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Studied visual masking and visual integration across saccadic eye movements in 4 experiments. In a 5th experiment, 4 randomly chosen dots from a 3?×?5 dot matrix were presented in 1 fixation, and 4 different dots from the matrix were presented in a 2nd fixation. Ss reported the location of the missing dot. When the 1st display was presented just before the saccade (as in Exps I–III), Ss accurately specified the missing dot location when the dots were presented to the same region of the retina but not when they were presented in the same place in space. When the 1st display was presented well before the saccade (as in Exp IV), Ss performed poorly regardless of retinal or spatial overlap. Results indicate the existence of a short-lived retinotopic visual persistence but provide no support for a spatiotopic visual persistence capable of fusing the contents of successive fixations. It is concluded that transsaccadic integration depends instead on an abstract memory that accumulates position and identity information about the contents of successive fixations. Results are discussed in relation to the work by M. L. Davidson et al (see record 1974-10245-001). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

When 2 targets for pursuit eye movements move in different directions, the eye velocity follows the vector average (S. G. Lisberger & V. P. Ferrera, 1997). The present study investigates the mechanisms of target selection when observers are instructed to follow a predefined horizontal target and to ignore a moving distractor stimulus. Results show that at 140 ms after distractor onset, horizontal eye velocity is decreased by about 25%. Vertical eye velocity increases or decreases by 1°/s in the direction opposite from the distractor. This deviation varies in size with distractor direction, velocity, and contrast. The effect was present during the initiation and steady-state tracking phase of pursuit but only when the observer had prior information about target motion. Neither vector averaging nor winner-take-all models could predict the response to a moving to-be-ignored distractor during steady-state tracking of a predefined target. The contributions of perceptual mislocalization and spatial attention to the vertical deviation in pursuit are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A number of early findings supported the notion that there is a correspondence between eye movements and the visual imagery of dreams. Subsequent studies, however, yielded contradictory results. It is suggested that eye movements might occasionally be related to the visual imagery of dreams, but that the notion of a constant isomorphic relationship between the 2 is untenable. It is also noted that REM bursts might correspond in other ways to dream content, i.e., as an integral and parallel part of the total picture of Stage 1 REM activation. (36 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The distractor-ratio effect refers to the finding that search performance in a conjunctive visual search task depends on the relative frequency of two types or subsets of distractors when the total number of items in a display is fixed. Previously, Shen, Reingold, and Pomplun (2000) examined participants' patterns of eye movements in a distractor-ratio paradigm and demonstrated that on any given trial saccadic endpoints were biased towards the smaller subset of distractors and participants flexibly switched between different subsets across trials. The current study explored the boundary conditions of this tendency to flexibly search through a smaller subset of distractors by examining the influence of several manipulations known to modulate search efficiency, including stimulus discriminability (Experiment 1), within-dimension versus cross-dimension conjunction search and distractor heterogeneity (Experiment 2). The results indicated that the flexibility of visual guidance and saccadic bias exemplified by the distractor-ratio effect is a robust phenomenon that mediates search efficiency by adapting to changes in the relative informativeness of stimulus dimensions and features. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

1. Our goal was to assess whether visual motion signals related to changes in image velocity contribute to pursuit eye movements. We recorded the smooth eye movements evoked by ramp target motion at constant speed. In two different kinds of stimuli, the onset of target motion provided either an abrupt, step change in target velocity or a smooth target acceleration that lasted 125 ms followed by prolonged target motion at constant velocity. We measured the eye acceleration in the first 100 ms of pursuit. Because of the 100-ms latency from the onset of visual stimuli to the onset of smooth eye movement, the eye acceleration in this 100-ms interval provides an estimate of the open-loop response of the visuomotor pathways that drive pursuit. 2. For steps of target velocity, eye acceleration in the first 100 ms of pursuit depended on the "motion onset delay," defined as the interval between the appearance of the target and the onset of motion. If the motion onset delay was > 100 ms, then the initial eye movement consisted of separable early and late phases of eye acceleration. The early phase dominated eye acceleration in the interval from 0 to 40 ms after pursuit onset and was relatively insensitive to image speed. The late phase dominated eye acceleration in the interval 40-100 ms after the onset of pursuit and had an amplitude that was proportional to image speed. If there was no delay between the appearance of the target and the onset of its motion, then the early component was not seen, and eye acceleration was related to target speed throughout the first 100 ms of pursuit. 3. For step changes of target velocity, the relationship between eye acceleration in the first 40 ms of pursuit and target velocity saturated at target speeds > 10 degrees /s. In contrast, the relationship was nearly linear when eye acceleration was measured in the interval 40-100 ms after the onset of pursuit. We suggest that the first 40 ms of pursuit are driven by a transient visual motion input that is related to the onset of target motion (motion onset transient component) and that the next 60 ms are driven by a sustained visual motion input (image velocity component). 4. When the target accelerated smoothly for 125 ms before moving at constant speed, the initiation of pursuit resembled that evoked by steps of target velocity. However, the latency of pursuit was consistently longer for smooth target accelerations than for steps of target velocity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Subjects were required to execute saccadic eye movements in the horizontal plane which passed through primary gaze. During the saccades, visual images were projected onto a screen which subtended 40 degrees horizontaloy and 26 degrees vertically and was centered on primary gaze. Content, contrast, and intensity of the stimulus patterns and level of illumination of the laboratory background were manipulated to maximise pattern recognition. Little or no detail of the projected images could be discerned under any conditions. Only horizontal laminations were perceived as blurs of appropriate colour. It is concluded that there is no useful perception of the everyday environment during saccades.  相似文献   

An analysis of monkey eye movements in classic conjunction and feature search tasks was made. The task was to find and fixate a target in an array of stimuli. Saccades targeted stimuli accurately (red and green bars, 1.25 x 0.25 degrees), landing most of the time within 1.0 degree of the stimulus center and rarely in blank areas far from any stimulus. Monkeys used target color, but not orientation, to selectively guide search. Saccades moved the point of fixation on the average just beyond the area that could be examined by focal attentive mechanisms during the current fixation, as described in a previous paper (Motter BC, Belky EJ. The zone of focal attention during active visual search. Vis Res 1998;38:1007-22). This distance scales with the density of relevant stimuli in the scene. The saccade targeting data suggest that the locations of items of a particular color, but apparently not of a particular orientation, are available outside the region of focal attention. Color feature selection can apparently block the distracting effects of color unique distractors during search.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Smooth pursuit eye movement (SPEM) abnormalities are a putative marker of genetic risk for schizophrenia. Accurate SPEM performance requires the subject to activate neural systems responsible for smooth pursuit tracking, while simultaneously suppressing activity of neurons responsible for saccadic movements that would move the eye ahead of the target. This study examined whether specific aspects of SPEM dysfunction cosegregate with genetic risk in parents of schizophrenic probands. METHODS: Eighteen probands and their parents had SPEM recorded. Parents with an ancestral history of schizophrenia were hypothesized to be more likely than their spouses without such a history to carry a genetic risk for schizophrenia. RESULTS: Ten families had a single parent with a positive ancestral history for schizophrenia. The frequency of anticipatory saccades, which were mostly small, and the fraction of total eye movement that they represented were the only measures that differentiated the more likely genetic carrier parents in these families from their spouses and age-matched normals. CONCLUSIONS: Failure to suppress saccadic anticipation of target motion during smooth pursuit appears an aspect of SPEM dysfunction related to presumed genetic risk for schizophrenia.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments with a total of 24 undergraduates, eye movements were monitored while Ss performed parallel and serial search tasks. In Exp 1a, Ss searched for an "O" among "X"s (parallel condition) and for a "T" among "L"s (serial condition). In the parallel condition of Exp 1b, "Q" was the target and "O"s were distractors; in the serial condition, these stimuli switched roles. Displays contained 1, 12, or 24 stimuli, with both target-present and target-absent trials. RT and eye-movement measures (number of fixations, saccadic error, and latency to move) indicated that search efficiency was greatest in the parallel conditions, followed by the serial condition of Exp 1a and, finally, by the serial condition of Exp 1b. This suggests that eye movements are correlated with the attentional processes underlying visual search. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In previous studies, smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM) have been shown to be disordered in about 70% of schizophrenics and about 45% of their first-degree relatives. In this report, the role of attention in these eye movements is addressed in three experiments (using as subjects schizophrenics, their first-degree relatives, and normals administered chloral hydrate) that recruit focused attention to the task. These studies show that voluntary attention in the form of inattention, "heedless negligence," or failure to cooperate, is not the specific attentional quality that is disordered in SPEM of schizophrenics and their relatives. Rather, the data both indicate that nonvoluntary attending is specifically disordered in these persons, and implicate a neurophysiological substrate that can be described as a failure of inhibitory, synchronizing integrating systems which may be located in the brain stem.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on the effects of luminance and chromatic contrast on reading and object recognition in low vision. The general consensus is that whereas luminance contrast can enhance reading and object recognition for some low vision subjects, chromatic contrast does not aid low vision reading but may be useful in low vision object recognition. Although providing useful theoretical results, the experimental designs have so far been remote from the conditions that low vision patients may experience in the home and work environment. Suggestions are made for an 'ideal' experimental design and details of current research, using conditions more likely to be experienced by low vision subjects in everyday life, are given. This research makes use of a recently developed instrument, the Intuitive Colorimeter.  相似文献   

Experimental psychologists have recently amassed a great deal of evidence supporting the hypothesis that the visual system can select a particular location over other locations in the visual field for further analysis without overtly orienting the eyes to the selected location. At the same time, we know that during reading and scene perception, the eyes are overtly directed to new regions of the visual field every 200 to 300 msec on average. How are covert shifts of attention and overt movements of the eyes related during complex visual-cognitive tasks? The available evidence from studies of the perceptual span in reading suggests that attention is allocated asymmetrically around the fixation point, with more information acquired in the direction that the eyes are moving. Based on this evidence and evidence from explorations of eye movement control in reading, the author presents a tentative model of the relationship between attention and eye movements, called the Sequential Attention Model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study examined how proofreading and reading-for-comprehension instructions influence eye movements during reading. Thirty-seven participants silently read sentences containing compound words as target words while their eye movements were being recorded. We manipulated word length and frequency to examine how task instructions influence orthographic versus lexical–semantic processing during reading. Task instructions influenced both temporal and spatial aspects of eye movements: The initial landing position in words was shifted leftward, the saccade length was shorter, first fixation and gaze duration were longer, and refixation probability was higher during proofreading than during reading for comprehension. Moreover, in comparison to instructions for reading for comprehension, proofreading instructions increased both orthographic and lexical–semantic processing. This became apparent in a greater word length and word frequency effect in gaze duration during proofreading than during reading for comprehension. The present study suggests that the allocation of attentional resources during reading is significantly modulated by task demands. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The authors evaluated the reliability of the coefficients of the (1) amplitude/duration and (2) amplitude/peak velocity relationships of the mean precision values and the mean latency values (saccadic eye movements) and the coefficients of the target velocity/gain relationship (smooth pursuit eye movements). They computed test-retest maximum variability limits for these parameters. METHODS: After a 1-week interval, saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements were recorded twice from 20 healthy subjects; 12 of these subjects underwent a third recording session. The estimate of the intraclass coefficient of reliability, R, was adopted to evaluate the reliability of eye movement quantitative analysis. RESULTS: The data demonstrated that the reliability was fairly good for the amplitude/peak velocity relationship, was good for the precision, and was excellent for the amplitude/duration, the target velocity/gain relationships, and the latency. CONCLUSIONS: Quantitative analysis of both saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements is reliable. One statistic used to estimate reliability, ie, the within-subjects mean square value, also enables the determination of test-retest normal variability values for both the variances and the differences of measurements.  相似文献   

In eight experiments, we examined the ability to judge heading during tracking eye movements. To assess the use of retinal-image and extra-retinal information in this task, we compared heading judgments with executed as opposed to simulated eye movements. In general, judgments were much more accurate during executed eye movements. Observers in the simulated eye movement condition misperceived their self-motion as curvilinear translation rather than the linear translation plus eye rotation that was simulated. There were some experimental conditions in which observers could judge heading reasonably accurately during simulated eye movements; these included conditions in which eye movement velocities were 1 deg/sec or less and conditions which made available a horizon cue that exists for locomotion parallel to a ground plane with a visible horizon. Overall, our results imply that extra-retinal, eye-velocity signals are used in determining heading under many, perhaps most, viewing conditions.  相似文献   

Step-ramp target motion evokes a characteristic sequence of presaccadic smooth eye movement in the direction of the target ramp, catch-up targets to bring eye position close to the position of the moving target, and postsaccadic eye velocities that nearly match target velocity. I have analyzed this sequence of eye movements in monkeys to reveal a strong postsaccadic enhancement of pursuit eye velocity and to document the conditions that lead to that enhancement. Smooth eye velocity was measured in the last 10 ms before and the first 10 ms after the first saccade evoked by step-ramp target motion. Plots of eye velocity as a function of time after the onset of the target ramp revealed that eye velocity at a given time was much higher if measured after versus before the saccade. Postsaccadic enhancement of pursuit was recorded consistently when the target stepped 3 degrees eccentric on the horizontal axis and moved upward, downward, or away from the position of fixation. To determine whether postsaccadic enhancement of pursuit was invoked by smear of the visual scene during a saccade, I recorded the effect of simulated saccades on the presaccadic eye velocity for step-ramp target motion. The 3 degrees simulated saccade, which consisted of motion of a textured background at 150 degrees/s for 20 ms, failed to cause any enhancement of presaccadic eye velocity. By using a strategically selected set of oblique target steps with horizontal ramp target motion, I found clear enhancement for saccades in all directions, even those that were orthogonal to target motion. When the size of the target step was varied by up to 15 degrees along the horizontal meridian, postsaccadic eye velocity did not depend strongly either on the initial target position or on whether the target moved toward or away from the position of fixation. In contrast, earlier studies and data in this paper show that presaccadic eye velocity is much stronger when the target is close to the center of the visual field and when the target moves toward versus away from the position of fixation. I suggest that postsaccadic enhancement of pursuit reflects activation, by saccades, of a switch that regulates the strength of transmission through the visual-motor pathways for pursuit. Targets can cause strong visual motion signals but still evoke low presaccadic eye velocities if they are ineffective at activating the pursuit system.  相似文献   

Two eye movement experiments examined whether skilled readers include vowels in the early phonological representations used in word recognition during silent reading. Target words were presented in sentences preceded by parafoveal previews in which the vowel phoneme was concordant or discordant with the vowel phoneme in the target word. In Experiment 1, the orthographic vowel differed from the target in both the concordant and discordant preview conditions. In Experiment 2, the vowel letters in the preview were identical to those in the target word. The phonological vowel was ambiguous, however, and the final consonants of the previews biased the vowel phoneme either toward or away from the target's vowel phoneme. In both experiments, shorter reading times were observed for targets preceded by concordant previews than by discordant previews. Implications for models of word recognition are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Curvature and tangential velocity of voluntary hand movements are constrained by an empirical relation known as the Two-Thirds Power Law. It has been argued that the law reflects the working of central control mechanisms, but it is not known whether these mechanisms are specific to the hand or shared also by other types of movement. Three experiments tested whether the power law applies to the smooth pursuit movements of the eye, which are controlled by distinct neural motor structures and a peculiar set of muscles. The first experiment showed that smooth pursuit of elliptic targets with various curvature-velocity relationships was most accurate when targets were compatible with the Two-Thirds Power Law. Tracking errors in all other cases reflected the fact that, irrespective of target kinematics, eye movements tended to comply with the law. Using only compatible targets, the second experiment demonstrated that kinematics per se cannot account for the pattern of pursuit errors. The third experiment showed that two-dimensional performance cannot be fully predicted on the basis of the performance observed when the horizontal and vertical components of the targets used in the first condition were tracked separately. We conclude that the Two-Thirds Power Law, in its various manifestations, reflects neural mechanisms common to otherwise distinct control modules.  相似文献   

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