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文中以Q345E薄板对接焊焊接过程为研究对象,基于双椭球功率密度分布体热源模型,利用ABAQUS有限元软件建立其1/2模型,通过数值模拟研究了不同网格尺寸对焊接温度场的计算精度和计算效率的影响,结合数值积分计算,分析比较了不同网格尺寸下,理论热输入与实际热输入的差别,提出了适宜的网格尺寸.计算结果表明,随着网格尺寸的不断减小,收敛时间变长,CPU计算时间变长,焊接温度场的最高温度、焊接熔池的宽度和深度减小;当网格尺寸减小至双椭球功率密度分布热源深度方向长度的1/2时,理论热输入与实际热输入偏差较小,得到的焊接温度场最高温度、焊接熔池宽度和深度也趋于恒定. 相似文献
0IntroductionWelding is a complex process related to arc physics,heat conduction, metallurgy and mechanics which shouldbe controlled in order to gain high quality welding struc-tures. It is hard to solve practical problem exactly in theprocess of manufacture only by theoretical method. There-fore, as welding production technology is researched, ex-periment is a method in common use and then the produc-tion mode is theory-test-manufacture. However, largenumbers of welding test increase cost of … 相似文献
双椭球热源模型常用于高能束焊接过程数值模拟,模型中形状参数选择的合理与否对于计算精度和效率有很大影响。由于缺乏定量化描述,进行数值模拟时,只能依靠经验通过反复试算确定模型参数,选择的随机性很大。为此该文提出了一种用解析法计算高能束焊接双椭球热源模型参数的方法,通过实例计算和有限元模拟对该方法进行了验证,并建立了确定模型形状参数的经验公式。研究结果表明,使用该方法只需进行简单的解析计算便可直接求得数值模拟所需的热源参数,简化了试算过程,提高了数值模拟的效率和精度。 相似文献
The heat input from arcs to weld pool in twin-arc gas metal arc welding (GMAW) with a common weld pool is investigated by high-speed photography. The characteristics of arc shapes and droplet transfer are studied and then the models for heat flux distribution on top surface of weld pool and enthalpy distribution of metal droplets transferred into weld pool are established. By using the model, 3-D geometries of weld pools in twin-arc GMAW with a common weld pool are predicted. Corresponding welding experiments on mild steel plates are carried out and the results indicate that the predicted shape of weld bead on cross section shows good agreement with measured one. 相似文献
结合有限元数值模拟和温度测量,运用加速步长法,反演了X70钢在多丝埋弧焊中双椭球热源模型前、后半球长半轴Cfi,Cri(i=1,2,3).结果表明,当双椭球热源模型前、后半球长半轴Cfi=6,6,8 mm,Cri=15,20,30 mm(i=1,2,3)时,在焊缝附近(表面距焊缝中心10 mm和背面距焊缝中心14 mm处)计算模拟得到的温度场曲线与实际测量得到的温度场曲线相似,两者的整体误差为0.615 8,误差较小,从而证明了加速步长法反演多丝埋弧焊中双椭球热源模型前、后半球长半轴参数的合理性和准确性. 相似文献
热量分配比例是锯切加工中的一个重要参量,其值的大小直接影响到传入单颗磨粒的热流强度,进而影响到磨粒的失效形式。以锯切加工为对象,通过花岗石锯切实验,利用热电偶和功率计分别测量温度和功率信号。采用ANSYS有限元软件,分别将基于抛物线热源分布和三角形分布的计算温度与实验测量温度进行拟合,获得弧区内热量分配比例。研究结果表明:锯切弧区的热源更接近抛物线分布,热源按抛物线分布计算的热量分配比例约为6.08%~12.21%,比热源按三角形分布的结果约小1.61%~4.07%。 相似文献
运用ANSYS软件对钨极惰性气体保护焊接(GTAW)热过程进行数值分析.连续施焊20s和自然冷却20s的等温面瞬态演变结果表明,施焊开始后经过5 s工件全部熔透,但冷却开始后液态熔池区域在不到1 s内就全部消失;施焊阶段高温区域随热源同步移动,冷却开始后高温区域会逐渐后移并终冷至室温.工件上一系列等距离点的焊接热循环曲线表明,稳态时焊接热循环曲线升温阶段变化趋势相同,但由于熔融金属从液态转变为固态释放出相变潜热,使得冷却阶段变化趋势存在明显差别:越远离收弧位置的点,温度衰减越缓慢;越靠近收弧位置的点,衰减越快.并通过分析焊接电流、焊接速度、热流集中参数对焊接热过程的影响规律,获得了优化的焊接工艺参数. 相似文献
The purpose of this study is to reduce the thermally induced stress in a solid disk heated by moving ring heat flux (radially periodic expanding and contracting) and cooled by means of coolant following this heat flux (the subsequent cooling process). It was assumed that the ring heat flux per unit area at the each ring surface was uniform. The applied heat transfer rate, Q, regularly increases from 3.14 to 311 W and then decreases to 3.14 W in one period depending on the area of heated ring. The FLUENT 6.1 program was chosen as computer code to calculate these numerical solutions. Furthermore, a computer program, applying the SIMPSON integration method to the obtained temperature distributions from the heat transfer calculations, has been developed to calculate numerically the governing thermal stress distributions. The calculations were performed individually for a wide range of coolant (liquid) heat transfer coefficient, from 1000 to 10,000 W/m2 K stepped by 1000 W/m2 K and for the various ring heat flux expansion and contraction speeds, from 0.0005 to 0.001 m/s stepped by 0.0001 m/s, under transient conditions. The thermal stress differences in the axial direction are quite high around the heated ring and the coolant rings with respect to the other rings due to the non-uniform heating at the surface. However, the levels of the thermal stress in the disk are reduced (from 6 to 31% depending on coolant heat transfer coefficient), by means of the subsequent cooling process. 相似文献