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采用净化沼气池处理公厕污水(10 m~3/d),设计池容44.3 m~3,水力停留时间(HRT)4天,容积负荷0.25~0.40 m~3/(m~3.d)。经过3个月的启动,系统稳定运行,2年的监测结果表明,净化沼气池能削减大部分有机污染物、寄生虫卵和病原菌。COD去除87%,BOD5去除66%左右,寄生虫卵沉降91.3%,大肠菌群去除99%。污染物主要在沉淀发酵池去除。净化沼气池容积产气率0.05~0.15 m~3/(m~3.d),沼气产量2~6 m~3/d左右。与污水集中处理厂相比,净化沼气池在运行费用、运行管理、占地、能耗方面具有优势,而在处理效果、投资方面不及污水集中处理厂。  相似文献   

本文根据近年来的施工实践与研究,对解决高地下水位生活污水净化沼气施工的常规沉井排水法,简易井点排水法,底层连通排水法的玉要工艺流程或施工方法分别作了简要阐述。  相似文献   

温州市生活污水净化沼气池技术与推广   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了浙江省温州市生活污水净化沼气池的技术特点,工艺流程,技术参数,效果分析及技术推广过程中应该做的工作。  相似文献   

蒋伟良 《能源工程》1997,(3):30-30,37
随着城乡经济的发展和人民生活质量的提高,厌氧消化技术已经成为城镇生活污水分散净化处理的有效途径,并以其高效的功能和广泛的适应性,获得了规划、环保、防疫部门的欢迎和重视。目前,各地用厌氧消化技术处理城镇生活污水的工程正在蓬勃兴起。但由于该项技术起步晚、时间短,其中有些具体技术还有待于研究和提高,尤其是后处理池的工艺流程和技术设计,如何做到结构合理、效果好、使用方便、造价低测是我们研究的重点。现就我们几年来的研究结果简述如下。l净化沼气池的Xi艺流程与参数工艺流程:预处理他~厌氧发酵池(I)一厌氧发酵…  相似文献   

朱永成 《能源工程》1998,(2):25-26,36
城镇生活污水净化沼气池又称净化池。它将生物厌氧消化技术与好氧处理相结合,是集生物、化学、物理处理于一体的工艺装置,主要由预处理、厌氧发酵、兼氧发酵及后处理好氧过滤等四部分组成。针对我省水质变差,环境污染严重,污水、废水排放乱的情况,我们积极吸取兄弟省的经验,因地制宜进行探索和实践,根据我省地下水位高、地质承载力差等水文地质条件,研究和推广了综合式处理生活(生产)污水、废水的净化沼气池。实践证明综合式污水净化沼气池不仅技术先进,工艺流程合理,投资省,处理效果好,而且取得了显著的环保、社会和经济效益…  相似文献   

为了评价生活污水净化沼气池对污水净化效益的高低,需对污水测定内容,项目检测合理性及准确性作出阐述,以示推广的社会效益.  相似文献   

从对生活污水处理效果、资金投入等方面的计算,比较了建设净化沼气池、普通化粪池与污水处理厂集中处理3种方法的优劣,介绍了淮安市生活污水净化沼气池推广应用情况,重点对淮安市净化沼气池推广效益进行了分析。  相似文献   

根据近年来的施工实践与研究,对解决高地下水位生活污水净化沼气池施工的常规沉井排水法、简易井点排水法、底层连通排水法的主要工艺流程或施工方法分别作了简要阐述。  相似文献   

对扬中市历年来所建的净化池进行调查,研究,提出相应的推广措施和几点推广建议。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,许多城镇出现了粪便清运难,粪便污水已成为城镇环境水质的主要污染源之一。处理生活污水,改善环境卫生,保护水质,是城镇建设中必须解决的一个突出问题。 净化沼气池是一种以环保为主,环保与能源结合的小型污水处理系统。多年的推广实践表明,它是分散处理城镇生活污水的有效途径,也是处理分散居住者生活污水的良好方法。现就我市净化沼气池的建设现状、存在问题和发展对策,谈一些看法。  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion is the most suitable option for the treatment of high strength organic effluents. The presence of biodegradable components in the effluents coupled with the advantages of anaerobic process over other treatment methods makes it an attractive option. This paper reviews the suitability and the status of development of anaerobic reactors for the digestion of selected organic effluents from sugar and distillery, pulp and paper, slaughterhouse and dairy units. In addition, modifications in the existing reactor designs for improving the efficiency of digestion has also been suggested.  相似文献   

F. Osorio  J.C. Torres 《Renewable Energy》2009,34(10):2164-2171
The main objective of this investigation consists in the biogas purification coming from the anaerobic digestion of sludges in a wastewater treatment plant, in order to be used later as biofuel for vehicles. This article consists of the optimization of the biogas desulphurization. In our case, this process was achieved in a chemical way. Besides the scrubbing towers, the pilot plant used included filters of activated carbon at the end of the line. The H2S inflow concentrations were quite high. The effluent biogas from the scrubbing towers presented an H2S concentration less than 1 ppm and zero or undetectable values were obtained for up to 58 analyzed trace elements.  相似文献   

The co-production of biodiesel and methane gas from grease trap waste (GTW) was evaluated and compared against theoretical predictions of methane production from sole anaerobic digestion of GTW. The GTW was first processed into two separate phases comprised of fats, oil, and grease (FOG) and high strength wastewater (GTW wastewater). The GTW wastewater was then anaerobically digested in biochar packed up-flow column reactors to produce methane gas and a low-strength wastewater effluent while the FOG phase was set aside for conversion into biodiesel. Anaerobic digestion efficiencies that yielded chemical oxygen demand (COD) reductions up to 95% and methane headspace concentrations between 60 and 80% were achieved along with FOG to biodiesel conversion efficiencies of 90%. Methane production yields (m3 per kg COD reduced) achieved theoretical maximums with near total depletion of the volatile organic acids. High resolution images of biochar samples confirmed extensive coverage with thick biofilm communities. Microbial analysis revealed broad spectrum populations of anaerobic bacteria that ferment organic substrates to produce acetate, ethanol, and hydrogen as major end products as well as archaeal populations that produce methane gas. Energy calculations validated the co-production of biodiesel and methane gas from GTW as a competitive option relative to its co-digestion with sewage sludge.  相似文献   

The basic chemical kinetic equations for anaerobic digestion have been solved to get closed form solutions for the substrate concentration and the concentration of anaerobes. Numerical calculations have been performed to obtain quantitative estimates for their time behaviour.  相似文献   

Microalgae grown in swine wastewater were used as a promising strategy to produce renewable energy by coupling wastewater bioremediation and biomass revalorization. The efficiency of a microalgae consortium treating swine slurry at different temperature (15 and 23 °C) and illumination periods (11 and 14 h) was assessed for biomass growth and nutrient removal at two NH4+ initial concentrations (80 and 250 mg L−1 NH4+). Favourable culture conditions (23 °C and 14 h of illumination) and high ammonium loads resulted in higher biomass production and greater nutrients removal rates. The initial N–NH4+ load determined the removal mechanism, thus ammonia stripping and nitrogen uptake accounted similarly in the case of high NH4+ load, while nitrogen uptake prevailed at low NH4+ load. Under favourable conditions, nitrogen availability in the media determined the composition of the biomass. In this context, carbohydrate-rich biomass was obtained in batch mode while semi-continuous operation resulted in protein-rich biomass. The revalorization of the resultant biomass was evaluated for biogas production. Methane yields in the range of 106–146 and 171 ml CH4 g COD−1 were obtained for the biomasses grown in batch and semi-continuous mode, respectively. Biomass grown under favourable conditions resulted in higher methane yields and closer to the theoretically achievable.  相似文献   

厌氧消化过程氨抑制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着厌氧消化理论研究的不断深入,厌氧消化工艺的研发和应用取得了迅速的发展,但处理效率低和!运行稳定性差是厌氧消化中普遍存在的问题,其中氨积累引发氨抑制是主要原因之一。文章简述了厌氧消化过程中氨抑制产生的机理及氨抑制的主要影响因素,介绍了氨抑制过程中微生物变化规律研究现状,总结了消除和缓解氨抑制的方法,并提出了厌氧消化氨抑制的重点研究方向。  相似文献   

Expressions are presented for the concentration of substrate in the effluents of an anaerobic digestor for the Monod and Contois kinetic equations. The calculations are compared with experimental results of Morris. The comparison suggests that Contois' equation is the better relation for modelling cowdung digestors.  相似文献   

Solid-state anaerobic digestion (SS-AD) technology for the conversion of solid organic wastes to renewable energy has been widely studied and applied during the past decades. Due to the nature of the solid medium, the SS-AD process is significantly different from the traditional liquid anaerobic digestion in many aspects, such as the distribution of microbes and substrates in the reactors, mass transfer, and reaction kinetics. Extensive efforts have been dedicated to developing mathematical models for understanding SS-AD mechanisms, predicting its performance, and improving process control. In this review, SS-AD mathematical models derived from theoretical, empirical, and statistical approaches are critically reviewed and discussed regarding their different assumptions, structures, applications, and limitations. Based on this review, it was concluded that significant efforts should be devoted to experimental verification of the model assumptions, measurement of important kinetic parameters specific for SS-AD, and generation of sufficient data for model validation. It is necessary to synergistically improve modeling and experimental approaches in order to gain deeper insight into the SS-AD mechanism. Several promising research directions for the future development of experimental and modeling approaches in SS-AD are proposed.  相似文献   

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