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钟代笛  张琦 《电视技术》2003,(12):21-22,39
介绍了一些在压缩域内处理已压缩视频流的算法,主要关注如何对DCT系数直接进行处理的算法,对于带有运动估计的压缩系统(如MPEG视频压缩码)介绍了一些解码算法及相应压缩域内的重构操作,这些算法也应用于视频转码。  相似文献   

A fast parameter estimation algorithm is discussed for a polyphase coded Continuous Waveform (CW) signal in Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). The proposed estimator is based on the sum of the modulus square of the ambiguity function at the different Doppler shifts. An iterative refinement stage is proposed to avoid the effect of the spurious peaks that arise when the summation length of the estimator exceeds the subcode duration. The theoretical variance of the subcode rate estimate is derived. The Monte-Carlo simulation results show that the proposed estimator is highly accurate and effective at moderate Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR).  相似文献   

We investigate recursive nearest neighbor search in a sparse domain at the scale of audio signals. Essentially, to approximate the cosine distance between the signals we make pairwise comparisons between the elements of localized sparse models built from large and redundant multiscale dictionaries of time-frequency atoms. Theoretically, error bounds on these approximations provide efficient means for quickly reducing the search space to the nearest neighborhood of a given data; but we demonstrate here that the best bound defined thus far involving a probabilistic assumption does not provide a practical approach for comparing audio signals with respect to this distance measure. Our experiments show, however, that regardless of these non-discriminative bounds, we only need to make a few atom pair comparisons to reveal, e.g., the origin of an excerpted signal, or melodies with similar time-frequency structures.  相似文献   

选取两个chirp信号作为水印信息,嵌入到图像空间域中与该信号有相同数字特征的像素点处,使用两个嵌入位置矩阵作为算法密钥的同时,还根据chirp信号在分数傅立叶变换域呈现冲激的特征来检测水印信号。仿真实验结果表明,该数字水印算法具有良好的不可见性和安全性,算法不仅能抵抗很强的JPEG压缩、加噪、滤波等常用的信号处理操作,对旋转、平移、剪切等几何攻击也有很强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Embedded computer systems are characterized by the presence of a dedicated processor and the software that runs on it. Power constraints are increasingly becoming the critical component of the design specification of these systems. At present, however, power analysis tools can only be applied at the lower levels of the design-the circuit or gate level. It is either impractical or impossible to use the lower level tools to estimate the power cost of the software component of the system. This paper describes the first systematic attempt to model this power cost. A power analysis technique is developed that has been applied to two commercial microprocessors-Intel 486DX2 and Fujitsu SPARClite 934. This technique can be employed to evaluate the power cost of embedded software. This can help in verifying if a design meets its specified power constraints. Further, it can also be used to search the design space in software power optimization. Examples with power reduction of up to 40%, obtained by rewriting code using the information provided by the instruction level power model, illustrate the potential of this idea  相似文献   

冯杰 《光电子.激光》2009,(12):1641-1645
提出了一种在H.264压缩域下进行运动对象分割的新算法。算法主要利用H.264码流中的运动矢量信息来进行对象分割,为了提高运动矢量信息的鲁棒性,首先利用I帧中的帧内预测模式和预测残差能量进行区域划分;在P帧中,利用帧间预测残差能量来更新区域划分结果,对部分区域的运动矢量进行归零化处理。再根据P帧中的分块模式,采用不同的滤波器对运动矢量进行滤波;最后利用滤波后的运动矢量信息建立对应的Gibbs势能函数,采用迭代条件模式方法求解最大后验概率,得到可靠的运动对象标记。实验结果表明,该运动对象分割算法可以获得有效并可靠的分割结果。  相似文献   

More attention has been paid to the study of video object segmentation in compressed domain these years, which has already led to some practical technology. In this paper, a scheme is put forward for segmentation of head-shoulder video in MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) compressed domain. The conception of DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) feature plane is defined. In the suggested scheme, firstly, the face region is detected by clustering skin-tone DCT feature points in the DCT feature plane. Secondly, the region of head-shoulder is approximately regarded as combination of the head rectangle and shoulder rectangle, and head rectangle is confirmed by double template matching. Thirdly, Canny operator and morphological operation are applied to the region of head-shoulder in feature plane to get the object mask and the region of object mask is rectified by correlation of DCT blocks to get high-quality segmentation.  相似文献   

相位编码信号是低截获概率雷达信号的主要形式之一,能够提高雷达的生存能力。本文阐述了随机二相码的选取原则,在通过计算机仿真选取了适合条件的一组码元的基础上,对数字正交、频域脉冲压缩、旁瓣抑制滤波器设计等信号处理算法及静止和运动目标情况下旁瓣的抑制效果进行了研究和仿真。仿真结果证明了文中分析的正确性。  相似文献   

孙悦 《电子设计工程》2012,20(19):171-173,177
文中提出了一种基于均值量化的小波域自同步数字音频水印算法。该算法是一种盲水印算法,水印提取不需要原始音频信号的参与。算法设计中运用了均值量化的策略,音频信号小波分解后,在低频系数中隐藏水印信息;引入了同步信号的思想,利用同步信号定位水印隐藏位置。实验表明,该算法具有较强的鲁棒性、抗攻击性、抗裁剪性。  相似文献   

Saliency detection in the compressed domain for adaptive image retargeting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Saliency detection plays important roles in many image processing applications, such as regions of interest extraction and image resizing. Existing saliency detection models are built in the uncompressed domain. Since most images over Internet are typically stored in the compressed domain such as joint photographic experts group (JPEG), we propose a novel saliency detection model in the compressed domain in this paper. The intensity, color, and texture features of the image are extracted from discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients in the JPEG bit-stream. Saliency value of each DCT block is obtained based on the Hausdorff distance calculation and feature map fusion. Based on the proposed saliency detection model, we further design an adaptive image retargeting algorithm in the compressed domain. The proposed image retargeting algorithm utilizes multioperator operation comprised of the block-based seam carving and the image scaling to resize images. A new definition of texture homogeneity is given to determine the amount of removal block-based seams. Thanks to the directly derived accurate saliency information from the compressed domain, the proposed image retargeting algorithm effectively preserves the visually important regions for images, efficiently removes the less crucial regions, and therefore significantly outperforms the relevant state-of-the-art algorithms, as demonstrated with the in-depth analysis in the extensive experiments.  相似文献   

《Multimedia, IEEE》1999,6(4):74-83
MPEG-4 (formally ISO/IEC international standard 14496) defines a multimedia system for the interoperable communication of complex scenes containing audio, video, synthetic audio and graphics material. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of the technical elements of the Moving Pictures Expert Group's MPEG-4 multimedia system specification  相似文献   

CCITT Study Group XVIII recognized the need for a new international coding standard on high-quality audio to allow interconnection of diverse switching, transmission, and terminal equipment and organized an expert group in 1983 to recommend an appropriate coding technique. A tutorial discussion is provided of the adaptive differential PCM (pulse-code modulation) coding method recommended by the group. The discussion covers the subjective performance tests performed, mode initialization and mode switching, data-speed multiplexing, and communication between narrowband and wideband terminals  相似文献   

This letter describes a simple fading circuit for low frequencies, using the FET as a control element. The logarithm of the output voltage is a linear function of time. Distortion is considerably reduced through a linearization circuit. The fading process can be interrupted at any moment and the rate of attenuation for each signal is maintained without change for several minutes.  相似文献   

The traditional pixel-domain based video analysis methods have taken dominated places for long. However, due to the rapidly increasing volume and resolution of surveillance video, the desirable fast and scalable browsing encounters significant challenges in terms of efficiency and flexibility. Under this circumstance, operating surveillance video in compressed domain has aroused great concern in academy and industry. In order to perform the intelligent video analysis task on the premise of preserving accuracy and controlling complexity, this paper presents a compressed-domain approach for massive surveillance video synopsis generation, labeling and browsing. The main work and achievements include: (1) a compressed-domain scheme is established to condense the compressed surveillance video and record the synopsis results; (2) a background modeling method via the Motion Vector based Local Binary Pattern (MVLBP) is introduced to extract moving objects in an efficient way; (3) an object flags based synopsis labeling method is proposed to represent the object regions as well as their display modes in a flexible way. Experimental results show that the video analysis system based on this framework can provide not only efficient synopsis generation but also flexible scalable or playback browsing.  相似文献   

前言 CoolMOS CS系列"超级结"MOSFET器件高压设备的成功是基于1998年英飞凌公司推出的CoolMOS技术.这些器件的优越性能实现了区域导通电阻的大幅度降低.  相似文献   

Limitations of classical semiconductor physics motivate the study of information storage and information transfer in molecular structures. Fundamental aspects for the construction of possible future molecular electronic devices are discussed and elementary excitations which can serve as molecular information carriers are studied.  相似文献   

The quantization noise introduced by the direct arithmetic operations on delta modulated signals can be considerably reduced by a proposed technique. According to this technique, the arithmetic network of a digital filter is clocked at a rate higher than that of the delta modulation encoder. Thus, as it is proved, a considerable reduction of the maximum quantization error can be achieved. A simple network is properly used to restore the filter output rate to that of the delta modulation encoder. The experimental results prove that the output sequence quantization noise can be reduced so much that the remaining noise is very close to that of the input delta modulated signal of the filter.  相似文献   

文章提出了一种快速的DCT域MPEG-2到MPEG-1准卷积下呆样算法。在转码过程中。头信忠保持不变,且要求将每四个相邻MPEG-2宏块变为一个下采样MPEG-1宏块:用最大最小距离方法确定下采样宏块的运动向量、用简单多数原则确定下采样宏块类型以及用加全平均方案确定下呆样宏块的量化参数。另外,对下采样视频转码失真来源进行了分析。实验结果表明我们提出的转码方案,在同样条件下与级联像素域转码器(TM5)相比,不仅其计算复杂性减少67.6%、PNSR提高0.1dB,而且具有很小的比特控制错误。  相似文献   

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