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传统的从明暗恢复形状(Shape from Shading,SFS)技术通常假定物体表面为Lambert表面,然而对于实际的物体表面来说,上述简化造成了重构结果误差较大.近年来,许多学者开始关注于非Lambert表面下的SFS技术的研究.结合作者自身的研究,从成像过程建模、图像辐照度方程的建立及求解数值算法出发,介绍了非Lambert表面从明暗恢复形状技术的研究进展.首先,简要介绍了非Lambert表面下典型的SFS技术;其次,以OrenNayer模型为例详细说明了非Lambert表面SFS方法的关键技术;最后,对非Lambert表面SFS技术的发展趋势进行了探讨.  相似文献   

郭便  魏宏波 《工具技术》2011,45(6):98-102
研究了采用明暗恢复形状法(SFS)对加工表面显微视觉图像的三维形貌重构,并实现了表面粗糙度检测.根据金属表面反射特性,采用简化的Oren-Nayar模型与Torrance-Sparrow模型中镜面反射分量叠加的方法,对光照模型进行了改进,并讨论了基于改进后光照模型的SFS最小化计算方法.利用该算法,实现了真实工件表面微...  相似文献   

针对含高光表面三维形状重构的需求,设计了一种基于从明暗恢复形状(SFS)方法的三维重构系统。在正交投影条件下由CCD相机获取点光源照射下的物体表面图像,使用Ward反射模型描述含高光表面的反射特性,建立物体表面图像辐照度方程。系统软件将该方程转化为包含物体高度信息的H-J偏微分方程,并计算此偏微分方程的解,得到物体的高度函数,进而恢复出物体的表面形状。实验表明,该系统可以有效地重构含高光表面的三维形状。  相似文献   

针对基于灰度重构形状的表面三维重构方法中重构精度不高的问题,提出一种改进的光照模型。该模型不仅改进了物体表面的漫反射分量,而且考虑了物体表面镜面反射分量对表面重构所产生的影响,把漫反射分量和镜面反射分量线性叠加。采用有限差分法离散改进光照模型中的变量,再利用Jacobi迭代法求解改进光照模型,得到物体表面点的重构高度值。以金属半球图像为例,分别采用改进的光照模型和传统光照模型进行三维重构。通过结果分析表明,采用改进的光照模型提高了重构精度,重构后的高度误差降至1 2.1 9%。  相似文献   

在从明暗恢复形状问题(由物体二维灰度图象提取其表面高度值的问题)的基本原理和数学模型的基础上,提出了一种求解该问题的算法,利用变分原理和有限差分方法得到了算法的迭代方程。这里将该算法应用于雕塑曲面的三维形状重构,通过对人工合成图象的计算及数控加工实验证明了该算法具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

熊烽  宾鸿赞 《工具技术》2002,36(4):18-21
根据复杂形状刀具的设计要求 ,建立了复杂形状刀具的数学模型 ,并以此为基础 ,利用Matlab平台实现了复杂形状刀具设计的三维可视化  相似文献   

王家乐  姜波  黄逸民 《中国机械工程》2012,23(11):1293-1296,1301
提出利用尺度不变特征来描述三维模型的局部形状信息,设计出一种灰度体素模型上的基于三维SIFT算法的局部形状特征提取方法;得到三维模型的尺度不变形状特征后,采用BoF方法构建模型的形状特征向量,配合相应的距离函数实现三维模型"部分-整体"的匹配和检索。实验表明该方法具有比较好的检索性能。  相似文献   

一般的测深侧扫声纳应用中,单独利用回波数据的幅度信息或相位信息获取侧扫图或测深图以展示海底细节特征。为提取侧扫数据中的微地貌信息,实现更高精度的海底地形探测,提出了两步循环迭代算法:首先利用原始测深侧扫结果数据对散射模型进行最优拟合,其次,引入亮度误差修正因子,改进从明暗恢复形状算法并迭代地形,保证其快速稳定的收敛,最终通过循环迭代获取了海底底质参数和精度更高、与真实地形起伏相关性更强的地形深度值。同时,利用Jackson海底散射模型,模拟测深侧扫声纳信号的发射接收过程,并利用其回波数据,验证本迭代算法的正确性和有效性。结果表明:该方法可以有效地修正地形,且接收信噪比越高,地形修正效果越好;在信噪比为20 d B时,相比于原始测深结果,修正后地形起伏相关系数提升52. 4%,地形误差绝对值降低37%。最后,将该算法应用于测深侧扫声纳数据,通过修正前后地形图的对比分析,验证了本算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

明暗恢复形状(Shape From Shading,简称SFS)是计算机视觉中一个重要的研究课题,该算法应用于工件表面微观形貌重建,为快速检测表面质量奠定了基础。以计算机显微视觉为检测手段,采用明暗恢复形状方法,重建端铣加工表面微观形貌,进而检测表面粗糙度。根据微观金属表面反射特性,采用基于Cook-Torrance光照模型的明暗恢复形状算法,完成了端铣加工表面图像三维形貌重构与表面粗糙度参数检测。试验结果表明,该方法可以快速实现加工表面粗糙度参数的准确检测,为加工过程中粗糙度的在线检测提供了新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

熔池表面形貌的传感及其三维恢复在焊接机理研究和成形控制中均有着深远的意义,然而焊接过程中强弧光的干扰和熔池表面的镜面特性使得熔池表面的三维传感非常困难。利用小功率结构光条纹激光器投射激光条纹于非熔化极气体保护焊(Gas tungsten arc welding, GTAW)熔池表面,由成像屏接收熔池表面镜面反射过来的激光条纹,利用镜头前附加了与激光器波长匹配的窄带滤光片的电荷耦合器件(Charge-coupled device, CCD)摄像机观察成像屏上的条纹变化,从而获得熔池表面的高度等三维信息。为了便于研究传感规律及确定传感器结构参数间的最佳组合,设计了一套传感装置,并利用该传感装置在强弧光下获得了清晰的能够反映GTAW熔池表面形貌的激光反射条纹图像。  相似文献   

手工装配流水线上的工件摆放位置随机,且光照复杂多变,现有的视觉检测方法易受影响.针对此工况下的插座螺钉装配检测需求,设计了一套复杂光照环境下手工装配件视觉检测方法.首先在HSV颜色空间利用颜色进行图像分割,找到工件外轮廓,通过几何位置换算找到螺钉孔所在的大致区域;然后在此区域中对自适应阈值二值化图像进行霍夫变换圆检测,...  相似文献   

Reverse engineering based on fiber-optic technique is a very new topic in CAD/CAM fields. A novel single-mode fiber-optic sensor is presented based on the principle of beam reflection to implement the digitizing of complex surface shape. The fibers in the sensor probe are arranged like a spoke with eight symmetrically cross-arranged receiving fibers and one centered emitting fiber. Thus, the sensor can compensate for the offsets caused by fluctuations of surface reflectivity and light power and is fit for application under rough and formidable conditions with noncontact, fast shape measurement. A prototype was developed based on the simulation results to verify the feasibility. With the GRIN lens on the exit end of the single-mode emitting fiber, the lateral resolution was greatly improved compared with former multimode fiber-optic displacement sensors. Preliminary experiments indicated that the estimated uncertainty of displacement measurement was better than ±2 μm, and the uncertainty of ±5.6 μm can be obtained when measuring a MJ20×1.5 thread.  相似文献   

传统基于点云分析的物体与场景干涉检测算法使用层次包围盒或空间分解的方法判断是否发生干涉,不能获取物体与场景各点的准确安全距离数值。提出一种基于双目视觉点云的非凸复杂形貌物体干涉分析方法,该方法首先使用双目立体视觉算法对已标定的双目相机拍摄的场景快速重建点云,然后用待分析的物体三维点云和重建的场景点云数据求解干涉问题,使用K-D树搜索的方法快速确定指定点的干涉距离,使用相机光轴方向的点云坐标关系确定是否干涉。方法在某探测器内场实验中的干涉检测正确率为100%。且相较于现有干涉检测算法,本方法可准确获取物体表面是否干涉及具体距离信息,并借助双目点云沿参考相机光轴方向有效简化相交测试计算复杂度,在降采样下单点检测的时间不超过0.15 s,能够满足非凸复杂形貌物体和各类地形的干涉快速分析的需求。所提方法圆满完成了嫦娥五号在轨月面采样封装中采样点选择的采样器-地形干涉分析任务。  相似文献   

In the present paper, a double-curvature thin-walled shell with a circular-arc notch is considered. For different notch configurations, the stress-intensity factor (SIF) along the front of an elliptical-arc surface crack at the notch root is computed through a three-dimensional finite element analysis, for seven elementary stress distributions perpendicular to the crack faces. Then, by employing such results, an approximate expression of SIF in the case of a generic complex loading is determined by means of the power series expansion of the actual stress field and the superposition principle. Finally, as an example of how to apply the above numerical procedure, the effect of the stress concentration on the SIF values is examined for both cylindrical and spherical notched shells under an internal pressure.  相似文献   

Intersections and discontinuities commonly arise in surface modeling and cause problems in downstream operations.Local geometry repair,such as cover holes or replace bad surfaces by adding new surface patches for dealing with inconsistencies among the confluent region,where multiple surfaces meet,is a common technique used in CAD model repair and reverse engineering.However,local geometry repair destroys the topology of original CAD model and increases the number of surface patches needed for freeform surface shape modeling.Consequently,a topology recovery technique dealing with complex freeform surface model after local geometry repair is proposed.Firstly,construct the curve network which determine the geometry and topology properties of recovery freeform surface model;secondly,apply freeform surface fitting method to create B-spline surface patches to recover the topology of trimmed ones.Corresponding to the two levels of enforcing boundary conditions on a B-spline surface,two solution schemes are presented respectively.In the first solution scheme,non-constrained B-spline surface fitting method is utilized to piecewise recover trimmed confluent surface patches and then employs global beautification technique to smoothly stitch the recovery surface patches.In the other solution scheme,constrained B-spline surface fitting technique based on discretization of boundary conditions is directly applied to recover topology of surface model after local geometry repair while achieving G 1 continuity simultaneously.The presented two different schemes are applied to the consistent surface model,which consists of five trimmed confluent surface patches and a local consistent surface patch,and a machine cover model,respectively.The application results show that our topology recovery technique meets shape-preserving and G 1 continuity requirements in reverse engineering.This research converts the problem of topology recovery for consistent surface model to the problem of constructing G 1 patches from a given curve network,and provides a new idea to model repairing study.  相似文献   

The weak beam technique is now used widely for the determination of stacking fault energies, in particular for intermetallic alloys, and the accuracy of the approach is critically dependent upon the reliability of the relationship between the image and the actual position of the dissociated dislocations. Examining as a model case a dislocation dissociated into two Shockley partial dislocations in Cu at 100 kV for orientations ranging through the g(3g) weak beam condition, image simulations are used to explore the accuracy to which the true spacing between the partial dislocations can be determined from the spacing measured on the image as a function of the dislocation character, the foil thickness, the dislocation depth in the foil, the diffraction condition and the beam convergence. It appears that for image simulations and for the given conditions a beam convergence of about 5 mrad allows to greatly improve the accuracy, and that beam convergence must be taken into account quantitatively when deducing the true partial dislocation spacing as it is the principal parameter controlling the precision in this type of measurement.  相似文献   

航空发动机涡轮叶片的断裂脱落与叶片温度密切相关,准确测量涡轮叶片温度对航空发动机的安全运行具有重要意义。针对涡轮叶片材料发射率不均匀、周围高温物体反射严重以及探测角度变化等因素导致传统红外辐射测温方法精度难以保证的问题,基于辐射传输理论与红外热成像测温原理,分析了对红外测温结果影响的主要因素,提出了复杂背景下三维弯曲表面红外辐射测温的修正模型。通过设计实验测量获得弯曲表面的发射率、双向反射分布函数、角系数等重要参数,根据提出的温度修正模型,得到弯曲表面红外修正温度。通过与典型位置上热电偶的测温结果对比,测温误差由修正前的4%左右下降到1%以内,证明了所提的修正模型具有较高的精度和适应性,可为涡轮叶片气动传热试验技术的提升和航空发动机等重大装备的研制提供支撑。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new methodology for surface reconstruction from sets of points for reverse engineering is described. The sets of points are obtained using stereovision techniques. Techniques for minimizing the number of images required for a complete object reconstruction are explored based on characterizing the shapes to be recovered in terms of visibility and number and nature of cavities. The ultimate goal of our viewpoint planning technique is to minimize the number of images when no prior information about the objects is available.  相似文献   

The influence of a circular-arc circumferential notch in a pipe is analyzed. Firstly, the stress concentration factor (SCF) is determined. Then, an elliptical-arc external surface crack is assumed to exist at the notch root, and the stress-intensity factor (SIF) along the surface crack front is computed for four values of the dimensionless notch radius and for several opening stress distributions on the crack faces. The effect of stress concentration on the SIF values is discussed for both thick- and thin-walled pipes.  相似文献   

The problem of creating exact 3D models of complex real objects for virtual reality applications is considered. One of the systems reconstructing 3D coordinates of a scene from its 2D image by means of structured illumination is presented. Problems related with system operation and leading to reconstruction errors are described. A new method is proposed for improving performance of the system due to considering optical distortions and using several images for reconstructing the same scene area.  相似文献   

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