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To determine the absorption and metabolism of 17 beta-estradiol (E2) by the stomach and liver of the pig, crystalline E2 was placed in the stomach of prepubertal gilts. Blood samples were subsequently obtained from the hepatic portal and jugular veins and plasma was assayed for E2, estrone (E1), 17 beta-estradiol-glucuronide (E2G), estrone-glucuronide (E1G) and estrone-sulfate (E1S). Concentrations of E2, E1, E2G and E1S rose in the hepatic portal vein within five min and remained elevated for several hr. Concentration of E2 represented only 6% of the total estrogen detected in the hepatic portal vein during the sampling period, indicating that most of the E2 was converted or conjugated prior to entering the hepatic portal vein. The metabolism of E2 presumably occurred in the stomach mucosa because food had been withheld for 26 hr before infusion of E2. Concentrations of E2G, E1G and E1S, but not E2 and E1, rose in the jugular vein and remained elevated for several hr. The lack of a rise in E2 and E1 in the jugular vein indicates that the E2 and E1 from the hepatic portal vein were completely converted and/or removed by the liver. Most of E2 was converted to E1 and then to E1G. The infusion of bile containing normal estrogens from pregnant gilts into the duodenum of prepubertal gilts resulted in a peak of E1G and E2G in the hepatic portal and jugular veins within a few minutes. This was followed in about 180 min by a second sustained rise. The first peak was essentially abolished by extracting E1 and E2 from the bile before infusion. The second peak failed to occur in gilts given antibiotics orally to reduce gut bacteria before infusion of bile.  相似文献   

Young pigs were fed diets to which 0, 2.5, or 5 mg/kg of purified nivalenol (NIV) had been added. The exposure continued for 3 weeks without any signs of feed refusal, vomiting, or change in clinical appearance, and there were no changes in body or organ weights due to the exposure. However, the concluding macroscopic examination revealed gastrointestinal erosions and signs of nephropathy in most of the exposed pigs. There were no differences in total or differential blood leukocyte counts between control and exposed pigs in blood samples collected after 0, 1, or 3 weeks, nor in the number of thymocytes at the end of the trial. Spleen cell numbers showed a dose-dependent decrease after 3 weeks of exposure that was statistically different from controls in pigs exposed to 5 mg NIV/kg. Flow cytometric analysis of lymphocytes revealed decreased numbers of both the CD4+ and the CD8+ subpopulations in the spleen at this point in time, reflecting the lower numbers of splenocytes; but no proportional changes were seen. In blood, exposure to NIV caused a transient decrease in the proportion of CD4+ cells after 1 week of exposure. Analysis of IgG and IgA in plasma showed a time-dependent tendency of increasing plasma concentrations of IgA and decreasing concentrations of IgG in the 2.5 mg/kg group, but differences in Ig levels between experimental groups and controls were not observed at any time. No differences were seen in the mitogen-induced proliferation by lymphocytes from blood, spleen, or thymus. In conclusion, exposure of young pigs to NIV in the diet caused pathological alterations in the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract and reduced the number of splenocytes. The results also indicated that exposure to NIV caused a time-dependent increase in IgA production in the 2.5 mg/kg group.  相似文献   

The effect of mixing on energy metabolism was studied in 8-wk-old pigs. In each of two trials, two clusters of 20 pigs (two litters of 10 pigs) were randomly assigned to one of two treatments: control or mixing. Each cluster was housed in two pens. In each trial, after a preliminary period od 2 wk, the two litters within the mixing treatment were mixed at the start of a 2-wk experimental period. During mixing, the five heaviest pigs of each litter were put together in one pen, and the five lightest pigs of each litter were put together in the other pen. In the control treatment, the social structure of both litters in one climatic chamber was not altered. After mixing, a short-term effect on total heat production and activity-related heat production was present. Both were increased (P < .01) only during the 1st h after mixing. Only 57.3% of this increased total heat production was caused by an increased activity. However, no long-term effects of mixing on energy partitioning were present during the total experimental period. The absence of a long-term mixing effect might be caused by the optimal conditions at the moment of mixing. In the preliminary period the transposition of GE into ME increased 1.3% (P < .05), and ME for maintenance decreased 80 kJ.kg(-.75).d(-1) (P < .01) between wk 1 and 2. These large alterations in energy metabolism are probably a carry-over effect of the transportation of the pigs and (or) the changes in housing environment.  相似文献   

We recently reported that CYP2D16, a xenobiotic-metabolizing P450 isozyme, was expressed at higher levels in adrenal microsomes from inbred Strain 13 guinea pigs than in those from outbred English Short Hair (ESH) animals. Studies were done to determine if there also were strain differences in adrenal microsomal steroid metabolism. In both inner (zona reticularis) and outer (zona fasciculata plus zona glomerulosa) zone preparations of the adrenal cortex, 21-hydroxylase activities were greater in microsomes from ESH than from Strain 13 guinea pigs. By contrast, 17alpha-hydroxylase activities were similar in the two strains. In both strains, 21-hydroxylase activities were greater in inner than outer zone microsomes, but the opposite was found for 17alpha-hydroxylase activities (outer>inner). Northern and Western analyses revealed higher levels of CYP21 mRNA and protein in adrenals from ESH than Strain 13 guinea pigs, but there were no strain differences in CYP17 mRNA or protein concentrations. Despite the zonal differences in adrenal 17alpha-hydroxylase and 21-hydroxylase activities, CYP17 and CYP21 mRNA and protein levels were similar in the inner and outer zones within each strain of guinea pig. The results demonstrate strain differences in microsomal steroid metabolism that are explained by differences in CYP21 expression. By contrast, the zonal differences in steroid hydroxylase activities may be attributable to post-translational mechanisms.  相似文献   

Daily perfusion of the pig small intestine with the sodium nitrate solution entailed a 2-3-fold drop in absorption of glucose and 1.5-2.0-fold drop in absorption of glycine. The sodium nitrate solution being substituted with saline, the absorption of both substances recovered by approximately 80%. The toxic effect of sodium nitrate seems to be due to both the local effect upon the small intestine mucosa and the general effect upon the organism.  相似文献   

High concentrations of skatole in fat are a major cause of boar taint in intact male pigs. Skatole is metabolized in the liver, and this metabolism could affect concentrations of skatole in fat. In this study, we evaluated the involvement of cytochrome P450, in particular cytochrome P4502E1, in skatole metabolism in pig liver. Liver microsomes from F4 European Wild Pig x Swedish Yorkshire intact male pigs were incubated in a buffer containing NADPH, NADH, and skatole. Several skatole metabolites were detected by HPLC, including 6-hydroxyskatole (pro-MII), 3-hydroxy-3-methyloxyindole (MIII), and five others not identified in this study. Inhibitors of P450 were added to microsomal incubations, and their effect on the formation of skatole metabolites and skatole disappearance was evaluated. The general cytochrome P450 inhibitors SKF 525A, at a concentration of .2 mM and metyrapone, at a concentration of .1 mM decreased the formation of pro-MII (P = .001) to 38.2 and 11.6%, respectively, of that of controls. The SKF 525A also reduced the synthesis of MIII and three other metabolites, whereas metyrapone only reduced the disappearance of skatole and synthesis of pro-MII. Inhibitors specific for cytochrome P4502E1 were more effective in reducing the formation of skatole metabolites than SKF 525A and metyrapone. Chlorzoxazone and diallyl sulfide reduced (P = .001) the synthesis of pro-MII to 9.7 and 30.9% of the control rate. The formation of most of the other skatole metabolites and disappearance of skatole were also reduced with these inhibitors. These results indicate that skatole is metabolized in pig liver to pro-MII and other metabolites by cytochrome P4502E1.  相似文献   

The effect of inoculation of Lactobacillus casei on selected parameters of metabolic profile and intestinal metabolism of gnotobiotic piglets was investigated during the first three weeks of their life. The experiment was carried out on 8 germ-free piglets. The experimental group was inoculated once a day with the Lactobacillus casei subsp. casei strain. The inoculum contained 1 x 10(8) microorganisms in 1 ml. The control group of piglets received no inoculum. Lactobacillus casei colonized jejunum and ileum in the numbers from 5.63 to 6.06 log 10 cm-2 and their numbers in the jejunal and ileal contents were in the range 8.38-9.87 log 10.ml-1. The daily consumption of milk by the inoculated animals was significantly higher (p < 0.001). The average weight of inoculated piglets at the end of the period investigated was higher by 29.7%. Lactobacillus casei affected several parameters investigated. Piglets inoculated with lactobacilli showed significantly lower (p < 0.05-0.01) values of pH of the jejunal content, numbers of erythrocytes, values of haematocrit, urea, glucose, total lipids, cholesterol and calcium in the serum and significantly higher values (p < 0.05-0.01) of lactic acid in the jejunal content. The values of phagocytic activity and the index of phagocytic activity in the piglets of the experimental group were two to three-fold higher in comparison with those detected in the control group. The application of Lactobacillus casei affected positively the growth of gnotobiotic piglets, their intestinal metabolism, the level of cholesterol in the serum and phagocytic activity.  相似文献   

We tested the hypotheses that, in hypoxic young pigs, reductions in cardiac output restrict systemic oxygen transport to a greater extent than does hypoxia alone and that compensatory responses to this restriction are more effective in higher than in lower priority vasculatures. To study this, 10- to 14-day-old instrumented awake hypoxic (arterial oxygen tension = 39 Torr) pigs were exposed to reduced venous return by inflation of a right atrial balloon-tipped catheter. Blood flow was measured with radionuclide-labeled microspheres, and oxygen metabolism was determined with arterial and venous oxygen contents from appropriate vessels. Hypoxia resulted in a reduction in oxygen tension; increases in cardiac output and perfusion to brain (72% over baseline), heart, adrenal glands, and liver without reductions to other organs except for the spleen; reductions in systemic and intestinal oxygen delivery; and increases in systemic and intestinal oxygen extraction without changes in systemic, cerebral, or intestinal oxygen uptake. During hypoxia, decreasing venous return was associated with increases in arterial lactic acid concentration and central venous pressure; attenuation of the hypoxia-related increase in cardiac output; sustained increases in brain (72% over baseline) and heart perfusion; reductions in lung (bronchial artery), pancreatic, renal, splenic, and intestinal (-50% below baseline) perfusion; decreases in systemic and gastrointestinal oxygen delivery; sustained increases in systemic and intestinal oxygen extraction; and decreases in intestinal oxygen uptake, without changes in cerebral oxygen metabolism. We conclude that when venous return to the heart is reduced in hypoxic young pigs, the hypoxia-related increase in cardiac output was attenuated and the relative reduction in cardiac output was associated with preserved cerebral oxygen uptake and compromised intestinal oxygen uptake. Regional responses to hypoxia combined with relative reductions in cardiac output differ from that of hypoxia alone, with the greatest effects on lower priority organs such as the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

The absorption, metabolism, and excretion of lanatoside C were studied in hospitalized subjects following oral administration of the tritiated drug. Previous reports of an unusual double peak in plasma levels of radioactivity were confirmed. Fifty plasma samples taken from 31 patients showed that an average of 74% of the radioactive material was digoxin and its metabolites. There was little or no lanatoside C in 36 of the 50 samples of plasma. Similar results were obtained for urine radioactivity. The results confirm that lanatoside C is converted to "digoxin" in the gut prior to absorption as previously proposed by us. "Digoxin" refers to digoxin and its breakdown products, namely, digoxigenin and its mono- and didigitoxosides. According to these proposals, the conversion to "digoxin" takes place partly as a result of acid hydrolysis in the gut and partly by the action of bacteria in the intestine. The effects of concurrent administration of antacid therapy, anticholinergic therapy, and food on the fate of oral lanatoside C were separately studied. There were no significant differences between groups with respect to the amount of radioactive material absorbed or excreted, but there were marked qualitative differences in the plasma profiles. There was a statistically significant increase in the time to the first peak in plasma radioactivity in patients concurrently receiving either food or anticholinergic therapy and there was a significant decrease in the relative height of the first peak in patients treated concurrently with antacid.  相似文献   

Serum concentrations and metabolism of cholesterol were studied in vegetarians basally and during a dietary cholesterol load. Cholesterol absorption efficiency was normal and synthesis was slightly enhanced, even though serum cholesterol precursors were not increased. The serum concentrations of total and low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol were decreased proportionally to the reduced intake and absolute absorption of cholesterol. Fecal plant sterols were negatively correlated with the absorption efficiency of cholesterol and positively with fecal sterols and cholesterol synthesis, suggesting interference of high plant sterol intakes with cholesterol absorption. Cholesterol saturation and bile acid composition of the bile were not changed. The increased serum plant sterol-cholesterol ratios were positively related to the intake and negatively to the biliary secretion of plant sterols. Cholesterol feeding increased absolute cholesterol absorption and serum concentrations of total and low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol, did not change absorption efficiency or synthesis of cholesterol, but increased fecal cholestanol excretion.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that treatment of guinea pigs with lovastatin alters the composition and the metabolic properties of circulating low density lipoprotein (LDL). Specifically, LDL isolated from lovastatin-treated animals is cleared from plasma more slowly than LDL isolated from control animals, when injected into the guinea pig. In the present study, we examine whether lovastatin also affects the metabolic properties of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), the metabolic precursor of LDL. VLDL isolated from lovastatin-treated guinea pigs (L-VLDL) and VLDL isolated from untreated (control) guinea pigs (C-VLDL) were radioiodinated and simultaneously injected into eight untreated guinea pigs. Radioactivity associated with apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB) was measured in four plasma density fractions and analyzed using a compartmental model consisting of fast and slow pools for VLDL, fast and slow pools for intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL), and a single slow pool for LDL. The fractional catabolic rate (FCR) for C-VLDL apoB was 2.8 +/- 1.0 h-1 and for L-VLDL apoB was 5.1 +/- 2.0 h-1 (P < 0.002, paired t test). The fractions of control and lovastatin VLDL apoB converted to LDL averaged 0.15 +/- 0.15 and 0.02 +/- 0.02, respectively (P < 0.05, paired t test). Finally, the FCRs of LDL apoB derived from control and lovastatin VLDL were similar (0.059 +/- 0.007 h-1 and 0.083 +/- 0.038 h-1, respectively; paired t test not significant). These data indicate that L-VLDL was irreversibly removed from the plasma of an untreated guinea pig more rapidly than was C-VLDL. Thus, the metabolic behavior of VLDL apoB is affected by lovastatin. Therefore, changes in lipoprotein particles themselves must be considered in assessing the overall impact of treatment with lovastatin.  相似文献   

1. Studies have been carried out to investigate the absorption of sumatriptan after intranasal administration to rats. The pharmacokinetics, metabolism and excretion of 14C-sumatriptan were compared following intranasal and intravenous dosing to male and female albino rats using an aqueous buffered formulation at pH 5.5. 2. Following intravenous administration sumatriptan was eliminated from plasma with a half-life of about 1.1 h. After intranasal administration there was rapid absorption of part of the dose and two peak plasma concentrations were observed, initially at 0.5 and then at 1.5-2 h. The elimination half-life after the second peak was estimated as being about 4 h. 3. Radioactivity was largely excreted in urine (up to 89% of dose in 168 h) after both intravenous and intranasal administration, with a faster rate of excretion after intravenous dosage (73% males, 64% females within 6 h) than after intranasal dosage (37% males, 40% females within 6 h). 4. 14C-sumatriptan was the major component in urine and in extracts of faeces after both intravenous and intranasal administration. The major metabolite excreted in urine and faeces was GR49336, the indole acetic acid analogue. 5. The results of this in vivo rat study suggest that absorption of the dose via the nasal mucosa is incomplete after intranasal administration and that there is a secondary absorption phase probably reflecting oral absorption of part of the dose. The bioavailability is estimated as about 30%, for the period 0-6 h.  相似文献   

Viscous polysaccharides reduce intestinal absorption of glucose and diminish postprandial hyperglycemia. However, it is unknown whether viscous fiber also inhibits absorption of nutrients under conditions of enteric feeding. Therefore, we measured the absorption rates of nutrients in miniature pigs by perfusing a 150-cm length of jejunum with 8.37 kJ/min of the three following enteral diets: an isoosmotic oligomeric diet (1670 kJ/L), a hyperosmotic oligomeric diet and an isoosmotic polymeric diet (both 3350 kJ/L). The diets were supplemented with guar gum from 0 to 4.4 g/L. With the three guar-free diets, the mean absorption rate of energy was 5.2 +/- 0.32 kJ/min, corresponding to 62% of the energy infused. Absorption rates of carbohydrate, protein, fat and energy linearly declined as concentrations of guar or the logarithm of chyme viscosity increased. Due to modulations in viscosity, the inhibitory effects of guar were significantly different among the three diets. With the isoosmotic and hyperosmotic oligomeric and the polymeric diets, the addition of 1 g guar/L diminished the absorption of energy by 9.7, 6. 6 and 3.7%, respectively. The strong inhibitory effect on nutrient absorption with the isoosmotic oligomeric diet was caused by an increase in chyme viscosity due to water absorption. With the hyperosmotic oligomeric and the polymeric diets, the chyme viscosity and thus inhibitory effects on absorption were diminished by water secretion and the concomitant infusion of pancreatic enzymes. Results indicate that the addition of small amounts of guar gum to enteral diets of high energy density exerts only small effects on absorption of nutrients.  相似文献   

For routine evaluation of the quality of dietary protein, amino acid scoring patterns were used. Evaluation of this pattern for soy and casein revealed that these proteins are of almost equal quality. However, in vivo studies showed a large difference. To study the biological effects of meals with casein and soy protein, the contributions of individual amino acids to net protein retention and amino acid kinetics in gut, liver and muscle in healthy pigs were investigated. Isonitrogenous enteral nutrition, infused at a rate of 10 mL. kg body wt-1. h-1 and consisting of maltodextrin (137 g/L) with added casein (53 g/L) or soy protein (68 g/L), was given to conscious, healthy female multicathetized pigs (20-22 kg, n = 12). A primed-constant infusion protocol with L-[ring-2,6-3H]phenylalanine, L-[3,4-3H]valine and [15N-15N]urea was used to measure amino acid and urea kinetics in gut, liver and muscle. Measurements were done postabsorptively and 2-6 h after initiation of the enteral nutrition. During the meal, appearance of amino acids into the portal vein and the uptake by the liver was lower with casein infusion. Muscle uptake did not differ. Gut protein synthesis tended to be lower with soy infusion (P = 0.1). Liver protein synthesis and degradation were higher with casein infusion (P < 0.05), while in muscle, soy infusion stimulated protein turnover (P < 0.05). In comparison to the postabsorptive condition, liver urea production was unchanged after casein infusion, while it was significantly increased after soy infusion. These results suggest that the quality of soy protein is inferior to that of casein protein.  相似文献   

The influence of growth hormone (GH) on vitamin D metabolism and calcium and phosphorus absorption in vivo is not clear. We, therefore, measured calcium and phosphorus balance, plasma 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D), and intestinal vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein (CaBP 9k) in intact growing pigs given exogenous GH. Six 10-week-old pigs were given two daily subcutaneous injections of 50 micrograms porcine GH/kg body weight for 2 months; six control pigs were given vehicle. They were all fed a diet containing 1.1% Ca, 0.6% P, and 1000 IU vitamin D3/kg. Apparent Ca and P absorption and retention were measured in a 10-day balance trial at the end of the 2 months. The plasma levels of Ca, P, 1,25(OH)2D, IGF-I, and GH were determined, and the duodenal and jejunal mucosal CaBP 9k content was measured at slaughter. The plasma Ca and P of GH-treated pigs were unchanged, but all aspects of mineral metabolism, including the plasma 1,25(OH)2D concentration (40%), Ca absorption and retention (70%), P absorption (33%) and retention (45%), and jejunal CaBP 9k (40%), were stimulated, in addition to an increase in the circulating IGF-I concentration.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of ascorbic acid on trace element metabolism in the choroid-retina, experimental diabetes mellitus was induced in Hartley guinea pigs with intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. After 4 weeks, ascorbic acid-deficient feed was given for 3 weeks. Trace elements of the choroid-retina were measured with inductively-coupled plasma emission spectrometry. The activity of superoxide dismutase and lipid peroxide content also were measured. The results indicated that zinc and magnesium increased in diabetes mellitus. However, with ascorbic acid deficiency in diabetes mellitus, zinc and magnesium significantly decreased. On the other hand, the activity of superoxide dismutase showed no change between either condition and lipid peroxide content decreased under ascorbic acid deficiency in diabetes mellitus. These findings suggested that ascorbic acid played an important role in chorioretinal damage of diabetes mellitus. However, it was also suggested that lipid peroxide has little influence on the choroid-retina under these conditions.  相似文献   

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