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Managerial Commitments and Technological Change in the US Tire Industry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper attempts to reconcile the anomaly between the assumptionthat inertial forces resist change among successful incumbentsto new technology and empirical evidence attesting to willingnessto change despite strong economic disincentives. It looks atmanagerial commitment to employees, customers and communitiesas influencing response to radical technologies and considersthe response by the largest US tire firms to the revolutionin radial technology. The paper introduces a theoiy linkingcommitments and firms' response to disruptive technologicalchanges, provides a brief history of the US tire industry priorto the radial revolution and considers the consequences of theradial revolution. It concludes that managerial commitmentsplayed an important role in tire makers' response to radialtechnology, thus supporting the claim that commitments shouldbe considered with competences and economic incentives in examininghow incumbents respond to technological discontinuities.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that the imminent introduction of new localaccess competition using existing and new technologies shouldend any possibility of a natural monopoly in local exchange.The paper questions whether the fundamental economics of thelocal exchange really require regulation of local telephoneservice rather than the narrow regulation of interconnection.It also points out that technological development is sharpeningcompetitive forces in practically all aspects of telecommunications.Moreover, the willingness of some local exchange providers tounbundle has laid the foundation for a further rollback of regulationin areas of the USA. Finally, the paper contends that regulatorylags require that regulation take a forward-looking perspectiveand attempt to deal with the industry as it will be, not asit was.  相似文献   

文章指出,我国轿车工业形势严峻及其原因。为迎接WTO,要从实际出发,不同汽车类别,采取不同对策:要大力改进农用车;大力开发微型车这个现实存在的、潜在的广大市场;抓紧新型电动汽车的开发;增强国有巨型汽车企业中低档轿车的自主开发能力,提高其国际竞争力;放宽政策引进外资,发展中高档及高档轿车。使占汽车产量的绝大多数、适合广大城乡人民需要的汽车生产,掌握在有自主知识产权的民族工业手里。  相似文献   

按照乳品处理量计算,英国Arla Foods公司是最大的英国鲜奶生产企业,在伦敦证交所占据Arla Food samba(欧洲最大的奶业联合体)51%的股份。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between knowledge sourcing and innovation in a select low- to medium-technology industry, the forest sector. It is based on data from the Statistics Canada Survey of Innovation 2005. Econometric models are developed and tested, specifically logistic regression analyses, in order to probe the relationship between select forms of embodied and disembodied knowledge and levels of innovation intensity. Differences between single establishment Canadian firms, multi-establishment Canadian firms, Canada–USA multi-establishment firms and establishments belonging to multinational firms are studied in terms of the relationship between innovation and sources of knowledge. Findings indicate that establishment innovative performance is related to knowledge sourcing strategies and furthermore that organization ownership/structure impacts significantly upon this relationship.  相似文献   

美国生物技术产业2002~2003概貌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑永和  吴越  黎志良 《高技术通讯》2003,13(10):107-110
对2002年美国的生物技术产业现状进行了综述。分析了影响美国生物技术产业的因素,概述了美国生物技术产业特征及2003年美国的生物技术及产业进展。  相似文献   

Innovation and Industry Bifurcation: the Evolution of R&D Strategy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R&D investment can bifurcate industries into groups followinginnovative and imitative strategies. To examine conditions forstrategic bifurcation over time, we develop a model of industryevolution, including industry entry and exit processes, as wellas a firm growth process. Growth results from adaptive searchover a probabilistic fitness landscape with stochastic attractors.Computer simulation experiments link the strategic bifurcationof industries to landscape features, industry exit rates andstrategic inertia. The model implies that mobility barrierscan arise from evolutionary and environmental sources independentlyof firms' defensive actions.  相似文献   

刘彦华 《制冷》2001,20(3):31-32
改革开放20多年,由于实施科技进步与体制创新的策略,促进了生产力飞跃发展,使中国制冷空调行业的工业总产值翻了六倍,成为仅次于美、日两国的世界第三冷冻空调设备生产国。  相似文献   

由于市场不确定性的影响,风险投资管理迅速兴起,尤其在美国兴起并在全球发展,我国自20世纪80年代开始发展风险投资,对我国工程技术的发展起到很大作用,但也出现了一些的问题。  相似文献   

罗仕鉴  张德寅  沈诚仪  卢杨 《包装工程》2022,43(24):8-19, 56
目的 对中国文化产业数字化发展的现状及进展进行了梳理和分析。方法 以文化产业的深层内涵与价值为基础,从中国文化产业数字化衍进逻辑、文化产业数字化构成维度、文化产业数字化新发展路径、文化产业数字化创新模式及文化产业数字化面临的挑战等层面,对当今中国文化产业如何数字化发展的问题进行了探讨。结果 构建了“进化方式层+激活媒介层+重塑服务层+开拓业态层”的创新模式,阐述了文化产业“数智重构、繁荣共生、美美与共”的数字化发展路径。结论 社会的发展与数字技术的更迭,推动了文化产业数字化的场景衍进。产业数字化对于推动文化产业升维与价值增殖,促进文化产业良性持续发展,实现产业联动融合与共赢等方面具有重要的时代意义。  相似文献   

Technology-enabled business innovation may present the potential to structurally transform traditional industry practice, but uncertainty remains as to where and how such transformations might be accomplished. To maintain enterprise competitiveness and agility during these times of structural change, a frequent suggestion for strategic management is to seek loosely coupled partnerships or alliances with best practice providers for non-core functions. Original research into the nature of alliances in the financial services industry reveals the presence of tightly coupled, technology-enabled ventures that deliver core services electronically across organizational and industry boundaries. These alliances represent an emerging specialized organizational form, the virtual or ambient organization. Theoretical and practitioner literature provide little reference to ambient organizations, by any name, and confuse the terms: alliances, strategic partnerships and virtual organizations. Tightly coupled, technology-enabled ambient organizations that can cross industry boundaries provide a previously unrecognized linkage between organizational form and industry transformation. Analysis of four instances of ambient organization in and across three industries produces a model of their characteristics and features. Theoretical and empirical implications are examined.  相似文献   

科学技术创新在石油工业发展中起着极其重要的作用。我国石油工业从无到有,从技术落后到技术成熟的历史发展过程,无不与科学技术进步紧密相联。其中,科学哲学思想对于技术理论创新具有重要的指导作用。以几个石油工业中技术理论创新的实例,分析了波普尔科学哲学思想在技术理论创新中的指导作用。  相似文献   

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