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Space-Time Block (STB) code has been an effective transmit diversity technique for combating fading due to its orthogonal design, simple decoding and high diversity gains. In this paper, a unit-rate complex orthogonal STB code for multiple antennas in Time Division Duplex (TDD) mode is proposed. Meanwhile, Turbo Coding (TC) is employed to improve the performance of proposed STB code further by utilizing its good ability to combat the burst error of fading channel. Compared with full-diversity multiple antennas STB codes, the proposed code can implement unit rate and partial diversity; and it has much smaller computational complexity under the same system throughput. Moreover, the application of TC can effectively make up for the performance loss due to partial diversity. Simulation results show that on the condition of same system throughput and concatenation of TC, the proposed code has lower Bit Error Rate (BER) than those full-diversity codes.  相似文献   

The concatenated coding system recommended by CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) uses an outer (255,233) Reed-Solomon (RS) code based on 8-b symbols, followed by the block interleaver and an inner rate 1/2 convolutional code with memory 6. Viterbi decoding is assumed. Two new decoding procedures based on repeated decoding trials and exchange of information between the two decoders and the deinterleaver are proposed. In the first one, where the improvement is 0.3-0.4 dB, only the RS decoder performs repeated trials. In the second one, where the improvement is 0.5-0.6 dB, both decoders perform repeated decoding trials and decoding information is exchanged between them  相似文献   

On the frame-error rate of concatenated turbo codes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Turbo codes with long frame lengths are usually constructed using a randomly chosen interleaver. Statistically, this guarantees excellent bit-error rate (BER) performance but also generates a certain number of low weight codewords, resulting in the appearance of an error floor in the BER curve. Several methods, including using an outer code, have been proposed to improve the error floor region of the BER curve. We study the effect of an outer BCH code on the frame-error rate (FER) of turbo codes. We show that additional coding gain is possible not only in the error floor region but also in the waterfall region. Also, the outer code improves the iterative APP decoder by providing a stopping criterion and alleviating convergence problems. With this method, we obtain codes whose performance is within 0.6 dB of the sphere packing bound at an FER of 10-6  相似文献   

The performance of LMDS (local multipoint distribution service) system with parallel concatenated convolutional coding (PCCC) is analyzed and simulated. The channel of a LMDS system is modeled as a Rician fading channel with strong Rician factor because it is generally accepted that there always exists a line-of-sight (LOS) path between base station and subscriber units. The performance is evaluated in terms of codeword error probability. From the simulation results, it is confirmed that the performance is significantly improved by employing the PCCC. The results in the paper can be applied to radio modem design of a LMDS system  相似文献   

Bandwidth efficient parallel concatenated coding schemes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The authors propose a solution to the parallel concatenation of trellis codes with multilevel amplitude/phase modulations and a suitable iterative decoding structure. Examples are given for throughputs 2bit/s/Hz with 8PSK and 16QAM signal constellations. For parallel concatenated trellis codes in the examples, rate 2/3 and 4/5, 16-state binary convolutional codes with Gray code mapping are used. The performances of these codes are within 1 dB of the Shannon limit at a bit error probability of 10-6 for a given throughput. This outperforms all codes reported in the past for the same throughput  相似文献   

Interblock memory for turbo coding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate a binary code, which is implemented by serially concatenating a multiplexer, a multilevel delay processor, and a signal mapper to a binary turbo encoder. To achieve improved convergence behavior, we modify the binary code by passing only a fraction of the bits in the turbo code through the multilevel delay processor and the signal mapper. Two decoding methods are discussed and their performances are evaluated.  相似文献   

Previous methods for analyzing serial concatenated turbo codes employing union error bounds are extended to determine the complete output weight enumeration function of the code; this provides the opportunity to employ a more refined bound due to Polytrev, with considerably improved results limited, however, to block lengths of about 256 bits by computational constraints. The method is then applied to a new class of “accumulated-convolutional” codes, which is a simple special subclass of serial concatenated codes inspired by the “repeat-accumulate” codes of Divsalar et al. Performance appears to be superior to that of conventional codes and results are obtained for much longer block lengths, with impressive results in regions approaching channel capacity.  相似文献   

A parallel concatenated coding scheme consists of two simple constituent systematic encoders linked by an interleaver. The input bits to the first encoder are scrambled by the interleaver before entering the second encoder. The codeword of the parallel concatenated code consists of the input bits to the first encoder followed by the parity check bits of both encoders. This construction can be generalized to any number of constituent codes. Parallel concatenated schemes employing two convolutional codes as constituent codes, in connection with an iterative decoding algorithm of complexity comparable to that of the constituent codes, have been previously shown to yield remarkable coding gains close to theoretical limits. They have been named, and are known as, “turbo codes”. We propose a method to evaluate an upper bound to the bit error probability of a parallel concatenated coding scheme averaged over all interleavers of a given length. The analytical bounding technique is then used to shed some light on some crucial questions, which have been floating around in the communications community since the proposal of turbo codes  相似文献   

The performance of a turbo-coded code division multiaccess system with a minimum mean-square error (MMSE) receiver for interference suppression is analyzed on a Rayleigh fading channel. In order to accurately estimate the performance of the turbo coding, two improvements are proposed on the conventional union bounds: the information of the minimum distance of a particular turbo interleaver is used to modify the average weight spectra, and the tangential bound is extended to the Rayleigh fading channel. Theoretical results are derived based on the optimum tap weights of the MMSE receiver and maximum-likelihood decoding. Simulation results incorporating iterative decoding, RLS adaptation, and the effects of finite interleaving are also presented. The results show that in the majority of the scenarios that we are concerned with, the MMSE receiver with a rate-1/2 turbo code will outperform a rate-1/4 turbo code. They also show that, for a bit error rate lower than 10-3, the capacity of the system is increased by using turbo codes over convolutional codes, even with small block sizes  相似文献   

文中给出了一种基于节点选择的Turbo编码协同ARQ(TC-ARQ)协议方案,并从理论上证明了采用基于节点选择的TC-ARQ协议相比传统的Turbo ARQ协议(T-ARQ)能获得更高的分集增益以及比非节点选择的协同ARQ协议更低的误帧率.仿真结果证实了该方案相对T-ARQ的优异性能,并仿真分析了节点数对节点选择性能增益的影响.  相似文献   

Multilevel turbo coding with short interleavers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The impact of the interleaver, embedded in the encoder for a parallel concatenated code, called the turbo code, is studied. The known turbo codes consist of long random interleavers, whose purpose is to reduce the value of the error coefficients. It is shown that an increased minimum Hamming distance can be obtained by using a structured interleaver. For low bit-error rates (BERs), we show that the performance of turbo codes with a structured interleaver is better than that obtained with a random interleaver. Another important advantage of the structured interleaver is the short length required, which yields a short decoding delay and reduced decoding complexity (in terms of memory). We also consider the use of turbo codes as component codes in multilevel codes. Powerful coding structures that consist of two component codes are suggested. Computer simulations are performed in order to evaluate the reduction in coding gain due to suboptimal iterative decoding. From the results of these simulations we deduce that the degradation in the performance (due to suboptimal decoding) is very small  相似文献   

We consider the lossless compression of binary memoryless sources using a library of turbo codes. The message is compressed by each code and the best result along with the index of the applied code is sent to the decoder. Instead of transmitting the code index, we find a criterion to detect the code index using the transmitted parities. Our method helps to reduce the compression rate of short block length turbo source coders.  相似文献   

This letter shows that concatenation of extended Hamming codes with rate-1 recursive convolutional encoder and iterative decoding achieves near Shannon limit performance for very high rate coding. These codes can be decoded efficiently, and have large adaptability in code lengths and code rates.  相似文献   

A novel serially concatenated coding scheme for use with minimum shift keying (MSK) is proposed. The novelty is to use a mixture of recursive and non-recursive realisations for the MSK modulator. It is shown that this improves the performance of iterative demodulation and decoding of convolutionally encoded MSK signals with a slight decrease in the decoder complexity  相似文献   

The coding scheme uses a set of n convolutional codes multiplexed into an inner code and a (n,n-1) single-parity-check code serving as the outer code. Each of the inner convolutional codes is decoded independently, with maximum-likelihood decoding being achieved using n parallel implementations of the Viterbi algorithm. The Viterbi decoding is followed by additional outer soft-decision single-parity-check decoding. Considering n=12 and the set of short constraint length K=3, rate 1/2 convolutional codes, it is shown that the performance of the concatenated scheme is comparable to the performance of the constraint length K=7, rate 1/2 convolutional code with standard soft-decision Viterbi decoding. Simulation results are presented for the K=3, rate 1/2 as well as for the punctured K=3, rate 2/3 and rate 3/4 inner convolutional codes. The performance of the proposed concatenated scheme using a set of K=7, rate 1/2 inner convolutional codes is given  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for evaluating the bit-error probability of a concatenated coding system for BPSK transmission over the AWGN channel. In the concatenated system, a linear binary block code is used as the inner code and is decoded with the soft-decision maximum likelihood decoding, and a maximum distance separable code (or its interleaved code) is used as the outer code and is decoded with a bounded distance decoding. The method is illustrated through a specific example in which the inner code is a binary (64.40.8) Reed-Muller subcode and the outer code is the NASA standard (255, 223, 33) Reed-Solomon code over GF(28) interleaved to a depth of 5. This specific concatenated system is being considered for NASA's high-speed satellite communications. The bit-error performance is evaluated by a combination of simulation and analysis. The split weight enumerators for the maximum distance separable codes are derived and used for the analysis  相似文献   

Space-time coding is well understood for high data rate communications over wireless channels with perfect channel state information. On the other hand, channel coding for multiple transmit antennas when channel state information is unknown has only received limited attention. A new signaling scheme, named unitary space-time modulation, has been proposed for the latter case. In this paper, we consider the use of turbo coding together with unitary space-time modulation. We demonstrate that turbo coded space-time modulation systems are well suited to wireless communication systems when there is no channel state information, in the sense that the turbo coding improves the bit error rate (BER) performance of the system considerably. In particular, we observe that the turbo-coded system provides 10-15 dB coding gain at a BER of 10/sup -5/ compared to the unitary space-time modulation for various transmit and receive antenna diversity cases.  相似文献   

This paper presents a turbo coded multicarrier direct sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA) system, where the outputs of a turbo encoder are repetition coded at multiple rates and transmitted in parallel over a number of subchannels. A performance bound useful in the so-called error floor region is obtained for Rayleigh fading channels when different diversity orders are given to each turbo code symbol. Simulation results are also provided for the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) region where the bound is not applicable. It is observed that the error floor can be lowered, with some performance loss in the low SNR region, by applying nonuniform repetition coding to the turbo code symbols  相似文献   

A study of reduced complexity concatenated coding schemes, for commercial digital satellite systems with low-cost earth terminals, is reported. The study explored trade-offs between coding gain, overall rate and decoder complexity, and compared concatenated schemes with single codes. It concentrated on short block and constraint length inner codes, with soft decision decoding, concatenated with a range of Reed-Solomon outer codes. The dimension of the inner code was matched to the outer code symbol size, and appropriate interleaving between the inner and outer codes was used. Very useful coding gains were achieved with relatively high-rate, low-complexity schemes. For example, concatenating the soft decision decoded (9,8) single parity check inner code with the CCSDS recommended standard Reed-Solomon outer code gives a coding gain of 4.8dB at a bit error probability of 10?5, with an overall rate of 0-78.  相似文献   

Signal editing (SE) is a technique used to locate and erase unreliable data before error correction decoding. Consider a concatenated coding (CC) communication system in which the inner code employs convolutional encoding with Viterbi decoding (CEVD) and the outer code could employ either a convolutional or a Reed-Solomon code. In this study, we show that useful information can be derived from the inner Viterbi decoding process to perform two special operations: (i) to locate and erase unreliable decoded data and (ii) to estimate the input channel noise level. As a result, the number of errors input to the outer decoder is reduced and the overall CC system performance is improved.  相似文献   

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