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王红兵 《山西建筑》2003,29(8):240-241
在恒山隧道实施爆破时,为确保恒山水库及悬空寺的安全不受影响,就其爆破的机构设置及仪器设备等作了介绍,提出了爆破施工的工艺、施爆方法及监测方案。  相似文献   

张国华 《山西建筑》2004,30(16):177-178
针对并行隧道的施工过程中,一条的爆破施工会对男一条隧道产生不良影响的现象,通过优化爆破参数,采用减振技术等有利措施有效地减小了爆破施工过程中对相邻隧道产生的影响,从而保证了隧道的施工质量。  相似文献   

罗大伟 《山西建筑》2006,32(5):279-280
通过对掏槽形式、布眼方式、炮眼长度以及装药量确定方法的介绍,了解对于不同的隧道断面和围岩特性所采取的爆破形式和内容,从而使爆破达到预计的效果。  相似文献   

随着我国经济建设进程的不断加快,多种新兴科学技术也不断发展,在众多技术中低温耐久混凝土是针对我国部分特殊地区气候条件所研发的新型技术,并且凭借其应用上的优势现已成功应用于青藏铁路工程建设之中,本文通过对青藏铁路高原多年冻土区低温混凝土施工原则以及施工要点进行相关介绍分析,以期为该项技术在后期的应用中提供一定的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

结合某工程实例,对水压爆破施工技术在该公路隧道工程项目中的应用效果进行讨论,对爆破技术的施工工艺内容进行分析,在讨论爆破参数设计要点的同时,对爆破施工技术的施工内容进行论述,希望可以给相关研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

庙垭口隧道光面爆破施工技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以奉云高速路上庙垭口隧道为例,阐述了光面爆破技术在该隧道Ⅳ级围岩段的应用以及爆破参数的确定,阐述了施工过程的质量控制,取得了较理想的光面爆破效果.  相似文献   

在隧道工程施工建设中,经常会用到开挖爆破施工技术.但由于隧道工程受周围建筑物的影响比较大,对爆破法施工的要求较高,需要根据实际情况对爆破施工技术进行优化.基于此,本文对上黄沙隧道开挖爆破施工技术进行探讨.  相似文献   

杨七正 《山西建筑》2014,(17):179-180
以张唐铁路杨木栅子隧道施工为例,对工程采用的水压爆破施工工艺进行了详细阐述,并分析了该技术的施工特点与经济效益,指出水压爆破施工技术提高了炮孔利用率、增加了循环进尺速度、提高了空气质量、改善了施工环境。  相似文献   

北京地铁昌平线二期工程在十三陵镇2次地下穿山,区间隧道周边建筑物密集、环境复杂,特别是受到民房、十三陵小学及京包高速公路等周边建(构)筑物的影响,爆破设计及施工既要满足首都北京严格的爆破施工管理条例,又要最大限度地控制爆破的振动速度,施工难度很大。以北京市地铁隧道首次爆破穿山施工为例,对隧道地下爆破方案设计及施工过程中的安全控制措施进行了论述。该工程隧道爆破设计与施工技术可为今后类似工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文阐述光面爆破的定义,特点、种类、优越性、作用机理、技术要点等,介绍光面爆破在昱岭关隧道中导洞开挖施工中的应用实例.  相似文献   

介绍了隧道二次衬砌的作用,从施工方法、施工时间、混凝土施工等方面,对隧道二次衬砌混凝土施工要点进行了详细论述,并总结了其施工注意事项,最后对混凝土裂缝的防治提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

王明生 《山西建筑》2009,35(36):308-309
阐述了隧道的优越性,对浅埋隧道进行了分析,归纳了浅埋隧道的特殊性,介绍了浅埋隧道的施工原则和施工方法,并结合工程实例进行了说明,以保证浅埋隧道施工安全、稳妥、顺利地进行。  相似文献   

针对高松树隧道涌水流砂地层施工的重难点,提出了以堵为主与以排为主两种施工方案,通过分析两者的优缺点,选取了以排为主的施工方案,并阐述了具体的施工措施,确保了施工质量与安全。  相似文献   

太永丽  马贺雅  刘克文  翁彦梅 《矿产勘查》2023,14(11):2212-2219
针对位于复杂高原喀斯特地貌岩溶强发育区的云南丘北县普者黑某酒店建设工程,本文通过工程地质调查、钻探和物探等方法查清了工程场地的稳定性、地基土的特点、岩溶发育和溶洞分布情况。采取多项关键技术保证该工程基桩高效安全穿越溶洞,如根据勘察成果调整基桩入岩深度提高单桩承载力;基桩旋挖成孔时应用新型聚合物泥浆护壁提高桩身泥浆质量,降低桩底沉渣厚度;合理处置桩身钢筋笼降低充盈系数,减少桩身混凝土用量等。研究结果表明:(1)采用工程地质勘察、钻探、物探相结合的勘察方法,可以快速、准确地查明岩溶发育强烈地区的溶洞分布情况;(2)采用前述关键施工技术保证了工程基桩高效安全穿越溶洞并保证了工程基桩的质量。该研究成果对复杂高原喀斯特地貌岩溶强发育区岩土工程勘察及工程基桩穿越溶洞施工有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case of closely spaced twin tunnels excavated beneath other closely spaced existing twin tunnels in Beijing, China. The existing twin tunnels were previously built by the shield method while the new twin tunnels were excavated by the shallow tunnelling method. The settlements of the existing tunnels and the ground surfaces associated with the new tunnels construction were systematically monitored. A superposition method is adopted to describe the settlement profiles of both the existing tunnels and the ground surfaces under the influence of the new twin tunnels construction below. A satisfactory match between the proposed fitting curves and the measured settlement data of both the existing tunnels and the ground surfaces is obtained. As shown in a particular monitoring cross-section, the settlement profile shapes for the existing tunnel and the ground surface are different. The settlement profile of the existing structure displays a “W” shape while the ground surface settlement profile displays a “U” shape. It is also found that due to the flexibility of the segmental lining, the ground losses obtained from the existing tunnel level and the ground surface level in the same monitoring cross-section are nearly the same.  相似文献   

A coupled system consisting on a heliostat and a matrix of light-pipes inside one road tunnel where the heliostat injects sunlight, is proposed. Its reliability and efficiency from theoretical calculations and a mock-up, is analyzed as a function of tunnel orientation. The heliostat is fixed above the road some meters before the portal gate of the road tunnels. It continuously seeks the correct orientation so that the angle between sun, heliostat and light-pipes in the portal gate, injects of parallel sunrays every moment. Then, these rays are guided through the light-pipes and distributed on the road in the threshold zone with a remarkable improvement of the efficacy of light-pipes and the relevant savings in electrical consumption and number of luminaries. The results of calculations and measurements on mock-up, that show energy savings above 20% in the most favorable tunnel orientations and 14% in arbitrary orientations, as well as a discussion about the most accurate tunnel orientations are analyzed and presented.  相似文献   

The number and variety of design and construction stakeholders can make effective and efficient collaboration difficult, a situation that is not helped by the sequential way in which many of the processes work. This paper presents the findings of a number of workshops focussing on the problems and barriers inherent in the industry which would currently prevent effective implementation of a process improvement tool. Discussion attempts to illustrate the ways in which the concurrent approach that nD Modelling is taking can help overcome the most significant of these problems. It is concluded that an nD model could provide the greatest value as a communication tool for industry and education as education arguably provides one of the greatest opportunities by which improvements to the industry may come about.  相似文献   

王成祥 《山西建筑》2011,37(1):178-179
以翼城一侯马高速公路西化坡隧道工程为例,探讨了黄土隧道的施工控制措施,结合小净距黄土隧道施工特点.对台阶开挖法进行了分析,并阐述了台阶法施工工艺及施工要点,以期指导黄土隧道施工实践。  相似文献   

于海生 《山西建筑》2021,(1):148-150
盾构叠落施工工艺复杂,对施工技术控制要求高、施工风险大.以武汉轨道交通地铁5号线复兴路站—彭刘杨路站区间小净距重叠段盾构施工案例为背景,为使盾构掘进沉降的二次叠加得到有效控制,减少盾构掘进对先成型隧道管片结构的影响,盾构掘进采取"先下后上"的施工顺序,选用配筋加强型管片,夹层土注浆加固,洞内临时支撑台车加固,盾构掘进参...  相似文献   

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