各供应商的排序权重.实例分析表明了模型的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

产品生命周期过程(横向集成)供应商选择模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭岩  林强  齐二石 《工业工程》2005,8(2):79-82,100
通过分析集成化供应链管理环境下供应商选择过程,给出了选择指标体系及选择步骤。在此基础上,建立了“横向”集成型企业供应商选择的模糊综合评价选择模型。应用此模型可对选择最满意的供应商做出相应的决策。  相似文献   

As global supply chains become more developed and complicated, supplier quality has become increasingly influential on the competitiveness of businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic. Consequently, supplier selection is an increasingly important process for any business around the globe. Choosing a supplier is a complex decision that can result in lower procurement costs and increased profits without increasing the cost or lowering the quality of the product. However, these decision-making problems can be complicated in cases with multiple potential suppliers. Vietnam's textile and garment industry, for example, has made rapid progress in recent years but is still facing great difficulties as the supply of raw materials and machinery depends heavily on foreign countries. Therefore, it is extremely important for textile and garment manufacturing companies in Vietnam to implement an effective supplier evaluation and selection process. While multicriteria decision-making models are frequently employed to assist with supplier evaluation and selection problems, few of these models consider the problem under the condition of a fuzzy decision-making environment. The aim of this paper is to create a hybrid MCDM model using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) model and the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to assist the supplier selection process in the garment industry in a fuzzy decision-making environment. In this study, the FAHP method is used to evaluate the performance and the weight of each criterion. TOPSIS is then used to rank all potential suppliers. The proposed model is then applied to a real-world case study to demonstrate both the process of calculation as well as its real-world applicability. The results from the case study provide empirical evidence that the model is feasible. The proposed approach can also be used in combination with other MCDM models to better support decision makers and can be modified to be applied in similar supplier selection processes for different industries.  相似文献   

Supplier selection is a common and relevant phase to initialize the supply chain processes and ensure its sustainability. The choice of supplier is a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) to obtain the optimal decision based on a group of criteria. The health care sector faces several types of problems, and one of the most important is selecting an appropriate supplier that fits the desired performance level. The development of service/product quality in health care facilities in a country will improve the quality of the life of its population. This paper proposes an integrated multi-attribute border approximation area comparison (MABAC) based on the best-worst method (BWM), plithogenic set, and rough numbers. BWM is applied to regulate the weight vector of the measures in group decision-making problems with a high level of consistency. For the treatment of uncertainty, a plithogenic set and rough number (RN) are used to improve the accuracy of results. Plithogenic set operations are used to deal with information in the desired manner that handles uncertainty and vagueness. Then, based on the plithogenic aggregation and the results of BWM evaluation, we use MABAC to find the optimal alternative according to defined criteria. To examine the proposed integrated algorithm, an empirical example is produced to select an optimal supplier within five options in the healthcare industry.  相似文献   

基于DEA/PEG的供应商绩效评价及选择方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用数据包络分析/绩效博弈法对供应商的绩效进行了评价,在综合考虑绩效、能力、区位及需求等因素的基础上建立了供应商选择的整数规划模型.最后通过实例对该方法进行了详细说明,从而提高了供应商评价及选择的可靠性.  相似文献   

Supplier selection is a vital part of the supply chain and is also a current issue that concerns businesses today as supplier quality directly affects the operations of the organization. Choosing the right supplier can help businesses increase productivity, competitiveness in the market, and profits without having to lower the quality of the products. However, choosing a supplier is not a simple matter, it requires businesses to consider many aspects about their suppliers. Therefore, the goal of this study is to propose an integrated model consisting of two models: Fuzzy Analytics Network Process (Fuzzy-ANP) model and Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) to solve the problem above. The Fuzzy-ANP model was developed to evaluate the weightings of the supplier selection criteria, and the WASPAS Model was used to rank the suppliers. An example of supplier selection in the coffee industry in Vietnam was studied to validate the model, namely 5 main criteria, with 16 sub-criteria, and 7 suppliers. The model test results show that the Fuzzy ANP and WASPAS integration model was suitable. In future, these developing models can apply to other industries or integrate with other models.  相似文献   

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