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闵维  李巨秀  胡新中  李璐  陈秋桂 《食品科学》2014,35(22):356-360
以裸燕麦片和皮燕麦片为材料,采用加速预测货架期法,将样品分别置于65 ℃和75 ℃条件下加热,以脂肪酸值和丙二醛含量为评价指标,应用Arrhenius相关模型及热力学理论和统计学原理,预测两种燕麦片的货架期。结果表明,65 ℃条件下处理燕麦片,随着时间的延长,脂肪酸值和丙二醛含量呈现缓慢上升趋势,而在75 ℃条件下处理燕麦片,则随着时间的延长,脂肪酸值和丙二醛含量呈现快速上升趋势。游离脂肪酸的生成在65 ℃和75 ℃均遵循0级反应动力学,丙二醛的生成在65 ℃和75 ℃均遵循1级反应动力学;根据Arrhenius相关模型和统计学原理得出裸燕麦片的货架期约为585 d,皮燕麦片的货架期约为274 d。  相似文献   

燕麦复合火腿肠的感官、质构及保水特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探索燕麦粉添加量对燕麦复合火腿肠品质特性的影响,分别对复合火腿肠进行感官评定及质构测定(质构剖面分析),并对这两种评价测定方法的结果进行相关性分析,同时也对复合火腿肠的保水特性进行测定。感官和质构测定结果表明:燕麦粉添加量为14%时,复合火腿肠具有较理想的质构,感官总体接受性好;质构测定硬度与感官评定硬度呈显著相关性(r=0.898),质构测定黏聚性与感官评定硬度、弹性呈显著相关性(r分别为-0.863和-0.825)。保水性测定结果表明:随着燕麦粉添加量的增加,复合火腿肠保水能力逐渐上升(94.33%~94.83%),当添加量达到17%以后,保水能力变化不大,增加趋势平缓,可以看出,燕麦粉的添加可能有利于提高复合火腿肠的保水性。因此,将适量的燕麦粉与肉品复合可以制作出能被消费者接受、质构和保水性很好的燕麦复合火腿肠。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The sensory and nutritional quality of dehydrated potato flakes packaged in nr 10 cans held at ambient temperatures up to 30 y was studied. Thirteen samples of dehydrated potato flakes were obtained from donors. A consumer panel evaluated reconstituted product for appearance, aroma, texture, flavor, and overall acceptability using a 9-point hedonic scale. Overall acceptability hedonic scores ranged from 3.7 to 6.6 and declined significantly over time. Sensory shelf-life, based on a cutoff of 80% of initial overall acceptability, was 16 y. Vitamin C levels remained constant over storage time. Headspace hexanal concentrations ranged from 0 to 2.09 μg/g. There was no significant correlation between headspace hexanal of dry flakes and hedonic scores of reconstituted product. Dehydrated potato flakes appear to retain sufficient quality over time to warrant consideration for long-term storage purposes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Pear fruit leathers were prepared by drying a mixture of pear juice concentrate, pectin, corn syrup, and water at 70°C for 8 h. The effects of ingredients on texture, color, microbial growth, moisture content (MC), water activity (aw), glass transition temperature (Tg), and sensory attributes were investigated. Pectin was the most significant independent variable that affected the properties of interest. This was followed by initial moisture content and corn syrup. Glass transition temperature (Tg) was not useful for predicting microbiological attributes but had strong correlations with instrumental and sensory hardness and chewiness. The results from partial least squares analysis (PLS) indicate instrumental hardness, chewiness, and cohesiveness could be used to predict their corresponding sensory attributes. The consumer liking of pear fruit leather could be increased by raising their fruit aroma, sweetness, tartness, and shininess.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was the sensory characterization, by a taste and a consumers’ panel, of fresh sausages from 140 culled goats and 140 culled ewes. Species and type of preparation effects were studied. All data were previously analyzed by analysis of variance. Taste panel data were analyzed by a Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA). Consumers’ panel data were analyzed by Preference Mapping. The 1st 2 factors explained 88.22% of total variation in GPA. Different sausages samples were perfectly differentiated by assessors. Goat sausages have been considered harder, more fibrous, and less juicy than sheep sausages. The panelists observed that sheep sausages without paprika had greater intensity of flavor, tasted spicy, and had an off‐odor, while goat sausages with paprika were considered sweeter. Consumers’ panel did not show any preference for the different types of sausages. This means that all types of sausages can have market opportunity.  相似文献   

Effects of substitution of inulin for 42DE (dextrose equivalent) corn syrup in reduced fat ice cream were studied using sensory analysis. Three combinations of inulin and corn syrup were evaluated for iciness, chewiness, sweetness and vanilla flavor intensity. Replacing 50% or 100% of 42DE corn syrup with inulin increased chewiness. However, sweetness and vanilla flavor intensity perception of the ice cream were reduced. Storage stability data showed that partial or full replacement of 42DE corn syrupwith inulin inhibited ice crystal formation over a 6-wk thermal abuse period.  相似文献   

Juices from three strawberry cultivars were stored at 2°C and 25°C for 6 wk and evaluated for the sensory attributes fresh strawberry, strawberry-jam, off-flavor, green, and sweet. Fresh flavor declined while off-flavor increased during storage, with the largest changes occurring at 25°C. Juice color and ascorbic acid also degraded much faster at 25°C. Fifteen volatiles were measured using headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography. 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone and 2,5-dimethyl-4-methoxy-3(2H)-furanone were positively related to fresh flavor and negatively related to off-flavor, while -terpineol was inversely related to fresh flavor. These volatiles explained almost 90% of the variation for fresh and off-flavor attributes.  相似文献   

Optimizing Quality of Frankfurters Containing Oat Bran and Added Water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chicken frankfurters fat content was decreased by using various levels of oat bran and added water and evaluated for quality. Frankfurters with higher levels of oat bran had less expressible moisture and required higher shear stress to break. There were no difference in springiness among frankfurters made with different levels of oat bran; however, those with higher oat bran were rated less juicy and more grainy by taste panelists. The addition of water increased intensities of strain, springiness and juiciness, but decreased shear stress and hardness values. Contour plots showed optimum formulation at <2% oat bran 20% of added water.  相似文献   

橙汁感官品质指标重要性调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解消费者对橙汁感官指标的要求。方法:以18~36岁、具有食品专业的人群为评价人员,采用调查问卷的方式,分别按照成对偏爱比较检验法与排序法对市售橙汁饮料以及100%浓缩还原橙汁的偏爱性与橙汁感官指标的重要性排序进行分析。结果:与未调配的100%浓缩还原橙汁相比,调查人群更倾向于偏爱市售的橙汁饮料,并认为橙汁的感官品质指标中,外形的重要性低于滋味、香气和色泽。  相似文献   

Carrots blanched in water for 0 to 300 sec were analyzed for flavor volatiles by dynamic headspace analysis, the volatiles identified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, and the sensory attributes evaluated by a trained panel to determine quality changes as related to blanching times. Most volatiles, in particular terpenoids (sabinene, β-pinene, β-myrcene, limonene, trans-caryophyllene, α-humulene, β-bisabolene and α-farnesene) decreased by at least 50% within 60 sec of blanching. Ratings on quality attributes of color, texture, raw carrot aroma, sweetness, flavor and overall impression decreased with blanching time, while cooked carrot aroma increased. There were correlations (p < 0.05) between blanching times, flavor volatiles and sensory attributes.  相似文献   

采用动态流变仪初步探讨添加不同量的羟甲基丙基纤维素(hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose,HPMC)、黄原胶、乳清粉、大豆分离蛋白、燕麦酸面团对燕麦面团动态流变学特性的影响。结果表明:在频率0.01~10 Hz扫描过程中,与未添加任何配料的燕麦面团相比,添加不同量HPMC或燕麦酸面团的燕麦面团弹性模量、黏性模量均增加,且添加HPMC的燕麦面团损耗因子也有所增加,其中添加0.5% HPMC和30%燕麦酸面团对燕麦面团黏弹特性的改善作用最佳;添加0.2%黄原胶、5%乳清粉、5%和10%大豆分离蛋白对燕麦面团的动态流变学特性无明显影响,而添加10%、15%乳清粉或15%大豆分离蛋白时,燕麦面团弹性模量、黏性模量反而降低。  相似文献   

论述了皮革感官检验的人体生理学原理;在人体感受器官生理学基础上,对人手感受器与皮革感官特性的对应关系进行了分析;提出了一种科学有效的手感检验方法,降低了皮革感官检验的主观性偏差。  相似文献   

The aroma characteristics and volatile profiles of 14 carrot varieties were investigated by sensory evaluations and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry volatile analyses. The sensory map obtained by principal components analysis showed that the sensory attributes comprised 3 categories: sour/green, overall carrot/harsh/ink‐like, and fruity/fresh/sweet. The Kuroda type is characterized by lower intensities of overall carrot/harsh/ink‐like and fruity/fresh/sweet notes. Furthermore, volatile profiling indicated that this type did not have significantly higher amounts of volatiles. Partial least squares regression analysis determined the quantitative contributions to ink‐like, harsh, and fruity carrot aromas; monoterpenes had significant positive correlations with these attributes, while bisabolene isomers had negative correlations. The aroma attribute intensity and contents of volatiles and nutritional compounds are relatively low in the Kuroda type than in other carrot types. This type may be useful for reducing carrot harshness during the development of new carrots with good eating qualities.  相似文献   

对啤酒品评员的选择、环境要求、常用方法和啤酒厂怎样建立啤酒品评系统进行了较为全面的论述,同时对啤酒中常见的缺陷风味进行了剖析,强调了啤酒质量控制体系中品评工作的重要性.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Whey protein isolate (5% w/v) films were plasticized with sorbitol or glycerol, and candelilla wax (0.8% w/ v) was added to produce whey protein isolate and candelilla wax emulsion edible films. The films were cut into 7.62 cm × 2.54 cm strips and evaluated by a 15-member trained sensory panel for milk odor, transparency/opaqueness, sweetness, and adhesiveness using a structured 9-point intensity scale. The films had no distinctive milk odor; however, they were perceived to be slightly sweet and adhesive by the trained sensory panel. Whey protein isolate films without candelilla wax were clear and transparent, whereas candelilla wax containing films were opaque.  相似文献   

对某公司生产的17种中、西式肉制品从9个指标(包装、颜色、质地、风味、香味、滋味、综合口感、综合评分、个人意见与建议)进行感观质量评定,并做统计分析,结果表明:(1)各种肉制品之间感观质量差异显著(p<0.05),中西式肉制品各有特色及不足,开发时应中西结合,取长补短。(2)感观质量由多指标因素决定,应注意多指标的完美统一  相似文献   

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