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根据IDC最新的统计数据,2009年Q3中国数据投影机市场中,整个行业销量创下新高,比上季度增长21.1%,比去年同期增长42.1%。在各投影品牌中,日立投影机43375台的销量,15.1%的市场份额居榜首,远  相似文献   

近日以“润眼”电脑在业内一举成名的海尔电脑又将在“润眼”产品上有新动作。继2005年推出以“解决用户眼睛不干、不痛、不流沮难题”为基础的第一代润眼屏之后,海尔电脑近期即将对其全面升级,推出新一代润眼电脑。  相似文献   

实现数据存储、数据计算和资源管理的分离   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘福岩  尤晋元 《软件学报》2004,15(6):850-857
在传统操作系统中,数据存储的抽象(进程虚拟地址空间)、数据计算的抽象(线程)和资源管理的抽象(进程)是不可分离的.首先分析了在操作系统中由于3类抽象不可分离而存在的问题,根据分析提出了数据存储抽象、数据计算抽象和资源管理抽象互相分离的思想,进而根据这一思想提出了虚拟地址空间基于文件操作系统,分析该操作系统的体系结构模型,研究了实现3类抽象分离的线程迁移技术和指令对文件寻址技术,最后讨论了系统的实现,测试和性能评价.此项研究说明了在操作系统中实现数据储存、数据计算和资源管理的分离是可行的.  相似文献   

Stock markets are very important in modern societies and their behavior has serious implications for a wide spectrum of the world's population. Investors, governing bodies, and society as a whole could benefit from better understanding of the behavior of stock markets. The traditional approach to analyzing such systems is the use of analytical models. However, the complexity of financial markets represents a big challenge to the analytical approach. Most analytical models make simplifying assumptions, such as perfect rationality and homogeneous investors, which threaten the validity of their results. This motivates alternative methods.In this paper, we report an artificial financial market and its use in studying the behavior of stock markets. This is an endogenous market, with which we model technical, fundamental, and noise traders. Nevertheless, our primary focus is on the technical traders, which are sophisticated genetic programming based agents that co- evolve (by learning based on their fitness function) by predicting investment opportunities in the market using technical analysis as the main tool. With this endogenous artificial market, we identify the conditions under which the statistical properties of price series in the artificial market resemble some of the properties of real financial markets. By performing a careful exploration of the most important aspects of our simulation model, we determine the way in which the factors of such a model affect the endogenously generated price. Additionally, we model the pressure to beat the market by a behavioral constraint imposed on the agents reflecting the Red Queen principle in evolution. We have demonstrated how evolutionary computation could play a key role in studying stock markets, mainly as a suitable model for economic learning on an agent- based simulation.  相似文献   

在企业的财务信息管理方面,存在着诸多问题,鼎捷软件的财务管控解决方案为企业的协同管理软件中的财务管控提供更好的解决方案。电子报销的难题电子报销不能仅仅从纸上搬到电脑上,如何既合理又高效的解决电子报销的问题,鼎捷软件的财务管控解决方案有如下措施:1、预算管控方面,解决方案通过判断预算是否超出预算、对重大费用提前申请并锁定预算、预算不足时可以调整预算三方面来实现预算的管控。2、财务系统对接方面,报销结果直接进入财务系统,无需手工录入凭证;报销与借款冲销,实现关联管理。3、在费用的追溯管理方面,从公司、成本中心、科目、时间四方面查询和统计费用;从预算和费用两方面追溯每一笔报销  相似文献   

北京,2009年12月10日——在2009年上半年,金融危机对市场的影响仍较为突出,尤其是外向型的制造业,外资企业的IT硬件采购量明显降低。根据IDC发布的《中国企业级服务器和存储市场季度跟踪报告》中,企业级硬件市场(包括非x86服务器,x86服务器和磁盘  相似文献   

We introduce human traders into an agent based financial market simulation prone to bubbles and crashes. We find that human traders earn lower profits overall than do the simulated agents (“robots”) but earn higher profits in the most crash-intensive periods. Inexperienced human traders tend to destabilize the smaller (10 trader) markets, but have little impact on bubbles and crashes in larger (30 trader) markets and when they are more experienced. Humans’ buying and selling choices respond to the payoff gradient in a manner similar to the robot algorithm. Similarly, following losses, humans’ choices shift towards faster selling.  相似文献   

Traders' Long-Run Wealth in an Artificial Financial Market   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
In this paper, we study the long-run wealth distribution of agents with different trading strategies in the framework of the Genoa Artificial Stock Market.The Genoa market is an agent-based simulated market able to reproduce the main stylised facts observed in financial markets, i.e., fat-tailed distribution of returns and volatility clustering. Various populations of traders have been introduced in a`thermal bath' made by random traders who make random buy and sell decisions constrained by the available limited resources and depending on past price volatility. We study both trend following and trend contrarian behaviour; fundamentalist traders (i.e., traders believing that stocks have a fundamental price depending on factors external to the market) are also investigated. Results show that the strategy alone does not allow forecasting which population will prevail. Trading strategies yield different results in different market conditions. Generally, in a closed market (a market with no money creation process), we find that trend followers lose relevance and money to other populations of traders and eventually disappear, whereas in an open market (a market with money inflows), trend followers can survive, but their strategy is less profitable than the strategy of other populations.  相似文献   

用Linux+Apache+Oracle+Php架构电子商务系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文叙述了采用Linux系统建立Internet站点的方法,并用A为WEB服务器和Oracle数据库,采用Php来实现动态数据交换,架构大型电子商务,以实现网上交易、拍卖、信息更新等。  相似文献   

WHEN I WAS A BOY in the MID-west 50 years ago, retail automation was exemplified by polished copper containers and an elegant system of vacuum tubes into which any salesperson could insert a copper container from anywhere on the sales floor. the copper containers traveled quickly to the accounting department upstairs, to be returned just as quickly with the correct change, and the sales receipt. I particularly remember the customer gossip when the new system was installed as everyone in our neighborhood heralded “a new age in retail sales.”  相似文献   

苏仕华 《微机发展》1998,8(1):25-27
阐述一种农贸批发市场信息管理与市场预测系统(SCMIS)的总体设计思想、方法、结构、功能及特点。  相似文献   

Complex Price Dynamics in a Financial Market with Imitation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this work a simple financial model with fundamentalists and imitators is being considered. In order to describe the price dynamics of the heterogeneous stock market, a synergetic approach is used and some global bifurcations arising in the model are being studied. It is shown that the fundamental equilibrium point P* may be destabilized through a subcritical Neimark–Sacker bifurcation and that two invariant closed curves, one attracting and one repelling, appear when P* is still stable. This particular bifurcation scenario allows us to show some noticeable features of the market that emerge when the imitation effect is emphasized. Among these features are, for instance, the volatility clusters associated with the presence of multistability (i.e. coexistence of attractors) and the hysteresis phenomenon.  相似文献   

根据国家针对科技经费投入、预算和科研财务管理制定的政策,从科研经费的使用效果和财务管理分析入手,运用趋势分析法和对比分析法,分析了科研预算、财务管理实践中的主要问题和不足,并在此基础上,提出了创新科研预算方法、构建财务管理体系的措施。  相似文献   

Vocabulary issues are central to XML-based e-commerce standards. The rapid increase in the number of XML standards has made the vocabulary issues a critical area of XML applications. This paper reports the result from a study of the vocabulary use in XML standards. Choosing five DTDs from the financial and capital markets domain, we examined a total of 1346 elements in nine categories. Inconsistent naming conventions and varying practices were major problems among other findings. We also observed a number of linguistic and semantic patterns in element names. Such patterns show a potential to serve as a foundation for building ontology-based conceptual models for XML schemas. The authors propose an ontology-driven, dynamic coordination approach in developing schema elements.  相似文献   

随着电子商务的发展,企业通过Internet进行业务处理的行为增强了,由于网络安全性及数据可靠性的问题,在企业组建自己的远程网络时,需要考虑到数据隔离性、安全性及管理性等问题。传统的组网方式,价格昂贵管理复杂,已经越来越不能满足用户的需求。VPN(虚拟专用网)技术作为一种既安全可靠又节省运营成本的网络通讯方式应运而生。介绍了VPN的定义及技术核心,讨论并研究了VPN在电子商务应用中的解决方案,就具体的VPN解决方案进行了研究与分析。  相似文献   

Building composite Web services can save significant time and cost for developing new applications and enhancing the interoperability and collaboration among E-business partners. This article proposes a framework for dynamic and personalized composition of Web services using an approach that integrates not only functional attributes of Web services, but also nonfunctional attributes such as service requirements, quality of service, and the preferences and constraints of individual service consumers. A prototype system based on the proposed framework and some implementation details are also presented.  相似文献   

本文通过对某电力检修企业在构建企业财务管理与业务管理信息化集成成果总结,探索以财务管理为核心的电力检修企业经营管理信息化之路.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes investors’ trading strategies based on the theory of evolutionarily stable strategies and replicator dynamics model. Under the assumptions closer to a real market, we reveal the relationships between the investor’s price anticipation and equilibrium sustained state. If the mean value of price deviation anticipated by investors is a negative value, there is one equilibrium sustained solution. And if the mean value of price deviation anticipated by investors is a positive value, one equilibrium sustained solution or two equilibrium sustained solutions are likely to appear in our models. This research is beneficial to evaluate differences in revenues between rational traders and noise traders, to understand dynamic evolutionary process of trading strategies, and to find equilibrium sustained solution. In addition, financial crisis as an exogenous factor is introduced into the evolutionary model. Based on theoretical analysis and simulation experiment, the results show that case 3 in theoretical analysis does not occur in the simulation after the outbreak of financial crisis, and case 1 and case 2 in theoretical analysis correspond to the different regions of the anticipated price deviation curves. Moreover, the changes of two equilibrium sustained solutions show opposite tendency characteristics with an increasing of the mean value of price deviation of risk asset. Relative to the existing research results, this paper distinguishes the different yield between risk assets and riskless assets, and considers the existence of transaction cost, assumes investors having different risk aversion coefficient, and takes financial crisis as an example to research the impacts of exogenous variables on investors’ trading strategies. Through comparative analysis, the conclusions drawn from simulation experiment are consistent with equilibrium sustained solutions in theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的不断发展,计算机的不断运用,企业在市场竞争中如何占优势,每个企业都应该考虑的问题,人们越来越意识到财务管理对企业决策和企业管理的重要性,我们已经进入到了信息时代,计算机的使用将是企业竞争中的一个重要因素,它会大大提高企业的核心竞争力,提高企业的财务管理水平和企业的经济效益,推动企业的发展。加强计算机在企业财务管理中的应用具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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