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Bankruptcy prediction is a topic, which affect the economic well being of all countries. Having an accurate company default prediction model, which can pick up on time the signs of financial distress, is vital for all firms, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These firms represent the backbone of the economy of every country. Therefore, they need a prediction model easily adaptable to their characteristics. For this purpose, this study explores and compares the potential of genetic algorithms (GAs) with those of logistic regression (LR) and support vector machine (SVM). GAs are applied to a large sample of 3.100 Italian manufacturing SMEs, three, two and one year prior to bankruptcy. The results indicate that GAs are a very effective and promising instrument in assessing the likelihood of SMEs bankruptcy compared with LR and SVM, especially in reducing Type II misclassification rate. Of particular interest, results show that GAs prediction accuracy rate increases when the model is applied according to size and geographical area, with a marked improvement in the smallest sized firms and in the firms operating in north Italy.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel solving method for speech signal chaotic time series prediction model was proposed. A phase space was reconstructed based on speech signal's chaotic characteristics and the genetic programming (GP) algorithm was introduced for solving the speech chaotic time series prediction models on the phase space with the embedding dimension m and time delay τ. And then, the speech signal's chaotic time series models were built. By standardized processing of these models and optimizing parameters, a speech signal's coding model of chaotic time series with certain generalization ability was obtained. At last, the experimental results showed that the proposed method can get the speech signal chaotic time series prediction models much more effectively, and had a better coding accuracy than linear predictive coding (LPC) algorithms and neural network model.  相似文献   

In this article, the linear genetic programming (LGP) is utilized to predict the solar global radiation. The solar radiation is formulated in terms of several climatological and meteorological parameters. Comprehensive databases containing monthly data collected for 6 years (1995–2000) in two nominal cities in Iran are used to develop LGP-based models. Separate models are established for each city. To verify the performance of the proposed models, they are applied to estimate the solar global radiation of test data of database. The contribution of the parameters affecting the solar radiation is evaluated through a sensitivity analysis. The results indicate that the LGP models give precise estimations of the solar global radiation and significantly outperform traditional angstrom’s model.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the random subspace binary logit (RSBL) model (or random subspace binary logistic regression analysis) by taking the random subspace approach and using the classical logit model to generate a group of diverse logit decision agents from various perspectives for predictive problem. These diverse logit models are then combined for a more accurate analysis. The proposed RSBL model takes advantage of both logit (or logistic regression) and random subspace approaches. The random subspace approach generates diverse sets of variables to represent the current problem as different masks. Different logit decision agents from these masks, instead of a single logit model, are constructed. To verify its performance, we used the proposed RSBL model to forecast corporate failure in China. The results indicate that this model significantly improves the predictive ability of classical statistical models such as multivariate discriminant analysis, logit model, and probit model. Thus, the proposed model should make logit model more suitable for predictive problems in academic and industrial uses.  相似文献   

The accurate prediction of corporate bankruptcy for the firms in different industries is of a great concern to investors and creditors, as the reduction of creditors’ risk and a considerable amount of saving for an industry economy can be possible. This paper presents a multi-industry investigation of the bankruptcy of Korean companies using back-propagation neural network (BNN). The industries include construction, retail, and manufacturing. The study intends to suggest the industry specific model to predict bankruptcy by selecting appropriate independent variables. The prediction accuracy of BNN is compared to that of multivariate discriminant analysis.The results indicate that prediction using industry sample outperforms the prediction using the entire sample which is not classified according to industry by 6–12%. The prediction accuracy of bankruptcy using BNN is greater than that of MDA. The study suggests insights for the practical industry model for bankruptcy prediction.  相似文献   

Bankruptcy prediction is one of the most important issues in financial decision-making. Constructing effective corporate bankruptcy prediction models in time is essential to make companies or banks prevent bankruptcy. This study proposes a novel bankruptcy prediction model based on an adaptive fuzzy k-nearest neighbor (FKNN) method, where the neighborhood size k and the fuzzy strength parameter m are adaptively specified by the continuous particle swarm optimization (PSO) approach. In addition to performing the parameter optimization for FKNN, PSO is also utilized to choose the most discriminative subset of features for prediction. Adaptive control parameters including time-varying acceleration coefficients (TVAC) and time-varying inertia weight (TVIW) are employed to efficiently control the local and global search ability of PSO algorithm. Moreover, both the continuous and binary PSO are implemented in parallel on a multi-core platform. The proposed bankruptcy prediction model, named PTVPSO-FKNN, is compared with five other state-of-the-art classifiers on two real-life cases. The obtained results clearly confirm the superiority of the proposed model in terms of classification accuracy, Type I error, Type II error and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) criterion. The proposed model also demonstrates its ability to identify the most discriminative financial ratios. Additionally, the proposed model has reduced a large amount of computational time owing to its parallel implementation. Promisingly, PTVPSO-FKNN might serve as a new candidate of powerful early warning systems for bankruptcy prediction with excellent performance.  相似文献   

Stock price prediction is a very important financial topic, and is considered a challenging task and worthy of the considerable attention received from both researchers and practitioners. Stock price series have properties of high volatility, complexity, dynamics and turbulence, thus the implicit relationship between the stock price and predictors is quite dynamic. Hence, it is difficult to tackle the stock price prediction problems effectively by using only single soft computing technique. This study hybridizes a self-organizing map (SOM) neural network and genetic programming (GP) to develop an integrated procedure, namely, the SOM-GP procedure, in order to resolve problems inherent in stock price predictions. The SOM neural network is utilized to divide the sample data into several clusters, in such a manner that the objects within each cluster possess similar properties to each other, but differ from the objects in other clusters. The GP technique is applied to construct a mathematical prediction model that describes the functional relationship between technical indicators and the closing price of each cluster formed in the SOM neural network. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed hybrid SOM-GP prediction procedure are demonstrated through experiments aimed at predicting the finance and insurance sub-index of TAIEX (Taiwan stock exchange capitalization weighted stock index). Experimental results show that the proposed SOM-GP prediction procedure can be considered a feasible and effective tool for stock price predictions, as based on the overall prediction performance indices. Furthermore, it is found that the frequent and alternating rise and fall, as well as the range of daily closing prices during the period, significantly increase the difficulties of predicting.  相似文献   

In this paper, an enhancement of stock trading model using Genetic Network Programming (GNP) with Sarsa Learning is described. There are three important points in this paper: First, we use GNP with Sarsa Learning as the basic algorithm while both Technical Indices and Candlestick Charts are introduced for efficient stock trading decision-making. In order to create more efficient judgment functions to judge the current stock price appropriately, Importance Index (IMX) has been proposed to tell GNP the timing of buying and selling stocks. Second, to improve the performance of the proposed GNP-Sarsa algorithm, we proposed a new method that can learn the appropriate function describing the relation between the value of each technical index and the value of the IMX. This is an important point that devotes to the enhancement of the GNP-Sarsa algorithm. The third point is that in order to create more efficient judgment functions, sub-nodes are introduced in each node to select appropriate stock price information depending on the situations and to determine appropriate actions (buying/selling). To confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method, we carried out the simulation and compared the results of GNP-Sarsa with other methods like GNP with Actor Critic, GNP with Candlestick Chart, GA and Buy&Hold method. The results shows that the stock trading model using GNP-Sarsa outperforms all the other methods.  相似文献   

基因编程(GP)算法具有天然的并行性,因此出现了并行分布式GP模型,如主从模型、岛屿模型和网格模型等。但是实现这些分布式模型的算法过程复杂,不具有可重用性,很难依据不同拓扑结构来快速实现大规模的GP计算。针对这些缺点,提出了基于图的并行分布式GP模型,形式化地描述了图中的各种GP操作,使其能够支持不同拓扑结构的GP分布式并行计算。经过实验测试,该模型能够实现上述三种GP模型,并具有稳定、高效、易实现的特点。  相似文献   

Functional-link net with fuzzy integral for bankruptcy prediction   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Yi-Chung  Fang-Mei 《Neurocomputing》2007,70(16-18):2959
The classification ability of a single-layer perceptron could be improved by considering some enhanced features. In particular, this form of neural networks is called a functional-link net. In the output neuron's activation function, such as the sigmoid function, an inner product of a connection weight vector with an input vector is computed. However, since the input features are not independent of each other for the enhanced pattern, an assumption of the additivity is not reasonable. This paper employs a non-additive technique, namely the fuzzy integral, to aggregate performance values for an input pattern by interpreting each of the connection weights as a fuzzy measure of the corresponding feature. A learning algorithm with the genetic algorithm is then designed to automatically find connection weights. The sample data for bankruptcy analysis obtained from Moody's Industrial Manuals is considered to examine the classification ability of the proposed method. The results demonstrate that the proposed method performs well in comparison with traditional functional-link net and multivariate techniques.  相似文献   

This study proposes an integration strategy regarding how to efficiently combine the currently-in-use statistical and artificial intelligence techniques. In particular, by combining multiple discriminant analysis, logistic regression, neural networks, and decision trees induction, we introduce an integrative model with subject weight based on neural network learning for bankruptcy prediction. The strength of the proposed model stems from differentiating the weights of the source methods for each subject in the testing data set. That is, the relative weights consist of N by I matrix, where N denotes the number of subjects and I denotes the number of the source methods. The experiments using a real world financial data indicate that the proposed model can marginally increase the prediction accuracy compared to the source methods. The integration strategy can be useful for a dichotomous classification problem like bankruptcy prediction since prediction can be improved by taking advantage of existing and newly emerging techniques in the future.  相似文献   

Regression testing is an important activity that can account for a large proportion of the cost of software maintenance. One approach to reducing the cost of regression testing is to employ a selective regression testing technique that: chooses a subset of a test suite that was used to test the software before the modifications; then uses this subset to test the modified software. Selective regression testing techniques reduce the cost of regression testing if the cost of selecting the subset from the test suite together with the cost of running the selected subset of test cases is less than the cost of rerunning the entire test suite. Rosenblum and Weyuker (1997) proposed coverage-based predictors for use in predicting the effectiveness of regression test selection strategies. Using the regression testing cost model of Leung and White (1989; 1990), Rosenblum and Weyuker demonstrated the applicability of these predictors by performing a case study involving 31 versions of the KornShell. To further investigate the applicability of the Rosenblum-Weyuker (RW) predictor, additional empirical studies have been performed. The RW predictor was applied to a number of subjects, using two different selective regression testing tools, Deja vu and TestTube. These studies support two conclusions. First, they show that there is some variability in the success with which the predictors work and second, they suggest that these results can be improved by incorporating information about the distribution of modifications. It is shown how the RW prediction model can be improved to provide such an accounting  相似文献   

Neural networks and genetic algorithms for bankruptcy predictions   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We are focusing on three alternative techniques-linear discriminant analysis, logit analysis and genetic algorithms-that can be used to empirically select predictors for neural networks in failure prediction. The selected techniques all have different assumptions about the relationships between the independent variables. Linear discriminant analysis is based on linear combination of independent variables, logit analysis uses the logistical cumulative function and genetic algorithms is a global search procedure based on the mechanics of natural selection and natural genetics. In an empirical test all three selection methods chose different bankruptcy prediction variables. The best prediction results were achieved when using genetic algorithms.  相似文献   

Probabilistic model-building algorithms (PMBA), a subset of evolutionary algorithms, have been successful in solving complex problems, in addition providing analytical information about the distribution of fit individuals. Most PMBA work has concentrated on the string representation used in typical genetic algorithms. A smaller body of work has aimed to apply the useful concepts of PMBA to genetic programming (GP), mostly concentrating on tree representation. Unfortunately, the latter research has been sporadically carried out, and reported in several different research streams, limiting substantial communication and discussion. In this paper, we aim to provide a critical review of previous applications of PMBA and related methods in GP research, to facilitate more vital communication. We illustrate the current state of research in applying PMBA to GP, noting important perspectives. We use these to categorise practical PMBA models for GP, and describe the main varieties on this basis.  相似文献   

This paper describes a decision-making model of dynamic portfolio optimization for adapting to the change of stock prices based on an evolutionary computation method named genetic network programming (GNP). The proposed model, making use of the information from technical indices and candlestick chart, is trained to generate portfolio investment advice. Experimental results on the Japanese stock market show that the decision-making model using time adapting genetic network programming (TA-GNP) method outperforms other traditional models in terms of both accuracy and efficiency. A comprehensive analysis of the results is provided, and it is clarified that the TA-GNP method is effective on the portfolio optimization problem.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of data mining methods for bankruptcy prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A great deal of research has been devoted to prediction of bankruptcy, to include application of data mining. Neural networks, support vector machines, and other algorithms often fit data well, but because of lack of comprehensibility, they are considered black box technologies. Conversely, decision trees are more comprehensible by human users. However, sometimes far too many rules result in another form of incomprehensibility. The number of rules obtained from decision tree algorithms can be controlled to some degree through setting different minimum support levels. This study applies a variety of data mining tools to bankruptcy data, with the purpose of comparing accuracy and number of rules. For this data, decision trees were found to be relatively more accurate compared to neural networks and support vector machines, but there were more rule nodes than desired. Adjustment of minimum support yielded more tractable rule sets.  相似文献   

A new design equation is proposed for the prediction of shear strength of reinforced concrete (RC) beams without stirrups using an innovative linear genetic programming methodology. The shear strength was formulated in terms of several effective parameters such as shear span to depth ratio, concrete cylinder strength at date of testing, amount of longitudinal reinforcement, lever arm, and maximum specified size of coarse aggregate. A comprehensive database containing 1938 experimental test results for the RC beams was gathered from the literature to develop the model. The performance and validity of the model were further tested using several criteria. An efficient strategy was considered to guarantee the generalization of the proposed design equation. For more verification, sensitivity and parametric analysis were conducted. The results indicate that the derived model is an effective tool for the estimation of the shear capacity of members without stirrups (R = 0.921). The prediction performance of the proposed model was found to be better than that of several existing buildings codes.  相似文献   

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