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New strategies for sludge stabilization and mineralization need to be developed since the use of sludge in agriculture is debatable and sludge incineration cannot be a systematic solution. Minimization of sludge production should be preferred. In this work, the effect of ozone on activated sludge solubilization and mineralization during batch experiments is assessed by establishing carbon and ozone mass balances. After extended ozonation of the sludge, more than 90% of the particulate carbon is modified. Depending on the experimental conditions, from 15 to 50% is found in a soluble form and from 35% to 95% was mineralized. The VSS/SS ratio decreases from 86% to less than 50% illustrating the sludge mineralization. The initial rate of ozone consumption by the sludge is very high (estimated value: 30 mgO3/g VSS.min) and corresponds to high rates of carbon solubilization and mineralization. More than 50% of the carbon obtained after ozonation is found to be readily biodegradable using a short-term BOD procedure.  相似文献   

A pilot-scale sludge treatment plant was built to investigate the feasibility of ozonation processes for waste activated sludge treatment. Ozonation of wastewater sludge resulted in mass reduction by mineralization as well as by supernatant and filtrate recycle. Another advantage of sludge ozonation is a significant improvement of settleability and dewaterability. Experimental results showed that mass reduction of 70% and volume reduction of 85% compared with the control sludge was achieved through the sludge ozonation at a dose of 0.5?gO3/gDS. It is also interesting to note that the filterability deteriorates up to ozone dose of 0.2?gO3/gDS and then improves considerably at a higher ozone dose. The filterability could be improved by chemical conditioning even at a low ozone dose. The economic feasibility by cost analysis reveals that ozonation processes can be more economical than other alternative processes for sludge treatment and disposal at small-sized wastewater treatment plants.  相似文献   

The applicability of sludge ozonation on wastewater treatment processes was investigated to reduce the amount of excess sludge without losing phosphorus removal efficiency. Solubilization degree per ozone consumption for general sludge was in the range from 2.4 to 5.8 gSS/O3 and from 4.1 to 7.7 gCOD/gO3. Around 80 to 90% of solubilized organics was biodegradable at a solubilization degree of 0.3. Based on the experimental results, a lab-scale plant with sludge ozonation and phosphorus crystallization was constructed to investigate the treatment performance. Amount of excess sludge was reduced by 93% with almost complete removal of soluble BOD and phosphorus removal efficiency of more than 80%. The percentage of the effluent CODCr discharge increased from 10% to 14–17% after installing ozonation and crystallization because of the formation of non-biodegradable organic substances in ozonation process. Energy consumption of the innovative advanced process is comparable or can be even smaller than that of the conventional anaerobic/oxic (A/O) process in spite of the installation of ozonation and crystallization.  相似文献   

Poor sludge settleability is a problem encountered in many activated sludge wastewater treatment plants. This study was aimed at combatting the unwanted biological growths at the root of this phenomenon with ozone. Ozone dosed directly into the aeration basins of small activated sludge pilot plants treating both domestic and synthetic fuel wastewaters led to a substantial reduction of the bulking problem even at dosages as low as 6 to 10 mg/L. Ozone did not interfere in the delicate nutrient removal processes and significantly enhanced effluent quality.  相似文献   

介绍了近年来国内外活性炭催化剂臭氧催化氧化的研究结果,对活性炭及金属负载型活性炭催化剂的反应机理进行了总结。讨论了非均相臭氧催化氧化过程中活性炭的主要作用,活性炭催化剂的表面物化性质、pH值、温度在臭氧催化氧化过程中的影响规律。并提出活性炭催化剂的降解机理以及催化剂性质与有机污染物的化学结构之间的关系还需要进一步的研究。  相似文献   

The ultimate disposal of wastewater sludge has been, and continues to be, one of the most expensive problems faced by wastewater utilities in the United States. The objective of this research was to apply cell lysis and cryptic growth principles to activated sludge to study the applicability of ozonation to reduce the mass of secondary sludge. The study produced data and details for application of ozone to reduce secondary sludge production. The application of ozone reduced the mass of waste sludge by 30 to 50% depending on the ozonation rate and period.  相似文献   

The study investigates the effect of sludge ozonation on solid matter species, disintegration properties, sludge components, and solubilization characteristics under different operating conditions. Ozonation of surplus activated sludge samples taken from the secondary settling tank of a domestic wastewater treatment plant indicates that soluble nitrogen, phosphorus and COD concentrations proliferate as a consequence of extending the ozone feeding time. A steady increase both in soluble nitrogen concentration and ratio of organic phosphorus to soluble phosphorus is observed through ozonation where specific ozone doses range between 4 and 11 mg O3/g SS. Combined treatment of chemical oxidation and aerobic biodegradation to surplus activated sludge is also applied to improve the biodegradability of organic matter by partial chemical oxidative pretreatment with as little specific ozone consumption as possible. The partial oxidation by integrated ozonation is operated as a pre-oxidation step for the subsequent biological degradation, due to the fact that the competition with biological degradation in removing biodegradable organic compounds is avoided and most probably a more biodegradable sludge composition is obtained by means of ozonation. Combined treatment of chemical oxidation and aerobic biodegradation conducted to scrutinize the synergic effect of the coupled treatment system reveals that TS and COD removal efficiencies of ozonated sludge samples cannot be improved beyond the third aerobic biodegradation step.  相似文献   

Pre-ozonation is often uneconomical for typical wastewaters with varied mixtures of organic compounds as more biodegradables than non-biodegradables are oxidized, all requiring ozone. The concept developed in this paper is ozonation within an activated sludge system to oxidize recalcitrant substances to more degradable forms and byproducts and to immediately assimilate or biodegrade these within the biological system. The focus was on a novel method of combining ozonation and biological treatment in one integrated unit without adversely affecting the bacterial population responsible for the biological degradation. An azo dye, spiked into the wastewater feed was used to study removal of a recalcitrant compound in a biological system.  相似文献   

Properties of activated sludge during ozonation were analyzed. The structure and surface characteristics altered with the increase of ozone dosage. At low ozone dosage, the floc structure was completely dismantled. Floc fragments reformed through reflocculation at an ozone dosage greater than 0.20 g O3·g?1 mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS). Inactivation of microorganisms in the activated sludge mixture was caused by ozonation. Microbial growth decreased by up to 65% compared to the control. Simultaneously, 92.5% of nucleotide and 97.4% of protein in microbial cells of the sludge were released. Organic substance, nitrogen and phosphorus were released from the sludge during the ozonation process. The initial value of soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) was 72 mg·L?1. When the ozone dosage was 0.12 g O3·g?1 MLSS, the value of SCOD rapidly reached 925 mg·L?1, increased by almost 12-fold. Simultaneously, 54.7% of MLSS was reduced. The composition of MLSS was changed, indicating that the inner water of cells and volatile organic substance decreased during the ozonation process.  相似文献   

The excess sludge produced during biological treatment of wastewater can be reduced by treating this sludge with ozone in a specific reactor and recycling it to the biological facility. This increases the biodegradability of the inert fractions of the sludge without deteriorating the activity of the microorganisms. Ozone reacts only within the film zone near the gas/liquid interface: it is assumed that the size of the microflocs of active microorganisms is greater than the effective thickness of the film, thus protecting them from ozone. This coupled treatment produces treated water having satisfactory characteristics and a residual excess sludge that has an extremely high settling capability.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was the investigation of the ozonation of sludge as a method to improve anaerobic digestion performance in a chemically enhanced primary treatment facility. Batch tests were conducted to evaluate the effect of ozonation on the physicochemical characteristics of both primary and digested sludge. Then, the performance of semi-continuous anaerobic digesters in combination with ozone treatment was investigated (pre-ozonation and post-ozonation). Ozonation of primary sludge did not increase the soluble COD nor the biodegradable COD, but resulted in the mineralization of a fraction of the organic matter into CO2. However, the ozonation of anaerobic digested sludge resulted in an increase in soluble COD and biodegradable COD and in a small level of mineralization at the dose of 90 mg O3/g COD. Pre-ozonation of primary sludge was not effective in enhancing the performance of the anaerobic digester. The coupling of ozonation and anaerobic digestion by means of the post-ozonation of digested sludge was found to be effective in improving methane production (+16%), for COD removal efficiency and for the dewaterability of anaerobic digesters compared to the control digester.  相似文献   

负荷、泥龄是活性污泥法处理城市污水设计、运行中的重要参数.给出了有机负荷的动力学表达形式(称之为动力学负荷),并对有机负荷和泥龄的关系,有机负荷和泥龄对水质、污泥沉降性能影响进行了理论探讨.  相似文献   

Preozonation of biologically or physically–chemically treated wastewater effluents, followed by passage through granular activated carbon (GAC) for tertiary wastewater treatment was studied at the Duck Creek Wastewater Treatment in Garland, Texas. Whereas the average period of operation for the GAC before exhaustion without ozone pretreatment was 70 days, pretreatment with ozone or with oxygen alone extended GAC operation to at least 480 days, withoutexhaus–tion. Effluent streams consistently metapplicable discharge standards during this period of time, without the necessity of regenerating the GAC.  相似文献   

Starting in the early 1970s, the application of ozone for drinking water treatment began to evolve from primarily single-purpose, single-stage use for disinfection, taste and odor control or iron and manganese oxidation, to multipurpose uses of ozone. As a result, most of the newer drinking water treatment plants have installed two- and even three-stages of ozonation. in order to maximize the technological benefits of ozone and to minimize the costs involved.  相似文献   

In this work, the removal of cyanide from aqueous solutions was accomplished by using the synergetic effect of activated carbon and an oxidizing agent. A basic-character coconut shell activated carbon (CAC) was used; experiments were conducted in a semi-batch reactor, at 25 °C, initial pH of 11.5, and using cyanide solutions with initial concentration up to 1200 mg/mL. In particular, the beneficial effect of an oxidizing agent such as air, oxygen or ozone on the removal of cyanide by CAC was evaluated. At the optimum operating conditions found in this study, 1200 mg/mL of cyanide were totally decomposed in about 3 h, by using 1 g of CAC and about 2 mgO3/min. The experimental results were rationalized based on different mechanisms reported in the literature. The findings provide the basis to optimize the removal of cyanide from aqueous solutions in mining or metallurgical effluents by using the synergetic effect of CAC and ozone.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the catalytic ozonation of organic matter recalcitrant to usual water treatment technologies. Experiments aimed to investigate the efficiency of the process TOCCATA®, which uses a granular catalyst coupled with ozonation. Comparison was made between single ozonation, single adsorption onto the catalyst and catalytic ozonation. Adsorption was proven to contribute to decreased dissolved organic carbon. Catalytic ozonation enhanced organic matter removal and ozone transfer compared to single ozonation. Catalytic ozonation was modeled with global apparent first-order kinetics and single adsorption with pseudo–second-order sorption kinetics.  相似文献   

An increase in the biodegradability of secondary effluent after ozonation as measured by CBOD5 (carbonaceous BOD5), generally has been considered to be due to the conversion of non-biodegradable organic material. Experiments on a specific combined unicipal/industrial waste containing a high percentage of malting plant wastewater showed that an increase in CBOD5 realized at the waste treatment plant was due to a shift in the oxygen uptake curve. Ozonation was found to affect both non-biode-gradable and biodegradable organic matter and resulted in improved overall effluent quality despite the observed increase in CBOD5. As an indication of effluent quality, the CBOD5 test is felt to be inadequate.  相似文献   

Pre-ozonation is often used to enhance the biodegradability of recalcitrant compounds prior to biological treatment of wastewater. A usual shortcoming of such an approach is wasting ozone on other compounds that are already biodegradable. This research followed a groundbreaking approach of degrading a recalcitrant substance with ozone during biological treatment. Two parallel bench-top activated sludge processes were fed a synthetic wastewater containing typical biodegradable substances and also methylene blue at 5 mg/L. Ozone was applied continuously and directly into one of the activated sludge units at 17 mg/L based on inflow rate. The methylene blue was removed by 95%?in the ozonated process compared with just 40%?removal in the non-ozonated control. The removal in the activated sludge without ozonation was demonstrated to be mainly due to biosorption. The ozone oxidation reaction by-products were analyzed using GC-MS on volatile substances collected in the headspace above ozonated samples of methylene blue and most found to be biodegradable. These by-products are expected to be degraded and assimilated in the same process unit together with the other biodegradables in the feed stream by the activated sludge process. The reaction rate with organic substances depleted the dissolved ozone at such a rate that the inactivation of the treatment bacteria (and protozoa) was minimal, mostly affecting the filamentous bacteria. A concern that ozone, as a powerful disinfectant, could inhibit or kill the beneficial bacteria in the activated sludge process was proven to be incorrect.  相似文献   

Results from precipitation of an oxygen/peroxide-bleachery effluent from pulp mills with and without preozonation are presented. Reductions in DOC levels by about 60% were achieved at the pH optimum of 5.5 at an AI/D0C ratio of 0.25 g/g. Increasing alum dosages did not improve the elimination. Ozonation at pH 2 reduced COD, DOC, UV and color levels, while under alkaline conditions an increase of color could be obtained. This effect, based on a polymerization of organics, could be improved at low ozone dosages, by reducing the ozone dosage rate, elevating the pH up to 11 and diluting the wastewater. However, the shift towards high and low molecular weight fractions indicated competing degradation reactions, which counteract a suggested improvement of precipitation by preozonation.  相似文献   

Experiments for degradation of the extensively marketed Ponceau 4R dye in aqueous solution and for oxidation of raw wastewater from a confectionary industry have been carried out by using ozone. All the experiments were performed in a cylindrical semi-batch reactor at approximately 20 oC for 7200 s. A mass flow rate of 1.158?×?10?6 kg s?1 of ozone was continuously fed in the reactor. The pH of the azo dye aqueous solution (distilled water + Ponceau 4R) was always kept at approximately 5.8, while in the case of the raw wastewater the same factor was changed from 4.7 to 9.4 in two different experimental runs. Absorbance measurements at 508 nm show that the investigated azo dye found in the azo dye aqueous solution was completely degraded after only 600 s. At this initial period a substantial fall of TOC (Total Organic Carbon) (up to 45%) was noticed, but the rate was exponentially decreased at longer reaction times up to a TOC removal no higher than 60%. The ozonation was also responsible for reducing the apparent color of the raw wastewater to almost 10% of its initial value at the optimum pH (9.4 ± 1.5). The effect of pH was important on apparent color, but it had absolutely no influence on the kinetics results of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), which were kept constant over the entire period of reaction.  相似文献   

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