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沙底的鱼:天冷了.又可以开吃火锅了.最喜欢一家人围着吃火锅的感觉:.很想请教一下大伙儿自己在家吃火锅时.都买什么牌子的火锅底料?以前.我一直买“草原兴发”的火锅底料,清汤的.味道还行.我还很喜欢吃重口味的麻辣火锅,各位过来推荐一下你认为好吃的火锅底料吧:  相似文献   

欢迎来到贝太厨房网站交流烹饪心得!贝太厨房网站拥有庞大的菜谱资源库,向您呈献海量的精美菜肴菜谱和图片,您可以通过快捷的搜索功能方便地找到精致.实用的菜谱资讯,更加开拓烹饪视角,详情请登陆:http://www.bettyskitchen.com.cn/recipe。  相似文献   

问问大家怎么储存姜和蒜? 俏皮沙拉:姜还好说.蒜每次都有好多皮,弄得抽屉里乱乱的。放在盒子里?  相似文献   

echodaz:夏天的时候,妈妈做了很多咸蛋,可是现在看来成蛋黄仍然是浅黄色的,没有味道,蛋白却成得要命。到现在都还没有吃完。有谁知道让咸蛋黄出油的招?  相似文献   

欢迎来到《贝太厨房》网站交流烹饪心得!贝太厨房网站拥有庞大的菜谱资源库,向您呈献海量的精美菜肴菜谱和图片,您可以通过快捷的搜索功能方便地找到精致.实用的菜谱资讯,更加开拓烹饪视角.详情请登陆:http://www.bettyskitchen.corn.cn/recipe  相似文献   

欢迎来到贝太厨房网站交流烹饪心得!贝太厨房网站拥有庞大的菜谱资源库,向您呈献海量的精美菜肴和图片,您可以通过快捷的搜索功能方便地找到精致、实用的菜谱资讯,更加开拓烹饪视角,详情请登陆: http://www.bettyskitchen.com.cn/recipe  相似文献   

旧金山的确是一个度假的天堂。文史景观赏心悦目,餐馆佳肴令人惊喜,大饭店的富丽超乎想象。游客所期望的美国大城市中的戏剧表演和体育运动,这里也应有尽有。从空中俯瞰旧金山,这座城市就象晶体管收音机一样整洁:一块块精妙绝伦的维多利亚式的建筑群、四四方方的公园、条条的海滨美景,摩天大楼装饰精美,反光玻璃辉映着绚丽的街景,蜿蜒曲折的高速公路连绵伸向高耸入云的商业区。  相似文献   

2008年7月26日,在由<华夏时报>主办,品牌中国产业联盟与新浪网、CCTV,中央人民广播电台等几十家媒体鼎力支持的"30年,谁在改变我们的生活"大型品牌发布颁奖典礼上,"雀巢咖啡"赢取了"30年改变中国人生活的外国品牌"奖项.这项评选选拔出了在中国改革开放30年中改变人们生活的品牌.评选历时四个月,由数十万名办公室白领及由政府官员、金融专家、品牌专家、时尚前沿意见领袖,电影明星和媒体组成的权威评审委员会评选和评估出来.  相似文献   

Coffee has been for decades the most commercialized food product and most widely consumed beverage in the world, with over 600 billion cups served per year. Before coffee cherries can be traded and processed into a final industrial product, they have to undergo postharvest processing on farms, which have a direct impact on the cost and quality of a coffee. Three different methods can be used for transforming the coffee cherries into beans, known as wet, dry, and semi-dry methods. In all these processing methods, a spontaneous fermentation is carried out in order to eliminate any mucilage still stuck to the beans and helps improve beverage flavor by microbial metabolites. The microorganisms responsible for the fermentation (e.g., yeasts and lactic acid bacteria) can play a number of roles, such as degradation of mucilage (pectinolytic activity), inhibition of mycotoxin-producing fungi growth, and production of flavor-active components. The use of starter cultures (mainly yeast strains) has emerged in recent years as a promising alternative to control the fermentation process and to promote quality development of coffee product. However, scarce information is still available about the effects of controlled starter cultures in coffee fermentation performance and bean quality, making it impossible to use this technology in actual field conditions. A broader knowledge about the ecology, biochemistry, and molecular biology could facilitate the understanding and application of starter cultures for coffee fermentation process. This review provides a comprehensive coverage of these issues, while pointing out new directions for exploiting starter cultures in coffee processing.  相似文献   

和韩延文约好到中国歌剧舞剧院采访,眼前的她,时尚靓丽,白裙、黑靴,给人以时尚前卫感,出道十几年,她的脸上不仅没有留下岁月更替的痕迹,反倒因阅世闻事,虔心演艺事业而更具魅力。  相似文献   

Norharman and harman are two neuroactive β-carbolines present in several plants and thermally processed foods, including roasted coffee. The objective of this study was to evaluate their amounts in commercial instant coffee-based and coffee substitute beverages (n = 48), with variable amounts of coffee, chicory, barley, malt, and rye. All samples contained variable amounts of both β-carbolines, always with a higher proportion of norharman than harman. The highest levels (p < 0.01) were found in 100% instant coffees, with mean amounts of 3.8 μg/g and 1.5 μg/g for NH and H, respectively, followed by plain chicory. The lowest amounts were found in 100% barley, with 1.1 μg/g for NH and 0.3 μg/g for H. The NH and H content was statistically higher (p < 0.01) in all mixtures with coffee when compared to those without it. Nevertheless, and except for 100% barley, the amounts provided by beverages based on coffee substitutes are within those reported for standard coffee brews.  相似文献   

Coffee and cereals are recognized sources of ochratoxin A (OTA) in the human diet, but data concerning its amounts in soluble coffee substitutes are scarce. This work aimed to determine the amounts of OTA in commercial soluble coffee substitutes (mixtures of barley, malt, and chicory, either with or without coffee). OTA was isolated by immunoaffinity columns and quantified by HPLC with fluorescence detection.In a total of 40 samples analyzed, including 10 of soluble coffee, 13 mixtures with coffee and 17 mixtures without coffee, all commercialized in Portugal, 35 samples were positive for OTA, with concentrations ranging from < 0.15 to 11.8 μg/kg. Overall, coffee-containing samples had significantly higher amounts of OTA (p < 0.001) than substitutes without coffee. Indeed, coffee was the main determinant for the OTA content in the substitute beverages analyzed, with a highly significant linear correlation (r = 0.559, p < 0.001) between OTA amounts and coffee percentage in the mixtures. The high variability observed between samples is influenced by the “brand” effect as well as by raw-material quality.Globally, OTA amounts in coffee substitutes are generally low and within the regulated and safety limits. Their contribution to the provisional tolerable daily intake (PTDI) is therefore reduced (from 1.0 to 2.0% on average). Nevertheless, the high incidence of OTA contamination in these products should not be disregarded.  相似文献   

咖啡液体饮料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
易能  姜发堂 《饮料工业》1998,1(3):41-42
提出了咖啡液体饮料制造的生产工艺,对咖啡液体饮料的风味、稳定性、脂肪析出等方面进行了研究,找到了适当的乳化剂蔗糖酯及稳定剂海藻酸钠,为咖啡的加工、保藏提供了一条新路子。  相似文献   

虹吸式咖啡壶在大多数人的印象里总带有一丝神秘的色彩,虽然近年来意大利式咖啡大行其道,相较之下虹吸式咖啡壶需要较高的技术性,以及较繁琐的程序,在如今分秒必争的工商社会里有逐渐势微的趋势,但是虹吸式咖啡壶所能煮出咖啡的那份香醇是一般以机器冲泡的研磨咖啡所不能比拟的。  相似文献   

The results of several determinations of trigonelline in green, roasted and instant coffees are reported. The values in normal coffee species and degrees of roast are in agreement with most literature values. InCoffea dewevrei var.excelsa andC. stenophylla lower values were found than reported in the only other publication. The differences from steamed samples were minimal. Fast roasting may result in higher values with the same organic roasting loss, but this was not observed in commercial blends. During industrial extraction of roasted coffee, trigonelline is not completely extracted. The percentage depends on the extraction yield. tween traditionally (slowly) and fast-roasted coffee have not yet been studied, at least not by using a series of samples. In the following, we present such studies. On the importance of trigonelline in coffee analysis see [1].  相似文献   

4月20日,国际铂金协会在中国发布六款2009年春夏系列新品。在这个名为“感悟”的系列中,意大利设计师Pia Mariani设计了其中的两个主打款——“觅”和“映”。在4月初举行的瑞士巴塞尔钟表珠宝展中,Pia在国际铂金协会展位接受了记者的采访。  相似文献   

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