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针对传统训练样本字典学习未利用类共有信息的不足,引入共享空间和与类别相关的剩余空间,提出了共享空间基-逐类剩余空间基混合稀疏表示人脸识别的算法。该算法首先提取训练样本主成分分析(PCA)特征,获取无标记的共享空间基及其重构样本得到类共有信息;然后结合原始样本得到差分训练集合,并引入类间差异信息构建逐类特异性剩余空间基;最后融合共享空间基和剩余空间基,利用残差判别函数完成模式分类。该方法不仅利用混合空间的正交特性,而且发挥剩余空间的鉴别能力和共享信息稀疏逼近的作用,使结构性字典和模式分类紧密结合。该方法的有效性,分别通过用AR、CMU PIE、Extended Yale B人脸数据库进行的实验得到验证。  相似文献   

The sparse representation classification (SRC) method proposed by Wright et al. is considered as the breakthrough of face recognition because of its good performance. Nevertheless it still cannot perfectly address the face recognition problem. The main reason for this is that variation of poses, facial expressions, and illuminations of the facial image can be rather severe and the number of available facial images are fewer than the dimensions of the facial image, so a certain linear combination of all the training samples is not able to fully represent the test sample. In this study, we proposed a novel framework to improve the representation-based classification (RBC). The framework first ran the sparse representation algorithm and determined the unavoidable deviation between the test sample and optimal linear combination of all the training samples in order to represent it. It then exploited the deviation and all the training samples to resolve the linear combination coefficients. Finally, the classification rule, the training samples, and the renewed linear combination coefficients were used to classify the test sample. Generally, the proposed framework can work for most RBC methods. From the viewpoint of regression analysis, the proposed framework has a solid theoretical soundness. Because it can, to an extent, identify the bias effect of the RBC method, it enables RBC to obtain more robust face recognition results. The experimental results on a variety of face databases demonstrated that the proposed framework can improve the collaborative representation classification, SRC, and improve the nearest neighbor classifier.  相似文献   

稀疏表示提出了一种分块稀疏表示和二维主成分分析(2DPCA)的人脸识别方法.该方法应用了逐像素分块的与2DPCA技术相结合的方式,充分地考虑了图像中相邻的多个像素间的相关性.实验结果表明,其中提出的新算法具有可行性以及在识别精度上的优越性.进一步的研究还表明,所提出的分块识别的方法较之于以往传统算法在存在位置偏移、单色遮挡问题的人脸图像误判率上也有显著降低.  相似文献   

Difficulties associated with the use of Buchdahl's retardation coefficients in image assessment are examined. It is shown that, by a series of approximations and corresponding transformations, the set of coordinates of transmitted rays from any object point can be expressed as a circular region perpendicular to the optical axis. Furthermore, it is shown that, under these transformations, the form of the retardation expansion remains constant and only the coefficients need be altered. These changes are independent of the field angle, but depend on the f-number of the system. The coefficients thus derived are field-independent in contrast to those specified by most authors. Expressions for the coefficients under each of the transformations introduced are presented. Also a brief discussion of the convergence of the retardation expansion is presented and the results indicate that the above approximations are sound over the region of convergence of the truncated aberration expansion of order eight.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种多分量线性调频信号的参数估计方法。基于过完备Gabor字典的Matching Pursuit算法,可以将信号表示为Gabor原子的线性组合。这些原子有效的揭示了信号的内在时频结构特征,是信号的一种稀疏表示。本文直接利用分解得到的稀疏信息对信号中调频分量的调频率、初始频率和结束频率进行估计。仿真结果显示,该方法适用于存在强有意干扰或者有色噪声的环境。  相似文献   

人脸识别是当前人工智能和模式识别的研究热点,得到了广泛的关注.基于对不同色彩空间数据的分析,论文提出了多彩色空间典型相关分析的人脸识别方法.文中对2维的Contourlet变换特性进行了分析和讨论,利用Contourlet的多尺度,方向性和各向异性等特点,提出了一种基于Contourlet变换的彩色人脸识别算法.算法对原图进行Contourlet分解,对分解得到的低频和高频图像进行cca分析.典型相关分析是一种有效的分析方法,其实际应用十分广泛.低频系数反映图像的轮廓信息,高频系数反映图像的细节信息,使用cca充分利用不同频率的信息,使不同色彩空间的不同分辨率图形的相关性达到最大,得到投影系数,最后,采用决策级最近邻分类器完成人脸识别.在对彩色人脸数据库AR的识别实验中,该算法识别率达到98%以上,与传统算法相比,该算法不仅既有良好的识别结果,而且具有很快的运算速度.  相似文献   

In order to improve the accuracy of face recognition and to solve the problem of various poses, we present an improved collaborative representation classification (CRC) algorithm using original training samples and the corresponding mirror images. First, the mirror images are generated from the original training samples. Second, both original training samples and their mirror images are simultaneously used to represent the test sample via improved collaborative representation. Then, some classes which are “close” to the test sample are coarsely selected as candidate classes. At last, the candidate classes are used to represent the test sample again, and then the class most similar to the test sample can be determined finely. The experimental results show our proposed algorithm has more robustness than the original CRC algorithm and can effectively improve the accuracy of face recognition.  相似文献   

研究、分析了人脸识别中提取原始数据特征的已有方法,在此基础上给出了一种应用监督式正交迹比判别投影(SOTRDP)的新型特征提取方法,即SOTRDP方法。不同于现有的非监督判别投影(UDP)方法,SOTRDP方法能够同时利用局部信息和类别信息建立相似性矩阵。在利用改进局部切空间对齐(ILTSA)非线性降维的基础上,利用聚类中心或最靠近它的样本作为输入,拓展SOTRDP用于图像集人脸识别。在PIE 和Honda/UCSD人脸数据库上的实验结果验证了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   


The collaborative representation-based classification method performs well in the field of classification of high-dimensional images such as face recognition. It utilizes training samples from all classes to represent a test sample and assigns a class label to the test sample using the representation residuals. However, this method still suffers from the problem that limited number of training sample influences the classification accuracy when applied to image classification. In this paper, we propose a modified collaborative representation-based classification method (MCRC), which exploits novel virtual images and can obtain high classification accuracy. The procedure to produce virtual images is very simple but the use of them can bring surprising performance improvement. The virtual images can sufficiently denote the features of original face images in some case. Extensive experimental results doubtlessly demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively improve the classification accuracy. This is mainly attributed to the integration of the collaborative representation and the proposed feature-information dominated virtual images.  相似文献   

Face recognition has always been a potential research area because of its demand for reliable identification of a human being especially in government and commercial sectors, such as security systems, criminal identification, border control, etc. where a large number of people interact with each other and/or with the system. The last two decades have witnessed many supervised and unsupervised learning techniques proposed by different researchers for the face recognition system. Principal component analysis (PCA), self‐organizing map (SOM), and independent component analysis (ICA) are the most widely used unsupervised learning techniques reported by research community. This article presents an analysis and comparison of these techniques. The article also includes two SOM processing methods global SOM (GSOM) and local SOM (LSOM) for performance evaluation along with PCA and ICA. We have used two different databases for our analysis. The simulation result establishes the supremacy of GSOM in general among all the unsupervised techniques. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 20, 261–267, 2010  相似文献   

Epilepsy seizure detection in electroencephalogram (EEG) is a major issue in the diagnosis of epilepsy, and it can be considered as a classification problem. Considering the particular property of EEG, which is sparse in Garbor dictionary, a feature extraction method based on sparse representation has been applied to epilepsy detection. To improve classification accuracy, in this article, a novel feature vector is developed, which not only can reflect the main structure, but also can give expression to the relation between main structure and residual information. Classification accuracy, efficiency, and robustness to noise of the new feature are explored and analyzed with publicly available data set. It is demonstrated by experiments that the classification accuracy and the efficiency are simultaneously enhanced with this new feature extraction method, and that the novel classification feature proposed in this work greatly improves the classification performance of epilepsy detection. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 23, 104–113, 2013  相似文献   

提出ASPCM模型,并将其用于不同姿势下的人脸识别。对人脸图像的形状表示和纹理表示进行主成分分析,建立形状模型和纹理模型;以形状参数、纹理参数和姿势参数间的转换确定人脸图像与头部角度间的映射关系;使用精确性和概括性两个标准衡量ASPCM模型的分解性能和合成性能;根据平均纹理相似度判断输入图像与模型视图间的相似程度。实验表明,该模型分解性能的精确性误差和概括性误差均在1.85°以内;合成性能的这两种误差均在1.1个像素以内;精确性和概括性的平均纹理相似度均在95.8%以上;当头部转动角度在25°以内时,该模型的识别率达到100%。  相似文献   

Faces are highly deformable objects which may easily change their appearance over time. Not all face areas are subject to the same variability. Therefore, decoupling of the information from independent areas of the face is of paramount importance to improve the robustness of any face recognition technique. The aim of this article is to present a robust face recognition technique based on the extraction and matching of probabilistic graphs drawn on scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) features related to independent face areas. The face matching strategy is based on matching individual salient facial graphs characterized by SIFT features as connected to facial landmarks such as the eyes and the mouth. In order to reduce the face matching errors, the Dempster–Shafer decision theory is applied to fuse the individual matching scores obtained from each pair of salient facial features. The proposed algorithm is evaluated with the Olivetti Research Lab (ORL) and the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) face databases. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of the proposed face recognition technique, even in the case of partially occluded faces.  相似文献   

基于稀疏表示的人脸识别算法(SRC)识别率相当高,但是当使用l1范数求最优的稀疏表示时,大大增加了算法的计算复杂度,矩阵随着维度的增加,计算时间呈几何级别上升,该文提出利用拉格朗日算法求解矩阵的逆的推导思路,用一种简化的伪逆求解方法来代替l1范数的计算,可将运算量较高的矩阵求逆运算转变为轻量级向量矩阵运算,基于AR人脸库的实验证明,维度高的时候识别率高达97%,同时,计算复杂度和开销比SRC算法大幅度降低95%。  相似文献   

为了克服人脸识别中存在的遮挡等闭塞问题,本文提出了Gabor特征结合Metaface学习的扩展稀疏表示人脸识别算法(GMFL)。考虑到Gabor局部特征对光照、表情和姿态等变化的鲁棒性,该算法首先提取图像的Gabor特征集;然后对Gabor特征集进行Metaface字典学习得到具有更强稀疏表示能力的新字典,同时引入Gabor闭塞字典来编码表示图像中的闭塞部分,并与新字典联合构造一组过完备字典基;最后利用过完备字典基求解稀疏系数重构样本,根据样本与重构样本之间的残差最小原则对人脸图像进行分类识别。在AR人脸库和FERET数据库上的实验结果验证了本文算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

In order to improve face recognition accuracy, we present a simple near-infrared (NIR) and visible light (VL) image fusion algorithm based on two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis (2DLDA). We first use two such schemes to extract two classes of face discriminant features of each of NIR and VL images separately. Then the two classes of features of each kind of images are fused using the matching score fusion method. At last, a simple NIR and VL image fusion approach is exploited to combine the scores of NIR and VL images and to obtain the classification result. The experimental results show that the proposed NIR and VL image fusion approach can effectively improve the accuracy of face recognition.  相似文献   

This article describes an effective human face recognition algorithm. Even though the principle component analysis (PCA) is one of the most common feature extraction methods, it is not suitable to implement a real‐time embedded system for face recognition because large amount of computational load and memory capacity are necessary. To overcome this problem, we employ the incremental two‐directional two‐dimensional PCA (I(2D)2PCA) which is a combination of the (2D)2PCA to demand much less computational complexity than the conventional PCA and the incremental PCA (IPCA) to adapt the eigenspace only by using a new incoming sample datum without reusing of all the previous trained data. Furthermore, the modified census transform (MCT), a local normalization method useful for real‐world application and implementation in an embedded system, is adopted to address robustness to illumination variations. To achieve better recognition accuracy with less computational load, the processed features are classified by the compressive sensing approach using ?2–minimization. Experimental results on the Yale Face Database B show that the described system using the ?2–minimization‐based classification method for input data processed by the I(2D)2PCA and the MCT provided efficient and robust face recognition. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 23, 133–139, 2013  相似文献   

一种改进NMF算法及其在人脸识别中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了提高非负矩阵分解(NMF)算法对光照、姿态等外部因素的鲁棒性,本文对传统的NMF进行改进,提出了一种改进的NMF方法.首先对NMF基图像进行判别分析,然后选择主要反应类内差异的基图像来构造子空间,最后在子空间上进行识别.通过Havard人脸库和Umist人脸库上的实验,结果表明,该方法能够对光照和姿态的变化具有一定的鲁棒性和较高的识别率,比传统的NMF方法和PCA等子空间分析法识别率提高了20%以上.  相似文献   

孟继成  夏雷 《光电工程》2007,34(10):83-87,144
本文提出一种符合高维几何空间理论的矩阵体积度量分类准则用于人脸识别.基于二维PCA的人脸识别方法主要研究的是特征提取部分,对后继的分类识别研究不多.基于二维PCA的人脸识别方法中典型的分类准则是比较特征向量的欧氏距离,而新方法比较的是矩阵的体积.在ORL和AR人脸库上的实验表明,所提出的矩阵体积度量较传统距离度量分类准则更有效.  相似文献   

孔万增  朱善安 《光电工程》2007,34(8):110-114
针对单样本人脸识别问题,本文提出了一种基于单样本切割的子模块主成分分析方法.该方法将单样本人脸图片切割成大小相同、互不重叠的多个子模块,切割后的子模块集构成新的样本集.对所有子模块作主成分分析(PCA)并提取特征,同一人脸的子模块特征系数作为分类识别的依据.在ORL人脸库上的测试结果表明,同PCA,(PC)2A,Sub-pattern LDA相比,该方法具有更好的识别率.  相似文献   

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