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The Spacecraft Control Programs Branch is responsible for the development and operation of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) data system components which provide mission support for planning and command of science and spacecraft operations. This support is provided to project experiment operations facilities and spacecraft controllers and is operated to coordinate planned command operation with the real-time support provided by the control centers. The Branch's facility, the Command Management Facility, serves as the focal point for receipt of experimenter inputs and coordination of experimenter requirements with spacecraft requirements. The facility also provides for distribution of planned operational timelines to various experimenters. This paper explores the utilization of artificial intelligence technology in the spacecraft and experiment command and control systems environment.  相似文献   

多目标综合遥测监控系统架构设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李筱雅 《现代电子技术》2012,35(20):124-127
为了满足新型飞机多机协同试飞、高机动性、超音速巡航等试飞特性,对遥测监控系统提出的高采样参数多、实时处理数据量大、遥测资源协同工作能力强的需求;采用遥测天线远程控制技术,虚拟局域网技术,网络组播通信方式,对遥测监控系统结构进行设计和规划;实现遥测监控四目标、遥测监控资源集中控制、统筹利用等功能。提出了满足新型飞机安全监控需求的多目标综合遥测监控系统设计思想,并验证了可行性、技术先进性和使用价值,达到提高试飞安全性和实时数据处理效率的目的。  相似文献   

This paper describes a microcontroller-based multichannel telemetry system, suitable for in vivo monitoring of physiological parameters. The device can digitalize and transmit up to three analog signals coming from different sensors. The telemetry transmission is obtained by using a carrier frequency of 433.92 MHz and an amplitude-shift keying modulation. The signal data rate is 13 kb/s per channel. The digital microcontroller provides good flexibility and interesting performance, such as the threshold monitoring, the transmission error detection, and a low power consumption, thanks to the implementation of a sleep mode. The small overall size (less than 1 cm3), the power density compatible with current regulations for the design of implantable devices, and the dedicated packaging make the system suitable for in vivo monitoring in humans. The design, fabrication, operation, packaging, and performance of the system are described in this paper. An in vivo pressure monitoring case study is described as well.  相似文献   

This paper presents the Expert Operator's Associate (EOA) project, which studies the applicability of Expert Systems to day-to-day space operations. A prototype Expert System is developed, which operates on-line with an existing spacecraft control system at the European Space Operations Centre, and functions as an “operator's assistant” in controlling satellites. The prototype is demonstrated using an existing real-time simulation model of the MARECS-B2 telecommunication satellite. By developing a prototype system, it is examined to what extent the reliability and effectiveness of operations can be enhanced by AI based support. In addition, the study examines the questions of acquisition and representation of the “knowledge” for such systems, and the feasibility of “migration” of some (currently) ground-based functions into future space-borne autonomous systems.  相似文献   

A micropower signal-processor IC is the key component of an implantable telemetry system for neurophysiology. The bipolar/JFET/I/SUP 2/L chip uses digital and low-noise analog circuitry to amplify, filter, and multiplex eight channels of neutral, electrogram, and temperature data from unanesthetized and freely moving animals. Fully integrated continuous-time bandpass amplifiers incorporate a frequency-sensitive feedback network to prevent the amplification of input offset voltage. The system can telemeter data for over 500 h, permitting long-term neurophysiological investigations.  相似文献   

航天器通常造价昂贵且无法批量生产,对其进行故障检测和诊断研究实用且必要。由美国宇航局 NASA 开发的 Livingstone 软件系统,使用一组多层次的定性逻辑模型来描述系统的行为,通过比较模型预测数据和传感器实测数据来检测和诊断系统故障。本文旨在说明 Livingstone软件能够应用于航天器故障检测和诊断领域。通过对 Livingstone 工作原理和过程的详细阐述,并利用 Livingstone 对航天器推进系统简化模型做仿真实验,给出可能的故障原因及可能性大小,说明 Livingstone 是一种有效而可靠的故障检测和诊断工具,能够快速、准确地诊断出航天器系统故障所在。  相似文献   

The characteristics of spontaneous cardiac arrhythmias leading to sudden cardiac death are largely unknown. To study arrhythmias in animal models, an eight-channel implantable radio telemetry system has been developed to record continuously cardiac electrograms over a period of weeks to months, with maintenance restricted to changing batteries. The inputs are connected in a unipolar manner. Each channel has a gain of fifty and is AC coupled, band limited to 0.07-260 Hz. The signals are digitized with 12 bits resolution at 1000 samples/s. The amplifiers, analog-to-digital converter, and control logic are packaged in an implantable unit. An umbilical cable is passed through the skin to an external backpack unit for power and data transmission. A custom serial interface card, a PC/104 form factor 25-MHz 80386-based single-board computer with a PCMCIA wireless local area network (WLAN) card, and battery power supply make up the backpack. Data are read into the parallel port of the computer, buffered, then transmitted over the WLAN to the laboratory network where it can be analyzed and archived. Approximately 12 h of 14,000 bytes/s data can be collected with each set of batteries. The system is suitable for continuous monitoring of animal models of spontaneous arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death.  相似文献   

为了实时获取海气分界层气象水文参数,计算修正折射率指数廓线从而现场评估蒸发波导对海上电磁波的传播影响,设计了蒸发波导环境监测与诊断系统。该系统基于ZigBee技术进行多传感器组网,可以测量不同高度层的温度、湿度、气压参数,采用自适应卡尔曼滤波算法解算测量终端姿态,通过计算快速获取蒸发波导高度、强度参数,具有实时性强、测量范围广等优势。实验结果表明,一般海况下该系统可以满足测量要求,为蒸发波导环境实时监测与诊断提供了新的硬件方法。  相似文献   

为了解决诊断资源时间空间的限制、系统开发通用性差的问题,设计了远程监测与故障诊断系统。首先,分析了系统的总体框架和结构。然后,分别介绍了监测子系统和故障诊断推理机的结构及设计。最后,介绍了基于组件技术的系统设计的优点。本系统主要采用组件技术实现数据处理和故障诊断通用性,同时利用基于网络的设计实现诊断资源共享。  相似文献   

电梯电气系统故障监测与诊断是监测电气系统运行中的状态并结合诊断对象的历史状态来定量识别设备电气系统及其零部件性能的技术.实验中,利用电能质量监测分析仪监测电梯电气系统状态,检测电压信号突变、中断、频率偏移、三相不平衡等故障信号,从而判断电梯制动功能失效、不平层、不关门走梯、超速、蹲底、冲顶等故障原因,避免困人、撞击、剪切、坠落等人身伤害事故.  相似文献   

提出一种基于语音交互应用的全时AI电视系统设计方案,详细阐述了系统工作原理及AI语音交互、AI待机交互、线性阵列麦克风模块和防反射收音管道设计关键技术;系统在开机和AI待机状态时均可进行AI语音交互,实现不间断全时语音交互,同时AI待机语音交互功率低,系统语音交互准确性和识别率高.该方案已应用于创维全时AI电视产品,效...  相似文献   

为了提高医疗诊断信息的监控管理能力,提出一种基于无线传感器网络的医疗诊断信息远程监测系统。医疗诊断信息管理系统的数据感知层采用IPv6传感节点和IPv6路由进行网络设计,通过端到端IP网络架构实现医疗诊断信息的远程传输和数据共享,以Contiki作为操作系统进行监测系统的中间件设计和信息处理控制器设计,基于Tiny OS实现组件接口设计,根据GPSR路由协议中实现无线客户终端设计。在仿真软件Vanet Mobi Sim中实现无线医疗诊断信息远程监测系统的软件开发和仿真测试。结果表明,该系统进行医疗诊断信息监测的信息覆盖完整度较高,提高了信息的有效检索性能。  相似文献   

A real-time system for protecting and monitoring a DC/AC converter has been designed and constructed. The proposed system consists of (a) a hardware protection unit for fast reaction, load protection and inverter fail-safe operation and (b) a microcontroller unit for calculating critical parameters of the inverter operation. The control unit malfunctions have not been investigated in this study. The proposed hardware architecture and sensors form a low-cost and reliable control unit. The experimental results show that the proposed system ensures the inverter protection and fail-safe features. The proposed unit can be used to increase the reliability of any power inverter in AC motor drives, renewable energy systems, etc. or can be incorporated in any UPS system.  相似文献   

目前,宽带接入技术已经成为制约宽带网络全面发展的一个“瓶颈”,利用何种有效的接入手段实现全业务服务一直被业内人士所关注。在保证业务服.务质量的前提下,把传统的TDM业务与IP业务融合在一个接入网络平台之上,成为我们研究的一个方向。本文从GPON(吉位无源光网)技术的基本概念出发,对GPON技术做一比较全面的介绍,通过GPON传输与汇聚的功能对用户端的各类接入业务加以融合,达到利用GPON技术在接入网部分实现全业务接入的目的。  相似文献   

张东  吴晓琳 《信息技术》2011,(10):136-138,141
针对遥测数据信息化管理系统的需求和特点,提出基于WEB服务器技术的整体解决方案,阐述了ASP.NET和SQL技术,对系统逻辑结构和各功能模块进行深入分析,最后通过系统软件的构建实现遥测数据的信息化管理。  相似文献   

基于靶场的地形特征、地面接收站的布置特点、等待接收天线以及发射天线的配置情况,提出了等待接收遥测信道的近地衰落模型,它是一个赖斯过程和一指数过程的乘积过程.然后,对信道的统计特性进行了分析,得到了信道的幅度概率密度函数、电平通过率和平均衰落间隔的闲式表达式,并通过仿真曲线分析了信道参数对信道特性的影响.最后,基于真实信道测量数据,给出了一种信道参数的估计方法.  相似文献   

A telemetry receiving system that provides a direct readout of ionograms from topside sounders is described. The system is designed to use "off-the-shelf" components. Its most important application is the availability of immediately readable ionograms for short-time corrections of usable frequencies.  相似文献   

本文就电网计量装置在线监测技术及电能计量遥测系统客观阐述,从多种角度剖析技术要点和电网系统在线监测技术需求,推动技术创新,为后续电网建设提供参考.  相似文献   

在气象监测、工农业生产、军事控制等领域,大气压力和温度是非常重要的物理参数。文中提出一种基于ST89C52单片机和BMP180传感器的高精度大气压力和温度无线监测系统。该系统采用STC89C52单片机作为核心控制元件,发射端通过BMP180大气压力传感器采集实时的压力与温度数据,再经过nRF2401射频模块发射数据,接收端通过nRF2401射频模块实时接收发射端发射的数据,经过STC89C52单片机进行数据处理,最后在LCD1602液晶上实时显示。经测试,该系统能对大气压力和温度进行实时的监测和报警,最大无线传输距离达到10 m,压力测试相对精度为±0.01 kPa,平均相对误差在0.008%左右。  相似文献   

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