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《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(3):187-194
The paper describes a seven year project to develop a greywater treatment plant for lavatory flushing. Site surveys and laboratory research was used to produce a design for a 50-person residential University hall. The final design included a balancing tank (13:1 peak to average capacity) screening (5 mm), a moving bed bioreactor and alternating deep bed double filtration (reticulated foam). The plant achieved a recycled water quality of 3 mg/l biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) (used as an indicator of odour potential and regrowth) a water clarity of 2 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) and 2 mg/l suspended solids. Ultra violet (UV) disinfection was added to meet the UK guidelines of zero microbial indicator organisms. The demonstration trial lasted 5 years and users were unable to differentiate between the recycled water and mains water in the blind trial.  相似文献   

Direct water recycling has become an important part of water conservation in the dry areas of the world and is now being seriously considered for the UK. This paper reviews current demands in large buildings and balances these against non-potable re-use. Work is also described on the development of a sustainable low running cost treatment unit. Results are presented from a 751/day prototype biological process operated with a synthetic sewage, which achieved a near potable standard at a cost of 25 p/m3. The design, performance and costings of a 40 'population equivalent'demonstration unit are also given.  相似文献   

Greywater reuse for irrigation: Effect on soil properties   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A controlled study of the effect of greywater (GW) irrigation on soil properties was conducted. Containers of sand, loam and loess soils were planted with lettuce, and irrigated with fresh water, raw artificial GW or treated artificial GW. Greywater was treated using a recirculating vertical-flow constructed wetland. Soil samples were collected every 10 days for the 40-day duration of the study, and plant growth was measured. Soils were analysed for physicochemical and biological parameters to determine changes caused by the different treatments. It was demonstrated that raw artificial GW significantly increased the development of hydrophobicity in the sand and loam soils, as determined by water droplet penetration time. No significant changes were observed for the loess soil under all treatments. Observed hydrophobicity was correlated with increased oil and grease and surfactant concentrations in the soil. Zeta (ζ) potential of the soils was measured to determine changes in the soil particle surface properties as a result of GW irrigation. A significant change in ζ-potential (less negative) was observed in the raw artificial GW-irrigated sand, whereas no difference was observed in the loam or loess. Soils irrigated with fresh water or treated GW exhibited no increase in hydrophobicity. Fecal coliform bacteria were absent or < 10 CFU g− 1 in soils irrigated with fresh water or treated GW, but at least 1 order of magnitude higher in raw artificial GW irrigated soils. Only in the last sampling event and only for the loess soil was plant growth significantly higher for fresh water irrigated vs. raw or treated GW irrigated soils. This study demonstrates that treated GW can be effectively irrigated without detrimental effects on soil or plant growth; however, raw GW may significantly change soil properties that can impact the movement of water in soil and the transport of contaminants in the vadose zone.  相似文献   

期待建筑防火设计制定系统的安全性能标准和设计导引   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建筑防火设计规范需要制定系统的安全性能标准和设计导引细则,从源头控制建筑防火的安全度。  相似文献   

In line with developments in the water reuse sector, this paper applied quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) techniques to seven greywater reuse systems used for recycling shower water for toilet flushing. The objective of the study was to establish a scientific basis for health-based greywater targets for India. It involved qualitative risk assessments and quantitative microbiological analysis using Enterococci, thermotolerant coliforms (TTC) and coliphage indicator organisms. Four conclusions are drawn from this study. Firstly, the systems indicated a low risk and high quality, and secondly that low levels of risk were present in systems, resulting in the recommendation of guideline of 5000 cfu/100 mL rather than 10 000 cfu/100 mL for greywater utilised for direct toilet flushing. Thirdly, disability adjusted life years (DALYs) are a useful indicator of risk for evaluating the performance of a greywater reuse system in addition to chemical/microbiological indicators DALYs, and finally that TTC are a useful surrogate microbial indicator for analysis of greywater in developing countries with limited analytical facilities.  相似文献   

Australia is quickly moving toward adopting performance-based regulations for building fire safety. This approach offers owners and designers more flexibility, greater opportunity for innovation, and more cost-effective construction.To help introduce a performance approach, the Fire Code Reform Centre has developedFire Engineering Guidelines, which document an agreed methodology for performance-based design and draws on earlier Australian research and similar developments in a number of countries.The guidelines are the first step in a broader research program to develop a full risk assessment methodology as the basis for fire safety design in Australia.  相似文献   

浙江乡村风貌与空间营建导则研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王竹  王韬 《华中建筑》2014,(9):94-98
面对浙江乡村建设中存在的风貌特色缺失等相关问题,该文从宏观、中观、微观三个层面对乡村聚落的区域分布、公共空间以及建筑营建进行了深入剖析,遵循与实际操作并行同步的方式给出针对性的营建导则。研究着眼于乡村风貌营建与管理工作,整合风貌特色与空间营建的行动导则可在一定程度上避免实施中由于单一视角切入而产生的低效与片面。同时关注对乡村内在特质和主体行为层面的表达,期望对浙江地区乃至更广范围的乡村建设起到一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

近年来,城市热岛、空气污染加剧严重影响人体健康,城市设计导则作为城市空间形态设计的指引框架,对热岛、空 气污染等微气候环境改善可望产生积极作用。尝试从营造健康的微气候环境角度对城市设计导则提出优化策略:(1)首先, 阐述改善热岛和污染的3 种途径(控源- 流通- 汇集);(2)然后,梳理现行城市设计导则基本框架,并从中提炼出8 类 与微气候环境密切相关的关联要素;(3)接着,分别对总则与专项设计、总体城市设计、区段城市设计和地块城市设计4 个编制层次给出具体的导则优化策略,并提出城市空间系统优化思路;(4)最后,指出未来需要在增加气候分析、片区分 类引导、加强实施管理等方面继续探索。  相似文献   

Disinfection With Peracetic Acid for Domestic Sewage Re-Use in Agriculture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes a four-month pilot study on peracetic acid disinfection of unchlorinated tertiary effluent for unrestricted re-use in agriculture carried out at West Bari (Italy) sewage-treatment works. Dosages and contact times ranging from 1 to 500 mg/1 and 5 to 60 mins, respectively, indicated that 10 mg/1 of peracetic acid, with a 30-min contact time, achieved the WHO faecal coliform guideline (1000 CFU/100ml). Much higher doses (£400 mg/l and 30 mins) were required to meet the corresponding Californian limit of two colony-forming units/100 ml, which has also been adopted in Italy. Efficient mixing of the disinfectant (in one shot addition) was mandatory - particularly at lower dosages (1–10 mg/l) where there was a higher concentration of suspended solids (>5 mg/l).  相似文献   

浅析城市设计导则的作用与编制原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡辉 《中外建筑》2011,(5):66-67
城市设计导则是城市设计项目编制的核心内容,是城市设计参与城市建设管理的重要途径。加强城市设计导则的编制工作将有助于城市设计及其控制在城市建设中的实施。本文着重介绍城市设计导则的分类、基本功能以及设计导则编制应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(2):141-153
We examined people's views on a number of water issues and their motivation, practices and concerns about greywater reuse for irrigation of around homes. Survey participants (275) from different socio-economic background from 125 suburbs in the Western Sydney region, Australia took part in the study. Regardless of their age and gender, when asked which was the most important issue regarding water in their region from a prescribed list, the majority of participants identified water quality as the most important and availability without water restriction as the least important. About half of the participants reused greywater regularly or at some time during the last few years. The cost of plumbing and health risks to people, plants and soil are critical issues for greywater reuse and need attention. For the reusing widely and sustainably, there is a need for easily accessible, user-friendly information packages to create ‘greywater reuse literacy’ in the community.  相似文献   

钟苗  荆万里 《华中建筑》2008,26(11):84-87
结合我国当前市场经济、规划体制和社会环境的条件背景下城市设计导则编制的基本需求,该文尝试探讨了具有一定本土适应性的导则编制体系及作用方式,以层次递进的导则控制体系、强化管理手段与导控兼施的控制方式,实现城市设计成果的动态适应。  相似文献   

In April 2001, draft ‘Guidelines’ for safe recreational water environments were developed at a World Health Organization (WHO) expert consultation. Later the same month, these were presented and discussed at the ‘Green Week’ in Brussels alongside the on-going revision of the European Union Bathing Water Directive 76/160/EEC. The WHO Guidelines cover general aspects of recreational water management as well as define water quality criteria for various hazards. For faecal pollution, these include faecal indicator organism concentrations and an assessment of vulnerability to faecal contamination. Central to the approach set out in the WHO Guidelines are: (i) the concept of beach profiling to produce a ‘sanitary inspection category’ which implies a priori hazard assessment as a core management tool and (ii) the prediction of poor water quality to assist in real time risk assessment and public health protection. These management approaches reflect a harmonized approach towards the assessment and management of risk for water-related infectious disease being applied by WHO. Numerical microbiological criteria for intestinal enterococci are proposed in the new Guidelines. These were developed using a novel approach to disease burden assessment, which has been applied to both recreational waters and urban air quality. This paper explains the scientific rationale and mathematical basis of the new approach, which is not presented in the WHO Guidelines for recreational waters.  相似文献   

王科  张晓莉 《规划师》2012,28(8):55-58
我国正处在高速城市化进程中,城市建设需要及时应对社会经济、文化和生活等领域不断产生的新需求,城市空间形态也因此经历着急剧的变化,这种快速发展模式在满足各种城市需求的同时也暴露出一系列的问题.随着经济社会的发展,人们对城市建设的关注也逐渐集中到提升城市空间品质方面,因此.将城市设计纳入规划管理,并通过城市设计的控制与引导提高城市整体品质成为当今城市发展的一大诉求.研究从城市设计编制与管理的角度出发,结合《北京中心城地区城市设计导则编制标准与管理办法研究》,从规范编制、纳入管理和推广实施三个方面对如何健全北京城市设计导则的运作机制进行探讨,以期为规划师们提供有益参考.  相似文献   

新时代乡村绿化美化的美学途径与科学导则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市化对中国乡村建设的审美标准和发展模式影响深远,新时代背景下必须对乡村绿化美化进行科学、正确的引导。立足新时代背景分析乡村绿化美化的战略意义和理论逻辑,结合理论与实践研究提出其靶向在"乡村"、基础是"绿化"、重点是"美化"、要点是"产业"。基于传统人居美学思想,对乡村三大功能区的各组成元素开展绿化美化建设,保护乡村整体景观风貌的原真性、增加生态保育区生态绿量、提升居住生活区景观品质、拓展经济发展区绿色产业。科学推进乡村绿化美化发展,需要组建专业团队,建立科学理论;鼓励学科交叉,探索科学方法;加强顶层设计,推进科学规划;强化技术支撑,把握科学途径;推进试点工作,提炼科学范例。  相似文献   

Inadequate drainage of stormwater, greywater and sewage plagues informal settlement ‘slum’ dwellers throughout the developing world. Residents, local governments and others find drainage solutions hard to come by due both to physical challenges – densely packed shack homes and few roads or open spaces – and social challenges associated with the often contentious, turbulent and legally uncertain nature of informal settlements. While concepts of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) and integrated water resource management (IWRM) hold promise for informal settlements, we find little practical guidance available for their application in these contexts. To begin filling this gap, we propose a simple model for understanding various informal settlement contexts and ‘upgrading’ strategies that affect drainage development strategies. We then use this model to report on a series of small projects in South Africa that illustrate social and structural dynamics and practical techniques relevant to implementing collaborative drainage efforts in informal settlements.  相似文献   

建筑师在进行形体创作时须将良好的技术性能作为重要目标,而直观、形象、非严格定量的设计导则是一种简易有效的辅助手段。然而,运用数字设计方法辅助建筑形体创作中的技术性能问题的既有研究对设计导则的关注较少,不能满足形体创作需求。本研究结合参数化模型、性能模拟等数字方法,以中庭为例、探讨了基于天然采光性能的圆形与方形中庭形体设计导则。研究结果表明,中庭的面积、贯穿层数、平面比例等形体参数对其天然采光性能具有显著影响,故在形体创作中建筑师应结合设计导则将天然采光性能纳入考虑;此外,本研究所采用的技术路线能够揭示建筑的技术性能与其形体特征的关系、是一种有效的设计导则获取方法。  相似文献   

5.12汶川大地震后,结合海外华侨赈灾的爱心捐款,国务院侨务办公室主持开展了“侨爱小学”系列工程,本设计导则通过指令性和指导性设计要求,并提供设计范例,对具体项目进行建筑设计上的总体调控,使该系列工程充分体现“侨爱”的精神内涵并形成风格统一、特色鲜明的类型建筑。  相似文献   

施工企业签订承包合同时应注意的事项   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
季良  蓝宇木 《山西建筑》2009,35(9):220-221
针对施工企业承包合同的重要性,对施工合同签订中要注意的问题进行了分析论述并提出了解决的办法,从而为避免合同漏洞,签订严密的施工合同打下基础,可以为广大施工单位参考学习。  相似文献   

A survey was conducted of 400 households in the peri‐urban area of Bangkok to investigate typical household water consumption, daily water use activities, public perception towards wastewater reuse and detergent consumption. Four categories of greywater, including cooking, dish washing, bathing and laundry washing wastewater, their properties and potential application for reuse were examined. Average water consumption was estimated to be 208 L/person/day. The wastewater was already reused in 42% of households, and that laundry wastewater was widely used for plant watering and floor washing. More than 80% of households accepted the use of treated greywater, while 50% of households did not accept the use of treated blackwater. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and suspended solid (SS) were high in cooking, dish washing and laundry, and lower in bathing wastewater, while anionic surfactant were high in laundry and dish washing wastewater. The finding results clearly demonstrate the possibility of greywater reclamation and reuse in the area.  相似文献   

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