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9月1日,由中国互联网协会主办的年度最高级别的盛会——“2004中国互联网大会暨亚太数字科技博览会”在京隆重召开。2004年对中国互联网而言,是具有转折意义的一年.也是决定互联网未来命运的关键一年。本次大会的召开.正值互联网正式进入中国十周年。  相似文献   

日前举办的“2011易观移动互联网博览会”上,易观国际的报告预测,2013年移动互联网用户数将突破7亿,市场营收将达到6000亿左右。这些数据预示着2011年移动互联网产业将出现井喷效应.据业内人士透露.2011年移动互联网用户与互联网用户重叠率将超过70%。到2012年将完成互联网用户向移动互联网的迁徙。  相似文献   

美国研究人员日前开发出一种新型“自旋极化”有机发光二极管(OLED)技术,改进后的有机发光二极管与普通发光二极管(LED)相比具有更多优点。  相似文献   

随着中国因特网和移动通信用户的急剧增长,尤其是WAP技术带来的因特网与移动通信网的融合的契机导致投资方向的重大变化。  相似文献   

今年下半年以来,根据信息产业部“打击淫秽色情声讯台、网站专项行动”的要求,重庆市通信管理局多次召开专门会议,并成立相应机构,在全市范围内开展了为期几个月的专项打击行动,为声讯台、网站还复了健康有序的生存和发展空间。  相似文献   

随着移动通信技术和互联网技术的发展,二者逐渐走向融合,在技术进步和市场需求的驱动下,移动互联网正在快速发展。从终端、网络和业务看,移动互联网将成为一个无所不在、无所不能的通信网络。 过去一年多来,移动互联网的迅速发展和创新成为全球信息通信领域最令人瞩目的现象之一,围绕移动互联网的业务创新、模式创新和全球性战略竞争与布局已全面展开。  相似文献   

随着互联网信息技术的不断普及与发展,幼儿教育过程中也正在不断融入互联网信息技术手段与理念,促进幼儿教育与互联网技术的深度融合。本文首先对互联网技术和幼儿教育融合的实际意义进行了简要分析,客观阐述了信息化背景下幼儿教育现状,提出了信息化背景下互联网技术与幼儿教育融合的路径,以期能促进幼儿教育教学工作的改革与创新,同时在借助互联网资源优势的基础上,提升幼儿学前教育质量。  相似文献   

据国外媒体报道,英特尔正在开发一种互联网电视服务以及机顶盒。本周二。英特尔公司副总裁埃里克.胡格斯(ErikHuggers)向媒体透露了这一消息,证实了几个月以来的传闻。  相似文献   

目前,无线个域网、局域网和城域网等无线互联网技术正日益渗透到人们的日常生活中,它同3G、B3G技术一样,是无线通信领域的发展方向和热点。以下所称的无线互联网技术是指无线个域网(WPAN)、局域网(WLAN)、城域网(WMAN)、广域网(WWAN)和区域网(WRAN)技术。  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of disaggregation on the size of the routing table in the Internet’s Default Free Zone (DFZ). Current practises for traffic balancing and protection against prefix hijacking in the Internet are based in disaggregating prefixes that cause an increase in size of the Internet’s core routing table. I propose an algorithm to assess their effect on the table size of these techniques. This algorithm is applied on routing tables collected by the RIPE’s Routing Repository between January 2001 and February 2011. The results show that before 2010, the IPv4 addressing space was gradually getting more fragmented. This trend is slowing down since the beginning of 2010, possibly as the result of the economic downturn. In the second part of this paper, I propose an alternative architecture that allows local Traffic Engineering configurations but keeps their effects from spreading over the Internet and outline an implementation for this architecture on a Linux platform.  相似文献   

陆学锋 《电信科学》2005,21(12):28-33
本文针对当前互联网络面临的三大问题,论述了采用面向连接的技术的必要性.文章随后分析了互联网"控制与转发分离"以及新一代网络中使用面向连接技术的相关进展,在肯定这些架构的先进性的同时,指出了它们继续保留无连接服务的缺点.文章在上述架构的基础上建议了一个完全面向连接的互联网架构,并着重论述了这一架构在遏制远程的黑客攻击与病毒投放方面的有效性.  相似文献   

Internet网开始用于军事,后迅速扩大到全球各行各业,乃至人类的日常工作与学习,Internet网与社会融合、促进社会发展的同时,也促进自身技术的飞速发展,Internet由电走向光,再由光走向更高层次的量子Internet网。  相似文献   

互联网与物联网   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
物联网是目前热议中的话题。本文详细讨论了互联网与物联网的网络结构,指出互联网与物联网发展将会是相辅相成的,在相互学习中前进,在发展中走向融合。  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2008,45(12):42-47
The Internet is founded on a very simple premise: shared communications links are more efficient than dedicated channels that lie idle much of the time. And so we share. We share local area networks at work and neighborhood links from home. And then we share again?at any given time, a terabit backbone cable is shared among thousands of folks surfing the Web, downloading videos, and talking on Internet phones. But there?s a profound flaw in the protocol that governs how people share the Internet?s capacity. The protocol allows you to seem to be polite, even as you elbow others aside, taking far more resources than they do.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - The Internet is very important in everyday life. The costs of Internet service in most countries are still high, especially in developing countries that have the...  相似文献   

关晓惠  钱亚冠  周志敏 《电讯技术》2011,51(11):121-128
认识Internet拓扑结构及其演化趋势对下一代网络技术的研究至关重要.总结了htemet拓扑研究成果,综述了Internet静态拓扑模型和动态演化模型,着重考察了拓扑在节点度和结构两方面的演化特征,据此提出了今后的研究方向,即运用统计物理的非广延Tsallis熵理论来研究拓扑特征以及用分层的方式研究Internet拓...  相似文献   

Mobility is gaining a tremendous interest among Internet users and wireless access networks are increasingly being installed to enable mobile usage. Internet mobility requires solutions to move between access networks with maintained network connectivity. Seamless mobility in turn means that the experience of using a service is unaffected while being mobile. Communication in next generation networks will use multiple access technologies, creating a heterogeneous network environment. Further, roaming between network service providers may take place. To enable mobile nodes to move between access networks within as well as between network service providers with minimal disruption, nodes should be able to maintain multiple active network connections. With the usage of multihomed nodes, seamless mobility can be achieved in already installed infrastructures, not providing mobility support. Mobility in heterogeneous access networks also requires network selections that scale for services. In this article we propose an architecture where application service providers and network service providers define service levels to be used by a mobile node and its user. The user selects a service and the service level from an application service provider. When performing access network selection, information received as part of an application service level will be used to find a network that supports the service required. The performance of available access networks will be monitored and considered when making the decision. Our proposed architecture provides solutions to move flows between interfaces in real-time based on network performance, quality of service signalling to correspondent nodes, and cancellation of flows to give way for more important traffic.  相似文献   

朱亮  徐恪  冯梅 《电子学报》2018,46(5):1089-1094
命名解析机制作为互联网的核心组件,其固化的静态设计以及可扩展性的缺失是导致体系结构陷入僵化的主要原因.针对网络核心层面的创新困境,提出了一种动态的命名与解析服务,允许按需设计、构建和部署多样的地址策略,灵活支撑顶层业务需求.基于xml的通用地址描述规范通过精心抽象的元素属性以及灵活的组合方式,提供了对异构命名模型的统一表达和解释能力;动态解析服务基于预先配置的对象绑定拓扑,支持新型命名空间、协议实体以及解析机制的透明引入.试验表明,通用命名与解析服务具备良好的可扩展性和时间性能,相比传统互联网地址系统,能够赋予网络核心层面的演进能力,从而为体系结构维度的创新提供良好支撑.  相似文献   

互联网技术与电信网技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
互联网的高速发展,互联网的用户群体的巨大改变,互联网外部环境的巨大变化,使原有的互联网技术和互联网的设计理念已难于适应发展的需要。互联网向何处去已引起世界各国的高度关注,互联网处于发展的十字路口;互联网技术对电信网的强烈冲击使得电信界处于相当被动的局面,电信界在寻找发展方向,寻找技术的突破口,以便自己重新立于主动地位,但至今没有找到,电信网也处于发展的十字路口。电信网和互联网的发展导致下一代网技术的发展。下一代网的关键技术是什么,这些关键技术问题能不能解决,是否可能在近期得到解决并用于商用系统,都是必须重视和研究的问题。  相似文献   

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