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It is well established that genetic disorders interact with environmental factors to cause thrombotic diseases. Therefore, antithrombin, protein C, protein S deficiencies and the more recently described factor V Leiden and prothrombin mutations are currently been investigated to explain some thrombophilic states. We report the case of a 63-year-old man who developed two transient ischemic attacks and two years later an extensive femoro-iliac venous thrombosis. He was genotyped as FV R506Q negative and FII G20210A positive in homozygous state (FII 20210AA).  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the accuracy of spiral CT angiography in the diagnosis of central pulmonary embolism (PE). MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study was undertaken in a population of 90 patients who were evaluated with spiral CT angiography (acquisition: 12 to 24 s with or without strict apnea; injection of 90 cm3 of 12, 20 or 30% contrast material at a rate of 4 to 7 cm3, selective pulmonary angiography of each lung (n = 55) and/or ventilation-perfusion (VP) scanning (n = 35). RESULTS: Among the 55 patients evaluated with both spiral CT and angiography, central pulmonary embolism was excluded in 19 patients (34%), assessed in 29 patients (53%) whereas CT examination was considered as inconclusive in 7 patients (13%) due to interpretive difficulties at the level of obliquely oriented arteries and/or presence of hilar lymph nodes (sensitivity: 90.5%; specificity: 82.6%). With spiral CT, the finding of 95 central emboli (3 main, 61 lobar and 31 segmental) corresponded exactly to the angiographic findings; spiral CT enabled direct visualization of intraluminal filling defects (n = 95) whereas the angiographic recognition of PE was based on direct (n = 57) and indirect (n = 38) signs. Spiral CT angiography was more sensitive and specific than VP scanning. CONCLUSION: Spiral CT angiography appears as a sensitive and specific noninvasive method for the diagnosis of central PE.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To optimize parameters with computed tomographic angiography for the detection of cerebral aneurysms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Model aneurysms were placed randomly at various branch points and scanned multiple times with spiral technique. The final analysis included 63 branch points and 22 aneurysms. Each spiral scan used a different parameter combination. Collimation ranged from 1.5 to 4.0 mm and pitch ranged from 1:1 to 1.5:1. Images were constructed with shaded surface display (SSD) and maximum intensity projection (MIP) algorithms and were interpreted by three readers for the presence or absence of aneurysm. RESULTS: The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve area for 1.5-mm collimation was greater than those of 3- or 4-mm collimation (P < .01 and P < .001, respectively). There was no statistically significant difference in the ROC curve areas between 3- and 4-mm collimation (P = .37). There was no statistically significant decrease in ROC curve area when increasing pitch from 1:1 to 1.5:1 for any value of collimation (P = .96). For all parameter combinations the ROC curve areas for SSD images was greater than that of MIP images (P < .0001). CONCLUSION: For cerebral aneurysm detection, narrow collimation is superior to wider collimation. Mild increases in pitch do not substantially degrade diagnostic accuracy. SSD offers improved diagnostic accuracy over MIP display in this model.  相似文献   

Spiral CT angiography is a new, minimally invasive technique for vascular imaging that is made possible by combining two recently developed techniques: slip-ring CT scanning and computerized three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction. The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the appearances of various normal and diseased vessels using this technique.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of CT angiography (CTA) with a single helical acquisition for assessment of stenoses and occlusions of the iliac arteries. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: In our prospective study, intraarterial digital subtraction angiography and IV CTA were performed from the suprarenal aorta to below the femoral bifurcation in 30 patients with vascular occlusive disease. Maximum-intensity-projection images in multiple views were also obtained. The accuracy of CTA with and without analysis of axial images was determined. RESULTS: Sensitivity and specificity of CTA were 100% for iliac artery occlusions with a confidence interval 85-100% and 97-100%, respectively. When axial scans were interpreted, 14 of 15 high-grade (> 75%) stenoses were recognized. Sensitivity and specificity of CTA were 93% (range, 68-100%) and 99% (range, 97-100%), respectively. When maximum intensity projections alone were analyzed, sensitivity for the diagnosis of 15 high-grade stenoses was only 53% (range, 27-79%) because calcified plaques obscured six stenoses. CONCLUSIONS: CTA accurately reveals iliac artery occlusions. Observers of CT angiograms may overlook short stenoses in rare instances. Calcified plaques limit the use of maximum-intensity-projection images.  相似文献   

A 46-years-old male was admitted to our hospital because of productive cough and infiltrates on the chest roentogenogram. The patient had a history of left upper bullectomy ten years prior to the admission. The CT scan of the chest on admission showed infiltrats with cavitation in the left apex and multiple bullae in almost whole lung. Microscopical examination of smears of sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid revealed acid-fast bacilli. They were identified as Mycobacterium szulgai by DNA-DNA hybridization method. The patient was treated with isoniazid, streptomycin and rifampicin. After treatment for about a month, the culture of sputum converted to negative for M. szulgai. After about three months hospitalization, the infiltrates decreased and the cavity wall became thin, and no recurrence sign has been observed after the discharge. There are a few case reports of pulmonary infection due to M. szulgai associated with bullous disease of the lung in Japan.  相似文献   

The morphological changes in 54 benign lung nodules, including 8 histologically proven nodules of tuberculoma, 10 of focal organizing pneumonia (FOP), 1 of lung abscess and 35 other benign nodules, were evaluated with contiguous thin-section (3mm) CT. In addition, incremental dynamic studies were carried out in 25 of these nodules. The three-dimensional shapes of the nodules were found to be quite varied and were classified into four types: (A) round mass (n = 18), (B) polygonal mass with concave or straight margins (n = 20), (C) oval or band-like mass extending along the bronchovascular bundle (n = 7), (D) oval mass attached to the pleura with broad contact (n = 9). Forty-two (78%) of the 54 nodules were located along the bronchovascular bundle. The maximum increments in CT values over 20HU were observed after contrast enhancement in 18 (72%) of the 25 benign nodules, among which all tuberculomas showed little or no contrast enhancement. The number of small vessels quantified microscopically in teh center of the nodules were minimal in tuberculomas with little enhancement and plentiful in lesions of FOP and abscess which showed marked enhancement. Our results suggest that the differentiation between benign and malignant pulmonary nodules is not possible simply on the basis of the degree of contrast enhancement. Therefore, morphological features and the anatomical relation to the bronchovascular bundles should also be taken into consideration in the diagnosis of pulmonary nodules.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that gadolinium-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-DTPA) could be used as a contrast medium in CT as an alternative to iodine-based compounds. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Solutions of different concentrations of Gd-DTPA and iopromide were scanned in a tissue equivalent phantom and it was shown that Gd-DTPA caused 2.5 times the attenuation of an equimolar solution of iopromide. From these in vitro studies an in vivo dose of 0.5 mmol/kg Gd-DTPA was calculated to be equivalent to 50 ml iopromide 300. RESULTS: Pre- and postenhancement CT was performed in a volunteer using Gd-DTPA intravenously, and adequate enhancement occurred in intracranial vessels. CONCLUSION: Gd-DTPA can be used to provide enhancement during CT and might be of value in iodine-sensitive patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This prospective study was intended to determine if helical CT arteriography plus conventional radiography is sufficiently accurate to replace and less costly than excretory urography and conventional renal arteriography, the techniques currently used to examine living renal donors. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Patients underwent CT arteriography with a helical CT scanner. Conventional radiographs were obtained during the pyelographic phase to evaluate the urothelium. Findings on CT arteriograms were compared with findings on conventional arteriograms and at surgery. RESULTS: Of 57 patients who underwent CT arteriography, 46 also underwent conventional arteriography and 40 underwent surgery. For those 46 patients, we found agreement between results of CT arteriography and conventional arteriography in 89% of kidneys. For those 40 patients, we found agreement between results of CT arteriography and findings at surgery in 90% of kidneys and agreement between results of conventional arteriography and findings at surgery in 87% of kidneys. Of the 57 patients, six (11%) had findings on CT angiograms that precluded further consideration for donation. CONCLUSION: Eight to ten percent of renal arteries are not seen on renal arteriograms when compared with findings at surgery. Our results indicate that CT arteriography is as accurate as conventional arteriography at revealing the number of vessels that perfuse and drain the kidneys and can replace conventional arteriography. Use of CT angiography plus conventional radiography instead of excretory urography and conventional arteriography can result in a 35-50% reduction in cost of the imaging studies in potential renal donors.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to define the limits of echocardiography and to evaluate thoracic spiral CT angiography (TSCTA) for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE). One hundred twelve consecutive patients, hospitalised for suspected PE, were included in this prospective study. All were investigated by pulmonary ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy (Sc) and 50 had a high probability of PE on this examination. Sc was normal in 22 patients. Forty patients were excluded because of an intermediate probability. In 50 patients with PE confirmed on Sc, transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) showed only indirect evidence of PE (intracavitary thrombus in 4% of cases). TSCTA demonstrated PE in 82% of cases and did not show any thrombus image when Sc was normal. Its negative predictive value was therefore 70% and its positive predictive value was 100%. Its sensitivity varied according to degree of perfusion defect (96% in the case of lobar lesion, 66% in the case of segmental lesion and 16% for a subsegmental lesion). Multidimensional transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE), performed in 37 of the 50 patients with PE, only revealed thrombi in the pulmonary tree in 3 patients (8%), all presenting severe PE. No thrombus was visualized on TOE in patients with non-serious PE. All thrombi observed on TOE were also demonstrated by TSCTA. In conclusion, TTE usually provides only indirect signs of PE. TOE has a poor diagnostic sensitivity for PE. TSCTA has a better sensitivity than TOE for the detection of thrombi in the pulmonary artery trunk and proximal centimetres of its two branches, but normal CT angiography cannot exclude a distal PE.  相似文献   

Large porous particles for pulmonary drug delivery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new type of inhalation aerosol, characterized by particles of small mass density and large size, permitted the highly efficient delivery of inhaled therapeutics into the systemic circulation. Particles with mass densities less than 0.4 gram per cubic centimeter and mean diameters exceeding 5 micrometers were inspired deep into the lungs and escaped the lungs' natural clearance mechanisms until the inhaled particles delivered their therapeutic payload. Inhalation of large porous insulin particles resulted in elevated systemic levels of insulin and suppressed systemic glucose levels for 96 hours, whereas small nonporous insulin particles had this effect for only 4 hours. High systemic bioavailability of testosterone was also achieved by inhalation delivery of porous particles with a mean diameter (20 micrometers) approximately 10 times that of conventional inhaled therapeutic particles.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate if low-frequency fatigue (LFF) dependent on the duration of repeated muscle contractions and to compare LFF in voluntary and electrically induced exercise. Male subjects performed three 9-min periods of repeated isometric knee extensions at 40% maximal voluntary contraction with contraction plus relaxation periods of 30 plus 60 s, 15 plus 30 s and 5 plus 10 s in protocols 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The same exercise protocols were repeated using feedback-controlled electrical stimulation at 40% maximal tetanic torque. Before and 15 min after each exercise period, knee extension torque at 1, 7, 10, 15, 20, 50 and 100 Hz was assessed. During voluntary exercise, electromyogram root mean square (EMGrms) of the vastus lateralis muscle was evaluated. The 20-Hz torque:100-Hz torque (20:100 Hz torque) ratio was reduced more after electrically induced than after voluntary exercise (P < 0.05). During electrically induced exercise, the decrease in 20:100 Hz torque ratio was gradually (P < 0.05) reduced as the individual contractions shortened. During voluntary exercise, the decrease in 20:100 Hz torque ratio and the increase in EMGrms were greater in protocol 1 (P < 0.01) than in protocols 2 and 3, which did not differ from each other. In conclusion, our results showed that LFF is dependent on the duration of individual muscle contractions during repetitive isometric exercise and that the electrically induced exercise produced a more pronounced LFF compared to voluntary exercise of submaximal intensity. It is suggested that compensatory recruitment of faster-contracting motor units is an additional factor affecting the severity of LFF during voluntary exercise.  相似文献   

CT angiography shows promise as a noninvasive method to display carotid vascular pathology. This article discusses technique, stenosis measurements, pitfalls, strengths, and weaknesses of CT imaging of the carotid artery.  相似文献   

Gynecologic epithelial tumors can be grouped into two major categories depending on whether they are derived embryologically from squamous epithelium of the urogenital sinus or from müllerian ducts. Ovarian carcinomas appear morphologically similar to those arising in müllerian-derived organs, and molecular genetic defects present in tumors from these different sources appear to reflect more their histologic subtypes than their organ of origin. The possibility that ovarian epithelial tumors arise from remnants of müllerian ducts in the vicinity of the ovary therefore merits further investigation. Recent advances in our understanding of the state of clonality of various gynecologic tumors, of the influence of age and ovulatory activity on their genetic characteristics, and of their overall molecular genetic features, provide important clues about their initial underlying mechanisms. Novel strategies based on these advances are being tested for their potential utility in treating and monitoring gynecologic tumors.  相似文献   

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