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Wu W.-Y. Lai A. Kuo C.-W. Leong K.M.K.H. Itoh T. 《Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, IET》2007,1(1):100-107
A finite-difference time-domain method, combined with thin-wire and thin-slot algorithms, which is used to analyse a metamaterial based on periodic mushroom structures, is proposed. This proposed method is suitable for analysing problems involving large structures with fine structural details. Several composite right/left handed (CRLH) metamaterial mushroom-based structures are investigated. A 19 times 8 flat lens and a parabolic lens structure composed of 410 unit mushroom cells are investigated and they demonstrate negative-refractive-index characteristics while operating in the LH region. The simulation and measurement results of one- and two-dimensional CRLH mushroom-based structures are compared. The periodic analysis for mushroom structures is also introduced. Only a single unit mushroom cell is required to present the phenomena of infinite periodicity with periodic boundary conditions 相似文献
In recent years, left-handed materials (LHMS) have been a hot and debated research topic. Electromagnetic simulation is usually performed for prediction as well as for design. The stability of the surface integral equation method through an insightful and rigorous procedure is analysed. The conclusion is that the PMCHWT formulation at perfectly matched LHM-RHM interface has stability problem, which comes from the plasmon resonance condition. Adding a small amount of loss can greatly improve the condition number of the matrix. Physical and consistent numerical results are shown followed by a brief conclusion 相似文献
利用钇铁石榴石(YIG)在外加磁场作用下,等效磁导率为负值和电谐振环结构可以实现负介电常数的性质,组合设计出了一种新型磁可调左手材料.通过理论分析与计算表明,该结构在太赫兹频段范围内实现了左手通带,且左手通带可以随着外加磁场的增大而产生蓝移,达到了磁可调的目的.该结构具有通带性能良好、损耗低、制作方便等优点,在未来太赫兹波功能器件设计中具有广泛的应用前景. 相似文献
The frequency selective surface (FSS) of gratings with arbitrary profiles composed of left-handed materials is systematically analysed by a method that combines the staircase approximation and the multimode network theory with the rigorous mode matching procedure. The effects of different periodic groove profiles, such as rectangle, ellipse and trapezoid on the reflection characteristics of the FSS are carefully studied and compared with each other. The variations of the frequency selective characteristics with dielectric loss and the comparisons between left-handed and right-handed gratings are also presented with the physical explanations of the related phenomena. 相似文献
Che S 《Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology》2006,6(6):1557-1564
Ordered mesoporous materials with various structures are synthesized based on the self-assembly of surfactant and inorganic precursors and covered by several excellent reviews. However, less work has been directed to chiral structured mesoporous materials, although these could have wide-ranging applications on the manufacturing of enantio-pure chemicals and pharmaceuticals as catalysts and separation media with both shape selectivity and enantioselectivity. This short review will address the synthesis of chiral mesoporous materials by chiral organic compounds templating route, covering single and 2-dimensional ordered chiral channel mesoporous materials. Non-porous helical fiber, atomic-scale enantio-morphism and zeolite-like materials with three-dimensional helical pores are beyond the scope of this paper. 相似文献
结构紧凑的功分器是微波信号分离、阵列天线馈电等应用场合的重要器件.利用混合右/左手传输线(CRLH-TL)来设计小尺寸的串联功分器,并对混合右/左手传输线的色散特性进行理论分析.利用贴片电容和微带线电感设计了一种新的混合右/左手传输线,处于零阶谐振状态的混合右/左手不引入相位偏移且波长为无穷大.基于CRLH-TL的零阶谐振特性设计制作了一个工作在2.45 GHz的4路微波功分器.此功分器等幅同相地将输入功率分配到各个输出端口,输出端口位置对功率分配没有影响.使用矢量网络分析仪对该功分器进行了实验测量,结果表明:在2.20~2.65 GHz的频率范围内,功分器各输出端口功率相差在1 dB内;在2.22~2.56 GHz的频率范围内,输出端口的相位差在15°以内.测量结果与仿真结果吻合良好.该微波功分器结构紧凑,可扩展到任意多个输出端口. 相似文献
采用弓形法,对以水泥为基体,以掺合材硅灰和粉煤灰、石墨和碳纤维、纳米TiO2和钢纤维为吸波剂的试样,在8~18GHz频段内的吸波性能进行了分析,实验表明硅灰和粉煤灰、纳米TiO2和钢纤维与水泥复合制成的吸波材料具有良好的吸波效能,在8~18GHz频段内,其吸波效能随掺合材的含量增加而增大,但有一极限值。石墨和碳纤维与水泥复合制成的吸波材料的吸波效能较差,当石墨和碳纤维掺量为6%(质量分数)以上时,材料的吸波性能下降。硅灰和粉煤灰混合的最佳含量为30%(质量分数)左右,而纳米TiO2和钢纤维的最佳含量为纳米TiO24%(体积分数)、钢纤维4%(质量分数)左右。掺合材超过一定极限后,材料的透波能力增强,吸波性能便会下降。 相似文献
A new class of functional materials based on the coordination compounds of germanium is developed and studied. The materials are capable of forming transparent films from aqueous solutions at room temperature and exhibit high technological properties. Physicochemical and electrophysical characteristics of some samples are presented. 相似文献
Fifty years since the invention of the laser have been witness of the development of many different laser systems and designs. Among them, miniaturized versions of solid sate lasers based on rare-earth-doped dielectric materials have been proposed and demonstrated during the last 20 years. They are based on confined radiation provided by optical waveguide structures. Although many materials and techniques have been studied for producing planar and channel waveguides, only a few of them have shown to be adequate routes for fabricating waveguide lasers. Here we summarize the theory and specific technologies developed for characterizing waveguide structures, and we present some common fabrication techniques already successfully applied to fabricate dielectric waveguide lasers, where relevant examples of demonstrated working devices are outlined. 相似文献
Nano Research - Two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted great attention in optoelectronics because of their unique structure, optical and electrical properties. Designing high-performance... 相似文献
On the use of nanoindentation for cementitious materials 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
Recent progress in experimental and theoretical nanomechanics opens new venues in materials science for the nano-engineering
of cement-based composites. In particular, as new experimental techniques such as nanoindentation provide unprecedented access
to micromechanical properties of materials, it becomes possible to identify the mechanical effects of the elementary chemical
components of cement-based materials at the scale where physical chemistry meets mechanics, including the properties of the
four clinker phases, of portlandite, and of the C-S-H gel. In this paper, we review some recent results obtained by nanoindentation,
which reveal that the C-S-H gel exists “mechanically” in two different forms, a lowdensity form and a high-density form, which
have different mean stiffness and hardness values and different volume fractions. While the volume fractions of the two phases
depend on mix proportions, the mean stiffness and hardness values do not change from one cement-based material to another;
instead they are intrinsic properties of the C-S-H gel.
Editorial Note Prof. Franz-Josef Ulm is a RILEM Senior Member. He was awarded the 2002 Robert L’Hermite Medal. He is Associate Editor forConcrete Science and Engineering. 相似文献
Résumé Les récents progrès en “nanomécanique”, aussi bien sur le plan théorique qu’expérimental, ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives en science des matériaux pour la nano-ingénierie des composites à base de ciment. Grace à de nouvelles techniques expérimentales telles que la ‘nanoindentation’, qui permet d’avoir un accès sans précédent aux propriétés micromécaniques des matériaux, il devient notamment possible d’identifier les effets mécaniques des composants chimiques élémentaires à l’échelle où la chimie rejoint la mécanique; cela inclut les propriétés des quatre phases de clinkers, de la portlandite et du gel de C-S-H. Dans le présent article, nous analysons quelques résultats récents obtenus par nanoindentation; ces résultats révèlent que le gel de C-S-H existe “mécaniquement” sous deux formes différentes, l’une à faible densité et l’autre à forte densité. La valeur moyenne du module d’élasticité, de la dureté, ainsi que la fraction volumique de ces deux formes sont différentes. Alors que la fraction volumique des deux phases dépend de la formulation du mélange, les valeurs moyennes du module d’élasticité et de la dureté sont identiques d’un composite à l’autre; il s’agit de propriétés intrinsèques du gel de C-S-H.
Editorial Note Prof. Franz-Josef Ulm is a RILEM Senior Member. He was awarded the 2002 Robert L’Hermite Medal. He is Associate Editor forConcrete Science and Engineering. 相似文献
仿生UHMWPE软骨材料的制备和性能研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
模拟天然软骨的"多孔渗透"和"梯度功能" 特征,利用T-L法制备出多孔UHMWPE试样和梯度多孔UHMWPE/普通UHMWPE试样.观察了试样表面和断面的形貌,并对试样的相关性能进行测试.多孔UHMWPE仿生软骨材料具有与天然软骨材料类似的孔隙性质,孔径多分布在50~100μm左右,多孔UHMWPE的机械性能均不同程度低于普通UHMWPE,且多孔结构能提高试样与水和牛血清之间的可润滑性能.梯度UHMWPE仿生软骨材料的多孔层和实心层之间具有明显的梯度分界,但在界面连接处具有良好的融合性和结合强度. 相似文献
Garcia E. Murphy J.A. de Lera E. Segovia D. 《Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, IET》2008,2(7):659-667
Infinite circular corrugated waveguide is analysed to investigate its ability to support modes with backward wave behaviour. Such waveguides provide an alternative structure, easier to manufacture than those already reported based on rectangular symmetry with corrugated walls or filled with frequency selective surfaces. The corrugations if sufficiently deep provide a guiding structure with the required series capacitance and shunt inductance to allow left-handed propagation within some frequency bands. These backward waves are analysed using the surface impedance model of propagation in corrugated waveguides to predict their properties. Interpreting the physical meaning of the analysis, the authors discuss how backward waves are related to resonances in corrugated structures. The relationship between power flows in the guide and the behaviour of the group velocity for such guides is shown. A full wave simulator is also applied to validate these results and the case of a dielectric filled waveguide is considered showing the improved ability to support left-handed modes. The authors present the results of a parametric study of how left-handed propagation depends on the corrugation depth. Potential applications of backward waves in corrugated circular waveguides are proposed. 相似文献
Developed principles in designing of organ equivalents and created composite materials were made real and utilized in several constructions of endoprostheses and implants namely prostheses of blood vessels, trachea and bronchus, dental implants, etc. Based on designed bioactive materials, a construction of enzyme electrode, drainage was developed, and antiseptic bandages were created. 相似文献