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Curare, the program restructurer described in this paper automatically transforms a sequential Lisp program into an equivalent concurrent program that runs on a multiprocessor.Data dependences constrain the program's concurrent execution because, in general, two conflicting statements cannot execute in a different order without affecting the program's result. Not all dependences are essential to produce the program's result.Curare attempts to transform the program so it computes its result with fewer conflicts. An optimized program will execute with less synchronization and more concurrency. Curare then examines loops in a program to find those that are unconstrained or lightly constrained by dependences. By necessity,Curare treats recursive functions as loops and does not limit itself to explicit program loops. Recursive functions offer several advantages over explicit loops since they provide a convenient framework for inserting locks and handling the dynamic behavior of symbolic programs. Loops that are suitable for concurrent execution are changed to execute on a set of concurrent server processes. These servers execute single loop iterations and therefore need to be extremely inexpensive to invoke.Restructured programs execute significantly faster than the original sequential programs. This improvement is large enough to attract programmers to a multiprocessor, particularly since it requires little effort on their part.This research was funded by DARPA contract numbers N00039-85-C-0269 (SPUR) and N00039-84-C-0089 (XCS) and by an NSF Presidential Young Investigator award to Paul N. Hilfinger. Additional funding came from the California MICRO program (in conjunction with Texas Instruments, Xerox, Honeywell, and Phillips/Signetics).  相似文献   

Programs whose parallelism stems from multiple recursion form an interesting subclass of parallel programs with many practical applications. The highly irregular shape of many recursion trees makes it difficult to obtain good load balancing with small overhead. We present a system, called REAPAR, that executes recursive C programs in parallel on SMP machines. Based on data from a single profiling run of the program, REAPAR selects a load-balancing strategy that is both effective and efficient and it generates parallel code implementing that strategy. The performance obtained by REAPAR on a diverse set of benchmarks matches that published for much more complex systems requiring high-level problem-oriented explicitly parallel constructs. A case study even found REAPAR to be competitive to handwritten (low-level, machine-oriented) thread-parallel code  相似文献   

A parallel-execution model that can concurrently exploit AND and OR parallelism in logic programs is presented. This model employs a combination of techniques in an approach to executing logic problems in parallel, making tradeoffs among number of processes, degree of parallelism, and combination bandwidth. For interpreting a nondeterministic logic program, this model (1) performs frame inheritance for newly created goals, (2) creates data-dependency graphs (DDGs) that represent relationships among the goals, and (3) constructs appropriate process structures based on the DDGs. (1) The use of frame inheritance serves to increase modularity. In contrast to most previous parallel models that have a large single process structure, frame inheritance facilitates the dynamic construction of multiple independent process structures, and thus permits further manipulation of each process structure. (2) The dynamic determination of data dependency serves to reduce computational complexity. In comparison to models that exploit brute-force parallelism and models that have fixed execution sequences, this model can reduce the number of unification and/or merging steps substantially. In comparison to models that exploit only AND parallelism, this model can selectively exploit demand-driven computation, according to the binding of the query and optional annotations. (3) The construction of appropriate process structures serves to reduce communication complexity. Unlike other methods that map DDGs directly onto process structures, this model can significantly reduce the number of data sent to a process and/or the number of communication channels connected to a process  相似文献   

Stochastic bounds are obtained on execution times of parallel programs when the number of processors is unlimited. A parallel program is considered to consist of interdependent tasks with synchronization constraints. These constraints are described by an acyclic directed graph called a task graph. The execution times of tasks are considered to be independently identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables. The performance measure of interest is the overall execution of the considered parallel program (task graph). Stochastic bound methods are applied to obtain lower and upper bounds on this measure. Another upper bound is obtained for parallel programs having `new better than used in expectation' (NBUE) random variables as task execution times. NBUE random variables are replaced with exponential random variables of the same mean to derive this upper bound  相似文献   

In simultaneous multithreading (SMT) multiprocessors, using all the available threads (logical processors) to run a parallel loop is not always beneficial due to the interference between threads and parallel execution overhead. To maximize the performance of a parallel loop on an SMT multiprocessor, it is important to find an appropriate number of threads for executing the parallel loop. This article presents adaptive execution techniques that find a proper execution mode for each parallel loop in a conventional loop-level parallel program on SMT multiprocessors. A compiler preprocessor generates code that, based on dynamic feedbacks, automatically determines at run time the optimal number of threads for each parallel loop in the parallel application. We evaluate our technique using a set of standard numerical applications and running them on a real SMT multiprocessor machine with 8 hardware contexts. Our approach is general enough to work well with other SMT multiprocessor or multicore systems.  相似文献   

New compact, low-power implementation technologies for processors and imaging arrays can enable a new generation of portable video products. However, software compatibility with large bodies of existing applications written in C prevents more efficient, higher performance data parallel architectures from being used in these embedded products. If this software could be automatically retargeted explicitly for data parallel execution, product designers could incorporate these architectures into embedded products. The key challenge is exposing the parallelism that is inherent in these applications but that is obscured by artifacts imposed by sequential programming languages. This paper presents a recognition-based approach for automatically extracting a data parallel program model from sequential image processing code and retargeting it to data parallel execution mechanisms. The explicitly parallel model presented, called multidimensional data flow (MDDF), captures a model of how operations on data regions (e.g., rows, columns, and tiled blocks) are composed and interact. To extract an MDDF model, a partial recognition technique is used that focuses on identifying array access patterns in loops, transforming only those program elements that hinder parallelization, while leaving the core algorithmic computations intact. The paper presents results of retargeting a set of production programs to a representative data parallel processor array to demonstrate the capacity to extract parallelism using this technique. The retargeted applications yield a potential execution throughput limited only by the number of processing elements, exceeding thousands of instructions per cycle in massively parallel implementations.  相似文献   

With the growing availability of multiprocessors, a great deal of attention has been given to executing Prolog in parallel. A question that naturally arises is how to execute standard sequential Prolog programs with side effects in parallel. The problem of performing side effects in AND parallel systems has been considered elsewhere. This paper presents a method that generates sequential semantics of side effect predicates in an OR parallel system. First, a general method is given for performing data side effects such as read and write. This method is then extended to control side effects such as asserta, assertz, and retract. Finally, a constant-time algorithm for performing cut is presented.The work of L. V. Kale was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant NSF-CCR-8700988. The work of D. A. Padua and D. C. Sehr was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant NSF-MIP-8410110, the Department of Energy under Grant DOE DE-FG02-85ER25001, and a donation from the IBM Corporation to the Center for Supercomputing Research and Development. D. C. Sehr holds a fellowship from the Office of Naval Research.  相似文献   

Parallel execution of a programR (intuitively regarded as a partial order) is usually modeled by sequentially executing one of the total orders (interleavings) into which it can be embedded. Our work deviates from this serialization principle by usingtrue concurrency to model parallel execution. True concurrency is represented via completions ofR tosemi total orders, called time diagrams. These orders are characterized via a set of conditions (denoted byCt), yielding orders or time diagrams which preserve some degree of the intended parallelism inR. Another way to express semi total orders is to use re-writing or derivation rules (denoted byCx) which for any programR generates a set of semi-total orders. This paper includes a classification of parallel execution into three classes according to three different types ofCt conditions. For each class a suitableCx is found and a proof of equivalence between the set of all time diagrams satisfyingCt and the set of all terminalCx derivations ofR is devised. This equivalence between time diagram conditions and derivation rules is used to define a novel notion of correctness for parallel programs. This notion is demonstrated by showing that a specific asynchronous program enforces synchronous execution, which always halts, showing that true concurrency can be useful in the context of parallel program verification.  相似文献   

In this paper,we focus on the compiling implementation of parlalel logic language PARLOG and functional language ML on distributed memory multiprocessors.Under the graph rewriting framework, a Heterogeneous Parallel Graph Rewriting Execution Model(HPGREM)is presented firstly.Then based on HPGREM,a parallel abstact machine PAM/TGR is described.Furthermore,several optimizing compilation schemes for executing declarative programs on transputer array are proposed.The performance statistics on transputer array demonstrate the effectiveness of our model,parallel abstract machine,optimizing compilation strategies and compiler.  相似文献   

An important feature of database technology of the nineties is the use of parallelism for speeding up the execution of complex queries. This technology is being tested in several experimental database architectures and a few commercial systems for conventional select-project-join queries. In particular, hash-based fragmentation is used to distribute data to disks under the control of different processors in order to perform selections and joins in parallel. With the development of new query languages, and in particular with the definition of transitive closure queries and of more general logic programming queries, the new dimension of recursion has been added to query processing. Recursive queries are complex; at the same time, their regular structure is particularly suited for parallel execution, and parallelism may give a high efficiency gain. We survey the approaches to parallel execution of recursive queries that have been presented in the recent literature. We observe that research on parallel execution of recursive queries is separated into two distinct subareas, one focused on the transitive closure of Relational Algebra expressions, the other one focused on optimization of more general Datalog queries. Though the subareas seem radically different because of the approach and formalism used, they have many common features. This is not surprising, because most typical Datalog queries can be solved by means of the transitive closure of simple algebraic expressions. We first analyze the relationship between the transitive closure of expressions in Relational Algebra and Datalog programs. We then review sequential methods for evaluating transitive closure, distinguishing iterative and direct methods. We address the parallelization of these methods, by discussing various forms of parallelization. Data fragmentation plays an important role in obtaining parallel execution; we describe hash-based and semantic fragmentation. Finally, we consider Datalog queries, and present general methods for parallel rule execution; we recognize the similarities between these methods and the methods reviewed previously, when the former are applied to linear Datalog queries. We also provide a quantitative analysis that shows the impact of the initial data distribution on the performance of methods. Recommended by: Patrick Valduriez  相似文献   

The paper presents a dataflow execution model, DIALOG, for logic programs which operates on an intermediate virtual machine. The virtual machine is granulated at clause argument level to exploit argument parallelism through unification. The model utilises a new variable binding scheme that eliminates dereference operations for accessing variables, and therefore supports OR-parallelism in the highly distributed dataflow environment. The model has been implemented in Occam. A conventional dataflow architecture in support of the model has been simulated as a testbed for the evaluation. The simulation indicates some encouraging results and suggests future improvements.  相似文献   

The organization of high-performance execution of a fragmented program has encountered with the problem of choosing of an acceptable way of its execution. The potentialities of optimizing the execution at the stages of fragmented program development, compilation and execution are considered. The methods and algorithms of such an optimization are proposed to be included into the LuNA fragmented programming language, compiler, generator and run-time system.  相似文献   

This paper begins by describing BSL, a new logic programming language fundamentally different from Prolog. BSL is a nondeterministic Algol-class language whose programs have a natural translation to first order logic; executing a BSL program without free variables amounts to proving the corresponding first order sentence. A new approach is proposed for parallel execution of logic programs coded in BSL, that relies on advanced compilation techniques for extracting fine grain parallelism from sequential code. We describe a new “Very Long Instruction Word” (VLIW) architecture for parallel execution of BSL programs. The architecture, now being designed at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, avoids the synchronization and communication delays (normally associated with parallel execution of logic programs on multiprocessors), by determining data dependences between operations at compile time, and by coupling the processing elements very tightly, via a single central shared register file. A simulator for the architecture has been implemented and some simulation results are reported in the paper, which are encouraging.  相似文献   

Multiprocessor execution of functional programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Functional languages have recently gained attention as vehicles for programming in a concise and elegant manner. In addition, it has been suggested that functional programming provides a natural methodology for programming multiprocessor computers. This paper describes research that was performed to demonstrate that multiprocessor execution of functional programs on current multiprocessors is feasible, and results in a significant reduction in their execution times.Two implementations of the functional language ALFL were built on commercially available multiprocessors.Alfalfa is an implementation on the Intel iPSC hypercube multiprocessor, andBuckwheat is an implementation on the Encore Multimax shared-memory multiprocessor. Each implementation includes a compiler that performs automatic decomposition of ALFL programs and a run-time system that supports their execution. The compiler is responsible for detecting the inherent parallelism in a program, and decomposing the program into a collection of tasks, calledserial combinators, that can be executed in parallel.The abstract machine model supported by Alfalfa and Buckwheat is calledheterogeneous graph reduction, which is a hybrid of graph reduction and conventional stack-oriented execution. This model supports parallelism, lazy evaluation, and highe order functions while at the same time making efficient use of the processors in the system. The Alfalfa and Buckwheat runtime systems support dynamic load balancing, interprocessor communication (if required), and storage management. A large number of experiments were performed on Alfalfa and Buckwheat for a variety of programs. The results of these experiments, as well as the conclusions drawn from them, are presented.This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation grants DCR-8302018 and DCR-8521451, by a DARPA subcontract with SDC/Unisys, and by gifts from Burroughs Austin Research Center and the Intel Corporation.  相似文献   

Reproducing the execution of a concurrent program is important in debugging and testing. It requires that, regardless of the actual order in which processes may execute, the reproduced execution is identical, with respect to the order in which certain activities occur, to a previously recorded execution. This paper presents a solution to the reproducibility problem for programs written in the SR concurrent programming language. Our solution transforms an arbitrary SR program into one for recording an event sequence and one for replaying from an event sequence. SR provides a rich collection of synchronization mechanisms, including rendezvous, asynchronous message passing, remote procedure call, and dynamic process creation. SR language features allow: flexible invocation servicing (e.g. use of invocation parameters in selecting an invocation to service in message passing or rendezvous); dynamically created processes and resource (module) instances; dynamic communication paths between processes; and dynamic distribution of programs across multiple machines. Because of these features, adaptations of previous solutions to the reproducibility problem for other languages and notations do not work for SR. Our solution handles all the above features. It results in a naturally distributed control algorithm for programs that are distributed. This paper also describes the implementations of our transformation tools. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper gives an overview on the DSPL programming environment, an integrated approach to automate system design and implementation of applications run on dedicated parallel systems. The programming environment consists of a data-flow language and an integrated set of tools. The tools automatically derive a software model from the given application program. Based on the model, the design decisions as the network topology, the task mapping and schedule as well as the optimal use of buffers are computed. Finally, the design decisions are automatically implemented by transforming the application program in executable code for the chosen processor network. The DSPL programming environment integrates model-based optimization techniques and program transformation techniques. The integration allows to include new aspects in the optimization process. Especially optimizations crucial to the semantics of the program can be included. The most important examples of such optimizations are the enforcement of the schedule in case of data-dependent execution of tasks and the transformation of buffered communication to unbuffered communication. Both aspects are crucial to the generation of efficient parallel implementations. The integration of the two aspects is supported by a formal framework. This allows to formally prove the correctness of the program optimizations performed by the programming environment.  相似文献   

This paper presents a technique for compiling a Horn-clause program intended for exhaustive search into a GHC (Guarded Horn Clauses) program. The technique can be viewed also as a transformation technique for Prolog programs which compiles away the ‘bagof’ primitive and non-determinate bindings. The class of programs to which our technique is applicable is shown with a static checking algorithm; it is nontrivial and could be extended. An experiment on a compiler-based Prolog system showed that our technique improved the efficiency of exhaustive search by 6 times for a permutation generator program. This compilation technique is important also in that it exploits the AND-parallelism of GHC for parallel search.  相似文献   

Implementation issues such as synchronization, implementation of abstract data types, and scheduling of processes are usually not addressed in the formal derivation of parallel programs. We seek to redress the situation by considering these issues in the context of developing an efficient implementation of an actual parallel program. The computational problem that we proceed by developingan algorithm in Unity and investigating the issues that arise in producing an efficient C implementation of the resulting algorithm. Along the way, we develop some theorems about program refinements, and illustrate the usefulness of the theorems in the context of refining the original Unity program.Work supported in part by ONR Grants N00014-86-K-0763 and N00014-87-K-0510 while the author was at The University of Texas at Austin.  相似文献   

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