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The uncapacitated warehouse location problem (UWLP) has been studied by many researchers. It has been solved using various approaches, including branch and bound linear programming, tabu search, simulated annealing, and genetic algorithms. This study presents a new local search (LS) approach to the UWLP that is quite simple and robust and is efficient in some cases. The algorithm was tested against standard OR Library benchmarks and M* instances, which have already been used to test other approaches. The results show that the only disadvantage of the algorithm is the exponential growth of its computation time with the problem size. However, the multi-search design suggested here enables the algorithm to run under multi-processor or multi-core systems, which are currently provided as part of standard PC configurations.  相似文献   

In the mobile facility location problem (MFLP), one seeks to relocate (or move) a set of existing facilities and assign clients to these facilities so that the sum of facility movement costs and the client travel costs (each to its assigned facility) is minimized. This paper studies formulations and develops local search heuristics for the MFLP. First, we develop an integer programming (IP) formulation for the MFLP by observing that for a given set of facility destinations the problem may be decomposed into two polynomially solvable subproblems. This IP formulation is quite compact in terms of the number of nonzero coefficients in the constraint matrix and the number of integer variables; and allows for the solution of large-scale MFLP instances. Using the decomposition observation, we propose two local search neighborhoods for the MFLP. We report on extensive computational tests of the new IP formulation and local search heuristics on a large range of instances. These tests demonstrate that the proposed formulation and local search heuristics significantly outperform the existing formulation and a previously developed local search heuristic for the problem.  相似文献   

The capacitated arc routing problem (CARP) is a difficult optimisation problem in vehicle routing with applications where a service must be provided by a set of vehicles on specified roads. A heuristic algorithm based on tabu search is proposed and tested on various sets of benchmark instances. The computational results show that the proposed algorithm produces high quality results within a reasonable computing time. Some new best solutions are reported for a set of test problems used in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper a discrete variant of Unconscious search (US) for solving uncapacitated facility location problem (UFLP) is proposed. Unconscious search mimics the process of psychoanalytic psychotherapy in which the psychoanalyst tries to access the unconscious of a mental patient to find the root cause his/her problem, which is encapsulated in unconsciousness. Unconscious search is a multi-start metaheuristic which has three main stages, namely construction, construction review and local search. In construction phase a new solution is generated. In construction review the generated solution in construction phase is used to produce more starting points for using in the local search phase. The results of applying US to UFLP shows that this metaheuristic can determine high quality solutions in short processing time comparing to other heuristics.  相似文献   

Given a set V of n elements and a distance matrix [dij]n×n among elements, the max-mean dispersion problem (MaxMeanDP) consists in selecting a subset M from V such that the mean dispersion (or distance) among the selected elements is maximized. Being a useful model to formulate several relevant applications, MaxMeanDP is known to be NP-hard and thus computationally difficult. In this paper, we present a tabu search based memetic algorithm for MaxMeanDP which relies on solution recombination and local optimization to find high quality solutions. One key contribution is the identification of the fast neighborhood induced by the one-flip operator which takes linear time. Computational experiments on the set of 160 benchmark instances with up to 1000 elements commonly used in the literature show that the proposed algorithm improves or matches the published best known results for all instances in a short computing time, with only one exception, while achieving a high success rate of 100%. In particular, we improve 53 previous best results (new lower bounds) out of the 60 most challenging instances. Results on a set of 40 new large instances with 3000 and 5000 elements are also presented. The key ingredients of the proposed algorithm are investigated to shed light on how they affect the performance of the algorithm.  相似文献   

讨论设备问题的局部搜索近似算法及其在实际计算中表现出的新性质。主要讨论局部搜索算法中初始解的产生方法,设备价值与服务价值大小对算法求解性能的影响。实验表明:约有99%以上的实例可直接利用局部搜索算法求得最优解;贪心算法产生初始解的局部搜索算法求解时间明显短于随机算法产生初始解的方法,但两者求解质量相当;设备价值和服务价值数值范围越大,局部搜索算法越容易求得最优解。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider an interesting variant of the facility location problem called uncapacitated facility location problem with penalties (UFLWP, for short) in which each client can be either assigned to some opened facility or rejected by paying a penalty. Existing approaches [M. Charikar, S. Khuller, D. Mount, G. Narasimhan, Algorithms for facility location problems with outliers, in: Proc. Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2001, p. 642] and [K. Jain, M. Mahdian, E. Markakis, A. Saberi, V. Vazirani, Greedy facility location algorithms analyzed using dual fitting with factor-revealing LP, J. ACM 50 (2003) 795] for this variant of facility location problem are all based on primal-dual method. In this paper, we present an efficient linear programming (LP) rounding based approach to show that LP rounding techniques are equally capable of solving this variant of facility location problem. Our algorithm uses a two-phase filtering technique (generalized from Lin and Vitter's [?-approximation with minimum packing constraint violation, in: Proc. 24th Annual ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing, 1992, p. 771]) to identify those to-be-rejected clients and open facilities for the remaining ones. Our approach achieves an approximation ratio of 2+2/e (≈2.736) which is worse than the best approximation ratio of 2 achieved by the much more sophisticated dual fitting technique [K. Jain, M. Mahdian, E. Markakis, A. Saberi, V. Vazirani, Greedy facility location algorithms analyzed using dual fitting with factor-revealing LP, J. ACM 50 (2003) 795], but better than the approximation ratio of 3 achieved by the primal-dual method [M. Charikar, S. Khuller, D. Mount, G. Narasimhan, Algorithms for facility location problems with outliers, in: Proc. Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2001, p. 642]. Our algorithm is simple, natural, and can be easily integrated into existing LP rounding based algorithms for facility location problem to deal with outliers.  相似文献   

In the heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem there are different types of vehicles and a given number of vehicles of each type. The resolution of this problem consists of assigning the customers to the existing vehicles and, in relation to each vehicle, defining the order of visiting each customer for the delivery or collection of goods. The objective is to minimize the total costs, satisfying customers’ requirements and visiting each customer exactly once. In this paper a tabu search algorithm is proposed and tested on several benchmark problems. The computational experiments show that the proposed algorithm produces high quality solutions within an acceptable computation time. Four new best solutions are reported for a set of test problems used in the literature.  相似文献   

Hub-and-spoke networks are widely studied in the area of location theory. They arise in several contexts, including passenger airlines, postal and parcel delivery, and computer and telecommunication networks. Hub location problems usually involve three simultaneous decisions to be made: the optimal number of hub nodes, their locations and the allocation of the non-hub nodes to the hubs. In the uncapacitated single allocation hub location problem (USAHLP) hub nodes have no capacity constraints and non-hub nodes must be assigned to only one hub. In this paper, we propose three variants of a simple and efficient multi-start tabu search heuristic as well as a two-stage integrated tabu search heuristic to solve this problem. With multi-start heuristics, several different initial solutions are constructed and then improved by tabu search, while in the two-stage integrated heuristic tabu search is applied to improve both the locational and allocational part of the problem. Computational experiments using typical benchmark problems (Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) and Australian Post (AP) data sets) as well as new and modified instances show that our approaches consistently return the optimal or best-known results in very short CPU times, thus allowing the possibility of efficiently solving larger instances of the USAHLP than those found in the literature. We also report the integer optimal solutions for all 80 CAB data set instances and the 12 AP instances up to 100 nodes, as well as for the corresponding new generated AP instances with reduced fixed costs.  相似文献   

Solving the hub location problem with modular link capacities   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
This paper deals with a capacitated hub location problem arising in the design of telecommunications networks. The problem is different from the classical hub location problem in two ways: the cost of using an edge is not linear but stepwise and the capacity of a hub restricts the amount of traffic transiting through the hub rather than the incoming traffic. In this paper both an exact and a heuristic method are presented. They are compared and combined in a heuristic concentration approach to investigate whether it is possible to improve the results within limited computational times.  相似文献   

In this paper, a tabu search based clustering approach called TS-Clustering is proposed to deal with the minimum sum-of-squares clustering problem. In the TS-Clustering algorithm, five improvement operations and three neighborhood modes are given. The improvement operation is used to enhance the clustering solution obtained in the process of iterations, and the neighborhood mode is used to create the neighborhood of tabu search. The superiority of the proposed method over some known clustering techniques is demonstrated for artificial and real life data sets.  相似文献   

Models for locating facilities and service providers to serve a set of demand points are proposed. The number of facilities is unknown, however, there is a given number of servers to be distributed among the facilities. Each facility acts as an M/M/k queuing system. The objective function is the minimization of the combined travel time and the waiting time at the facility for all customers. The distribution of demand among the facilities is governed by the gravity rule. Two models are proposed: a stationary one and an interactive one. In the stationary model it is assumed that customers do not consider the waiting time at the facility in their facility selection decision. In the interactive model we assume that customers know the expected waiting time at the facility and consider it in their facility selection decision. The interactive model is more complicated because the allocation of the demand among the facilities depends on the demand itself. The models are analyzed and three heuristic solution algorithms are proposed. The algorithms were tested on a set of problems with up to 1000 demand points and 20 servers.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a location-optimization problem where the classical uncapacitated facility location model is recast in a stochastic environment with several risk factors that make demand at each customer site probabilistic and correlated with demands at the other customer sites. Our primary contribution is to introduce a new solution methodology that adopts the mean–variance approach, borrowed from the finance literature, to optimize the “Value-at-Risk” (VaR) measure in a location problem. Specifically, the objective of locating the facilities is to maximize the lower limit of future earnings based on a stated confidence level. We derive a nonlinear integer program whose solution gives the optimal locations for the p facilities under the new objective. We design a branch-and-bound algorithm that utilizes a second-order cone program (SOCP) solver as a subroutine. We also provide computational results that show excellent solution times on small to medium sized problems.  相似文献   

利用传统的禁忌算法的基本思想,针对TSP问题,提出了一种改进的禁忌算法(MTS)。该算法在初始解的生成,邻域结构及禁忌策略方面进行了大的改进,充分地利用了问题本身的启发式信息与禁忌算法的优点。算法首先通过对城市分区,然后对区域连接,生成初始解;同时生成每个城市的k邻居列表,利用k邻居列表和改进的禁忌策略来突破局部最优。通过对CHN144问题及若干TSPLIB中问题的求解,结果表明所提算法能够以较快速度求得较好的满意解。  相似文献   

An adaptive tabu search algorithm for the capacitated clustering problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the Capacitated Clustering Problem, a given set of customers with distinct demands must be partitioned into p clusters with limited capacities. The objective is to find p customers, called medians, from which the sum of the distances to all other customers in the cluster is minimized. In this article, a new adaptive tabu search approach is applied to solve the problem. Initial solutions are obtained by four constructive heuristics that use weights and distances as optimization criteria. Two neighborhood generation mechanisms are used by the local search heuristic: pairwise interchange and insertion . Computational results from 20 instances found in the literature indicate that the proposed method outperforms alternative metaheuristics developed for solving this problem.  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - The crow search algorithm (CSA) is a recently proposed population-based optimization algorithm for continuous optimization. Since the original CSA searches for a...  相似文献   

This paper addresses a project scheduling problem (PSP) where the activities can be performed with several discrete modes and with four different payment patterns. Cash outflows depend on the activities’ execution modes, while cash inflows are determined by the payment pattern. Under project deadline constraints, the objective is to minimize the maximal cash flow gap, which is defined as the greatest gap between the accumulative cash inflows and outflows over the course of the project. Based on the definition of the problem, the optimization models are constructed using the activity-based method. Due to the NP-hardness of the problem, the mixed and nested versions of variable neighbourhood search (VNS), tabu search (TS), and variable neighbourhood search with tabu search (VNS-TS) are developed. Based on the characteristics of the problem, two improvement measures are proposed and embedded into the algorithms. Through a computational experiment conducted on a data set generated randomly, the performance of the developed algorithms, the contributions of the improvement measures, and the effects of the key parameters on the objective function are analysed. Based on the computational results, the following conclusions are drawn: Among the algorithms developed, the nested version of the VNS-TS is the most promising algorithm, especially for larger problems. The maximal cash flow gap decreases with the increase of the advance payment proportion, payment number, payment proportion, or project deadline. Among the four payment patterns, the expense based and progress based payment patterns may be more favourable for contractors to decrease the gap. The research in this paper has practical implications for contractors to smooth their cash flows and academic implications for project scheduling research due to the introduction of a new objective.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the parallel variant of the scheduling algorithm dedicated to the hybrid flow shop problem. The problem derives from practice of automated manufacturing lines, e.g. for printed packages. The overall goal is to design a new algorithm which merges the performance of the best known sequential approach with the efficient exploitation of parallel calculation environments. In order to fulfill the above aim, there are two methods proposed in this paper: the original fast method of parallel calculation of the criterion function and the local neighborhood parallel search method embedded in the tabu search approach. The theoretical analysis, as well as the original implementation, with the use of vector processing instructions SSE2 supported by suitable data organization, are presented below. Numerical properties of the proposed algorithm are empirically verified on the multi-core processor.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a tabu search heuristic for the Quay Crane Scheduling Problem (QCSP), the problem of scheduling a fixed number of quay cranes in order to load and unload containers into and from a ship. The optimality criterion considered is the minimum completion time. Precedence and non-simultaneity constraints between tasks are taken into account. The former originate from the different kind of operations that each crane has to perform; the latter are needed in order to avoid interferences between the cranes. The QCSP is decomposed into a routing problem and a scheduling problem. The routing problem is solved by a tabu search heuristic, while a local search technique is used to generate the solution of the scheduling problem. This is done by minimizing the longest path length in a disjunctive graph. The effectiveness of our algorithm is assessed by comparing it to a branch-and-cut algorithm and to a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP).  相似文献   

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