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探讨危害分析与关键控制点HACCP体系在甜面酱生产中的应用。找出了甜面昔生产过程中影响卫生质量的关键控制点,进一步提高了甜面酱的卫生质量,延长其保质期限。 相似文献
HACCP在农作物生产中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
HACCP是一种食品安全保证体系,最早起源于20世纪60年代初美国对航天食品的管理,现在已成为很多国家普遍接受的最重要的食品安全管理体系.HACCP强调以预防为主,包括HA(即危害分析,Hazard Analysis)和CCP(即关键控制点,Critical Control Point)两个部分. 相似文献
阐述了HACCP在大米生产中的应用实例。首先建立大米生产危害分析表,确定大米生产的关键控制点和关键限值,制定监控程序及纠正措施,最后确定HACCP计划和实施HACCP计划。 相似文献
HACCP是一个保证食品安全的预防性管理系统,结合马铃薯净菜的生产工艺流程,将HACCP质量控制体系应用到马铃薯净菜生产加工工艺中,进行危害分析,确定关键控制点,提出解决途径,使生产过程中危害因素降到最低限度,旨在确保净菜产品的的卫生质量,提高产品的安全性,给马铃薯净菜生产的相关企业提供一个参考。 相似文献
为保证果冻产品的质量,将HACCP体系应用到果冻生产中。按照HACCP体系的要求,对果冻生产全过程进行危害分析,确定关键控制点,建立关键限值,制订有效的监测方法,以生产出安全的果冻产品。 相似文献
为了提高肉粒肠的产品质量,就必须从原辅材料采购开始,对生产到销售的各个环节,可能造成产品潜在危害的因素进行物理性、化学性及生物性危害分析,确定相应的关键控制点及期限,并制订相应的预防措施,建立监测方法,将生产过程的危害因素降低到最低程度,从而不断提高产品的质量。 相似文献
HACCP系统在纯净水生产中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
将HACCP原理应用于纯净生产中,进行危害分析,找出CCP点和监控措施,编写了作业指导书,以提高纯净水生产的质量管理水平。 相似文献
根据HACCP原理,分析了冰淇淋生产中的安全问题,确定了关键控制点和相应的纠偏措施,以期为HACCP在冷饮企业生产中的应用提供参考和借鉴。 相似文献
探讨了HACCP(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)危害分析与关键控制点质量管理体系在食醋生产中的应用,对生产过程中各环节可能造成的潜在危害进行了分析,借助ccp判断树进行逻辑推理.判断出那一个显著危害为关键控制点(ccp).同时找到相应的预防措施,将危害控制在发生之前保证食品安全,提高产品质量. 相似文献
HACCP系统是一个食品质量和安全管理体系。论述了HACCP系统在方便食品生产中的应用。 相似文献
HACCP在乳品工业上的应用 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
危害分析和关键控制点(HACCP)是近年来在国际食品行业中兴起的一种确保食品安全的新型质量保证体系。文章以婴儿配方奶粉的生产为例,介绍了该系统在乳品工业上的应用。 相似文献
A survey of 38 universities that grant 4-yr degrees as well as 12 institutions that grant technical degrees of 2 yr or less revealed that degree programs in dairy production remain popular, but have changed significantly over the last 25 yr. Enrollment in dairy production programs remains strong (1,189 and 417 students in baccalaureate and nonbaccalaureate degrees, respectively) even though this is viewed as a traditional industry. There are significant differences in size of programs across the United States, and some are struggling to maintain both the visibility and faculty numbers to keep pace with the industry. The percentage of students enrolled in 4-yr programs who are female has increased to the majority. More students hail from a nondairy farm background in our university programs today than in 1994. Computer and information technology has become a mainstream part of our educational programs. A high percentage of undergraduate students elect to engage in an internship or work experience, and there is a high correlation between internship and career paths selected by our students. The dairy industry initiated and financially supports the North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge; an educational activity among university teams to foster skills in analyzing a dairy farm business. This collaboration between universities and private industry is strong evidence that our undergraduate programs are relevant to the dairy industry. Extracurricular activities like dairy science clubs also remain popular, and are perceived by faculty members to be an important part of our educational experience. An analysis of nonbaccalaureate degree programs was not reported previously, but was a part of the present survey. In the nonbaccalaureate institutions that responded to the survey, there were 417 students enrolled in 12 dairy programs across the United States in 2004. This student population in nonbaccalaureate programs has a higher percentage of female enrollment than in 1994, but enrollment is still predominantly male. Computer and information technologies are an important part of their curricula and a very high percentage of these students remain in production agriculture upon graduation. Many of the challenges in undergraduate education described previously continue to be challenges in 2005. However, there are many reasons for optimism; as the number of students electing enrollment in dairy production remains strong, there is great interest in keeping the curricula relevant and interaction with and support by the dairy industry continues to be significant. 相似文献
本文根据五洲公司牛肉干加工工艺过程,采用HACCP管理方式,在多年的研究分析和实际操作的基础上,总结出了一个最优的牛肉干卫生控制方案,此方案已得到国家认监委的认可. 相似文献
运用HACCP原理,对青芥辣加工生产过程中可能出现的各种危害进行分析,确定了原辅料采购验收贮存和拣料称重2个关键控制点及其关键限值、监控方法和纠偏措施等,确保青芥辣的生产加工达到安全标准。 相似文献