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In this paper, we present an a posteriori error analysis for the finite element approximation of a variational inequality. We derive a posteriori error estimators of residual type, which are shown to provide upper bounds on the discretization error for a class of variational inequalities provided the solutions are sufficiently regular. Furthermore we derive sharp a posteriori error estimators with both lower and upper error bounds for a subclass of the obstacle problem which are frequently met in many physical models. For sufficiently regular solutions, these estimates are shown to be equivalent to the discretization error in an energy type norm. Our numerical tests show that these sharp error estimators are both reliable and efficient in guiding mesh adaptivity for computing the free boundaries.  相似文献   

The main contribution of this paper is the application of the iterative transformation method to the numerical solution of the sequence of free boundary problems obtained from one-dimensional parabolic moving boundary problems via the implicit Euler's method. The combination of the two methods represents a numerical approach to the solution of those problems. Three parabolic moving boundary problems, two with explicit and one with implicit moving boundary conditions, are solved in order to test the validity of the proposed approach. As far as the moving boundary position is concerned the obtained numerical results are found to be in agreement with those available in literature.  相似文献   

We present a coupled moving mesh and level set method for computing incompressible two-phase flow with surface tension. This work extends a recent work of Di et al. [(2005). SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 26, 1036–1056] where a moving mesh strategy was proposed to solve the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. With the involvement of the level set function and the curvature of the interface, some subtle issues in the moving mesh scheme, in particular the solution interpolation from the old mesh to the new mesh and the choice of monitor functions, require careful considerations. In this work, a simple monitor function is proposed that involves both the level set function and its curvature. The purpose for designing the coupled moving mesh and level set method is to achieve higher resolution for the free surface by using a minimum amount of additional expense. Numerical experiments for air bubbles and water drops are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

To solve boundary value problems with moving fronts or sharp variations, moving mesh methods can be used to achieve reasonable solution resolution with a fixed, moderate number of mesh points. Such meshes are obtained by solving a nonlinear elliptic differential equation in the steady case, and a nonlinear parabolic equation in the time-dependent case. To reduce the potential overhead of adaptive partial differential equation-(PDE) based mesh generation, we consider solving the mesh PDE by various alternating Schwarz domain decomposition methods. Convergence results are established for alternating iterations with classical and optimal transmission conditions on an arbitrary number of subdomains. An analysis of a colouring algorithm is given which allows the subdomains to be grouped for parallel computation. A first result is provided for the generation of time-dependent meshes by an alternating Schwarz algorithm on an arbitrary number of subdomains. The paper concludes with numerical experiments illustrating the relative contraction rates of the iterations discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fast computational technique based on the wavelet collocation method for the numerical solution of an optimal control problem governed by elliptic variational inequalities of obstacle type. In this problem, the solution divides the domain into contact and noncontact sets. The boundary between the contact and noncontact sets is a free boundary, which is not known a priori and the solution is not smooth on it. Accordingly, a very fine grid is needed in order to obtain a solution with a reasonable accuracy. In this paper, our aim is to propose an adaptive scheme in order to generate an appropriate and economic irregular dyadic mesh for finding the optimal control and state functions. The irregular mesh will be generated such that its density around the free boundary is higher than in other places and high-resolution computations are focused on these zones. To this aim, we use an adaptive wavelet collocation method and take advantage of the fast wavelet transform of compact-supported interpolating wavelets to develop a multi-level algorithm, which generates an adaptive computational grid. Using this adaptive grid takes less CPU time than using a full regular mesh. At each step of the algorithm, the active set method is used for solving the optimality system of the obstacle problem on the adapted mesh. Finally, the numerical examples are presented to show the validity and efficiency of the technique.  相似文献   

Managing complex data and geometry in parallel structured AMR applications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) is an increasingly important simulation methodology for many science and engineering problems. AMR has the potential to generate highly resolved simulations efficiently by dynamically refining the computational mesh near key numerical solution features. AMR requires more complex numerical algorithms and programming than uniform fixed mesh approaches. Software libraries that provide general AMR functionality can ease these burdens significantly. A major challenge for library developers is to achieve adequate flexibility to meet diverse and evolving application requirements. In this paper, we describe the design of software abstractions for general AMR data management and parallel communication operations in SAMRAI, an object-oriented C++ structured AMR (SAMR) library developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The SAMRAI infrastructure provides the foundation for a variety of diverse application codes at LLNL and elsewhere. We illustrate SAMRAI functionality by describing how its unique features are used in these codes which employ complex data structures and geometry. We highlight capabilities for moving and deforming meshes, coupling multiple SAMR mesh hierarchies, and immersed and embedded boundary methods for modeling complex geometrical features. We also describe how irregular data structures, such as particles and internal mesh boundaries, may be implemented using SAMRAI tools without excessive application programmer effort. This work was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy by University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract number W-7405-Eng-48 and is released under UCRL-JRNL-214559.  相似文献   

《Computers & Structures》1986,24(2):273-280
A finite-element formulation for the solution of one-dimensional problems with moving boundaries is considered. The movement of the boundaries may not be known a priori. The term “conformal mesh” is defined, and a mesh undergoing conformal deformation is shown to have some numerical advantages. The formulation is applied to linear shape functions. An auxiliary method is suggested, which replaces the repetitive solution of a system of algebraic equations with a one-time solution of an eigenvalue problem. The examples used as models for this method are one- and two-phase Stefan problems and the problem of thermal displacement and stresses in a wall undergoing ablation.  相似文献   

Summary  This paper is an overview of the finite element methods developed by the Team for Advanced Flow Simulation and Modeling (T*AFSM) [http://www.mems.rice.edu/TAFSM/] for computation of flow problems with moving boundaries and interfaces. This class of problems include those with free surfaces, two-fluid interfaces, fluid-object and fluid-structure interactions, and moving mechanical components. The methods developed can be classified into two main categories. The interface-tracking methods are based on the Deforming-Spatial-Domain/Stabilized Space-Time (DSD/SST) formulation, where the mesh moves to track the interface, with special attention paid to reducing the frequency of remeshing. The interface-capturing methods, typically used for free-surface and two-fluid flows, are based on the stabilized formulation, over non-moving meshes, of both the flow equations and the advection equation governing the time-evolution of an interface function marking the location of the interface. In this category, when it becomes neccessary to increase the accuracy in representing the interface beyond the accuracy provided by the existing mesh resolution around the interface, the Enhanced-Discretization Interface-Capturing Technique (EDICT) can be used to to accomplish that goal. In development of these two classes of methods, we had to keep in mind the requirement that the methods need to be applicable to 3D problems with complex geometries and that the associated large-scale computations need to be carried out on parallel computing platforms. Therefore our parallel implementations of these methods are based on unstructured grids and on both the distributed and shared memory parallel computing approaches. In addition to these two main classes of methods, a number of other ideas and methods have been developed to increase the scope and accuracy of these two classes of methods. The review of all these methods in our presentation here is supplemented by a number numerical examples from parallel computation of complex, 3D flow problems.  相似文献   

An adaptive dimension splitting algorithm for three-dimensional (3D) elliptic equations is presented in this paper. We propose residual and recovery-based error estimators with respect to X?Y plane direction and Z direction, respectively, and construct the corresponding adaptive algorithm. Two-sided bounds of the estimators guarantee the efficiency and reliability of such error estimators. Numerical examples verify their efficiency both in estimating the error and in refining the mesh adaptively. This algorithm can be compared with or even better than the 3D adaptive finite element method with tetrahedral elements in some cases. What is more, our new algorithm involves only two-dimensional mesh and one-dimensional mesh in the process of refining mesh adaptively, and it can be implemented in parallel.  相似文献   

A new adaptive method is described for solving nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations with moving boundaries, using a moving mesh with continuous finite elements. The evolution of the mesh within the interior of the spatial domain is based upon conserving the distribution of a chosen monitor function across the domain throughout time, where the initial distribution is selected based upon the given initial data. The mesh movement at the boundary is governed by a second monitor function, which may or may not be the same as that used to drive the interior mesh movement. The method is described in detail and a selection of computational examples are presented using different monitor functions applied to the porous medium equation (PME) in one and two space dimensions.  相似文献   

In this paper, a moving mesh discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method is developed to solve the nonlinear conservation laws. In the mesh adaptation part, two issues have received much attention. One is about the construction of the monitor function which is used to guide the mesh redistribution. In this study, a heuristic posteriori error estimator is used in constructing the monitor function. The second issue is concerned with the solution interpolation which is used to interpolates the numerical solution from the old mesh to the updated mesh. This is done by using a scheme that mimics the DG method for linear conservation laws. Appropriate limiters are used on seriously distorted meshes generated by the moving mesh approach to suppress the numerical oscillations. Numerical results are provided to show the efficiency of the proposed moving mesh DG method.  相似文献   

A Fully Automatic hp-Adaptivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present an algorithm, and a 2D implementation for a fully automatic hp-adaptive strategy for elliptic problems. Given a mesh, the next, optimally refined mesh, is determined by maximizing the rate of decrease of the hp-interpolation error for a reference solution. Numerical results confirm optimal, exponential convergence rates predicted by the theory of hp methods.  相似文献   

This paper presents a finite-element dimension splitting algorithm (DSA) for a three-dimensional (3D) elliptic equation in a cubic domain. The main idea of DSA is that a 3D elliptic equation can be transformed into a series of two-dimensional (2D) elliptic equations in the XY plane along the Z-direction. The convergence speed of the DSA for a 3D elliptic equation depends mainly on the mesh scale of the Z-direction. P 2 finite-element discretization in the Z-direction for DSA is adopted to accelerate the convergence speed of DSA. The error estimates are given for DSA applying P 1 or P 2 finite-element discretization in the Z-direction. Finally, some numerical examples are presented. We apply the parallel solving technology to our numerical examples and obtain good parallel efficiency. These numerical experiments test and verify theoretical results.  相似文献   


We develop a numerical method for computing smooth approximations to the solution of a system of second-order boundary value problems associated with obstacle, unilateral and contact problems based on uniform mesh quintic splines. It is shown that this method gives better approximations than those produced by other collocation, finite-difference and spline methods. A numerical example is given to illustrate the applicability of the new method.  相似文献   

Summary We develop a new coefficient-explicit theory for two-level overlapping domain decomposition preconditioners with non-standard coarse spaces in iterative solvers for finite element discretisations of second-order elliptic problems. We apply the theory to the case of smoothed aggregation coarse spaces introduced by Vanek, Mandel and Brezina in the context of algebraic multigrid (AMG) and are particularly interested in the situation where the diffusion coefficient (or the permeability) α is highly variable throughout the domain. Our motivating example is Monte Carlo simulation for flow in rock with permeability modelled by log–normal random fields. By using the concept of strong connections (suitably adapted from the AMG context) we design a two-level additive Schwarz preconditioner that is robust to strong variations in α as well as to mesh refinement. We give upper bounds on the condition number of the preconditioned system which do not depend on the size of the subdomains and make explicit the interplay between the coefficient function and the coarse space basis functions. In particular, we are able to show that the condition number can be bounded independent of the ratio of the two values of α in a binary medium even when the discontinuities in the coefficient function are not resolved by the coarse mesh. Our numerical results show that the bounds with respect to the mesh parameters are sharp and that the method is indeed robust to strong variations in α. We compare the method to other preconditioners and to a sparse direct solver.   相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to present an alternative approach to the conventional level set methods for solving two-dimensional moving-boundary problems known as the passive transport. Moving boundaries are associated with time-dependent problems and the position of the boundaries need to be determined as a function of time and space. The level set method has become an attractive design tool for tracking, modeling and simulating the motion of free boundaries in fluid mechanics, combustion, computer animation and image processing. Recent research on the numerical method has focused on the idea of using a meshless methodology for the numerical solution of partial differential equations. In the present approach, the moving interface is captured by the level set method at all time with the zero contour of a smooth function known as the level set function. A new approach is used to solve a convective transport equation for advancing the level set function in time. This new approach is based on the asymmetric meshless collocation method and the adaptive greedy algorithm for trial subspaces selection. Numerical simulations are performed to verify the accuracy and stability of the new numerical scheme which is then applied to simulate a bubble that is moving, stretching and circulating in an ambient flow to demonstrate the performance of the new meshless approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, an unstructured Chimera mesh method is used to compute incompressible flow around a rotating body. To implement the pressure correction algorithm on unstructured overlapping sub-grids, a novel interpolation scheme for pressure correction is proposed. This indirect interpolation scheme can ensure a tight coupling of pressure between sub-domains. A moving-mesh finite volume approach is used to treat the rotating sub-domain and the governing equations are formulated in an inertial reference frame. Since the mesh that surrounds the rotating body undergoes only solid body rotation and the background mesh remains stationary, no mesh deformation is encountered in the computation. As a benefit from the utilization of an inertial frame, tensorial transformation for velocity is not needed. Three numerical simulations are successfully performed. They include flow over a fixed circular cylinder, flow over a rotating circular cylinder and flow over a rotating elliptic cylinder. These numerical examples demonstrate the capability of the current scheme in handling moving boundaries. The numerical results are in good agreement with experimental and computational data in literature.  相似文献   

We present an extension theorem for polynomial functions that proves a quasi-optimal bound for a lifting from L 2 on edges onto a fractional-order Sobolev space on triangles. The extension is such that it can be further extended continuously by zero within the trace space of H 1. Such an extension result is critical for the analysis of non-overlapping domain decomposition techniques applied to the p-and hp-versions of the finite and boundary element methods for elliptic problems of second order in three dimensions. Supported by the FONDAP Programme in Applied Mathematics, Chile.  相似文献   

Local and global error estimators and an associated h-based adaptive mesh refinement schemes are proposed for coupled thermal-stress problems. The error estimators are based on the “flux smoothing” technique of Zienkiewicz and Zhu with important modifications to improve convergence performance and computational efficiency. Adaptive mesh refinement is based on the concept of adaptive accuracy criteria, previously presented by the authors for stress-based problems and extended here for coupled thermal-stress problems. Three methods of mesh refinement are presented and numerical results indicate that the proposed method is the most efficient in terms of number of adaptive mesh refinements required for convergence in both the thermal and stress solutions. Also, the proposed method required a smaller number of active degrees of freedom to obtain an accurate solution.  相似文献   

Obstacle problems are nonlinear free boundary problems and the computation of approximate solutions can be difficult and expensive. Little work has been done on effective numerical methods of such problems. This paper addresses some aspects of this issue. Discretizing the problem in a continuous piecewise linear finite element space gives a quadratic programming problem with inequality constraints. A new method, called the multilevel projection (MP) method, is established in this paper. The MP algorithm extends the multigrid method for linear equations to nonlinear obstacle problems. The convergence theorems of this method are also proved. A numerical example presented shows our error estimate is sharp and the MP algorithm is robust.  相似文献   

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