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Differences in the pathogenesis of porcine parvovirus (PPV) were shown when pregnant gilts were infected by the oral and intramuscular (i.m.) routes. By the oral route, PPV took 23-32 days to cross the placenta following infection of the dam, as compared to 15 days by the i.m. route, Successful transplacental infection occurred following oral infection of dams only in the second third of gestation, whilst i.m. infection resulted in infection of foetuses in both first and second thirds of gestation. Foetal infection resulted in death and mummification only where infection of foetuses occurred before onset of immune competence--estimated at 70 days gestation. Infected foetuses either died before onset of immune competence, or survived to mount an immune response with subsequent death or survival to farrowing. It is suggested in discussion that reproductive failure due to PPV, characterised by mummification or occasional stillbirth, is associated in nature with oral infection, and occurs only when dams are infected in the first part of the midthird of gestation.  相似文献   

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is associated with obesity in 80 to 90%. The presence of obesity enhances insulin resistance, which increases the demands on insulin secretion and causes deterioration of glucose tolerance. Hyperinsulinism has some metabolic sequelae which increase the risk of the development and progression of atherosclerosis. Reduction of body weight is a basic therapeutic provision in obese diabetics. It results not only in better compensation of diabetes but also other metabolic parameters and blood pressure as it leads to a higher tissue sensitivity for insulin. This can delay the development of long-term complications of diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

We analyzed a region of the capsid of canine parvovirus (CPV) which determines the ability of the virus to infect canine cells. This region is distinct from those previously shown to determine the canine host range differences between CPV and feline panleukopenia virus. It lies on a ridge of the threefold spike of the capsid and is comprised of five interacting loops from three capsid protein monomers. We analyzed 12 mutants of CPV which contained amino acid changes in two adjacent loops exposed on the surface of this region. Nine mutants infected and grew in feline cells but were restricted in replication in one or the other of two canine cell lines tested. Three other mutants whose genomes contain mutations which affect one probable interchain bond were nonviable and could not be propagated in either canine or feline cells, although the VP1 and VP2 proteins from those mutants produced empty capsids when expressed from a plasmid vector. Although wild-type and mutant capsids bound to canine and feline cells in similar amounts, infection or viral DNA replication was greatly reduced after inoculation of canine cells with most of the mutants. The viral genomes of two host range-restricted mutants and two nonviable mutants replicated to wild-type levels in both feline and canine cells upon transfection with plasmid clones. The capsids of wild-type CPV and two mutants were similar in susceptibility to heat inactivation, but one of those mutants and one other were more stable against urea denaturation. Most mutations in this structural region altered the ability of monoclonal antibodies to recognize epitopes within a major neutralizing antigenic site, and that site could be subdivided into a number of distinct epitopes. These results argue that a specific structure of this region is required for CPV to retain its canine host range.  相似文献   

Pheochromocytoma is rarely observed during pregnancy and not easily diagnosed, especially since the clinical manifestations may mimic common gravid hypertension. The maternal and fetal prognosis depends on early diagnosis and multidisciplinary management preparing for tumor resection. Appropriate laboratory tests easily provide the positive diagnosis, if they are ordered. The tumor is localized by ultrasonography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). By prescribing an alpha-blocker, it is possible to prepare the resection as a function of term, before or after delivery. This strategy allows a reduction in maternal and fetal mortality which is high if the pheochromocytoma goes undiagnosed.  相似文献   

The 25-nm diameter parvovirus capsid is assembled from 60 copies of a sequence common to the overlapping VP1 and VP2 proteins. Here we examine the epitope specificity's of 28 monoclonal antibodies (MAb) prepared against canine parvovirus (CPV), feline panleukopenia virus (FPV), and raccoon-dog parvovirus or blue (Arctic) fox parvovirus. Comparing the reactivity of those MAb with various MAb-selected escape mutants, or with natural variants of CPV or mink enteritis virus (MEV) which differ at known sequences, showed that the binding of 20 of those MAb was strongly affected by variations of two regions on the threefold spike of the CPV capsid. One region was adjacent to the tip of the threefold spike, and the second was around VP2 residue 300, on the shoulder of that structure. MAb recognizing both antigenic sites efficiently neutralized the virus infectivity and inhibited hemagglutination. Mutations leading to natural antigenic variation have also been observed in both those sites in naturally variant strains of CPV or MEV, suggesting that they are important antigenic structures on these parvoviruses. The bindings of several MAb were not affected by the mutations at those antigenic sites, indicating that they recognized other, and perhaps conserved, structures.  相似文献   

Purified full and empty virions of minute virus of mice were separated on CsCl gradients, and their polypeptides were examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The empty particle contains two polypeptides, A (83,300 daltons) and B (64,300 daltons), which are 15 to 18% and 82 to 85%, respectively, of the virion mass. The full particle contains the single-stranded DNA genome, proteins A and B, and a third polypeptide, C (61,400 daltons). Again A is 15 to 18% of the protein mass, but the amounts of B and C vary inversely in different preparations of full particles. These polypeptides comprise greater than 99.6% of the protein in either virion, and their molecular weights and molar ratios are independent of the species of host cell on which the virus is propagated, They are not found in uninfected cells, and no protein component of uninfected cells copurifies with either virion under our conditions. Pulse-chase experiments show that the three proteins are synthesized only after virus infection and are therefore probably virus coded. Sequential harvesting from the nuclei of cells infected under one cycle growth conditions shows an increase in the proportion of C in full particles as infection progresses, suggesting that C is derived from B in a late maturation step.  相似文献   

A man, 23 years of age, had a typical erythema infectiosum, complicated by a severe bilateral brachial plexus neuritis. Motor function recovered slowly and only partially after 6 months. An infection by human parvovirus B19 was demonstrated, with strongly positive and gradually declining IgM antibodies and viral DNA detectable in serum for more than 3 months. There was also clear evidence of a recent infection by cytomegalovirus. The interaction between these two viruses could be responsible for this rare and severe complication of common infections in this patient.  相似文献   

Over a period of 29 months, from January 1991 to December 1994, all cases of acute polyarthritis seen at the Rheumatology Service in our Institution were studied to determine the seroprevalence of parvovirus B19 (B19) infection. The variables studied included: age and sex of patients, presence of fever and rash, Anti-B19 IgM and IgE serological determinations (ELISA, Mardix Lab.), follow-up time and final diagnosis. The study included 36 patients (22 women and 14 men, mean age 34 +/- 19 years). Thirteen and seven patients had fever and cutaneous rash, respectively. Anti-B19 IgM serology was positive in 4 patients; in 2 of them IgG seroconversion was confirmed. The mean follow-up time was 14 +/- 9 months. Final diagnoses included undifferentiated polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, B19 polyarthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and miscellaneous in 19, 7, 4, 2, and 4 patients, respectively. Seroprevalence of B19 infection in acute polyarthritis in our area was 11%, approximately.  相似文献   

A dot blot hybridization assay for parvovirus B19 diagnosis was developed by using a PCR-generated probe, digoxigenin labelling, and chemiluminescence detection. Different labelling techniques and hybridization solutions were evaluated. From this analysis a protocol was devised for routine diagnostic use. The protocol enabled 1 pg of B19 DNA to be detected. The results of applying this method to 8,369 diagnostic samples collected during 1994 and 1995 are given.  相似文献   

Several pathogenic mycoplasma species are known etiologic agents of diseases in man and animals, which typically involve the respiratory tract, urogenital tract and joints and often show chronicity. Although the basis for this chronicity is not well understood, it is apparent that several species of pathogenic mycoplasmas are endowed with a sophisticated genetic machinery for altering their surface attributes. This surface phenotypic variation is thought to play a key role in the establishment and persistence of mycoplasma infections by enabling evasion of host defences and by ensuring adaptation to the rapidly changing microenvironmental conditions encountered in the host. The variability of mycoplasma surface characteristics results both from reversible ON- and OFF-switching of distinct membrane surface proteins (phase variation), from structural changes of these proteins (size variation) and from changes in their surface presentation (epitope masking and demasking). The majority of these surface proteins that are subject to variation are encoded by multiple variant single-copy genes and are lipid-modified proteins which represent the major coat proteins and surface antigens of several pathogenic mycoplasmas. Variable surface lipoproteins play an important role in the pathogenesis of a mycoplasma infection by providing escape from immune response, and probably by influencing both colonization of and translocation across the mucosal barrier. In this minireview, recent developments regarding the genetic mechanisms and the functional significance of surface lipoprotein variation in the pathogenesis of mycoplasma infections are summarized.  相似文献   

1. The effect of cyclo(D-Trp-D-Asp-Pro-D-Val-Leu) (or BQ123), a selective ETA receptor antagonist, on the vasoconstrictor and diuretic responses elicited by endothelin-1 (ET-1) was examined in conscious sheep with chronic indwelling renal arterial cannulae. 2. Using low dose close renal arterial infusion, ET-1 has potent effects on the kidney causing a marked decrease in effective renal plasma flow and an increase in urine output and free water clearance in the normally hydrated animal. 3. The vasoconstrictor response to renal arterial infusion of ET-1 at 5 micrograms/h was blunted by renal arterial infusion of the ETA receptor selective antagonist, BQ123 (400 micrograms/h). 4. In contrast, the effect of ET-1 on urine production and free water clearance was not affected by this dose of BQ123. 5. The differential effect of BQ123 on renal blood flow and urine production suggests that these effects of endothelin on the kidney are mediated through different receptor mechanisms.  相似文献   

A newly recognized parvovirus of laboratory rats, designated rat parvovirus type 1a (RPV-1a), was found to be antigenically distinct. It was cloned, sequenced, and compared with the University of Massachusetts strain of rat virus (RV-UMass) and other autonomous parvoviruses. RPV-1a VP1 identity with these viruses never exceeded 69%, thus explaining its antigenic divergence. In addition, RPV-1a had reduced amino acid identity in NS coding regions (82%), reflecting phylogenetic divergence from other rodent parvoviruses. RPV-1a infection in rats had a predilection for endothelium and lymphoid tissues as previously reported for RV. Infectious RPV-1a was isolated 3 weeks after inoculation of infant rats, suggesting that it, like RV, may result in persistent infection. In contrast to RV, RPV-1a was enterotropic, a characteristic previously associated with parvovirus infections of mice rather than rats. RPV-1a also differed from RV in that infection was nonpathogenic for infant rats under conditions where RV infection causes high morbidity and mortality. Thus, RPV-1a is the prototype virus of an antigenically, genetically, and biologically distinct rodent parvovirus serogroup.  相似文献   

运用火试金法分离并捕集银阳极泥中的金和银,灰吹所得金银合粒称重后,加入一定量纯银标准并进行二次灰吹,使金银合粒能被稀硝酸溶解.利用金不溶于硝酸的性质使金、银分离,用重量法测定金量和银量.应用于实际试料的分析,方法的精密度(RSD,n=5)分别为Au<0.1%,Ag<0.2%.加标回收率分别为Au:99.88%~ 100.67%,Ag:98.81% ~ 100.06%.  相似文献   

吉林二道甸子金矿品位结构变异分析及深部盲矿体预测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨言辰  刘鹏鹗 《黄金》1994,15(7):1-5
本文通过对二道甸子金矿主矿带已采九个中段金品位的结构变异分析,根据品位的矿化连续极限变程(a),块金效应(co),结构特征(c)等参数的数值特征及其在不同中段上的变化,揭示出该矿床矿化在空间上具有分段集中富集规律,并指出主矿带深部0~-100m标高内赋存盲矿体。  相似文献   

火试金法测定银阳极泥中的金和银   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用火试金法分离并捕集银阳极泥中的金和银,灰吹所得金银合粒称重后,加入一定量纯银标准并进行二次灰吹,使金银合粒能被稀硝酸溶解。利用金不溶于硝酸的性质使金、银分离,用重量法测定金量和银量。应用于实际试料的分析,方法的精密度(RSD,n=5)分别为Au<0.1%,Ag<0.2%。加标回收率分别为Au:99.88%~100.67%,Ag:98.81%~100.06%。  相似文献   

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