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用硅烷偶联剂加热分解的简便方法对锂离子电池正极材料LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2(NCA)的表面进行处理, 利用XRD结合Rietveld精修、SEM、TEM、DSC、EIS和恒流充放电等方法对材料进行表征。结果显示, 硅烷偶联剂经450℃加热分解后得到的非晶态SiO2均匀包覆在材料表面, 包覆不改变 NCA的晶体结构, 但明显改善了材料性能。在60℃环境中, 0.2C、1C下包覆材料(简写为a-NCA)的放电比容量分别为176.4、158.9 mAh·g-1, 高于NCA的174.2、153.8 mAh·g-1; 50周循环后a-NCA的容量保持率为91.4 %, 远高于NCA的86.5 %; 同时, 经包覆后材料的热稳定性大幅度提高。其原因是包覆层抑制了NCA在循环过程中与电解液发生副反应, 有效降低了离子迁移的界面膜电阻, 并抑制了晶体结构变化。  相似文献   

采用共沉淀法制备了镍基正极材料LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_2(LNCA),通过浸渍-水解法在LNCA表面包覆了1%的TiO_2,研究了热处理温度对1%TiO_2@LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_2的电化学性能的影响。通过扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、电化学工作站和电池测试仪等对材料进行表征。结果表明,提高热处理温度,可以使样品表面的包覆层均匀致密,但750℃热处理样品的阳离子混排程度有所增加;TiO_2表面包覆并热处理后提高了材料的热稳定性能,有利于提高样品在大倍率放电时的循环性能,热处理温度为650℃时具有最佳的电化学性能。当包覆层为TiO_2和Li_2TiO_3混合物时,对循环性能的改善能力优于包覆层为单纯的TiO_2或Li_2TiO_3。  相似文献   

通过机械球磨制备不同质量比的LCO/NCA混合正极材料,采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)表征其相结构和微观形貌,研究了这种材料的电化学性能。结果表明,两种正极材料球磨混合后其晶体结构均未改变,但是初始的NCA球形二次颗粒被打散,形成的纳米粒子弥散填充在LCO微米颗粒的孔隙之间,提高了正极材料的涂膜密度和二者之间的接触紧密性。当LCO:NCA=6:4时混合正极材料具有最佳的颗粒级配效果,其首次充放电效率最高,为92.4%;在10 C (1 C=140 mA·g-1)倍率下的比容量(136 mA·h·g-1)是0.2 C时的78.0%,出现了明显的协同增强效果;在1 C倍率下循环100次其容量保持率为89.8%,表现出优异的电化学性能。  相似文献   

高荷电存储寿命对锂离子电池的使用性能具有重要影响, 但是相关研究却较为缺乏。本研究通过高温加速实验, 研究了LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2(NCA)/石墨锂离子电池在55 ℃下的存储寿命, 分析了正负极材料在电池寿命终点时的电化学性能和界面变化。研究结果表明, 在55 ℃、高荷电状态下NCA/石墨锂离子电池的存储寿命约为90 d。在寿命终点时, 正负极活性材料的容量有一定下降, 但不是电池容量衰减的主要原因。界面分析表明, 存储后负极表面固体电解质界面(SEI)膜增长明显, 而正极表面固体电解质界面(PEI)膜无明显变化。SEI膜的增长主要是由于电解液溶剂和锂反应, 造成石墨内锂损失, 使电池内可循环锂减少, 这是NCA/石墨电池在存储过程中容量损失的主要原因。  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶法制备锂离子电池正极材料LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2, 溶剂分别采用水、乙醇、乙二醇和丙三醇。通过TG/DSC进行样品的热性能分析, 确定样品的烧结条件为550℃预处理6 h, 750℃烧结24 h。XRD分析结果显示, 采用有机溶剂制备的样品, 018/110峰分裂明显, 但向小角度偏移, 说明样品的晶间距增大。SEM结果表明, 采用有机溶剂制备的样品, 平均颗粒尺寸0.4 μm, 小于采用水溶剂制备的样品颗粒尺寸0.5 μm。采用乙醇与乙二醇为溶剂制备的样品出现了部分大尺寸的单晶颗粒。电化学性能测试结果表明, 采用有机溶剂制备的样品的充放电性能要低于水作为溶剂的样品性能, 但是采用乙醇作为溶剂制备的样品, 首次放电容量(197.33 mAh/g)与水作为溶剂(200.66 mAh/g)制备的样品相当, 并且在1C倍率下50次循环, 容量保持率由水溶剂制备样品的87.1%增大至94.4%。大尺寸单晶颗粒的存在有利于NCA材料循环性能的提高。  相似文献   

用去离子水将原始的LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2正极材料进行洗涤并分别在不同温度下处理相同的时间, 讨论了LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2正极材料结构、形貌以及电化学充放电性能的变化, 同时探讨了洗涤和热处理对材料结构、电化学充放电性能以及倍率性能影响的机理。XRD分析表明: 在洗涤和热处理之后, LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2正极材料的I(003)/I(104)比值以及晶胞体积均有变小; 傅里叶红外光谱分析表明: 在洗涤和热处理之后, LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2正极材料中形成了碳酸锂、镍化合物杂质及其相关变化。同时对洗涤和热处理前后LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2正极材料容量和倍率性能进行测试。容量测试结果表明: 原始样品以及处理后样品在30圈循环之后容量保持率分别为88.87%、 87.21%、85.43%和87.80%。  相似文献   

目前高镍材料存在长循环寿命差、安全性能低等问题。表面包覆是提升高镍材料电化学性能的有效手段。本文通过具有导电特性的高分子聚苯胺纳米点包覆高镍正极材料LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Mn_(0.05)O_2从而提高其循环性能。包覆后的材料在0.2C倍率下100圈循环后容量为184.1 mAh/g,保持率为95.7%。1C倍率下循环100圈后容量为156.3 mAh/g,保持率为88.3%。可见纳米点PANI包覆NCM能提高高镍材料的循环稳定性。实验表明材料循环性能提高的原因在于聚苯胺纳米点包覆可以抑制材料表面副反应的发生以及H2-H3结构相变。  相似文献   

NaMg(H2O)2[BP2O8]·H2O was prepared by hydrothermal synthesis and was characterized by X-ray powder difraction and IR method. The title compound was synthesized from MgCl2·6H2O, NaBO3·4H2O, and (NH4)2HPO4 with variable molar ratios using hydrothermal method by heating at 165 °C for 3 days. The X-ray powder diffraction data was indexed in hexagonal system, the unit cell parameters were found to be as a = 9.428, c = 15.82 Å, Z = 4 and the space group is P6122. It is isostructural with MlMll(H2O)[BP2O8] type compounds where Ml = Na, K; Mll = Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Zn. In addition NH4Mg(H2O)2[BP2O8]·H2O was also synthesized the first time in this research. Its unit cell parameters and hkl values were in good agreement with the sodium magnesium compound. The unit cell parameters are a = 9.529, c = 15.736 Å. The indexed X-ray powder diffraction data of both compounds which were not reported in the literature is presented in this work. The IR data of NaMg(H2O)2[BP2O8]·H2O is also reported.  相似文献   

In order to improve the cycling performance of LiMn2O4 based cathode materials, we have synthesized a new composition, LiNi0·4 M 0·1Mn1·5O4 (M = Al, Bi), by the sol–gel method. The formation of solid solutions is confirmed by structural characterization using TG/DTA, XRD, FT–IR, EPR, SEM and EPR. A.c.-impedance (Nyquist plot) showed a high frequency semicircle and a sloping line in the low-frequency region. The semicircle is ascribed to the Li-ion migration through the interface from the surface layer of the particles to the electrolyte. Cyclic voltammogram (between 3·5 and 4·9 V) for these materials using CR2032 coin-type cell shows two pairs of redox peaks corresponding to two-step reversible intercalation process, wherein Li-ions occupy two different tetragonal 8a sites in spinel Li x Mn2O4 (x < 1) lattice. The galvanostatic charge/discharge curves for M = Al (77 mAh g–1) showed reasonably good capacity retention than that of M = Bi (11 mAh g–1) at the end of 17th cycle.  相似文献   

Single crystals of Co(NH3)6NpO2[(OOC)2C6H4]2·2H2O were grown. The crystal structure of this compound [monoclinic cell: a = 7.748(2), b = 23.051(5), c = 14.608(3) Å, = 96.21(3)°, space group P21/c, Z = 4, V = 2593.7(9) Å3, d calc = 2.034 g cm- 3, CAD4 automatic diffractometer, MoK , graphite monochromator, R 1 = 0.041 for all 3567 reflections observed, wR 2 = 0.1344 for all 4445 unique reflections, 325 refined parameters] was studied. The structure consists of infinite anionic chains {NpO2[(OOC)2C6H4]2} n 3 n -, [Co(NH3)6]3 + cations, and molecules of crystallization water. Neptunium(V) atom is in pentagonal-bipyramidal oxygen surrounding (CN 7); the neptunyl(V) group is linear and symmetrical; the Np = O bond lengths are 1.830(6) and 1.833(5)Å, the O = Np = O angle is 176.4(2)°. The equatorial plane of the bipyramid is formed by five oxygen atoms of phthalate anions. The Np-Oeq bond length correlates with the denticity of the phthalate anions. Two types of phthalate anions are localized in the structure. The first tridentate ligand is a bridge between Np(V) atoms in the chains. The second ligand is coordinated to Np in the bidentate fashion to form NpOCCCCO seven-membered chelate ring. The cation [Co(NH3)6]3 + has an octahedral structure. The average Co-N distance in the octahedron is 1.961 Å the N-Co-N bond angles are close to 90°. Two water molecules along with [Co(NH3)6]3 + cations are located between the anionic chains {NpO2[(OOC)2C6H4]2} n 3 n -. The chains are additionally bonded along the Z-axis of the crystal by Ow-H···O hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

Crystals of a new hybrid compound C8H12N+, HSO4?·H2O were synthesized in aqueous solution and characterized by X-ray diffraction and IR absorption spectroscopy. This compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic non-centrosymmetrical space group P212121 and an unit cell with a = 5.74(2) Å, b = 9.17(2) Å, c = 21.34(4) Å, V = 1124(6) Å3, and Z = 4. Its crystal structure is a packing of alternated inorganic and organic layers parallel to (a,b) planes. The different components are connected by a bi-dimensional network of strong OH…O and NH…O hydrogen bonds. Then, in order to detect phase transitions and watch changes in the conductivity behaviour, investigations by DTA–TG and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and electrical conductivity measurements were carried out.  相似文献   

Layered LiNi0·8Co0·2O2 crystallizing in R $\bar 3$ m space group is synthesized by decomposing the constituent metal-nitrate precursors. Oxidizing nature of metal nitrates stabilizes nickel in +3 oxidation state, enabling a high degree of cation ordering in the layered LiNi0·8Co0·2O2. The powder sample characterized by XRD Rietveld refinement reveals < 2% Li-Ni site exchange in the layers. Scanning electron microscopic studies on the as-synthesized LiNi0·8Co0·2O2 sample reflect well defined particles of cubic morphology with particle size ranging between 200 and 250 nm. Cyclic voltammograms suggest that LiNi0·8Co0·2O2 undergoes phase transformation on first charge with resultant phase being completely reversible in subsequent cycles. The first-charge-cycle phase transition is further supported by impedance spectroscopy that shows substantial reduction in resistance during initial de-intercalation. Galvanostatic charge-discharge cycles reflect a first-discharge capacity of 184 mAh g?1 which is stabilized at 170 mAh g?1 over 50 cycles.  相似文献   

The structure of NH4[(NpO2)3(C2H5COO)4(H2O)]·3H2O was studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The single crystals were prepared by hydrothermal synthesis. In the structure, there are three crystallographically independent Np atoms with different equatorial surrounding. All of them have CN 7; the coordination polyhedron is a distorted pentagonal bipyramid. Each NpO 2 + cation is bonded to four other cations, acting simultaneously as a bidentate ligand and a coordination center for two other dioxocations. The cation-cation interactions result in formation of trigonal-hexagonal cationic networks.  相似文献   

Double U(VI) phthalates with NH 4 + , K+, and Cs+ ions in the outer sphere were synthesized. The X-ray phase analysis shows that their structures are similar. Single crystals were prepared and the structure of K4[(UO2)43-O)2(C6H4C2O4)4] ? 3H2O was solved. In the [(UO2)4O2(C6H4C2O4)4]4? anions forming the main structural motif, each bridging oxygen atom μ3-O combines one pentagonal and two hexagonal bipyramids, which, in turn, are combined in centrosymmetrical tetramers. The phthalate ions have coordination capacity equal to 3; each ligand coordinates U(1) in the bidentate fashion via one carboxy group and U(2) in the bidentate fashion to form a planar seven-membered chelate ring.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of (NpO2)2(OOC)2C6H4·4H2O [rhombic cell: a = 15.937(3), b = 26.922(5), c = 8.020(2) Å, space group Pbcn, Z = 8, V = 3441.0(12) Å3, d calc = 2.988 g cm- 3, CAD4, MoK , graphite monochromator, 2934 independent reflections; R 1 = 0.0352, wR 2 = 0.0951] was studied. The structure consists of NpO2 + cations, H4C6(COO)2 2 - anions, and molecules of coordinated and crystallization water. The crystal lattice involves neutral layers [(NpO2)2(OOC)2C6H4(H2O)3] n parallel to the {101} plane. The dioxocations in these layers are bonded to each other to form cationic networks [the Np···Np distance is 3.911(1)-4.202(1) Å]. The coordination polyhedra of Np(1) and Np(2) are pentagonal bipyramids (CN 7). The point group of the neptunyl(V) groups is close to D h. These groups are bidentate ligands in the cation-cation interaction. The Np = O bond lengths are 1.852(6) [Np(1)-O(1)], 1.849(7) [Np(1)-O(2)], 1.845(7) [Np(2)-O(3)], and 1.841(7) Å [Np(2)-O(4)]; the O = Np = O bond angles are 178.6(3)° [O(2)-Np(1)-O(1)] and 177.4(3)° [O(3)-Np(2)-O(4)]. The equatorial plane of the Np(1) bipyramid consists of two oxygen atoms of adjacent Np(2)O2 + dioxocations, two water molecules, and a single oxygen atom of the phthalate anion. The equatorial plane of the Np(2) bipyramid consists of two oxygen atoms of adjacent Np(1)O2 + dioxocations, two oxygen atom of the phthalate anion, and a single water molecule. The bond lengths in the equatorial plane of the bipyramid lie in the following ranges: Np-Oyl 2.373(7)-2.437(7) Å (average 2.397 Å) , Np-Ophth 2.360(7)-2.474(7) Å (average 2.431 Å), and Np-Owater 2.534(8)-2.558(9) Å (average 2.544 Å). The phthalate anions are tridentate bridging ligands binding neptunium atoms only within a single cationic network.  相似文献   

Antioxidant modification for C/C composites by in situ hydrothermal synthesise at 140 °C of a 4ZnO·B2O3·H2O crystallite coating has been successfully achieved. The influence of hydrothermal time on the phase composition, microstructure of the as-prepared Zn4B2O7·H2O (4ZnO·B2O3·H2O), and its antioxidant modification for C/C composites were investigated. Samples were characterised by XRD, SEM, isothermal oxidation test and TG-DSC. Results show that, 4ZnO·B2O3·H2O crystalline coating is achieved on the surface of C/C composites after the hydrothermal treatment at 140 °C for time in the range of 2–12 h. A smooth and crack-free 4ZnO·B2O3·H2O layer can be obtained when the hydrothermal time reaches 8 h. Isothermal oxidation test demonstrates that the oxidation resistance of C/C composites is improved. The as-modified composites exhibit only 1.52 g·cm?2 weight loss after oxidation at 600 °C for 15 h, while the non-modified one shows a 6.57 g·cm?2 weight loss after only 10 h oxidation. For the uncoated C/C composite the oxidation rate is approximately linear with time (non-protective oxidation), thus at 15 h exposure one can estimate the mass loss to be 6.57 g·cm?2 after 10 h for direct comparison with the coated samples.  相似文献   

Radiochemistry - Actinide(VI) complexes with succinate anions [PuO2(succ)(H2O)] and Cs2[(AnO2)2(succ)3]·H2O (An = U, Np, Pu), where succ = [C4H4O4]2 ?, were synthesized and studied by...  相似文献   

Inorganic Materials - Ceramics consisting of anhydrous calcium sulfate, CaSO4, after firing in the range 800–1000°C have been prepared from calcium sulfate dihydrate (CaSO4?2H2O)...  相似文献   

《Thin solid films》2002,402(1-2):49-54
The metal acetylacetonates of vanadium, cobalt and chromium were prepared from commercial reagents. The corresponding metal acetylacetonates were mixed in desired ratio and deposited on soda lime glass substrate by metal organic chemical vapor deposition technique. Mixed oxides thin films with atomic composition Co0.31V1.37O5 and Cr0.5V2O5 were obtained. A combination of Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence was used for the transition element identification and atomic compositional study of the thin films. The thickness of the Co–V–O and Cr–V–O thin films was 166 and 127 nm, respectively. The optical spectra of the films were obtained using a Pye Unicam SP8-400 spectrophotometer in the ultraviolet/visible region. The result of the spectral analyses gave the optical bandgap energy of the materials. The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity measured using the Van der Pauw method indicated that the materials are semiconducting. Their activation energy was obtained from plots of the natural logarithm of conductivity vs. the reciprocal of temperature. The sign of the thermopower shows that both materials are p-type semiconductors.  相似文献   

于春洋  夏定国  赵煜娟  王忠丽 《功能材料》2006,37(11):1755-1757,1764
以柠檬酸铵作络合剂通过控制结晶法制备了的球形NH4FePO4·H2O,用扫描电镜观察了颗粒的形貌和分布.通过研究加料方式、反应温度、滴加速度、搅拌速度、反应物浓度等对颗粒形态的影响,得到了制备球形NH4FePO4·H2O的最佳工艺条件.  相似文献   

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