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Parameter estimation for hydrological models is a challenging task, which has received significant attention by the scientific community. This paper presents a master–slave swarms shuffling evolution algorithm based on self-adaptive particle swarm optimization (MSSE-SPSO), which combines a particle swarm optimization with self-adaptive, hierarchical and multi-swarms shuffling evolution strategies. By comparison with particle swarm optimization (PSO) and a master–slave swarms shuffling evolution algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (MSSE-PSO), MSSE-SPSO is also applied to identify HIMS hydrological model to demonstrate the feasibility of calibrating hydrological model. The results show that MSSE-SPSO remarkably improves the calculation accuracy and is an effective approach to calibrate hydrological model.  相似文献   

High-efficiency rainfall–runoff forecast is extremely important for flood disaster warning. Single process-based rainfall–runoff model can hardly capture all the runoff characteristics, especially for flood periods and dry periods. In order to address the issue, an effective multi-model ensemble approach is urgently required. The Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) algorithm is one of the most robust ensemble learning methods. However, it has never been utilized for the efficiency improvement of process-based rainfall–runoff models.Therefore AdaBoost.RT (Adaptive Boosting for Regression problems and “T” for a threshold demarcating the correct from the incorrect) algorithm, is innovatively proposed to make an aggregation (AdaBoost-XXT) of a process-based rainfall–runoff model called XXT (a hybrid of TOPMODEL and Xinanjing model). To adapt to hydrologic situation, some modifications were made in AdaBoost.RT. Firstly, weights of wrong predicted examples were made increased rather than unchangeable so that those “hard” samples could be highlighted. Then the stationary threshold to demarcate the correct from the incorrect was replaced with dynamic mean value of absolute errors. In addition, other two minor modifications were also made. Then particle swarm optimization (PSO) was employed to determine the model parameters. Finally, the applicability of AdaBoost-XXT was tested in Linyi watershed with large-scale and semi-arid conditions and in Youshuijie catchment with small-scale area and humid climate. The results show that modified AdaBoost.RT algorithm significantly improves the performance of XXT in daily runoff prediction, especially for the large-scale watershed or low runoff periods, in terms of Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficients and coefficients of determination. Furthermore, the AdaBoost-XXT has the more satisfactory generalization ability in processing input data, especially in Linyi watershed. Thus the method of using this modified AdaBoost.RT to enhance model performance is promising and easily extended to other process-based rainfall–runoff models.  相似文献   

Particle swarm optimizer (PSO), a new evolutionary computation algorithm, exhibits good performance for optimization problems, although PSO can not guarantee convergence of a global minimum, even a local minimum. However, there are some adjustable parameters and restrictive conditions which can affect performance of the algorithm. In this paper, the algorithm are analyzed as a time-varying dynamic system, and the sufficient conditions for asymptotic stability of acceleration factors, increment of acceleration factors and inertia weight are deduced. The value of the inertia weight is enhanced to (-1, 1). Based on the deduced principle of acceleration factors, a new adaptive PSO algorithm- harmonious PSO (HPSO) is proposed. Furthermore it is proved that HPSO is a global search algorithm. In the experiments, HPSO are used to the model identification of a linear motor driving servo system. An Akaike information criteria based fitness function is designed and the algorithms can not only estimate the parameters, but also determine the order of the model simultaneously. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of HPSO.  相似文献   

This article proposes a hybrid optimization algorithm based on a modified BFGS and particle swarm optimization to solve medium scale nonlinear programs. The hybrid algorithm integrates the modified BFGS into particle swarm optimization to solve augmented Lagrangian penalty function. In doing so, the algorithm launches into a global search over the solution space while keeping a detailed exploration into the neighborhoods. To shed light on the merit of the algorithm, we provide a test bed consisting of 30 test problems to compare our algorithm against two of its variations along with two state-of-the-art nonlinear optimization algorithms. The numerical experiments illustrate that the proposed algorithm makes an effective use of hybrid framework when dealing with nonlinear equality constraints although its convergence cannot be guaranteed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new and improved version of particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) combining the global best and local best model, termed GLBest-PSO. The GLBest-PSO incorporates global–local best inertia weight (GLBest IW) with global–local best acceleration coefficient (GLBest Ac). The velocity equation of the GLBest-PSO is also simplified. The ability of the GLBest-PSO is tested with a set of bench mark problems and the results are compared with those obtained through conventional PSO (cPSO), which uses time varying inertia weight (TVIW) and acceleration coefficient (TVAC). Fine tuning variants such as mutation, cross-over and RMS variants are also included with both cPSO and GLBest-PSO to improve the performance. The simulation results clearly elucidate the advantage of the fine tuning variants, which sharpen the convergence and tune to the best solution for both cPSO and GLBest-PSO. To compare and verify the validity and effectiveness of the GLBest-PSO, a number of statistical analyses are carried out. It is also observed that the convergence speed of GLBest-PSO is considerably higher than cPSO. All the results clearly demonstrate the superiority of the GLBest-PSO.
M. Senthil ArumugamEmail:

In this paper, Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (PSOA) is used in problem of the bellow optimum design with constraints, in which the design variables are discrete. To implement bellow optimum design by PSOA, an augmented objective function is constructed based on penalty function and a new updating scheme of penalty parameter s is proposed. A new Discrete PSOA (DPSOA) is proposed. The mathematic model of bellow optimum design is established. Through numerical examples of bellow design, comparing the results of examples by proposed DPSOA with the theory solutions by Net method, it shows that the particle swarm optimization algorithm can be applied to the bellow optimum design successfully and satisfactory results by DPSOA are obtained, which is discrete optimal solution in the feasible domain.  相似文献   

A simulation model based on temporal–spatial conflict and congestion for pedestrian–vehicle mixed evacuation has been investigated. Assuming certain spatial behaviors of individuals during emergency evacuation, a discrete particle swarm optimization with neighborhood learning factor algorithm has been proposed to solve this problem. The proposed algorithm introduces a neighborhood learning factor to simulate the sub-group phenomenon among evacuees and to accelerate the evacuation process. The approach proposed here is compared with methods from the literatures, and simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm achieves better evacuation efficiency while maintaining lower pedestrian–vehicle conflict levels.  相似文献   


In this short paper, a coupled genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization technique was used to supervise neural networks where the applied operators and connections of layers were tracked by genetic algorithm and numeric values of biases and weights of layers were examined by particle swarm optimization to modify the optimal network topology. The method was applied for a previously studied case, and results were analyzed. The convergence to the optimal topology was highly fast and efficient, and the obtained weights and biases revealed great reliability in reproduction of data. The optimal topology of neural networks was obtained only after seven iterations, and an average square of the correlation (R 2) of 0.9989 was obtained for the studied cases. The proposed method can be used for fast and reliable topology optimization of neural networks.


Many existing intuitionistic fuzzy (IF) decision methods focus on a reasonable ranking for alternatives under unknown weight information. Traditionally, the weight information is usually determined from a multiobjective optimization model based on real-valued measures such as IF distance or similarity measures, which may lose divergence information. In this paper, we propose one new type of optimization model for determining the weights based on a fuzzy measure called the similarity–divergence measure (S–D measure). First, we develop similarity and divergence measures of IF sets respectively, and a 2-tuple consisting of similarity and divergence is defined as a S–D measure. This measure is further proven to be an IF similarity degree and has practical semantics of similarity and divergence features in human’s cognition. Second, we utilize such measure to calculate fuzzy similarities of each alternative and construct a nonlinear optimization model to determine the weights. Third, we design an algorithm for solving the model with the aid of particle swarm optimization and thus develop an IF decision method. Finally, two examples are given to demonstrate our method and then it is compared with existing methods to explain its effectiveness and superiority.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel approach to swarm particle optimization based on emotional behavior to solve real optimization problems. In the trend of PSO manipulating self-adaptive control to regulate potential parameters, the proposed algorithm involves both a semi-adaptive inertia weight and an emotional factor at the level of the velocity rule. The semi-inertia weight highlights a specific comportment. Thus, due to the few changes occurred in its adaptive “life”, it continues to evolve with a significantly smaller constant for the benefit of a finer exploitation. The emotion factor presents an important feature of convergence because it splits up the search space into potential regions that are finely explored by sub-swarm populations with the same emotions. The principle of particles with multiple emotions intended for the categorization of particles into specific emotional classes. The idea behind this principle is to divide to conquer, and due to presence of multiple emotional classes the multidimensional search space is widely explored at the search of the best position. Emotional PSO is evaluated on the test suit of 25 functions designed for the special session on real optimization of CEC 2005, and its performances are compared to the best algorithm the restart CMA-ES.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a numerical NDT method to identify mechanical parameters by inverse analysis using the particle swarm optimization algorithm. This method is using a finite element model of the structure to study in order to minimize the error between field data and data predicted by the FE model. The method is applied in the case of a laboratory experiment modelling a soil–structure interaction problem. Results stress the impact of the sensitivity of the solution to the accuracy of field measurements by simulating both different levels of measurement noise on data and using several placements of sensors.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel method to designing an H PID controller with robust stability and disturbance attenuation. This method uses particle swarm optimization algorithm to minimize a cost function subject to H -norm to design robust performance PID controller. We propose two cost functions to design of a multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) and single-input, single-output (SISO) robust performance PID controller. We apply this method to a SISO flexible-link manipulator and a MIMO super maneuverable F18/HARV fighter aircraft system as two challenging examples to illustrate the design procedure and to verify performance of the proposed PID controller design methodology. It is shown with the MIMO super maneuverable F18/HARV fighter system that PSO performs well for parametric optimization functions and performance of the PSO-based method without prior domain knowledge is superior to those of existing GA-based and OSA-based methods for designing H PID controllers. Recommended by Editorial Board member Jietae Lee under the direction of Editor Young-Hoon Joo. This work was supported by the Iranian Telecommunication Research Center (ITRC) under Grant T500-11629. Majid Zamani received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 2005 and 2007 from Isfahan University of Technology, and Sharif University of Technology, Iran, respectively. Currently, He is a Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineer-ing Department of University of California, Los Angeles, U.S.A. Nasser Sadati was born in Iran in 1960. He received the B.S. degree from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, in 1982, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA, in 1985 and 1989, respectively, all in Electrical Engineering. From 1986 to 1987, he was with the NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, to study the albedo effects on space station solar array. In 1989, he conducted postgraduate research at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Since 1990, he has been with the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, where he is currently a Full Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, the Head of Control Group, and the Director of the Intelligent Systems Laboratory and the Co-Director of Robotics and Machine Vision Laboratory. He was the first to introduce the subject of fuzzy logic and intelligent control as course work in the universities engineering program in Iran. He has published two books in Persian and over 200 technical papers in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and is currently working on two more books in English (Intelligent Control of Large-Scale Systems) and Persian (Neural Networks). His research interests include intelligent control and soft computing, large-scale systems, robotics and pattern recognition. Dr. Sadati was the recipient of the Academic Excellence Award for 1998–1999 from the Sharif University of Technology. He is a Founding Member of the Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (IJFS). He is the Founder and Chairman of the First Symposiums on Fuzzy Logic, and Intelligent Control and Soft Computing in Iran. He is the editorial board members of International Journal of Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics (AFM) and the Journal of Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IAEEE). He also has served as the Co-Chair of the First International Conference on Intelligent and Cognitive Systems (ICICS’96). Dr. Sadati is a Founding Member of the Center of Excellence in Power System Management and Control (CEPSMC), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran and the Foreign Member of the Institute of Control, Robotics, and Systems (ICROS), Korea. Masoud Karimi Ghartemani received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering in 1993 and 1995 from Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, where he continued to work as a Teaching and Research Assistant until 1998. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Toronto in 2004. He was a Research Associate and a Post-doctoral Researcher in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Toronto from 1998 to 2001 and from 2004 to 2005, respectively. He joined Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2005 as a Faculty Member. His research topics include nonlinear and optimal control, novel control and signal processing techniques/algorithms for control and protection of modern power systems, power electronics, power system stability and control, and power quality.  相似文献   

In service-orientated grids (SOG) environments, grid workflow schedulers play a critical role in providing quality-of-service (QoS) satisfaction for various end users (EUs) with diverse QoS objectives and optimization requirements. The EU requirements are not only many and conflicting, but also involve constraints of various degrees—loose, moderate or tight. However, most of the existing scheduling approaches violate EU constraints in tight situations and suffer inferior QoS optimization results. In this paper, a constraints-aware multi-QoS workflow scheduling strategy is proposed based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) and a proposed look-ahead heuristic (LAPSO) to improve performance in such situations. The algorithm selects the best scheduling solutions based on the proposed constraint-handling strategy. It hybridises PSO with a novel look-ahead mechanism based on a min–max heuristic, which deterministically improves the quality of the best solutions. Extensive simulation experiments have been carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach. The simulation results show that the LAPSO algorithm guarantees satisfaction (0% violation) of the EU constraints even in tight situations. It also outperforms the comparison algorithm, with about 30% increase, in terms of cumulative QoS satisfaction of optimization requirements. In addition, the new scheme significantly reduces the CPU time by about 75% compared to the benchmark algorithm.  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - Accurate and efficient models for rainfall–runoff (RR) simulations are crucial for flood risk management. Most rainfall models in use today are...  相似文献   

In a human–robot collaborative manufacturing application where a work object can be placed in an arbitrary position, there is a need to calibrate the actual position of the work object. This paper presents an approach for automatic work-object calibration in flexible robotic systems. The approach consists of two modules: a global positioning module based on fixed cameras mounted around robotic workspace, and a local positioning module based on the camera mounted on the robot arm. The aim of the global positioning is to detect the work object in the working area and roughly estimate its position, whereas the local positioning is to define an object frame according to the 3D position and orientation of the work object with higher accuracy. For object detection and localization, coded visual markers are utilized. For each object, several markers are used to increase the robustness and accuracy of the localization and calibration procedure. This approach can be used in robotic welding or assembly applications.  相似文献   


As a first attempt, Fourier series expansion (FSE), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and genetic algorithm (GA) methods are coupled for analysis of the static–dynamic performance and propagated waves in the magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) nanoplate. The FSE method is presented for solving the motion equations of the MEE nanoplate. For increasing the performance of genetic algorithms for solving the problem, the particle swarm optimization technique is added as an operator of the GA. Accuracy, convergence, and applicability of the proposed mixed approach are shown in the results section. Also, we prove that for obtaining the convergence results of the PSO and GA, we should consider more than 16 iterations. Finally, it is shown that if designers consider the presented algorithm in their model, the results of phase velocity of the nanosystem will be increased by 27%. A useful suggestion is that there is a region the same as a trapezium in which there are no effects from magnetic and electric potential of the MEE face sheet on the phase velocity of the smart nanoplate, and the region will be bigger by increasing the wavenumber.


Multilevel image segmentation is a technique that divides images into multiple homogeneous regions. In order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of multilevel image thresholding segmentation, we propose a segmentation algorithm based on two-dimensional (2D) Kullback–Leibler(K–L) divergence and modified Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO). This approach calculates the 2D K–L divergence between an image and its segmented result by adopting 2D histogram as the distribution function, then employs the sum of divergences of different regions as the fitness function of MPSO to seek the optimal thresholds. The proposed 2D K–L divergence improves the accuracy of image segmentation; the MPSO overcomes the drawback of premature convergence of PSO by improving the location update formulation and the global best position of particles, and reduces drastically the time complexity of multilevel thresholding segmentation. Experiments were conducted extensively on the Berkeley Segmentation Dataset and Benchmark (BSDS300), and four performance indices of image segmentation – BDE, PRI, GCE and VOI – were tested. The results show the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper describes the methods for finding fast algorithms for computing matrix–vector products including the procedures based on the block-structured matrices. The proposed methods involve an analysis of the structural properties of matrices. The presented approaches are based on the well-known optimization techniques: the simulated annealing and the hill-climbing algorithm along with its several extensions. The main idea of the proposed methods consists in finding a decomposition of the original matrix into a sparse matrix and a matrix corresponding to an appropriate block-structured pattern. The main criterion for optimizing is a reduction of the computational cost. The methods presented in this paper can be successfully implemented in many digital signal processing tasks.  相似文献   

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