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The article briefly introduces the situation of the global mobilecommunications market,and based on the development status quoof China's mobile communications market,studies the strategy forChina Telecom to enter the mobile market,mainly focusing on mo-bile technologies selection,differentiable services,regional strate-gies and price policies.  相似文献   

1 Obvious Trends of Mobile Broadbandization and Broadband Mobilization he emerging of 802.16/ WiMAX technology a the beginning of 2004 started a new turn of the technology competition in the wireless communications field. This has fastened the evolution of cellular mobile communications technologies. The 3GPP and 3GPP2 initiated their studies on the standardization of E3G respectivelyat the end of 2004 and the beginning of 2005. On one hand, the Long Term Evolution (LTE) plan initiate…  相似文献   

With the development of wireless network, many people want to carry out commerce activity because of its convenience and mobility. It is necessary to build high efficiency and collaborative transaction system due to high delay and burst error in wireless network. Unfortunately, it is difficult for traditional technology to achieve high efficiency in low bandwidth network and new technology is expected. Large analysis of collaborative commerce system shows that there are some common design elem…  相似文献   

The Mobile IP technologyis the core technology toimplement NGNapplications in traditionalnetworks.It is a newdomain for thedevelopment of IPtechnologies and theconvergence of wirelesscommunication and IPtechnologies.This paperdiscusses the mainproblems of Mobile IP intriangle routing,handoff,micro-movement andQoS,and gives theirsolutions respectively.Italso analyzes Mobile IPapplications for mobilecommunications,andconcludes that the MobileIP technology will play animportant role in mobilecommunications andprovide new opportunitiesto develop novelapplications in the future.  相似文献   

In this work numerical simulation and measurements of three-dimensional radiation patterns of a mobile handset model in the presence of a human head phantom were performed at 1800 MHz. Based on theoretical and experimental results, the influence of the human head on the radiation efficiency of the handset has been investigated as a function of the handset size and the distance between the head and the handset during its operation. Furthermore, the relative amount of the electromagnetic power absorbed in the head has been obtained. It was found that significant reduction of the absorbed power (about 50%) with proportional increment of the handset radiation efficiency could be achieved by moving the phone for 1 cm only away from the head. Agreement between theoretical and experimental results was found to be very good.Theodore Zervos was born in Athens, Greece, on October 5, 1978. He received the diploma in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the University of Patras, Patras, Greece, in 2001. He is currently a Postgraduate Student at the Laboratory of Electromagnetics, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Patras. He is also a doctoral scholar at the Mobile Communications Laboratory of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of NCSR Demokritos, Athens. His research interests include electromagnetic modelling, EM radiation measurements and interaction between the human body and mobile handsets antenna. Dipl. T. Zervos is a Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece. In June 2002, his thesis received the 2nd Award of Excellence in Telecommunications from Ericsson.Antonis Alexandridis (1962) is senior researcher in the Institute of informatics and Telecommunications (IIT) of Greek National Research Centre (NCSR) Demokritos. He received the diploma in Electrical Engineering from Technical University ofPatras, Greece (1985), and the Ph.D. degree from the same University (1992). From 1993 he is working in the Mobile Communications Lab of NCSR. Since 1999 he is responsible for the operation of the RF Anechoic Chamber of the IIT. His current interests include mobile communications, propagation models, spread spectrum systems and CDMA techniques, EMC measurements, human exposure to EM fields, interaction between human body and mobile terminals antennas and smart antennas.Vladimir V. Petrovic was born in 1965 in Belgrade, Serbia. He received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and D.Sc., degrees from the University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro in 1989, 1993, and 1996, respectively. He joined the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade in 1990, where at present he is an Assistant Professor in Electromagnetics and Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering. He is a co-author of a chapter in a monograph, a software package AWAS 2.0 (Artech House – Boston, London, 2002) and several journal and conference articles. His research interests are in numerical electromagnetics, especially in radiation and propagation problems in layered media.Kostas Dangakis was born in Kavala, Greece, in 1950. He received his Diploma in Electrical Engineering from NTUA (Athens, 1973) and his Ph.D. on Digital Modulation/Data Transmission from Techn. Univ. of Patras, Dept. of Electrical Engineering (1984). Since 1977, he has worked at the Inst. of Inform. & Telecom. (IIT) of NCSR Demokritos, in projects related to voice/data/video signal encryption, synchronisation techniques in TDM systems, digital modulation techniques/data transmission, Spread Spectrum/CDMA techniques, mobile communications, conformance testing (DECT, ERMES), radio propagation, channel characterization and antennas. He is research director at IIT and has been project leader of several R & D projects.Branko M. Kolundzija Antonije R. Djordjevic was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, on April 28, 1952. He received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and D.Sc. degrees from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, in 1975, 1977, and 1979, respectively. In 1975, he joined the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, as a Teaching Assistant. He was promoted to an Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor, in 1982, 1988, and 1992, respectively. In 1983, he was a Visiting Associate Professor at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY. Since 1992, he has also been an Adjunct Scholar with Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY. In 1997, he was elected a Corresponding Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. His main area of interest is numerical electromagnetics, in particular applied to fast digital signal interconnects, wire and surface antennas, microwave passive circuits, and electromagnetic-compatibility problems.C. Soras received both his diploma and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Patras, Patras, Greece, in 1981 and 1989 respectively. He was a Lecturer in the Laboratory of Electromagnetics of the Electrical and Computer Engineering department of the University of Patras in Greece from 1991 to 2001, where currently serves as an Assistant Professor. He is teaching the basic electromagnetic courses and at the senior undergraduate / graduate level computational electromagnetics. His current research interests focus on computational electromagnetics, multiple element antennas for diversity and MIMO terminal devices and indoor radio wave propagation. Prof. Soras is a member of IEEE, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society and the Technical Chamber of Greece.  相似文献   

Application and Development of Mobile Agent in AN   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1 IntroductionTheconceptofActiveNetworks (AN )emergedfromdiscussionswithinthebroadDefenseAdvancedResearchProjectsAgency (DARPA)re searchcommunityin 1 994and 1 995inthefuturedi rectionsofnetworkingsystems.AN[1 ] arecomposedofnodesthatsupportdynamicallyprogrammedser vicesadaptingtheiroperationorconfiguringtheirin ternalresourcesbasedonuserinjected programs.MobileAgent(MA)technologyisanewdistributedcomputation paradigm[2 ] .Inthis paperwewillshowthatMAtechnologyisagoodcandidateforthedeve…  相似文献   

The Study and Perspective of Mobile Agent Security   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Security is an important issue for the widespread deployment of applications based on software agent technology. It is generally agreed that without the proper countermeasures in place, use of agent-based applications will be severely impeded. So many projects have focused on the security issues of mobile agent and many mechanisms have been proposed to solve the security problem. This paper discusses the security issues and the countermeasures. Then it points out some directions for the research of the mobile agent security.  相似文献   

The Quality of Service (QoS) has received more and more attention since QoS becomes increasingly important in the Internet development. Mobile software agents represent a valid alternative to the implementation of strategies for the negotiation. In this paper, a QoS negotiation and renegotiation system architecture based on mobile agents is proposed. The agents perform the task in the whole process. Therefore, such a system can reduce the network load, overcome latency, and avoid frequent exchange information between clients and server. The simulation results show that the proposed system could improve the network resource utility about 10%.  相似文献   

Mobility and QoS Support in Mobile IP Networks   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
1 IntroductionAnall IP basedmobilenetworksuchas 4G ,whoseaccessandcorenetworksarebasedonIP ,hasintrinsicadvantagesoverits predecessors.Forstarters ,IPiscompatiblewith ,andindependentof,theactualradioaccesstechnology .WithIP ,onecanbasicallygetridofthelock inbetweenthecorenet workprotocol,thelinklayerandtheradioaccessprotocol.IPtoleratesavarietyofradioaccessproto cols.Itsupportsthedesignofacorenetworkthatgivescompleteflexibilitynomatterwhattheradioaccessnetworkis.Onecouldbeacorenetworkpro…  相似文献   

NGN is the current hot topic of the fixed network development,while3G is the trend of the mobile communication in the next few years.Since the emerging all-service operators will soon have new de-mands on communication network technologies,it is foreseeablethat mobile and fixed NGNs converge.The article mainly analyzesthe solutions to the convergence of mobile and fixed NGNs,andpoints out that convergence is a long-term goal.  相似文献   

小编我闲来无事常在各手机网站、论坛上游游荡荡,遇见了不少奇人,看到了不少奇文,文章作者可谓对款款手机了如指掌,又另辟奚径,从别一个角度来诠释手机。因此,不敢独吞,愿与亲爱的读者朋友们共享之。  相似文献   

EditorialPersonal,MobileRadioandSpreadSpectrumCommunicationsZhouJiongpan;ChengRuming(BeijingUniversityofPostsandTelecommunica...  相似文献   

New Mobile     
在新近推出一系列高档手机之后,摩托罗拉出人意料地推出了这款具有半透明磨砂前壳色彩艳丽的T190。对于年轻的学生,或是初入社会的新鲜人,388、V60与年青人的活泼气质不相称。而且在经济上也有些高不可攀,而T190则完全针对年青人的特点,在外形、功能和价格上充分满足年轻朋友的需要。 独特的设计使摩托罗拉T190手机成为市场上同类手机中最小巧的一款,同时,化复杂为简易的用户操作  相似文献   


With the rapid development of information network technologies, especially with new network technologies emerging, the demand for information has changed in its contents and acquisition means[1]. People are no longer content with connecting to the Internet via stationary terminals or single mobile terminals, but hope to acquire information from the Internet while in motion, with certain moving sub-networks or mobile terminals (e.g. the sub-networks for marching troops, aircrafts in space fligh…  相似文献   

The analysis of traffic characteristics can be used for performance evaluation, design and implementation of routing protocols in WMNs (Wireless Mesh Networks). Higher bursty traffic will cause larger queue size, which means more dropping packets, and thus affects other metrics. Because burstiness can be modeled by multi-fractal characteristics effectively, multi-fractal characteristics of mobile node’s traffic in WMNs are analyzed with typical proactive and reactive routing protocols, which are DSDV (Destination Sequenced Distance Vector) and AODV (Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector), respectively. Three types of traffic models are used to generate traffic at application level, which corresponding to open-loop and closed-loop scenarios. With different configurations, the probability distribution of inter-arrival time and multi-fractal characteristics of traffic at mobile node and gateway are analyzed with DSDV and AODV protocols. Results show that inter-arrival time with AODV and DSDV protocols possesses heavy-tailed property. And traffic with DSDV protocol exhibits more multi-fractal characteristics than that with AODV protocol, which can explain the higher routing performance of AODV.  相似文献   

Chatbots are mainly text-based conversational agents that simulate conversations with users. This study aims to investigate drivers of users’ satisfaction and continuance intention toward chatbot-based customer service. We propose an analytical framework combining the expectation-confirmation model (ECM), information system success (ISS) model, TAM, and the need for interaction with a service employee (NFI-SE). Analysis of data collected from 370 actual chatbot users reveals that information quality (IQ) and service quality (SQ) positively influence consumers’ satisfaction, and that perceived enjoyment (PE), perceived usefulness (PU), and perceived ease of use (PEOU) are significant predictors of continuance intention (CI). The need for interaction with an employee moderates the effects of PEOU and PU on satisfaction. The findings also revealed that satisfaction with chatbot e-service is a strong determinant and predictor of users’ CI toward chatbots. Thus, chatbots should enhance their information and service quality to increase users’ satisfaction. The findings imply that digital technologies services, such as chatbots, could be combined with human service employees to satisfy digital users.  相似文献   

Several mobile computing applications require that both the order and location of occurrence of events be taken into account during decision making. Thus, processes need to track the location of nodes and synchronize their clocks. The Global Positioning System can be employed to mimic a global virtual clock that keeps the local clocks of participating nodes in synchrony with each other. The global virtual clock in conjunction with a space–time vector can track the mobility of nodes. Nodes can prioritize resource requests on the basis of request time as well as the requester's distance from the resource. Two distributed mutual exclusion algorithms that employ the space–time vector are presented. The error in the estimates of a mobile node, due to clock drift, about the region in which other mobile nodes may be present is formulated. Various resource allocation policies can react differently to such errors leading to performance differences. However, every policy should ensure that resource allocation has the properties of safety, deadlock freedom, liveness, and fairness.  相似文献   

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