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Traditionally, imaging of renal infections was largely through a multimodality approach. Excretory urography, ultrasonography, nuclear scintigraphy, and CT all played major roles; however, in recent years, CT has increased in prominence in the imaging and evaluation of renal infection. Part of the reason for this trend includes improvements in the availability of CT scanners and more timely access to them. Helical scanning technology has also greatly increased the quality and usefulness of the information CT provides. Most uncomplicated cases of acute renal infection in adults do not require imaging for diagnosis and treatment. When imaging is indicated, however, contrast-enhanced CT almost always is the study of choice. For cases in which renal calculi may be present, the study should also include noncontrast images through the kidneys.  相似文献   

The 3Y1 cell line, established from a rat whole embryo, is widely used as a normal immortalized fibroblast. We analyzed p53 mutations in four clonal lines derived from the 3Y1 cell line; 3Y1-B clone 1-6, 3Y1-C and two clonal lines (3Y1 cl-3 and 3Y1 cl-6) which had been transformed by the human papilloma virus E6 gene. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and DNA sequencing showed that three clonal lines had a double mutation at codons 130 and 136 on the same allele and that the other clonal line, 3Y1 cl-3, had no mutations. 3Y1-B clone 1-6, which has been registered as the standard clonal line at the Japanese Cancer Research Resources Bank, demonstrated weak bands of the wild type allele, suggesting the existence of heterogeneous cell types in this "clonal" line. PCR-SSCP analysis of 25 subclones obtained by limiting dilution of 3Y1-B clone 1-6 cells revealed a mixture of two types of cells; 12 subclones showed only the bands of mutated allele, and 13 subclones showed both bands of the wild and mutated p53 alleles. These findings should be taken into consideration when using this cell line as a normal immortalized cell line.  相似文献   

Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common primary orbital malignancy of childhood. It can present insidiously, mimicking other (benign) processes clinically and radiographically. CT and MR imaging are crucial in the diagnostic evaluation, treatment planning, and follow-up monitoring of the disease. Such imaging, especially when contrast is used, can accurately detect and state the extent of tumor involvement.  相似文献   

The role of CT and MR imaging examination of orbital implants and the anophthalmic socket is expanding constantly. As the imaging techniques gain refinement and resolution, the list of potential clinical application grows. Frequent clinical-radiologic queries regarding the anophthalmic socket include neuro-radiologic findings with congenital anophthalmia or bilateral microphthalmia, the vascularization or position of an orbital implant following enucleation, or orbital recurrence of tumor following enucleation. Common clinical-radiologic questions regarding orbital implants relate to the associated findings of trauma, infection, bleeding, or recurrence of tumor in relationship to the existing orbital implant.  相似文献   

Most abdominal hernias can be diagnosed on the basis of findings on physical examination or plain films and barium studies. However, diagnostic dilemmas can arise when patients are obese or have had surgery. Cross-sectional CT scans can show hernias and the contents of the peritoneal sac. More important, CT findings can be used to diagnose unsuspected hernias and to distinguish hernias from masses of the abdominal wall, such as tumors, hematomas, abscesses, undescended testes, and aneurysms. This essay illustrates the CT findings in diaphragmatic hernias, internal hernias, and abdominal wall hernias.  相似文献   

By means of an allometric relation between the oxygen consumption rate and the body mass of an animal a metabolic coefficient is derived that can be used as a measure of standard metabolism in different animal species. This coefficient increased in the course of evolution corresponding to the time of appearance of each class of animal. It reached its highest values in Primates and passerine birds. A further increase across an energetic threshold was only possible with human civilization. A similar approach to evolution is performed through an encephalization coefficient showing that in all phases of evolution, species existed with a much larger relative brain volume than the other members of their class. These species might have established a non-human civilization on Earth if evolution would have taken another path. Finally, social activities of insects and the use of external energy sources by animals are discussed to show further implications of this bioenergetic approach to evolution.  相似文献   

Coats' disease is an idiopathic disorder in which telangiectatic and aneurysmal retinal vessels leak a lipoproteinaceous exudate, with consequent bullous retinal detachment. It is a diagnostic challenge, and CT and MR imaging provide valuable information to differentiate it from other pathologies, particularly from retinoblastoma. Typical, advanced Coats' disease shows on CT a denser substance posterior to the vitreous, which on MR is hyperintense on all pulse sequences. Contrast administration on both CT and MR might give slight linear enhancement at the boundary between vitreous and exudation. Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV) is a unilateral disorder in a microphthalmic eye, seen in full-term infants. PHPV rarely is bilateral in patients with Norrie's disease, Warburg syndrome, or patients with retinal dysplasia. Persistent fetal vasculature leads to fibrosis, resulting in elongation of the ciliary processes, retinal detachment, and spontaneous cataracts. The CT appearance in the disorder is quite variable; however, MR imaging may be superior in demonstrating the enhancing retrolental mass and the elongated ciliary processes.  相似文献   

Compares 2 models of statistical inference (i.e., the less well known permutation model and the normal model) and suggests that the permutation model is often more appropriate for the analysis of psychological data. Inappropriate interpretations generated by teaching only the normal model are illustrated. It is recommended that both models be taught so that students and applied workers have a better chance both of understanding the nature of the hypothesis that is being tested, and of correctly discriminating the statistical conditions that support causal inference and generality inference. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Electron-beam or ultrafast computerized tomographic (CT) scanning provides a convenient and sensitive means of detecting coronary calcification, which is an early index of atherosclerosis. The procedure has strong negative predictive power for the presence of coronary artery disease, but a limited ability to predict disease severity. However, preliminary indications are that it is as good or better than conventional risk factors in this respect. Although further validation is needed before electron-beam CT can be regarded as an established method of detecting presymptomatic coronary atherosclerosis, the procedure has potential in this context.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Aggressive angiomyxoma is a benign tumor affecting the pelvis and perineum, predominantly in women. Because of its variable presentation as a soft mass in the vulva, perianal region, buttock, or pelvis, the tumor is often clinically misdiagnosed and initial surgery is usually unsuccessful in extirpating it. This study describes the imaging features of these tumors. CONCLUSION: Aggressive angiomyxomas display unusual growth patterns of translevator extension with growth around perineal structures. Both CT and MR imaging show the transdiaphragmatic extent of these tumors. High signal intensity on T2-weighted MR images may reflect the myxomatous stroma of these tumors.  相似文献   

Reviews research on the hemispheric asymmetry model of relative ear advantages in the processing of auditory stimuli. Physiological studies of activation of the hemispheres in humans support left-hemisphere speech-processing specialization and contralateral sound field dominance. Electrophysiological studies in animals, effects of commissurotomy, hemispherectomy, and unilateral temporal lobe lesions on dichotic performance in humans, as well as stimulus dominance effects in intact Ss indicate that the assumption of ipsilateral sensory pathway suppression during competitive stimulation is unwarranted. Dichotic presentation is not necessary to produce a right-ear advantage (REA), and selective attention to one or the other ear frequently tends to alter the magnitude of the REA. A modified structural model that incorporates the effects of directed attention is proposed. (3? p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Self-help therapy books, cassettes, and other materials are often antiscientific and shoddy, but they also frequently have several solid advantages, help some people to make profound personality changes (with and without regular therapy), and may well effectively influence many more people in the US (and even more so throughout the world) than do professional psychotherapists. It would be preferable if self-help materials were pretested and posttested in a manner similiar to that of researching the reliability and validity of psychological tests. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The multi-subunit NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) is the first enzyme complex in the electron transport chain of mitochondria. A small number of NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunits are the products of mitochondrial genes (subunits 1-7), while the remainder are nuclear encoded and imported from the cytoplasm. We have isolated and sequenced five subunits of the human complex I from a human heart lambda ZAP Express cDNA library. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of the human subunits with the corresponding bovine sequences revealed greater than 80% amino acid identity. The high degree of similarity between human and bovine sequences suggests functional conservation of these subunits in the complex I. In silico Northern analysis revealed that two of the subunits were expressed ubiquitously while the remainder may have more restricted patterns of expression.  相似文献   

Presents a comment on "Psychological Treatments" (see record 2004-21168-001) by D. H. Barlow. Barlow highlighted unique roles that psychologists can play in mental health service delivery by providing psychological treatments--treatments that psychologists would be uniquely qualified to design and deliver. In support of Barlow's position, the authors draw from their own clinical practice with special psychiatric populations, such as adults with severe and persistent mental illness and behaviorally disordered youths, to illustrate some potential unique roles for psychologists. The authors believe psychologists are uniquely trained to design such individualized functional behavioral analysis protocols because of their training in research design, behavior analysis, learning theory, and behavior change. Psychologists may also be uniquely qualified to design, implement, and evaluate many specialized therapy techniques, as Barlow has outlined and suggested. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Refutes R. F. Baumeister's (see record 1989-14054-001) argument that the inclusion of sex-difference findings in research reports is undesirable from both political and scientific standpoints. A number of advantages stem from the study of sex differences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The true incidence of fracture of the occipital condyles is unknown. It may be associated with instability at the craniocervical joint. CT is the modality of choice for the demonstration of these fractures, but its use for imaging of the associated ligament injury has not been reported. In order to demonstrate normal anatomy, occipital condyle fracture and ligament injury, and to estimate the incidence of this lesion, 21 children and young adults with high-energy blunt craniocervical injury were examined prospectively. Thin-slice, axial, contiguous, CT was performed from the base of C2 to above the foramen magnum. Bone and soft tissue windows and coronal, sagittal, and curvilinear 2D reconstructions were performed. Five occipital condyle fractures were identified in four patients (19 %), with demonstration of alar ligament injury in two cases and local hematoma in one. In four, artifacts or rotation precluded assessment of ligaments. In all remaining cases normal bone and ligament anatomy was demonstrated. Fracture of the occipital condyles following craniocervical injury is not uncommon in children and young adults. Normal bone and ligament anatomy and pathology can be safely and clearly demonstrated in seriously injured patients and others using this CT technique. Increased awareness of this entity and a low threshold for performing CT should avoid the potentially serious consequences of a missed diagnosis.  相似文献   

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