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Perceiving motion in an object involves discriminating the object from its background, judging the motion contrast between figure and ground and then attributing the motion to the appropriate entity. The present paper discusses psychophysical data on Induced Motion (IM) which supports the view that object/motion perception is constructed relatively late in the system by combining the output of several different motion analysers. Results from two experiments suggest that solution of the figure ground problem in motion perception may occur late in processing, be mediated by the parvocelluar stream and involve combining the output of at least two types of motion analysers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Perceiver eye movements were recorded during audiovisual presentations of extended monologues. Monologues were presented at different image sizes and with different levels of acoustic masking noise. Two clear targets of gaze fixation were identified, the eyes and the mouth. Regardless of image size, perceivers of both Japanese and English gazed more at the mouth as masking noise levels increased. However, even at the highest noise levels and largest image sizes, subjects gazed at the mouth only about half the time. For the eye target, perceivers typically gazed at one eye more than the other, and the tendency became stronger at higher noise levels. English perceivers displayed more variety of gaze-sequence patterns (e.g., left eye to mouth to left eye to right eye) and persisted in using them at higher noise levels than did Japanese perceivers. No segment-level correlations were found between perceiver eye motions and phoneme identity of the stimuli.  相似文献   

(This reprinted article originally appeared in Psychological Review, 1954, Vol 61, 304–314. The following abstract of the original article appeared in PA, Vol 29:5103.) The question of movement involves at least 3 closely related questions: How do we see the motion of an object? How do we see the stability of the environment? How do we perceive ourselves as moving in a stable environment? The author draws together the experimental evidence on the 3 questions and draws out its implications, including a hypothesis for research. The article concludes with a discussion of the requirements for a psychophysics of kinetic impressions. 19 references. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sex differences in spatial navigation indicate that women may focus on positional, landmark cues whereas men favor Euclidean, directional cues. Some studies have investigated sex differences in proximal and distal cue use; however, sex differences in gradient (i.e., graded features) and pinpoint (i.e., single, defined) cue perception remain unexamined. In the current experiments, paired photographs were presented in which the 2nd photograph showed the same scene with cues removed (Experiment 1) or isolated (Experiment 2) from the 1st photograph. In Experiment 1, women showed less disruption of task performance than men showed following cue removal but were slowest after proximal pinpoint cue removal. Male performance was slowed by distal gradient and proximal pinpoint cue removal. In Experiment 2, women were faster than men at identifying isolated proximal and distal pinpoint cues and were more accurate at identifying isolated distal gradient and distal pinpoint cues. Better pinpoint cue perception and memory in women indicates one possible mechanism underlying female preference for landmark-based navigation strategies. Findings also show that whereas men may preferentially rely on distal gradient cues they are not better at perceiving those cues than are women. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Over the past half century, research on human decision making has expanded from a purely behaviorist approach that focuses on decision outcomes, to include a more cognitive approach that focuses on the decision processes that occur prior to the response. This newer approach, known as process tracing, has employed various methods, such as verbal protocols, information search displays, and eye movement monitoring, to identify and track psychological events that occur prior to the response (such as cognitive states, stages, or processes). In the present article, we review empirical studies that have employed eye movement monitoring as a process tracing method in decision making research, and we examine the potential of eye movement monitoring as a process tracing methodology. We also present an experiment that further illustrates the experimental manipulations and analysis techniques that are possible with modern eye tracking technology. In this experiment, a gaze-contingent display was used to manipulate stimulus exposure during decision making, which allowed us to test a specific hypothesis about the role of eye movements in preference decisions (the Gaze Cascade model; Shimojo, Simion, Shimojo, & Scheier, 2003). The results of the experiment did not confirm the predictions of the Gaze Cascade model, but instead support the idea that eye movements in these decisions reflect the screening and evaluation of decision alternatives. In summary, we argue that eye movement monitoring is a valuable tool for capturing decision makers' information search behaviors, and that modern eye tracking technology is highly compatible with other process tracing methods such as retrospective verbal protocols and neuroimaging techniques, and hence it is poised to be an integral part of the next wave of decision research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"As predicted from previous work in fearevoking objects and resistance to perceptual distortion, Navy recruits viewing persons through aniseikonic lenses showed higher distortion thresholds when viewing an authority figure than when viewing a nonauthority figure." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An analysis of various types of movement perception did not reveal any single source of variance of broad influence. Each of the 11 factors examined governs only a limited set of variables. This finding is construed as a failure of confirmation for sensory-tonic theory. To achieve a comprehensive theory of movement perception, we must know more about many relevant personality factors and underlying physiological processes. (24 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated a claim of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) eye movement model, which states that specific eye movements are indicative of specific sensory components in thought. Forty-eight graduates and undergraduates were asked to concentrate on a single thought while their eye movements were videotaped. They were subsequently asked to report if their thoughts contained visual, auditory, or kinesthetic components. Two NLP-trained observers independently viewed silent videotapes of participants concentrating and recorded the presence or absence of eye movements posited by NLP theorists to indicate visual, auditory, or kinesthetic components in thought. Coefficients of agreement (Cohen's K) between participants' self-reports and trained observers' records indicate support for the visual (K?=?.81, p?p?p?  相似文献   

Conducted 3 experiments with 12 observers from a university community to determine whether the visual system calibrates motion parallax according to absolute-distance information in processing depth and to map the range of depth perception as a function of distance and motion parallax. The parallax was created by yoking the relative movement of random dots displayed on a CRT to the movements of the head. In Exp I, at viewing distances of 40 and 80 cm, Ss reported the apparent depth produced by motion parallax equivalent to a binocular disparity of 0.47°. The mean apparent depth at 80 cm was 2.6 times larger than at 40 cm. In Exp II, again at viewing distances of 40 and 80 cm, Ss adjusted the extent of parallax so that the apparent depth was 7.0 cm. The mean extent of parallax at 80 cm was 31% of that at 40 cm. These findings show that the visual system does calibrate motion parallax according to absolute-distance information in processing depth. In Exp III, distances ranged from 40 to 320 cm, and a wide range of parallax was used. As distance and parallax increased, the perception of a rigid 3-dimensional surface was accompanied by rocking motion; perception of depth was replaced by perception of motion in some trials at 320 cm. Moreover, the mean apparent depths were proportional to the viewing distance at 40 and 80 cm but not at 160 and 320 cm. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A simplified pins-into-holes assembly task was used to study the interrelation of perceptual processes and work movements, by varying the locus of a perceptual cue within a repetitive patterned motion. "First, it is apparent that a perceptually loaded component takes significantly longer than its counterpart which involves less perceptual load. Secondly, placing a perceptual cue in one part of a work cycle not only affects the duration of that part of the cycle, but also significantly affects the durations of certain other parts of the movement." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the work on eye movements (EMs) and scene perception (SP) and discusses (1) the span of effective vision during SP; (2) the role of EMs in SP; (3) integration of information across saccades; (4) scene context, object identification, and EMs; and (5) the control of EMs. The relationship of EMs during reading to EMs during SP is considered. A preliminary model of EM control in SP is described, and directions for future research are suggested. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested the effectiveness of hypnosis as a retrieval cue in a group of 80 highly hypnotizable college students who demonstrated posthypnotic amnesia on an initial recall test. The 40 Ss who received a reinduction of hypnosis showed a significant improvement in memory on a retest; there was a significant loss of memory on a 3rd test following termination of the 2nd hypnosis and a more substantial recovery on a 4th test following administration of a prearranged reversibility cue. Another 40 Ss, who merely relaxed before the 2nd test, showed a similar improvement in memory on the retest but no subsequent memory loss. The amount of trial-to-trial improvement in memory shown by Ss was unaffected by explicit instructions to maintain amnesia until the reversibility cue had been given. It is concluded that posthypnotic amnesia is not a case of state-dependent retention, nor does hypnosis provide retrieval cues that can lead to the emergence of previously unrecalled memories. (36 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous research on the persuasive impact of an overheard audience has yielded conflicting results. In this study, we attempted to understand such audience effects within the framework of the heuristic model of persuasion. Subjects listened to an audiotaped persuasive message that conveyed arguments of either high or low quality and that was responded to by either an enthusiastic or an unenthusiastic overheard audience. In addition, subject involvement (high vs. low) was varied. Consistent with predictions, the audience response cue influenced postmessage opinions only under low involvement; under high involvement, only argument quality affected persuasion. Analyses that took into account subjects' need for cognition supported the additional hypothesis that individuals lower in need for cognition would be more responsive to the audience manipulation under low involvement. Thought-listing data and regression analyses provided further support for the heuristic model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous research [J. Pind, Acta Psychol. 89, 53-81 (1995)] has shown that preaspiration in Icelandic, an [h]-like sound inserted between a vowel and the following closure, can be cued by Voice Offset Time (VOffT), a speech cue which is the mirror image of Voice Onset Time (VOT). Research has also revealed that VOffT is much more sensitive to the duration of the neighboring vowel than is VOT [J. Pind, Q. J. Exp. Psychol. 49A, 745-764 (1996)]. This paper explores the hypothesis that it is primarily the perceived quantity of the vowel that is responsible for the effect of the vowel on the perception of preaspiration. This hypothesis is based on the linguistic fact that preaspiration can only follow a phonemically short vowel. This linguistic hypothesis is contrasted with an auditory hypothesis in terms of forward masking. Perceptual experiments show that the perceptual boundaries for preaspiration can be affected either by changing the preceding vowel's duration or its spectrum. If the spectrum of the vowel changes towards that of a long vowel, longer VOffT's are needed for listeners to perceive preaspiration, thus lending support to the linguistic hypothesis.  相似文献   

Binocular perception of the distance to, and between, point light targets depends on vergence angle: Increasing vergence angle decreases apparent distance and vice versa. Placing a prism "base out" requires increased convergence for target fixation; "base in" requires decreased convergence: The triangulation account of distance perception predicts that apparent target distance should decrease and increase respectively. It was found that the results predicted from the triangulation account were not observed. Egocentric target distance was judged to be greater regardless of prism orientation or target distance. A heuristic model provided an explanation for this phenomenon and allowed for the prediction of modulations of the overestimate with simple manipulations of the viewing environment. Further experiments confirmed these predictions and demonstrated that the effects of the prism could be greatly attenuated by adding additional distance cues. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

When parents label novel parts of familiar objects, they typically provide familiar whole-object terms before offering novel part terms (e.g., "See this cup? This is the rim."). Such whole-part juxtaposition might help children to accurately interpret the meaning of novel part terms, but it can do so only if they recognize the conjunction as a potential cue to part meaning. Two studies examined (a) whether 3- to 4-year-olds use whole-part juxtaposition to accurately interpret novel part terms and (b) how they might do so. Study 1 confirmed that children indeed use juxtaposition to guide learning of novel part terms. Furthermore, 2 control conditions clarified that children's use of juxtaposition was not simply due to memory effects, such as the facilitation of lexical access, nor to recognition of the grammatical frame that typically accompanies juxtaposition. Study 2 revealed that children readily use juxtaposition in a novel, gestural format. Such flexibility in recognizing and utilizing novel variants of juxtaposition strongly suggests that pragmatic understanding lies at the heart of children's sensitivity to whole-part juxtaposition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

J. J. Gibson's (see PA, Vol 29:5103; see also PA, Vol 81:28168) article is paradoxical: This forward-looking review of visual motion perception anticipates developments in the field, yet those developments were achieved without closely following Gibson's footsteps. This commentary offers several possible reasons for the dormancy of Gibson's ideas about motion perception and evaluates contemporary work on motion perception in the context of Gibson's perspective. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Eye fixations of participants high or low in trait anxiety were monitored during reading of context sentences predicting threatening or nonthreat events, followed by sentences in which a target word represented the predictable event or an inconsistent event. No effects were found on the target word but on the regions following it. When this word represented a threatening event suggested by the context, high anxiety facilitated reading of the posttarget region. When the target word was inconsistent with a threatening event, high anxiety was associated with interference in the final region. No such effects occurred with nonthreat sentences. This reveals selective prediction of threat in high anxiety. However, rather than being automatic, this bias involves elaboration that takes time to develop. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Of the several sources of acoustic information for distance perception, those arising from motion of the listener or sound source have received little attention. This motion-related information (recently called acoustic tau) is described, and experiments evaluating its utilization are presented. Accuracy and consistency at walking to the locations of briefly presented sounds were better when people listened while walking than while standing still. Manipulations of the sound to simulate shorter or longer target distances produced appropriate undershooting but not overshooting. The results indicate that people use motion-related acoustic information about distance to guide their locomotor actions, although they do not take full advantage of this information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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