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Coelibactin is a putative non-ribosomally synthesized peptide with predicted zincophore activity and which has been implicated in antibiotic regulation in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). The coelibactin biosynthetic pathway contains a stereo- and regio-specific monooxygenation step catalyzed by a cytochrome P450 enzyme (CYP105N1). We have determined the X-ray crystal structure of CYP105N1 at 2.9 Å and analyzed it in the context of the bacterial CYP105 family as a whole. The crystal structure reveals a channel between the α-helical domain and the β-sheet domain exposing the heme pocket and the long helix I to the solvent. This wide-open conformation of CYP105N1 may be related to the bulky substrate coelibactin. The ligand-free CYP105N1 structure has enough room in the substrate access channel to allow the coelibactin to enter into the active site. Analysis of typical siderophore ligands suggests that CYP105N1 may produce derivatives of coelibactin, which would then be able to chelate the zinc divalent cation.  相似文献   

The rates of oxidation of fatty acids by CYP119 compound I were dependent on the pH of the medium. The plot shows log?k values for reactions of acids as a function of pH, where the slopes indicate mixed third-order and fourth-order dependence on base concentration. For palmitic acid, the rate increased 50-fold over the pH range 6.8-7.3.  相似文献   

There are two types of cytochrome P450 enzymes in nature, namely, the monooxygenases and the peroxygenases. Both enzyme classes participate in substrate biodegradation or biosynthesis reactions in nature, but the P450 monooxygenases use dioxygen, while the peroxygenases take H2O2 in their catalytic cycle instead. By contrast to the P450 monooxygenases, the P450 peroxygenases do not require an external redox partner to deliver electrons during the catalytic cycle, and also no external proton source is needed. Therefore, they are fully self-sufficient, which affords them opportunities in biotechnological applications. One specific P450 peroxygenase, namely, P450 OleTJE, reacts with long-chain linear fatty acids through oxidative decarboxylation to form hydrocarbons and, as such, has been implicated as a suitable source for the biosynthesis of biofuels. Unfortunately, the reactions were shown to produce a considerable amount of side products originating from Cα and Cβ hydroxylation and desaturation. These product distributions were found to be strongly dependent on whether the substrate had substituents on the Cα and/or Cβ atoms. To understand the bifurcation pathways of substrate activation by P450 OleTJE leading to decarboxylation, Cα hydroxylation, Cβ hydroxylation and Cα–Cβ desaturation, we performed a computational study using 3-phenylpropionate and 2-phenylbutyrate as substrates. We set up large cluster models containing the heme, the substrate and the key features of the substrate binding pocket and calculated (using density functional theory) the pathways leading to the four possible products. This work predicts that the two substrates will react with different reaction rates due to accessibility differences of the substrates to the active oxidant, and, as a consequence, these two substrates will also generate different products. This work explains how the substrate binding pocket of P450 OleTJE guides a reaction to a chemoselectivity.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) contribute to dioxin toxicity in humans and wildlife after bioaccumulation through the food chain from the environment. The authors examined human and rat cytochrome P450 (CYP)-dependent metabolism of PCDDs and PCBs. A number of human CYP isoforms belonging to the CYP1 and CYP2 families showed remarkable activities toward low-chlorinated PCDDs. In particular, human CYP1A1, CYP1A2, and CYP1B1 showed high activities toward monoCDDs, diCDDs, and triCDDs but no detectable activity toward 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-tetraCDD). Large amino acids located at putative substrate-recognition sites and the F-G loop in rat CYP1A1 contributed to the successful metabolism of 2,3,7,8-tetraCDD. Rat, but not human, CYP1A1 metabolized 3,3'',4,4'',5-pentachlorobiphenyl (CB126) to two hydroxylated metabolites. These metabolites are probably less toxic than is CB126, due to their higher solubility. Homology models of human and rat CYP1A1s and CB126 docking studies indicated that two amino acid differences in the CB126-binding cavity were important for CB126 metabolism. In this review, the importance of CYPs in the metabolism of dioxins and PCBs in mammals and the species-based differences between humans and rats are described. In addition, the authors reveal the molecular mechanism behind the binding modes of dioxins and PCBs in the heme pocket of CYPs.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYPs or P450s) play paramount roles in detoxification of insecticides in a number of insect pests. However, little is known about the roles of P450s and their responses to insecticide exposure in the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.), an economically important fruit pest. Here we report the characterization and expression analysis of the first P450 gene, designated as CYP9A61, from this pest. The full-length cDNA sequence of CYP9A61 is 2071 bp long and its open reading frame (ORF) encodes 538 amino acids. Sequence analysis shows that CYP9A61 shares 51%–60% identity with other known CYP9s and contains the highly conserved substrate recognition site SRS1, SRS4 and SRS5. Quantitative real-time PCR showed that CYP9A61 were 67-fold higher in the fifth instar larvae than in the first instar, and more abundant in the silk gland and fat body than other tissues. Exposure of the 3rd instar larvae to 12.5 mg L−1 of chlorpyrifos-ethyl for 60 h and 0.19 mg L−1 of lambda-cyhalothrin for 36 h resulted in 2.20-and 3.47-fold induction of CYP9A61, respectively. Exposure of the 3rd instar larvae to these two insecticides also significantly enhanced the total P450 activity. The results suggested that CYP9A61 is an insecticide-detoxifying P450.  相似文献   

A self-sufficient cytochrome P450 monooxygenase from Deinococcus apachensis (P450DA) was identified and successfully overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). P450DA would be a member of the CYP102D subfamily and assigned as CYP102D2 according to the phylogenetic tree and sequence alignment. Purification and characterization of the recombinant P450DA indicated both NADH and NADPH could be used by P450DA as a reducing cofactor. The recombinant E. coli (P450DA) strain was functionally active, showing excellent enantioselectivity for benzylic hydroxylation of methyl 2-phenylacetate. Further substrate scope studies revealed that P450DA is able to catalyze benzylic hydroxylation of a variety of compounds, affording the corresponding chiral benzylic alcohols in 86–99 % ee and 130–1020 total turnover numbers.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 BM‐3 (EC is a monooxygenase that utilizes NADPH and dioxygen to hydroxylate fatty acids at subterminal positions. The enzyme is also capable of functioning as a peroxygenase in the same reaction, by utilizing hydrogen peroxide in place of the reductase domain, cofactor and oxygen. As a starting point for developing a practically useful hydroxylation biocatalyst, we compare the activity and regioselectivity of wild‐type P450 BM‐3 and its F87A mutant on various fatty acids. Neither enzyme catalyzes terminal hydroxylation under any of the conditions studied. While significantly enhancing peroxygenase activity, the F87A mutation also shifts hydroxylation further away from the terminal position. The H2O2‐driven reactions with either the full‐length BM‐3 enzyme or the heme domain are slow, but yield product distributions very similar to those generated when using NADPH and O2.  相似文献   

Propene is one of the most important starting materials in the chemical industry. Herein, we report an enzymatic cascade reaction for the biocatalytic production of propene starting from n-butanol, thus offering a biobased production from glucose. In order to create an efficient system, we faced the issue of an optimal cofactor supply for the fatty acid decarboxylase OleTJE, which is said to be driven by either NAD(P)H or H2O2. In the first system, we used an alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase coupled to OleTJE by the electron-transfer complex putidaredoxin reductase/putidaredoxin, allowing regeneration of the NAD+ cofactor. With the second system, we intended full oxidation of n-butanol to butyric acid, generating one equivalent of H2O2 that can be used for the oxidative decarboxylation. As the optimal substrate is a long-chain fatty acid, we also tried to create an improved variant for the decarboxylation of butyric acid by using rational protein design. Within a mutational study with 57 designed mutants, we generated the mutant OleTV292I, which showed a 2.4-fold improvement in propene production in our H2O2-driven cascade system and reached total turnover numbers >1000.  相似文献   

Innovative biohydroxylation catalysts for the preparation of drug metabolites were developed from scratch. A set of bacterial and fungal sequences of putative and already known bifunctional P450 enzymes was identified by protein sequence alignments, expressed in Escherichia coli and characterised. Notably, a fungal self‐sufficient cytochrome P450 (CYP) from Aspergillus fumigatus turned out to be especially stable during catalyst preparation and application and also in presence of organic co‐solvents. To enhance the catalytic activity and broaden the substrate specificity of those variants with high expression levels prominent single mutations were introduced. Selected improved variants were then used as lyophilised bacterial lysates for the synthesis of 4′‐hydroxydiclofenac and 6‐hydroxychlorzoxazone, the two metabolites of active pharmaceutical compounds diclofenac and chlorzoxazone representing the same metabolites as generated by human P450s.  相似文献   

Collective bacterial dynamics plays a crucial role in colony development. Although many research groups have studied the behavior of fluidic swarm colonies, the detailed mechanics of its motion remains elusive. Here, we developed a visualization method using submicron fluorescent beads for investigating the flow field in a thin layer of fluid that covers a Bacillus subtilis swarm colony growing on an agar plate. The beads were initially embedded in the agar plate and subsequently distributed spontaneously at the upper surface of the expanding colony. We conducted long-term live cell imaging of the B. subtilis colony using the fluorescent tracers, and obtained high-resolution velocity maps of microscale vortices in the swarm colony using particle image velocimetry. A distinct periodic fluctuation in the average speed and vorticity of flow in swarm colony was observed at the inner region of the colony, and correlated with the switch between bacterial swarming and growth phases. At the advancing edge of the colony, both the magnitudes of velocity and vorticity of flow in swarm colony were inversely correlated with the spreading speed of the swarm edge. The advanced imaging tool developed in this study would facilitate further understanding of the effect of micro vortices in swarm colony on the collective dynamics of bacteria.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYPs) of the CYP153 family catalyse terminal hydroxylation of n‐alkanes. Alkane hydroxylating mutants of self‐sufficient CYP102A1 have also been described. We evaluated two CYP153s (a three‐component system and a fused self‐sufficient CYP), wild‐type CYP102A1 and nine CYP102A1 mutants, for the conversion of three cycloalkanes (C6, C7 and C8) and three n‐alkanes (C6, C8 and C10) using whole cells (WCs) and crude cell‐free extracts (CFEs). The aim was to identify substrate–enzyme combinations that give high product titres and space‐time yields (STYs). Comparisons were made using total turnover numbers (TTNs) and turnover frequencies (TOFs) to normalize for CYP expression. Reactions were carried out using high enzyme and substrate concentrations compatible with high STYs. Under these conditions CYP102A1 and the double R47L,Y51F mutant, although not regioselective, performed better on all substrates in terms of product titres over 8 h, and thus STYs and TTNs, than heavily mutated variants that have been reported to give very high TOFs. CYP153A6, with its ferredoxin (Fdx) and ferredoxin reductase (FdR), emerged as the superior catalyst for conversion of n‐alkanes. In addition to its excellent regioselectivity it also gave the highest final product titres and STYs in WC conversions of hexane and octane. Interaction with FdR and Fdx initially limited performance in CFEs, but with additional FdR and Fdx gave 1‐octanol titres of 50 mmol⋅LBRM−1 and TTNs exceeding 12,000 over 18 h, rivalling results reported with self‐sufficient CYPs. Selecting biocatalysts for application requires caution, since experimental conditions such as amount of substrate added and solubility as well as cofactor dependence and regeneration can have a profound effect on catalyst performance, while stability and efficiency with regard to cofactor usage (coupling efficiency) are at least as important as TOFs when high product titres and STYs are the target.


In order to efficiently introduce DNA into B. subtilis ZK, which produces iturin A at a high level, we optimized seven electroporation conditions and explored an efficient electroporation method. Using the optimal conditions, the electroporation efficiency was improved to 1.03 × 107 transformants/μg of DNA, an approximately 10,000-fold increase in electroporation efficiency. This efficiency is the highest electroporation efficiency for B. subtilis and enables the construction of a directed evolution library or the knockout of a gene in B. subtilis ZK for molecular genetics studies. In the optimization process, the combined effects of three types of wall-weakening agents were evaluated using a response surface methodology (RSM) design, which led to a two orders of magnitude increase in electroporation efficiency. To the best of our limited knowledge, this study provides the first demonstration of using an RSM design for optimization of the electroporation conditions for B. subtilis. To validate the electroporation efficiency, a case study was performed and a gene (rapC) was inactivated in B. subtilis ZK using a suicide plasmid pMUTIN4. Moreover, we found that the rapC mutants exhibited a marked decrease in iturin A production, suggesting that the rapC gene was closely related to the iturin A production.  相似文献   

The metabolism of amine-containing drugs by cytochrome P450 enzymes (P450s) is prone to form a nitrosoalkane metabolic intermediate (MI), which subsequently coordinates to the heme iron of a P450, to produce a metabolic-intermediate complex (MIC). This type of P450 inhibition, referred to as mechanism-based inactivation (MBI), presents a serious concern in drug discovery processes. We applied density functional theory (DFT) to the reaction between N-methylhydroxylamine (NMH) and the compound I reactive species of P450, in an effort to elucidate the mechanism of the putative final step of the MI formation in the alkylamine metabolism. Our DFT calculations show that H-abstraction from the hydroxyl group of NMH is the most favorable pathway via which the nitrosoalkane intermediate is produced spontaneously. H-abstraction from the N–H bond was slightly less favorable. In contrast, N-oxidation and H-abstraction from the C–H bond of the methyl group had much higher energy barriers. Hence, if the conversion of NMH to nitrosoalkane is catalyzed by a P450, the reaction should proceed preferentially via H-abstraction, either from the O–H bond or from the N–H bond. Our theoretical analysis of the interaction between the MI and pentacoordinate heme moieties provided further insights into the coordination bond in the MIC.  相似文献   

Malaria is one of the most dangerous mosquito-borne diseases in many tropical countries, including Thailand. Studies in a deltamethrin resistant strain of Anopheles minimus mosquito, suggest cytochrome P450 enzymes contribute to the detoxification of pyrethroid insecticides. Purified A. minimus CYPOR enzyme (AnCYPOR), which is the redox partner of cytochrome P450s, loses flavin-adenosine di-nucleotide (FAD) and FLAVIN mono-nucleotide (FMN) cofactors that affect its enzyme activity. Replacement of leucine residues at positions 86 and 219 with phenylalanines in FMN binding domain increases FMN binding, enzyme stability, and cytochrome c reduction activity. Membrane-Bound L86F/L219F-AnCYPOR increases A. minimus P450-mediated pyrethroid metabolism in vitro. In this study, we constructed a comparative model structure of AnCYPOR using a rat CYPOR structure as a template. Overall model structure is similar to rat CYPOR, with some prominent differences. Based on primary sequence and structural analysis of rat and A. minimus CYPOR, C427R, W678A, and W678H mutations were generated together with L86F/L219F resulting in three soluble Δ55 triple mutants. The C427R triple AnCYPOR mutant retained a higher amount of FAD binding and increased cytochrome c reduction activity compared to wild-type and L86F/L219F-Δ55AnCYPOR double mutant. However W678A and W678H mutations did not increase FAD and NAD(P)H bindings. The L86F/L219F double and C427R triple membrane-bound AnCYPOR mutants supported benzyloxyresorufin O-deakylation (BROD) mediated by mosquito CYP6AA3 with a two-to three-fold increase in efficiency over wild-type AnCYPOR. The use of rat CYPOR in place of AnCYPOR most efficiently supported CYP6AA3-mediated BROD compared to all AnCYPORs.  相似文献   

Osmanthus fragrans flowers have long been used as raw materials in food, tea, beverage, and perfume industries due to their attractive and strong fragrance. The P450 superfamily proteins have been reported to widely participate in the synthesis of plant floral volatile organic compounds (VOCs). To investigate the potential functions of P450 superfamily proteins in the fragrance synthesis of O. fragrans, we investigated the P450 superfamily genome wide. A total of 276 P450 genes were identified belonging to 40 families. The RNA-seq data suggested that many OfCYP genes were preferentially expressed in the flower or other organs, and some were also induced by multiple abiotic stresses. The expression patterns of seven flower-preferentially expressed OfCYPs during the five different flower aroma content stages were further explored using quantitative real-time PCR, showing that the CYP94C subfamily member OfCYP142 had the highest positive correlation with linalool synthesis gene OfTPS2. The transient expression of OfCYP142 in O. fragrans petals suggested that OfCYP142 can increase the content of linalool, an important VOC of the O. fragrans floral aroma, and a similar result was also obtained in flowers of OfCYP142 transgenic tobacco. Combined with RNA-seq data of the transiently transformed O. fragrans petals, we found that the biosynthesis pathway of secondary metabolites was significantly enriched, and many 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway genes were also upregulated. This evidence indicated that the OfCYP proteins may play critical roles in the flower development and abiotic response of O. fragrans, and that OfCYP142 can participate in linalool synthesis. This study provides valuable information about the functions of P450 genes and a valuable guide for studying further functions of OfCYPs in promoting fragrance biosynthesis of ornamental plants.  相似文献   

Genome shuffling technology was used as a novel whole-genome engineering approach to rapidly improve the antimicrobial lipopeptide yield of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Comparative proteomic analysis of the parental ES-2-4 and genome-shuffled FMB38 strains was conducted to examine the differentially expressed proteins. The proteome was separated by 2-DE (two dimensional electrophoresis) and analyzed by MS (mass spectrum). In the shuffled strain FMB38, 51 differentially expressed protein spots with higher than two-fold spot density were detected by gel image comparison. Forty-six protein spots were detectable by silver staining and further MS analysis. The results demonstrated that among the 46 protein spots expressed particularly induced in the genome-shuffled mutant, 15 were related to metabolism, five to DNA replication, recombination and repair, six to translation and post-translational modifications, one to cell secretion and signal transduction mechanisms, three to surfactin synthesis, two to energy production and conversion, and 14 to others. All these indicated that the metabolic capability of the mutant was improved by the genome shuffling. The study will enable future detailed investigation of gene expression and function linked with surfactin synthesis. The results of proteome analysis may provide information for metabolic engineering of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens for overproduction of surfactin.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs) are heme-containing enzymes that catalyze hydroxylation with a variety of biological molecules. Despite their diverse activity and substrates, the structures of CYPs are limited to a tertiary structure that is similar across all the enzymes. It has been presumed that CYPs overcome substrate selectivity with highly flexible loops and divergent sequences around the substrate entrance region. Here, we report the newly identified CYP101D5 from Sphingomonas echinoides. CYP101D5 catalyzes the hydroxylation of β-ionone and flavonoids, including naringenin and apigenin, and causes the dehydrogenation of α-ionone. A structural investigation and comparison with other CYP101 families indicated that spatial constraints at the substrate-recognition site originate from the B/C loop. Furthermore, charge distribution at the substrate binding site may be important for substrate selectivity and the preference for CYP101D5.  相似文献   

We recently developed an artificial P450–H2O2 system assisted by dual-functional small molecules (DFSMs) to modify the P450BM3 monooxygenase into its peroxygenase mode, which could be widely used for the oxidation of non-native substrates. Aiming to further improve the DFSM-facilitated P450–H2O2 system, a series of novel DFSMs having various unnatural amino acid groups was designed and synthesized, based on the co-crystal structure of P450BM3 and a typical DFSM, N-(ω-imidazolyl)-hexanoyl-L-phenylalanine, in this study. The size and hydrophobicity of the amino acid residue in the DFSM drastically affected the catalytic activity (up to 5-fold), stereoselectivity, and regioselectivity of the epoxidation and hydroxylation reactions. Docking simulations illustrated that the differential catalytic ability among the DFSMs is closely related to the binding affinity and the distance between the catalytic group and heme iron. This study not only enriches the DFSM toolbox to provide more options for utilizing the peroxide-shunt pathway of cytochrome P450BM3, but also sheds light on the great potential of the DFSM-driven P450 peroxygenase system in catalytic applications based on DFSM tunability.  相似文献   

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